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Infra-sound – 911 Bigfoot Help

Mimicking – 911 Bigfoot Help


Wood or Rock Knocking

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This page will be the page for audio recordings, plus discussion on sounds that may be evidence.

(the below recordings are stored at the original site)

Sounds can come in a variety of ways. These are not proof to most, except to those that are the ones hearing it, but sometimes the biggest person to prove it to, is you. Getting a recording might convince more people, but getting the right timing is hard. For example:

See the original page for audio, Example of Timing, and Tree Knocks…

(the “ping” and/or “thud” sounds are the proposed wood knocks)

Pending, link problem.

So, these first two audio clips show how timing can be hard, and then wood knock examples, potentially. Will share the best audio as I get it.

More recordings as you follow down this page!

Sometimes these Creatures spent all night at my property, (before I aggressively took it back), other times they just came by, in the evening and morning hours.

After I ended the recording, I would put my earphones in so that I can hear the more faint knocks better, thus I would turn the volume up. This way I can hear these night sounds, somewhat amplified/louder, then these sounds really are. Thus I can hear things, like distant Owl hoots, Coyote howls, Bigfoot whoops, knocks, Tree breaks, even thrown rocks that hit my house. Yes, I have heard all these sounds, several times.

These are low volume sounds, do not awaken me during the night, but they are there for me to hear in the morning. I am sure, that you will be really surprised, at what you hear. (My dog is my alert system, that tells me when anything unusual is around).

Research on websites has taught me that trees with thin bark, produce better sound than trees with heavier thick bark.

A guy on the same website also stated that he felt, one or two knocks, was sort of like a greeting, “Hello!” NOT THAT THESE CREATURES WANT TO BE OUR FRIEND, NO WAY!

If these Creatures had wanted to be friends with man, they would have done this long ago.

He also stated that he felt multiple knocks, like three, was still OK; but five or more WAS NOT A GOOD SIGN.

My point is, these other websites are great tools. I learned this, about tree knocks, around May 2018, but I am not real sure that I could find that website again.

Most would go out Bigfooting, hoping to hear a knock, foot stomp, chest thump or pound (ape type of behavior), or a cheek pop; probably would not know the meanings of these forms of communication or recognize these sounds, even if they heard them.

May I say that I feel people really need to learn (to be taught) what to look/listen for out there, including: fisherman, hunters, hikers; for their own safety’s sake.

If you hear something unknown to you, while out in the woods (or on your own homestead) it is possibly a Monster, a Bigfoot Creature, the Boogie Man!

Click here to learn about a different kind of sound, a Bigfoot sound, called Infra-sound.

Listen to this example of a Juvenile Bigfoot mimicking my one and only rooster:

See the original page for audio, Bigfoot Mimicking Rooster…

Pending, link problem.

That was May of 2019, and now again in June:

See the original page for audio, Juvenile Sasquatch Learning to Mimic Rooster Crow, and Night Oddities…

Pending, link problem.

In the first audio from June, you hear an unprecedented amount of birds considering this is during the night. Notice the weird bang sound at the 16 second mark. Again, I am in my bedroom, and am not outside making noises.

At the 40 second mark you can hear imperfect rooster crowing sounds. My rooster is much closer than whatever was making these mic sounds from the hillside woodlands. I have the only rooster on the hillside.
The second June audio is pretty weird and taken the same day (late – after midnight). Again, bird noises at night, then weird background “munchy” noises, and finally two weird disturbances.

July 2019 (Audio)

See the original page for audio, July 2019 Wood Knocks…

Pending, link problem.

July 19, 2021 (Whistle)

Things were happening around here last night?
My dog was acting UPSET, BARKING in different areas, a lot more than normal.

I went out onto the front deck about 3-4 times and listened.

I also went out on my back deck and shined my light out there. The dog went back there also, a few times.

Each time that I did this, she would usually shut up, but not always.

So, at 10:00 p.m. I put my phone out there, until 12:30 a.m. when we went to bed.

The recording was 12:38 minutes in length.

When I listened to the recording, and heard coyotes “yepping” in the distance, mostly.

Then about 9:40 a.m. I hear what I first thought was a Coyote, close by, but then after listening to it, I questioned if it wasn’t a Bigfoot whistling, two times.

It was a straight whistle sound, without any “yeps” or other dog sounds…

I heard no knocks or other sounds.