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(full story of 2018, starts at bottom)
NOTE: I suggest, IF YOU SUSPECT BIGFOOT ACTIVITY, at or near your location, if at all possible, try to “Record the Night Sounds”, because these Creatures are more active after dark. I have a free Recording App on my cellphone, (which does not record the silent periods). I place my Cellphone, on the window sill, with the end which has the Mic (the bottom on my device), pointing outside the slightly opened window (only 3/4 of an inch). I also suggest using Ear Buds (ear phones) when listening to your night recordings. I keep written records of the results.
December 31
15 Knocks, plus, Billy Goat 17 X’s / my Doe, Mischief 4 X’s in the morning.
Goat sounds were influenced by Bigfoot Infra-sound and knocking.
December 30
This is continued from the 29th, so you should read the exciting message from the night before, first. The next day, when I looked off my upper deck, in the daylight, the Big Black thing I had viewed the night before was gone. So, I went out into my pasture, to the place where I had viewed/sighted, the Big Black Bigfoot that was attempting to hide from me, behind the pile of brush, (which was about 50 yards away from my upper deck).
Of course their was nothing their, because the Creature was long gone. The ground was still frozen, but there were some signs of the new green grass from the Fall Rains Green Up, being flattened, in some places where the Creature had been laying, in it’s attempt to hide from me. This seems almost too astounding to me, to realize that this Big Black Bigfoot had left the lower 2/3’s of it’s body, out in the open….laying flat on the ground, possibly thinking that it was completely hidden behind the brush pile. [The Black Creature, which I call “Ol One Eye” cannot see normally, so this may influence it’s ability to hide in some ways, having a disability].
I can’t believe that I didn’t even get a picture of it. This is how we learn, from our mistakes.
This is my 5th Bigfoot Sighting, since Spring (2018), for a total of 7 sightings within 3 years.
December 29
My dog was barking. I went out to see why? The only thing that I noticed, from my upper deck, that was different was something Big and Black, laying flat on the ground, in my pasture, like a Bigfoot trying to hide from me, behind a pile of brush & branches. Now after the fact, 20/20 hind sight, this obviously this was a Bigfoot, that thought it was hidden from me,… BUT,… it wasn’t. No, it was only partly hidden (it would have been hidden from me, if I was down there, on the ground level, where it was), but I wasn’t. No, I was way higher up, on my 2nd story deck, looking down upon this partially hidden Bigfoot. This Creature did not realize that I could see the lower 2/3’s of it’s body (it’s lower back, butt, legs, and feet).
What fooled me was the fact that this Creature, looked too obvious to me. Looking back, I just couldn’t believe my eyes. Maybe I thought it could have been a black garbage bag or something the wind blew in there? Thus, I failed to take this situation seriously enough. I didn’t think to take a picture either. I just blew it off as nothing. Probably Ol’ One Eye. My cellphone may have already been in the window, recording night sounds.
I modified the above picture to give the viewer some idea of what I saw. Photo property of Wyman Smith.
December 27
17 Knocks last night
December 26
4 only Knocks last night
December 25
12 knocks last night
December 22
Tonight there were 38 knocks from my early recording, 4 more faint/distant knocks, late in my recording.
December 20
4 knocks last night
December 16
My Dog was barking “Ballistically”. I put my phone on the window sill at 1:00 a.m. This was another crazy night, 108 knocks recorded. The recording was only 41:26 minutes long, so things were really happening out there, rapidly. Please realize that logging these recording is time consuming.
I want you to know that most people/Bigfooter’s who go out into the National Forest looking for these Mysterious Creatures, may not hear even one Wood Knock nor a single Whoop. I know that we have made several trips into the Gifford-Pinchot National Forest, here in Washington State, and have found lots of Bigfoot/Sasquatch evidence, but have never heard any Sasquatch Sounds, especially not a howl.
There is no comparison to those who have heard an Unknown Creature Howl or make Whoop sounds, while out camping, hunting, fishing, or having a sighting, or a road crossing, from the safety of their vehicle. Any of these experiences are a reality check, but compared to having these Creatures living around your Homestead,…daily/nightly is an entirely different.
December 15
Tonight my Dog started barking earlier (not long after dark, 5:15 p.m.) so I put my phone on the window sill and made a short recording, maybe an hour long, (the device only recorded 5 minutes). I removed the device, when I noticed the dog had stopped barking, and immediately listened to it. There were 4 knocks, so the Creature was definitely here for a short while, then left.
At 1:00 a.m. I placed my phone back on the window sill for the remainder of the night. My Dog was barking, but not real seriously. When I listened to the recording, I was surprised to hear 90 additional knocks.
December 14
Recorded only 3 knocks last night
December 13
We had 19 knocks tonight.
