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Where to Look for Bigfoot signs:

First, I would suggest doing as I did, and that is download a “Free Recording App” onto your cellphone, (preferably one which does not record the silent/quiet times), and then after dark, put the Cellphone on your window sill, on record, with the end which has the mic in it, just slightly out the window, (mine is on the bottom).  I place my phone on it’s side/on edge, so the window is only open about a 1/2″.

In the morning, I plug in my ear buds into my phone, place my buds in my ears, then I increase the volume and listen to what has been recorded. If you hear any kind of a knock/thump/or ping sound, or the cracking of limbs, no matter how loud or faint, it may seem to be, you probably have Bigfoot Creatures in your area.  Personally I write/log this information in a spiral notebook.  It is part of your proof.

I would also suggest going to the BFRO Website for your State, for your county, and see what information is available and how close to your location, past reports are, if any.  Read these reports, and look for areas with multiple A or B reports. Mark the location of these reports ,on a Forestry Map, include the date of the report also. This is very valuable information.  

Also keep in mind that Wildfires/Forest fires may have driven these Creatures out from their usual habitation, possibly causing them to roam into different areas, looking for food, or a place to live.  It is also possible that these Creatures/animals, may have lived in your area, in the past, or they may have hunted this location in the past, without these other people in the past, ever seeing them, or possibly seeing a glimpse of one and mistakenly thinking they saw a bear, because the were totally unaware, that these Creatures even existed or were even in the area. See Today’s Suburban Bigfoot for more on this.

We need to realize that there are more people (possibly displaced people) encroaching upon their habitat.

We need to realize that we are living in different times, and we have much better flashlights then ever before, so we can now see further into the dark much better than ever before.  Also we all carry Cellphones which have Camera’s today.  Many more people are getting pictures of these Creatures, then ever before.

We also have the information hotline, called the internet, these past 20 years (since 1998). Before this people really had nowhere to share their encounter experiences, other then Law Enforcement, which tends to cover up the truth about the existence of the Creatures.  It also seems, if they tried to share their encounter, with their friends or family, they may get laughed at.  Sometimes these people were skeptics, and would jokingly  poo-hoo  their life changing experience, in disbelief.

Then maybe plan a trip or three, and visit a place or two, known to have Bigfoot sightings, (like places near the Coastal Mountain Regions, or areas in The Cascade Mountains, or The Rocky Mountains, or other places where there are numerous BFRO Reports filed) DON’T GO THERE ALONE, and DO NOT GO THERE WITHOUT ADEQUATE PROTECTION. Carry a Firearm, and the others with you who may not want to carry a gun, should carry Bear Spray. (A wild Sasquatch IS NOT the only dangerous animal out there) There are other very dangerous animals living in the National Parks or the Forest, i.e. Cougars, Bears, Wolves, even Coyotes, all live out there. Even a Dogman is not unheard of these days. This is there home, where they live, so please be careful; and, be aware of the possible dangers out there. Go out and enjoy the Forest and Parks, but always remember, that It is always better to be safe, then sorry, especially if a person gets lost! Carry matches also. I suggest taking a headlight and extra batteries if you plan on going very far.

Please note:  If out hiking, NEVER ALLOW THE SMALLEST ONE IN THE GROUP, TO BE LAST IN LINE. Cougar and Sasquatches both will key in on the smaller victim, so do not allow this to be a slow tired child or a smaller woman. Also when anyone leaves camp, use the buddy system, and have Bear Pepper with you.

At first, find interesting back roads, drive them very slowly, looking for BIGFOOT Evidence, like a Tree Break or a Tree Bend, or maybe a Tree Structure, even a Tree X.  Take Pictures of anything interesting!

You may not have Cellphone reception out there, but most of these phones have very good Camera’s, so take pictures, even if you do find a track or a Tree Break to photograph, if you begin feel uncomfortable, maybe like you are being watched, then take a few pictures of the landscape around you, to examine later.

