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Why God Isn’t Answering Our Prayers More Often

Please read PSALM 119.

Psalm 119 NIV – Psalm 119 – א Aleph Blessed are those – Bible Gateway


Urgent Message, June 27, 2024

How can I express this message for people to willingly receive and understand.

If we believe what our Bible teaches us, which is that our GOD, The ALMIGHTY Creator of Heaven and Earth, came down upon Mt. Sinai, and gave to Moses His Servant, HIS Instructions for not only for the Hebrew people, but also for those Gentiles who could see that HIS Instructions are also good for them also.

I see that HIS WORDS, are not only good for the Israelites, but they are also good for those Gentiles, who can see that we are better to follow Our GOD then we are men in churches, (ref. Acts 5:29, “We ought to obey God rather than men”.

Also, Acts 5:32, “And we are HIS witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom GOD hath given to them that obey Him.”

Did you catch the part that said; GOD gave the Holy Ghost, to them that obey HIM.
Yes, we are suppose to obey what our GOD Himself instructs us to do. Remember that I believe we are to obey our GOD over what men say.
And yes, it is a sin, not to obey the laws of our GOD.
1 John 3:4, “Whosoever committed sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.”

Obedience to the laws of our GOD, is not trying to work our way into heaven,… but is expressing our love, for our GOD, to our GOD.

Our Savior instructed HIS Disciple in John 14:15, “If you love Me, keep/obey the Commandments.”
Yeshua basically said, obey the commandments, as the expression of your love for Me.

The ALMIGHTY One instructed us in Deuteronomy 6:5, “And thou shalt love the LORD thy GOD with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.”

Hello,… obeying our GOD, is
about expressing our love for Him, to Him.

We need to read our Bible, and listen to what it tells us.

And yes, our Savior, Yeshua our Messiah, did fulfill most all of the Blood Ordiances,… but not all of GOD’s laws.
We are still instructed to keep HIS Food Laws, and God’s Feast Day, and HIS Moral laws, and most certainly none of HIS TEN COMMANDS,.. it is not so hard that you can’t do this.

Our God would not make laws that are too hard for us to obey.
(See Deuteronomy 30:14, “But the Word is very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart, that thou mayest do it.”)

There is only One True Religion, and it is the Words of our GOD. It is HIS Religion,… it is HIS Bible.

A lot of things that I hear people call Jewish, like the Jewish Sabbath Day, or the Jewish Feast Days,… are actually HIS, God’s Feast Days, (ref. Leviticus 23:2, “…these are My Feast.”
23:4, “These are the Feast of the LORD,…”

These are Godish,..not Jewish. But it seems that the Jewish people are the only people who do obey them…. so pay attention.

There are some Israelites (wrongly called Jews by the churches), who do believe in Yeshua as the risen Savior, the Messiah.

These are like the first Believers, HIS Disciple..
.. they said, “we found the Messiah.”

True Jewish people are of the Tribe Judah, like
King David, like King Solomon, like Yeshua.

There are so many Christians Believers, who claim to Believe in Jesus, Yeshua, our Messiah, and they do not do as He did. He kept HIS Father’s 7th Day Sabbath, HIS Father’s Feast Days, His Father’s Moral Laws,… and they sin against their God, according to their Bible.

They listen to Man’s Doctrines, not what their God actually tells them to do.

Yeshua warns us, in Matthew 24:4-5, “Take Heed that no man decieve you.
For many shall come in my name,… and shall deceive many.”

Read your Bible, from the beginning… and listen to what it tells you.

The End is near.