December 12
We had 12 knocks tonight, with 5 other possible.
December 10
Monday night had 15 knocks, plus 5 other possibly. The previous few days have averaged 0-5 knocks per day. These Creatures seem to be making a brief appearance, before going elsewhere, to hunt or harass someone else.?
December 7
Since my dog had been barking some, I placed my cellphone in the window about midnight. Within a few minutes, it recorded two distant wood knocks. Then in the morning I heard three more knocks. These Creatures are still around some, but not as aggressively as they were before. This has been like a mini vacation, compared to what we have experienced the last few months.
Business cards complete and order submitted.
Business card almost complete; photo screen shot by Bigfoot Eruption LLC.
December 6
At midnight, I put the phone recorder in the open window on the sill. First thing, I heard the Coyotes howling in the far away distance. The dog started barking at the Coyotes, and continued barking for another 15 minutes. I swear, it seems as if she barks and barks, as if to draw out the creatures on purpose. It took 10 minutes of continual barking before the first knock echoed back. Then four additional minutes of her barking, before I heard the second knock. (it is like she misses barking at them)?
Later when I checked the recording, sure enough, there were two distant wood knocks.
December 5
An amazing find, in this fallen tree. Went through the wood pile and found a lot of evidence.
Notice how twisted this Branch is.! It has been damaged internally and the tree has repaired itself. The Evidence of this is the bulging/thick area. Also notice how the bark has grown in a circular direction. photo, property of Wyman Smith.
More Evidence of a Bigfoot, twisting/breaking branches, a bad habit these Creatures have. The smaller frayed limb, (beside this branch) are from the Territorial Marker, that I cut down. photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Twisted Branch, possibly done many years ago, by a Bigfoot Creature, when this Juniper tree was much smaller. This is evidence these Creatures have been around this area for many years, and nobody has ever noticed ; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
December 4
It was a quiet day. Last night no wood knocks or other Bigfoot sounds; thus, no dog barking.
December 3
I think the Creature’s came back, last night, to see if Eliot was still around. No, he has left. My dog was barking,… but she was looking up the hill, where there had been some new activity while Eliot was here over night.
December 2
In the morning Eliot said, “It was nice of Bigfoot to let me get some sleep.” We had light snowfall that morning, and it did not stick for long. We worked on the web site and told stories,
Mid-morning, I went to let the goats out into their pen, and Eliot searched the front yard for picture opportunities, and found what looks to be a recently thrown rock.
Potential rock thrown by a Bigfoot; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption LLC.
This rock was moved to the upper left of its original resting spot; (moved by Eliot for the photo). The acorn is placed, to represent size. This is a smaller sized acorn. You can see how the grass is starting to turn yellow, meaning that the rock had only been there, maybe a week or two. Who threw the rock? Remember that thumbs are required to throw rocks! Bigfoot’s have thumbs! Bears do not have thumbs, but most Law Enforcement or Game Wardens will attempt to convince us that “it was a Bear, that did whatever, not a Bigfoot”.
Before Eliot departed he asked me to make a quick sketch of my first Bigfoot encounter, back in December 2015, the Creature with One Red Eye. But I chose to sketch the Bigfoot Creature I saw with two White Eyes and One Red Eye below. ( see the sketch below).
It took a lot of thought to finally figure out what I actually saw; the eyeshine of an unknown Red Eyed Creature, with only one Red eye (in an area where I usually saw the white eyeshine of Deer,, I figured this Creature, whatever it was, that I was shining my light on… had probably just killed a deer and was eating it).
Then about 10 days later, when my dogs alerted me again, and I shined my same light to this same area, their was something even stranger. I saw the eyeshine of another unknown Creature, with two white eyes and one Red Eye, approximately 10″ below the other two. Well my explanation of this second unknown Creature, is that it was the same Creature, (the first one), that my dogs had alerted me to, which I suspect my light had disturbed this unknown mysterious Creature, while it was eating the first deer it had killed there, so when my dogs alerted me to it killing this second deer, there, it chose to pick up the dead deer and carry it way so it could eat the deer, without me watching it.
Later, when I learned that this was a Sasquatch/Bigfoot Creature, it became obvious that this Creature had somehow, accidentally, lost one of it’s eyes. I call him “Ol’ One Eye”. I have saw him 5 times within the last 3 years.
So how do you tell someone, maybe a close friend, that you saw something like these UNKNOWN CREATURES.? Honestly, Nobody will believe you.
See the 2015 Timeline.

“One Eye” as first seen by Wyman Smith in 2015, drawing #2; drawing and photo property of Wyman Smith.
