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December 31: The last few evenings, I have made early recordings. I have caught up on some recent ones, and have updated in these previous days, accordingly.
Last night 12-30-2019, I made a late, last minute recording, started at 2:30 AM; it started off with 3 good knocks. I stay up so late, that “last night” usually means about 7 PM to 4 AM.
Then in the morning hours, a couple of Juveniles, started Mimicking a Rooster Crowing, RAPIDLY, 7X’s, then, 11X’s plus two more late ones, then after a few minutes, a group of 19 more Screechy sounding crow mimic; totaling 39 crow mimics, three knocks.
Larger than the local Bigfoot Clan; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
They were not quiet about things up here, last night, but we have other visitors up here presently.
Almost all these knocks were softer, more faint. Five of these were questionable cuz my hearing isn’t real good.
December 30: This is the second time that I have spotted a Creature in this pasture, this year.
Actually, it is possible, that this 2nd sighting, may have been just off my property (?) right next to mine, only a few feet away from my fence.
At night, in the dark, using a spotlight, at approximately 100 yards away, it is difficult to tell exactly were this Creature really was?
I would think that it is one of the Two Juveniles, because it did not seem extremely big. Not as big as the adults.
December 29: I awoke to my dog barking. I opened my window, quietly, and shined my spot-lite into my north pasture. There I saw something black that moved behind a tree about 2:40 AM. I scanned the rest of the pasture and came back to the same spot, and saw it again, this time some of the upper part of the Creature, duck behind the tree.
I turned off my light, waited about three seconds and turned it on again and got a glimpse of eyeshine, this was the last that I saw.
Thus, I saw the same creature 3 times, within about 10 seconds. I felt this was note worthy.
On 12-29-2019, I made a recording that was 29:54 long; it was an early recording, 5:28 PM.
My dog starts barking usually before dark, so I wanted to see/hear what she was barking at, if anything. THERE WERE A TOTAL OF 18 KNOCKS, and 2 small rocks hit the house.
December 28: I made a recording, that was 10:19 in length with 18 knocks total; my dog barked much of the time.
December 27: There were eight tree knocks, and 28 Bigfoot Rooster Crowing mimics, near the morning hours. There was a late-night recording at 1:30 AM.
December 26: I Made a late-night recording, at 1:45 AM. I only heard one knock, then near daylight, a couple of dumb juveniles, started making some really screechy sounding Rooster crowing mimics, with tree knocks included, That got better after the first few of them. In all they made twenty of these mimicked Rooster crowing sounds, in groups of eleven, five, two, two, and two, equaling twenty.
The recording was only 16:34 minutes long, (of actual recorded time).
This was enough to let me know these Creatures are still around.
December 23: I did try to make a recording last night but my cell phone died, and other issues; thus, a short recording with no more knocks.
I noticed, that on the 16th of December, I had made an early recording 7:14 minutes long (I had forgot to listen too).
It started it at 6:50 PM; I only got two knocks on that recording, plus, a lot of dog barking.
December 22: I found this in my barnyard tonight. They come through my barnyard now because they are avoiding my trail cameras. They have bent the fence as they come over.
Track in barnyard; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
December 21: More unknown mysterious tracks; see photo below, and see more about it, in this new section “The Unknown.” It is 15″ x 7.30″.
Smaller than the giant tracks, but still can’t identify; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Found this track; seemingly, more normal?
Track impression in ground; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Easier to see this impression in person, but here is the traced version.
Track impression in ground; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Remember, in-person, you can see the impression better.
December 20: These last few days I have been looking over mysterious tracks that have been left on and near my property. Such an oddity, that I cannot say what made the tracks. I do not know, so because of this, it will be updated in the new section called:
December 17: I found this new little break, at my eye level.
“In your Face!” – a Bigfoot broken branch marker; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
It, this breakage, was not there, (it was not BROKEN) during any of the previous 5 days that I had walked past this small tree. I most certainly would have notice it, before this.
December 16: Last night’s recording, was divided into two parts.
The early part (5:27 PM) had lots of faint knocking, keeping time with my dogs barking. I feel they do this to be confusing, for me, and thus, hope to go unnoticed.
The later part (1:42 AM) had nine knocks, plus a rock hit, maybe the house?
A total of 28 knocks, and one rock hit.
Yes, this property seems to have some sort of special value to these Creatures, and yes, they are here, regularly, for some reason.
I watch for prints that are cast-able, but this ground is not suited for it, but sometimes, it is worth trying.
December 15: Strange noises this morning, will share more if I can confirm it from in my recordings.
More happens here than I put into this timeline. Some things I try to confirm more before adding, but all of it goes in my personal hand written journal.
My recording that I made last night, at 12:20 AM, I believe I had three knocks.
The early recording the evening before, only had one knock.
