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Infra-sound, is a frequency of sound below 20 Hertz [Hz]; thus, humans cannot hear it as it is just below our hearing limits, but we can certainly feel it.   Whales communicate using infra-sound. Other animals use it too; giraffes, and elephants, for example. The point I am getting at is that it is damaging to humans, and the Bigfoot uses it to confuse whomever it is harassing, and in most cases, its prey.

There are many witness accounts of deer being stunned somehow, right before being grabbed by Bigfoot; otherwise, they would try to escape. This is one use for Infra-sound.

In the Spring of 2018, see the 2018 Timeline page, I was hit with infra-sound when I was watering my garden. I was sitting there, and heard a very loud tree knock close by, when all of the sudden my chest vibrated. I realized I had been hit with infra-sound; my first time. When I got up to move the hose, from one row to the next, I could not remember what I was going to do. This lasted for 30-45 minutes. It took great concentration to even remember this event, as I struggled to finish my task.

Some witnesses of Bigfoot activity seem confused about what they saw, right?

How about sensing that you are being watched? The feeling then, of a quick irrational fear, seemingly for no reason?

This infra-sound can be used to subdue any living thing. When Bigfoot Eruption visited in December, 2018, we discussed why Bigfoot didn’t just bust in the door and take our pot roast dinner, knock us over, and then leave all within a matter of two or three seconds. An upcoming page called Spiritual/Biblical, a subtopic under “Educate Yourself” will explore why the Creatures have not killed me yet.

By the way, the reason I will choose to keep my location secret from people I don’t know: they may try to kill the Creatures; resulting in the Creatures killing me, since I am the one that has to live here.

More info on this, coming soon!