Eliot left at 4:30 P.M as it was getting dark. Right after he left the dog started barking like crazy, because, the Creatures were coming near, as if they were communicating to each other, “Eliot Ness” has departed.
December 1
Eliot Ness arrived at about 10:00 AM from Oregon.
Within 15 minutes after the arrival of Eliot, he heard two wood knock’s, from the screen door, off the front porch. These late morning (10:30 a.m.) knocks, most likely was communication between the Creatures, which possibly meant, “Alert, a new car has arrived.” The knocks came from the southeast, where I first saw the Red Eyeshine of the Creature with only one eye, I am calling “Ol’ One Eye”.” Refer to the 2015 Timeline. Eliot heard these knocks, from the direction my dog was barking. Then my dog moved to the other side of the house and barked that direction.
After Eliot had heard these knocks, we set up the computer he purchased for me at a great price, (I was happy to pay him) and he brought it to me, for building my website. I give much thanks to Eliot, for purchasing me this new computer.
Looking back upon his arrival, I now see a couple of things, I had not noticed before this. First, it is obvious these Bigfoot Creatures, have been watching us, our home, more then I had realized. And second, my hearing is worse then I had realized, and so is my room-mate’s hearing, bad also, because Eliot could hear things which I/we could not hear. Praise God that my Dog has incredible hearing, and for HIS protection from these Creatures, and for the prayers of others, too.
In the late afternoon, we drove around to the back, and did some exploring. I knew from experience that checking around the property before dark, is a double opportunity to find clues, and possibly see the Creatures. For the untrained eye, there wasn’t much to see, but soon I spotted a large Juniper branch that looked sort of broken. Upon closer inspection, there was another smaller, older break there also. This proves that these Creatures have been here before, in past years. !
Twisted/broken branch; photo, property of Wyman Smith Upon closer inspection, I discovered that this 2″ thick branch, had somehow been broken by twisting it really hard, recently. This could not have happened by a Cougar or a Bear climbing this tree. Neither could one or two men twist this branch, turning it into splinters from within. Only by the strength of a 500-800 pound Sasquatch Creature, could this have been done, and this is our evidence. [I really do not care what skeptics may say or think, because most skeptics, are totally uneducated concerning Bigfoot Evidence and most everything they state about Bigfoot’s are unsubstantiated, just empty hallow words].
Next we saw this “Broken” on a Juniper Tree, which is almost un-noticeable to people who do not know what type of things to look for. At first glance this may look like a branch that has somehow become partly broken, but upon closer inspection, (see the next picture) we notice the twisted, frayed, splintering of the broken area.
Tree break; example of force needed, to break and twist; photo, property of Wyman Smith
This was not caused by a Cougar or a Bear climbing this tree, nor could it have been done by a man or even two men!! No this was done by the mighty strong hands of a 500-800 pound Sasquatch Creature, and until you go out and really look at things closely, you will not see the signs …….of a Sasquatch Monster, living or visiting your area. YOU NEED TO BE AWARE OF THINGS LIKE THIS. Many of the things these Creatures do leave as evidence, go unnoticed (They may be some type of Bigfoot marker, to other Bigfoot Creatures who may migrate through the area).
Tree break found by Eliot Ness; photo, property of Wyman Smith
Note: I had permission to be on the neighbor’s property.
We continued looking for more signs of a Sasquatch, and soon, Eliot found a Tree Break, (a broken over Oak tree). It was a smaller Oak Tree, about 4 inches thick, and about 8 or 9 feet tall, broke in half, bent over. This is an obvious Bigfoot sign. Notice how this tree break (above) has a strong lower trunk. It is not likely that the much lighter upper portion was heavy enough to force a cracking split of the tree that resulted in this downward bend action.
Bigfoots just like to break stuff. Sometimes as a territorial markers, sometimes as a form of communication, and sometimes just because they like to, it seems. These several damaged trees show me that there are Sasquatch/Bigfoot’s in the area. Depending upon the freshness of these breaks, you may get some idea of when these Creatures were last in the area. These Pictures along with this information/teaching, will help show the untrained eye, or the unlearned person, things to start looking for. Pay closer attention to these type of things,…. and you just may start seeing, what others do not see,.. but you can bet that these Sasquatch Creatures see them.
A broken twisted branch is hard for natural causes to duplicate, unless you have really big strong hands. Both branches in these two photos, were made of healthy tree biology; not old breaks, but current breaks.
Eliot had my back as he watched for the Creatures as I would inspect potential evidence. (I felt safe with him watching my back, because he took this seriously). I had not explored this part of the grounds in a few months. What we found was new since then. We found plenty, as you can see. Several instances of possible tracks, and possible territorial markers. These markers were in the form of broken/twisted branches; even more than the pictures we are showing. It was amazing.
