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I heard this off of Dixie Cryptid’s podcasts: a listener’s opinion.

Link to actual episode, pending…

Traits of different Colored Bigfoot Creatures?

The Black Colored Bigfoots; 8′-10′ tall. This color seems more aggressive, they will kill and eat people? If you have a gun on you, you may be forced to use it.

The Brown Colored Bigfoots; 7′-8′ tall. These are a more peaceful type.

These may try to build a relationship with people for food, water, other resources. They have their own language.

The Silver/Gray Colored Bigfoots; 7′-8′ tall. These are better at hiding. They are older and wiser. They advise the others. They also help to keep the Black ones back some; more at Bay.
Always remember that these Creatures hunt in pairs, up to?? So, keep an eye out behind you.

Take this information at your own risk. It is only advice.

Categories: 911 Now!