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December 17, 2015 (One Cold Day)
My dogs were barking, seriously, they obviously had saw, smelled, or sensed something unusual – maybe a Bear? I remembered hearing something, about a year earlier, that sounded like two Bears fighting. The odd part of these fighting sounds, was that when the growling ended, it was an abrupt ending, “No other snarls or growls.” For some reason, this seemed odd to me, like it was only one animal, and not two (??). So, when I heard my dogs barking like this, I grabbed my flashlight (a 200 lumen light), shined it all around out front, AND SAW SOME EYESHINE.
This was not normal eye shine, NO, this was “RED EYE SHINE”, and ONLY ONE EYE.
I thought, ‘“What has RED eyeshine?”
December 27, 2015 (Ten days later)
Now, I am fully convinced, after many many months of investigating “Red Eye Shine” on You Tube, that when I first saw this red eye shine, back in early 12/2015, that I was totally unaware that I was viewing a Sasquatch and it was right here, where I am living, and I saw it, right from my front porch (it was about 130-180 yards away from me, and my flashlight just was not powerful enough for me to make out the form of this Creature, at that distance. Would this freak you out? Well, it did me! The second sighting of this One-Eyed Monster, was only about ten days later. Again, my dogs were warning me (I guess they needed another Deer to eat). I took this same flashlight out to look around, and what I saw really freaked me. There was the Creature, with one RED EYE, but this time, it had two white eyes, about 10 inches above the RED EYE.
So just try to explain this to someone, and see how they look at you!! They’ll probably say something like: “Hey Man, what were ya smoking, cuz I want some of that stuff,” LOL.
Well, this sketch, is the best explanation that I can come up with, for what I saw (two white eyes and a red eye about 10″ below the two white ones).

“One Eye” as first seen by Wyman Smith in 2015, drawing #2; drawing and photo property of Wyman Smith.
So you can see from the drawing, that “One Eye” is not a “Cyclops” but a Bigfoot that is missing it’s right eye. Amazing! This has to be a first in all the Bigfoot sightings ever reported! Note; I had moved here approximately seven years before this occurrence took place. I had NO IDEA, that any of these Creatures were around here, until over a year later when a large ROCK hit the south side of my house about 1:30 AM one night. It hit with force, not something a human could do. Actually, the way my dogs had started barking, more and more, and more seriously, which was my first real clue (that I did not pay close enough attention to). Also, one of my neighbors, who lived at the end of our road, called me one day, and informed us that our dogs were barking differently, LIKE THEY WERE SCARED, he said. Please, pay close attention to your dog(s), AND TRUST THEM.
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