Actually, our first find of the pre-dusk exploration we found this possible print. The berries give away the fact, that once again, these creatures seem to prefer the Juniper trees. Again, the thin bark is perfect for wood knocking. As Bobo from Finding Bigfoot says, “You need hands to knock, and Bigfoots have hands.”
Possible track on neighbor’s property in soft dirt next to juniper tree; these creatures seem to favor juniper trees; photo, property of Wyman Smith
Example: I was on the back of my property cutting fire wood a few months back, and marking my territory, with my sprayer. Then I noticed a small Oak tree with another smaller tree leaning up against it, out about 5 inches from the base. The Tree Lean, (the leaning tree have no roots). It had been placed there by a Bigfoot, (pushed slightly into the ground). I reached down and lifted up this leaner, out of the dirt. I looked around me and found 2 more of these Tree Leans. So why hadn’t I noticed these 3 Tree Leans before. The answer is because I wasn’t looking for them, so I had not noticed these small Tree Leans, which are Sasquatch markers of some sort. This is why it is important to learn these signs of Bigfoot evidence, by studying the information given on this 911 Bigfoot Help website.
Here is a second photo of another potential track, with business card to show size comparison.
Visual aid/comparison of previous photo; photo, property of Wyman Smith
If you had been there, you can really see the defined potential track print. The ground is so hard in this whole area that rarely a castable print is found.
Note: I encourage the carrying of guns, and bear repellent. Eliot had the can of bear repellent in his back jeans pocket. Also, we would not shoot a Bigfoot except to save our own lives. Eliot admitted that this 12 gauge shotgun, and the 45 caliber hand gun he was carrying, helped his confidence. Also the daylight helped, even though the sun was setting. He commented later, on how amazing it is, that people go looking for these creatures at night. This is not for me. Easier to see when you have daylight.
Eliot was also fascinated at how it looked like a potential Bigfoot Highway (see below) as the game trails help to hide the fact that the Bigfoot are also using them.
Possible game trail used by Bigfoots;
Another, note: as we go from Fall into Winter there are a lot of deciduous/broad leaf/leaves on the ground, making it hard to find tracks. The potential tracks we found were all under the Juniper trees, except one peculiar spot where it looked like a Bigfoot had tried to step over the game trail
Pending/Coming Soon: upload photo of two tracks five feet apart; stepping over trail.
We were still at least 3/4 miles downhill of where the SW knocks mostly seem to come from; but it was getting dark fast. We checked a vista that provides a view looking down at my house, and quietly went back to the truck. We got back to the house, and went I put the goats into their pens, for the night. This is for their safety at night, when the predators are out, as Elliot and my dog stood guard. We then went inside, and uploaded the pictures we just took, to the new computer. It was not long and my dog started barking like crazy, and that is the tip off, …that it is time to start the audio recorder on my phone. I put it in the window sill in my bedroom facing the north towards the garden. The lead goat, Mischief, which I don’t put in the goat-pen overnight, started calling out, like a guard dog. She is an animal and can smell and sense and hear the wild predators , out there after dark.
Eliot commented on how the eerie calls sounded so squatchy, stressed, and creepy. Not sure if this was due to the stress of being hit with infra-sound, which changes the tone of a normal goat cry.
Eliot looked over toward the front door after this had been going on for awhile, and noticed that the front door was still open. He turned to me and said, “Did you know the front door was open?” I told him that yes, the wood stove had overheated the upstairs living area so the door had been opened. He then, grabbed the bear spray and kneeled to one knee behind the dining room chair he had been sitting in. Bear spray in his right hand, and phone/camera in his left, as he pointed both towards the open door; waiting.
I started to write notes in my notebook, as I placed my 30-06 rifle by my side. This was the view taken by Eliot: After living with these Creatures around daily, it becomes easy to become too relaxed. No doubt these Creatures were close by. Only a few days before, we heard a rock hit the side of the house, while we were eating dinner. we just ignored it.
What if Bigfoot comes to the front door; photo, property of Bigfoot Eruption LLC.
Pretty scary, right? I feel that the Creatures were trying to get a closer look at Eliot’s vehicle which was 25 feet outside this front door. After about 10:00 PM everything calmed down. Went to bed just after midnight, and Eliot slept in the living room/dining room; within fifteen feet of the front door, which was then closed and locked.
November 30
Final preparation for Eliot Ness’ visit to southern Washington.
November 29
I made it a point, never to do Tree Knocks, whops, or call blasting, from my location, because I did not want to draw these durn things to my Homestead, no way; they were already finding me. Planning update for Eliot Ness (Bigfoot Eruption): arrive at 9:00 AM and the Bigfoots might see Eliot arrive, and thus be curious. Once the Bigfoot/Bigfoots depart for the day, we walk around the property looking for clues. Work on website together, discuss the novel, “One Night At Wyman’s,” and prepare for an evening of wood knocks by the Creature.
