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One night, December 27, 2015, I was looking out the front porch and saw two white eyeshine, that seemed to be moving as if being carried. It was a deer and under it’s eyeshine was one giant RED eyeshine. In fact, I saw one giant Red Eye, looking at me twice, within 10-15 seconds, when it did turn and look at me.

One Eye, carrying deer: sketch, property of Wyman Smith.
“One Eye” as seen by Wyman Smith in 2015; drawing, property of Wyman Smith; cropped photo, by 911 Bigfoot Help Admin Team.
Some may not consider seeing eyeshine as positive proof of seeing a Bigfoot, but the Creature that I saw had ONLY one large RED EYE, high off the ground, maybe 8 foot. It was big, real big.
See the 2015 Timeline for this account…