Also, if you zoom in your Cellphone Camera, it can be used as a type of binoculars, even a flash light.

Listen closely for faint Tree Knock sounds, foot stomping, chest pounding, or rock tapping. These Creatures also throw rocks, so beware, be quiet, unless you are in and area, with a high Bear population.  (do not talk unnecessarily) and walk quietly too.

BEWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS!.  Pay close attention to everything, sounds, smells etc. And stay together….and never let the smallest person to be last in line, because they can disappear on you.

Remember that we want this to a fun safe exploration, so PLEASE follow these tips.

Part 2:

When you look for Sasquatch/Bigfoot tracks, do not just look in the trail, but along beside the trail, two-six feet to the side, and as you quietly walk along slowly, stop and listen, paying close attention to every sound, because if things go quiet all of a sudden, no bird sounds, no insect sounds, no frog sounds, THEN BE AWARE. This not normal, stay alert!

The Bigfoot Outlaws say that a Bigfoot may have used infra-sound, SOMETHING THAT WE CAN NOT HEAR, (below 20 hertz), but these other small critters may be able to hear them and have shut up. This should be an immediate warning to you!

Also look for anything out of place or unusual, especially smells. Sasquatch usually doesn’t smell pretty or sweet.

If something smells dead and rotten, DO NOT GO LOOKING FOR IT; it could be a Creature!

But if you do see a Tree Peaker, try to get a picture of him/her.

Look, Listen, Smell the Air, and be aware – of what is really therelike the animals do, that you may not see.

Yes, these Creatures do move around,  and may return, anytime from one-three years or longer. Also realize that loss of their habitat, due to Wildfires/Forest Fires, may have forced them into your area.  Please do not discount the possibility that these Creatures may have been 
I know that when I first saw the Red Eye shine in 12/2015, I had no idea that I was viewing a Sasquatch Creature,  right from my front porch. (it was about 130-180 yards away from me, and my bright flashlight just was not powerful enough for me to make out it’s form at that distance). See this account int he 2015 Timeline, and in the Sightings category.
 I had moved here approximately seven years before this occurrence took place. I had NO IDEA, that any of these Creatures were around here,  until over a year later when a large ROCK hit the south side of my house, about 12:30 A.M. one night.
Actually the way my dogs started barking,  more and more, and more seriously.  This was my first real clue, that I did not pay close enough attention to. Please trust your dogs!
The first real good look that I got of this Sasquatch/Bigfoot Creature was on September 18, 2018, right out my bedroom window,  in the early morning hours.  It was preoccupied, fighting with the branches of this unruly Juniper tree,… that it was using, in an attempt to TAKE OVER MY PROPERTY, and turn my property, INTO IT’S OWN TERRITORY, with this splintered Juniper Tree, type of Territorial Bigfoot Marker.  Its preoccupation with the Juniper branches,  covered the sounds of me opening my upstairs sliding window. As I slid the window open, I heard the branches cracking, so the Bigfoot did not hear me. Naturally,  I pointed my light  right at the sound of the cracking.  It was so involved with twisting the branches, that it failed to notice that I  was shining a 500 lunim light on it from about 50 yards.. After three-four seconds,  it noticed the light, and turned it’s entire body to look at me, looking right into the bright light, then it turned back the other way, and walked off into the darkness.  This took about six to seven seconds so I got a really good look at it, face to face.  This is something that one does not forget about; but, it is disturbing to know that these Creatures are right out there in my pasture, night after night.
These Bigfoot’s, have hit me (and my dogs, and my Rooster’s, even a goat) with infra-sound, one evening, while I was out watering my garden, after dark…, which is another disturbing, unforgettable experience, you won’t forget.   Having your lungs vibrate within your chest, is a startling experience, not to mention the total confusion that follows.  There seems to be much we do not understand about the noise’s these Creatures make, to harass, to confuse, even dumbfound their prey or victims.