November 28
He (the Bigfoot) arrived here rather late today; I had gotten up early, 5:00 A.M. This is very unusual. I had paused the recording about 5:30 A.M., and went back to bed. I was awakened by my dog barking, but I didn’t hear anything, but turned the recorder on again. It was daylight around 8:30 A.M., my 2 goats were standing back by my garden area, ON FULL ALERT, WATCHING INTENTLY, TOWARDS THE GREEN HOUSE ON MY NEIGHBORS PROPERTY. THEY HAD OBVIOUSLY HEARD IT/ THE SASQUATCH….and were cautious. If you were here, I would take you down there and look for tracks to cast…prints to photograph. I may go check for tracks later since we have had lots of rain lately and the ground must be soft enough to leave tracks.
November 27
November 26
I put phone in the window earlier last night, it was 10:47 P.M. My dog was barking the non-stop, that says, “The Creature is here , Dad! The Creature is here!” I heard four knocks in the first minute, then four more in the next…then it seemed to just leave here, and went over to my neighbors, (I heard her little dogs start barking, so I know that it goes there too; this neighbor is a skeptic…LOL. I HAVE WARNED THIS NEIGHBOR, even showed the game cam pic. The neighbor knows that it is up here, she just doesn’t want to admit. People!? .My dog never stopped barking, for a solid 10 minutes. I did hear a few more distant knocks. Activity of this creature in the surrounding areas and properties. Imagine the stories that other homesteaders may have!
Also last night:
Last night, I had not noticed my dog barking; she had been barking for some time. I don’t yell at the dog to be quiet anymore, as it turns out she is a Bigfoot alarm detector. I put my phone in the window at 10:47 P.M. and started experiencing knocks within 10-15 seconds for the first couple of minutes. So tonight, I plan to start it about 10 P.M. I actually have hoped this Creature would give her (the neighbor) a foot print, or a glimpse of itself , enough to prove to her that it isn’t a deer, like maybe a rock or two, LOL; maybe look into her window, or knock on her house; so she would have a lasting memory of to never forget, LOL. I am a bad boy; LOL, not really…just want something really convincing; which would be enough to do it. Now It is 10:20 p.m., November 26.
November 25
November 24
Discussions begin for the Bigfoot Eruption team to erupt its way to see Wyman to set up a new laptop, discuss the website, and share website design tutorial.
November 23
It was here this morning also, only one knock. Hadn’t listened to my recording for Wednesday, night, November 22, then rushed off for Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 22, 2018, so I had some catching up to do on my recordings. So, actual update for the 21st listed below for Wednesday, twelve minutes into the recording, were two loud, close wood knocks. I listen to the recordings and jot down in a notebook the times that activity happens. I have several of these filled, since documenting started five months ago.
November 22
National Turkey Day – gone for the day.
November 21
This is a first, this/these Creatures seem to have left or took a break…. Not one knock recorded, here tonight, but it may have been here, earlier, before I turned the recorder on before midnight. Nothing here in the morning, was a big surprise, wow… We are hopeful that they have left, for the winter?? We are not sure, but we think we heard something get up on the roof tonight. Whatever it was, it sounded much larger then a house cat. (We probably couldn’t have heard a house cat). It got back down, a short while after it got up there, via the same tree?? Maybe a big Cat. It’s pretty wild up here some times. Could it be that the Creature was keeping away the other dangerous wildlife? Was this to be helpful to the homestead, or just a consequence of the Creature’s presence? It has rained just enough here to make the roads hazardous; created a thin layer of ice. Neighbor, had 24 degrees, with freezing rain, while we had 26 degrees at 2:00 A.M. We were up at 8 A.M. and it was 27 degrees. At noon it was 32, and had been that, since 10:00 A.M. It has rained just enough to make it slippery.. I need to go build the shelter for the wood, It is supposed to rain/maybe snow all this week, we will see. Makes me think about, how do the Creatures, stay warm and dry? It turns out they did make noise on Wednesday night! I realized this once I had time after my Thanksgiving trip. So, actually, the darn thing is still around here. I hadn’t listened to my recording for Wednesday night, rushed off to see family for National Turkey day so I had not had time to check the recording. As it turns out, twelve minutes into the recording: two loud, close wood knocks.
November 20
I really thought that these Boogers were sort of cooling it, but tonight I was trying to catch up on last Sunday nights recording. Again, I put my phone in the window at 11:00 P.M. and had two knocks within the first minute; then in minutes 10-12 (three minutes) my dog was going ballistic…cuz there were 34 knocks within three minutes. The recording is worth a listen, imagine 34 wood knocks in that short period of time! It was driving Chloe crazy, but I am starting to think she seems to like it.
November 19
There are things happening here, continuously. At 7:20. P.M. Chloe just ran to the back of the driveway, barking seriously. I opened the bedroom window to shine my light around; I heard something running away. I heard it break a branch, it was probably with it’s foot. I forgot to mention that, the noise which I heard to night, out the bedroom window, was loud enough for me to hear it, even with my hearing deficiencies, over the 2,000 watt generator which was running right below me. It was at least 80-100 yards away also. When I stop and weigh all these factors, it becomes obvious that this had to be something very large and very heavy, that stepped on a large branch and broke it, or maybe the Creature purposefully grabbed a limb and broke it, out of frustration? I truly can not say what this was for sure, but for me to have heard this, over the noise of a running 2,000 watt generator, it had to be something rather large. It is so easy to just blow things like off as nothing, and go to bed without thinking much about it, but that is not reality. If you were camping out somewhere, not around other people, and you heard something like this,…. running away, and breaking branches, you can not discount it as a Raccoon or a Coyote, no way, because this was a rather large animal of some sort.
November 18
At the bottom of the Home Page the “Contact Us” tool is complete.
I seem to have a very-very unusual situation going on up here at my Homestead!!! I haven’t heard of very many people who have these Creatures hanging around their Homestead like this, for a number of months, but it is not unheard of, but it is more rare. I have heard of a few of these type of occurrences, one in southern Washington, where these Bigfoot are seen crossing a woman’s property on their way down to lower ground to a feeding area, more like Elk would do. There are reports of some people, living in the South-east part of the USA, who have major problems with these Creatures stealing food/deer meat, out of freezers or out of their Smoke houses, or sweet feed or Dog Food out of their barns. (This really IS NOT LIMITED just to the South-east, but can be anywhere these Creatures seem to get more aggressive. This in not a good sign. ALTHOUGH, things SEEM TO BE GETTING BETTER… here now, months later?? These Creatures are not here, “ALL NIGHT” like they were in the beginning months of all this. Tree knocking, and rock throwing was an all night, on going situation for us. The Dogs were barking non stop, ALL NIGHT LONG. We, nor the dogs, couldn’t get much rest/sleep, with this going on ALL NIGHT. Me cutting their “Territorial Marker Trees Down” and “Killing my Extra Roosters”, plus spraying my scent all around and putting up the “Light Reflectors”, has seemed to make an impression upon these Bigfoot Creatures, that we do not want them here. Now, with about 1/2 of my Goats taken away to the auction, they seem to only be showing up here EARLY IN THE EVENING and then, LATE IN THE MORNING, (after daylight) which seems to say, they are going somewhere else during the night. The first night that we heard the LOUD TREE KNOCKS, out our bedroom window, WAS A REAL WAKE UP CALL, like “what the hell is out there?” Things really escalated from that point, quickly. It was all sort of EXCITING but it was also VERY DANGEROUS too. It was time to order the BEAR SPRAY, and carry a weapon on your hip, all the time. We can not let our guard down, cause that just may be what they are waiting for, us to get lax or foolish, and not carry a gun. YES, THESE CREATURES ARE STILL HERE. Sunday night, I put my cellphone in the window at 11:00 P.M. and things were crazy out there; it started off right away, which tells me that things were already going on.
November 17
Took half the goats to auction. Hoping this helps to lessen the unwanted Bigfoot harassment.
Added foot print track and broken limb photos.
November 16
Today we spend the entire day, getting my goats ready to go to auction, which is held on Saturdays only. Tomorrow is HIS SABBATH DAY, which we try to rest with HIM ON IT, as HE COMMANDS US TO DO, like the Savior did. So we will rest as much as possible, till sundown.
November 15
House was too warm tonight, so we had opened the kitchen window. We were starting to eat dinner and we heard a rock hit the back (the south side of our house) tonight. My dog has been barking on this side of the house, more tonight than any other night; I ended up blowing the air horn at it, hoping to scare this Creature off for the night.
November 13
Another phone meeting with Bigfoot Eruption.
November 12
Phone meeting with Bigfoot Eruption to discuss how to add content to pages, as Administrators, to 911 Bigfoot Help.
November 11
Set phone on bedroom window sill three hours earlier than usual and auto phone recorder picked up a wood knock within the first 56 seconds, and four more before the second minute was complete.
November 10
33 more knocks after midnight, for a total of 105 for the whole night. Interesting note, when Chloe was asked to stop barking, the wood knocking stopped. Could it be that the whole point was to mess with Chloe, the family dog? Perhaps, it was to create a distraction, but why?
November 9
72 wood knocks all in a row. Chloe barked the whole time. Finally Chloe was asked to give up the barking.
October 29
The Bigfoot was back again this morning, messing with my roosters. The Creature’s seems to use tree knocks (maybe with infra-sound also) to cause my rooster’s to crow, multiple times (as many as 25 X’s in a row), consecutively.. and has made a habit of doing this for over a month, now. [I think the Creature is trying to show me that it has control] It never takes a day off.
These Creatures caused my dog to bark off and on the first half of the night, and then in the morning too, which can begin to wear on a person, causing one to going outside and shine a light around to see what the problem is, after a few months. (I do see coyotes, and have saw Cougar and Bear also). I think these Creatures are hanging around here, due to wildfires, burning their habitat, causing these Creatures to go into areas like this, closer to people.
There are Deer and Elk up here, also livestock, Sheep, Goats, Cattle, and Horses. ALL OF THIS IS PRIVATE LAND, and these property owners are adamant about calling the Sheriff on trespassers, even on their neighbors.!! They have game cams everywhere.
October 31
October 28
Eliot Ness visited Wyman, and received the tour, and all the big stories. The dog, the goats, chickens, collection of rocks thrown by Bigfoot, the trees where “One Eye” likes to loiter, and more.
October 12
The faithful big family dog, was found dead after suffering from the affects of infra-sound, for most of the night. The thinking is that infra-sound damages the organs, and after having his breathing compromised all night, his organs started to fail, and then died of a stroke. In the recordings you can hear how dogs and chickens have a more stressed tone, once infra-sound is released by the creature.
October 12
Concerns about what hunting season will do to the creatures, as hunters invade their area. The neighbor’s don’t believe that these creatures are out there, so it would be good if some hunters would see them, the Bigfoot creatures, who probably live near the top of the hill.
October 10
The Mystery of the Wooden Spool…I got up and noticed something black, down by the Giant Oak Tree, and an old wooden spool had been moved.
Creature moved it; photo, property of Wyman Smith
. My first thought was the Creature was planning on hiding himself behind it, but it was too small to hide behind. After taking pictures of this spool, and then looking for prints, and taking more pictures…..I removed the spool, and threw it over the fence and poured my scent on it….lol It may have been playing a game with me, to see how I would react to it moving things around.
Moved to here; photo, property of Wyman Smith
Mischievous track; photo, property of Wyman Smith
This is the Spool that it moved, but I also saw that the Creature had broken branch on these double trees, in pic #2, below. I have lots of pictures of these broken branches, all around the back area and along the north fence where they come in at night; this is the where the Creature had placed the spool.
The mysterious spool; photo, property of Wyman Smith
Broken branches; photo, property of Wyman Smith
It is like they get bored or have a need (a habit) to just keep breaking things, MAINLY TREES, from the whole tree to it’s branches.
September 30
The week of September 17, I saw a black figure, running on all 4’s, down the hill within view from the garden, headed West to East from behind an old obstruction, towards the road. It could have been a Bear but it wasn’t round like a Bear; it’s back was more straight. One guy thought it may have been a Dogman. I hope not!

Witness drawing; photo, property of Wyman Smith
From the main house, you can pretty much see some of the creatures favorite areas. Imagine rocks being thrown at the house from the north and the south, or having the creature climb onto the roof, as it did one night.
September 25
My second sighting was four nights after the first sighting, making it September 22; the same Creature was standing in behind some other smaller trees, just across my fence line. I shined my light out there, and saw it’s dim Red eyeshine. It looked up into the light, it’s eyes shining brighter, then it turned and ran to it’s right (westward), across a 40-50′ open area, where I saw it again, with my 500 lunem flash light, plain as day. This time it looked taller, closer to 8′. It was slender. Wow..!! It was amazing. This was my 3rd sighting since Spring, number five total sightings.

Sketch of Tree Marker Incident; sketch, property of Sybilla Irwin.
In January 2021, remembering back to this Sighting:
Four days after my Sighting of the Gray-Tan colored Sasquatch, we call “Grey One,” my dogs were alerting me that something was definitely outside.
I went out onto my front deck and saw 2 dimly Red Eyes, glowing.
I then turned on my 500 lunem light, and the Creature looked up at me, and it’s eyes got Brighter, then it tuned and ran across a 40-50′ open area, very quickly and was gone.
It looked teller and more slender than it did, 4 nights before this,…. but I believe that it was the same Bigfoot Creature.
September 18
The first open sighting was on 9-18-2018. The 2nd was on 9-22-2018. It tore this print into the hard dry Clay Dirt. This really took some power/strength.
Claw marks, September 18, 2018; photo, property of Wyman Smith
Looking at this really brings the memory back. I AM STILL IMPRESSED AT THIS SHOW OF STRENGTH. I know that I couldn’t do anything like this, even with a shovel. I probably couldn’t even leave a mark of any kind, even with a pair of rugged boots on. The dirt in my pasture seems hard as cement, if you try to dig a hole in it, mid summer, it is impossible to do.
The Creature was angry at me seeing it, and expressed this by ripping these Foot Prints, claws marks and all into the extremely hard dry Clay Dirt, you could not get a shovel, a 1/2″ deep into this ground. I did cast the deeper of the two tracks; September 18, 2018, photo, property of Wyman Smith
Comments on this from 2020 – looking back – “These are not the normal impression type of Bigfoot prints, No, these Are very rare Bigfoot Prints, that have been ripped out of the dry hard sod, (one of which was an inch deep).”
I did make a plaster casting of the deeper print, that was 15″X8″ wide.
The next pic is the tree the Bigfoot Creature was turning into a territorial marker, attempting to claim my property as it’s territory.
Territorial Marker where the Bigfoot Creature liked to stand; photo, property of Wyman Smith
2nd picture I drew an outline of what I saw the night that I first saw it. Remember that the Creature turned it’s body and looked at me, before it left.
Crime Scene drawing by Wyman Smith, recreating the moment. This tree has been cut down to persuade the creature to go away; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
I watched this Sasquatch for 6-7 seconds, which seemed more like minutes.
It was boldly looking at me, standing right out in the open, about 3:00 A.M. before it ran off.

Sketch of Tree Marker Incident; sketch, property of Sybilla Irwin.
(This sketch was made, Fall 2020, Thanks to Miss Sybilla Irwin)
The part that shocked me was that it VERY AGGRESSIVELY came back out and ripped it’s toe claws into the hard dry ground, and then RIPPED IT’S FOOT PRINTS into the ground also. AGGRESSION, ANGER, PISSED OFF. It was not happy with me putting a light on it, and the signs he left in the hard dry dirt of my pasture was solid proof of it. The track measured 15 inches long and 8 inches wide. It wasn’t very happy when I cut it’s Territorial marker down to the ground, and sprayed my scent all around that area.
For more on this Incident:
September 18, 2020 – Sighting: Making Tree Marker
June – 2018
My Bigfoot Expedition Trip, north of Carson Washington:

Possible Bigfoot sighting, Bigfoot Expedition, north of Carson, Washington; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
What do you see?

Possible Bigfoot sighting, Bigfoot Expedition, north of Carson, Washington; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
May – 2018
I took this picture last may, up behind Carson, Washington. I really thought that it was something. Maybe a Bigfoot??? I took several pictures of this, then I thought that I saw it move?? We came home, and studied the different photos. When I went back and hiked up to this place, there is a black burnt stump there, but remember that I said that I saw something move. I believe that there was a black Bigfoot, standing right behind the burnt stump, and it moved off to the left. My cell phone camera, caught a picture of it’s backside and head as it was leaving, about 3-4′ away from the black stump.

Possible Bigfoot sighting, Carson, Washington; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
There was nothing there, to the left of this stump – when I went back and looked at the burnt stump.

Possible Bigfoot sighting location, comparison pic, no Bigfoot in photo, Carson, Washington; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Possible Bigfoot sighting, Carson, Washington; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Those closest to me, felt that this was nothing. I say, what did the environment feel like at the time; trust your gut. Say a prayer, and trust what you feel next. If it is a Bigfoot, bear, cougar, then it is a near death experience; thus, you should feel something.
Spring – 2018
I am not a good artist, but this is pretty close to what I saw in the Spring one night, while my dogs were barking.

Witness drawing; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
The drawing on the left is what I saw, in the dark, it was running on all 4’s. The color matches the Creature in the Game Camera picture. It was nothing like this poor picture of a Bear that I drew on the right of the paper. I was watching a Bear hunting video to help with differences. It is amazing how different a Bears face is, with it’s long dog like snout, and it’s big round black ears. A Bear looks nothing like a Bigfoot. The Bigfoot has a more Human like, or Ape like looking nose and face. A Bear really looks more like a dog. A Bigfoot has hands with large long fingers, and a thumb, not like a paw that a bear has. There are reports of the FBI, coming onto the Indian Reservations near New Mexico, where they have had to shoot a Sasquatch in self defense. The FBI agents make all kinds of threats to these Native people, if they tell anyone about it, then they take all the evidence including the dead Bigfoot body, deposing of it. Yes, I do need to take pictures of the tree branches the Creature was working on when I saw it….