December 14, part 2: The night started with two tree knocks, immediately followed with a Bigfoot Dog Barking Mimic, that set my dog off at it.
There was a total of 43 wood knocks, NOT COUNTING, eight Bigfoot Rooster Crowing Mimics (in the morning hours) with wood knocks, for a total of 51 knocks, and the Bigfoot Dog Barking Mimic.
Remember they give themselves away by doing these mimics incorrectly.
Then add the unknown noise, that I am still trying to figure out; yes, that was a night full.
December 14: I was walking near my property today, looking for tracks, and found many tree breaks, including this one.
Tree break; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
December 12: I found this today…
Foot print; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Here is the casting of that print. Look at the detail.
Result of casting the track; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
December 10: I can’t see a definite heal on this print, so I am guessing it is one of the Juvenile Creatures, 12 or 13 inches. See below.
Potential Juvenile Bigfoot print; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Now without ruler…
Potential Juvenile Bigfoot Print; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
The traced version…
Traced, print near Goat Pen; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Found this evening, not long before dusk.
It was really foggy last night, so very thick of fog, that my spotlight would not penetrate. I couldn’t even see the road or the front gate.
My goats were really scared. The babies were trying to climb over the gate in back.
December 9: Last night started out crazy. In the first 11 minutes of a 22 minute recording, there was 140 knocks, and my count could be short. This included three screams.
December 5, continued: Something was standing by the generator, and left a gift.
Gift by generator room; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Easier to notice detail in-person.
Gift by generator room; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
The Creature or Creatures have been by the generator room before, even have gone inside. I know this because I have heard commotion inside the generator room, and also found an unidentifiable hair left inside.
This is an example of the Bigfoot evidence that I continue to find here.
This usually is the sign of a trade. This means something has been taken out of my shop. This is their way of saying, “We took something from you, ha ha.”
This weed stem did not just appear here magically; NO, it was placed here, laid perfectly straight, for me to notice it.
This is part of the game these Bigfoot Creatures play.
I know this because I go in and out of this doorway every day, and it was not there the day before.
December 5: Dog was barking a lot so I turned the generator off for thirty minutes so I could make a recording.
I got two knocks and then something (probably a Bigfoot) kicked a metal bucket, which set off my dog. The noise recorded only produced a 2 minute and 12 second recording.
Then at 7:29 AM in the morning, I put my phone in the window after a quiet night.
My dog started barking at these Creatures. This second, late morning recording has 28 more knocks, for a total of 30 knocks.
These Creatures are going elsewhere to feed. I know these Creatures will come back in the morning, from wherever they are going to feed at night.
In Sasquatch Chronicles Episode 419, the older woman stated that they go 40 to 50 miles in a single night to feed.
December 4: Episode 419 of Sasquatch Chronicles the same woman says “they are always watching me, one or two of them, always.”
That is exactly how I feel!
Since I have put up the two big headlights (they are really bright, like a cars headlight on high beam, I feel they stay farther back. I came up the road from a distance to compare the difference, off and on, and I could see the the impact. I was impressed.
Anyway, they seem to be watching more from a distance, like from the back of my lot, away from the high beams, or across the road out front; I think they have watched me cast their tracks, and are keeping back.
I still hear their tree knocks, so they are still around here.
These Creatures are mostly across the road, about across from the NE corner of the property.
Last year, I heard a Creature growl loudly, very ugly, seemed like, at my dog from that area. It scared me when I heard it. I called my dog to come up by the house, it was so scary.
There is a thick grouping of trees over that way, then the gully over there has a variety of different kinds of trees all together, and good for cover.
My Dog, barks primarily that direction, including West, Northeast, and facing out the front gate, and up the road. Also, one other specific area that is as dense as a structure, that she often seems annoyed by.
I was listening to some older Sasquatch Chronicles, specifically Episode 400 (sorry, a MEMBERS Only episode), and heard a person state that the Bigfoot’s were mimicking Coyotes and they said that they were sounding screechy, the same thing that I have heard, now two years later.
Here is my November 2, 2019 recording. Notice how the mimic is too screechy. It is looped three times, for easy listening. Each part of the loop is 1 minute and 5 seconds long.
December 3: Last night there were 13 knocks, and one screechy Coyote mimic at the very start. The recording included one Dog mimic.
December 1: Sunday night was a short recording, six minutes, with zero knocks.
November 30: About three months ago, I saw an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO), above my garden. Then, about three weeks later I saw it on the Travel Channel on my TV. Someone had filmed it on video and sent it to the TV station. This is why I got to see it twice.
Well, I feel I saw another UFO tonight. It was moving slowly, headed North-East, mostly Eastward (not as high as satellites are). Visit the new page called “The Unknown” to learn more of this. I have Bigfoot activity on and around my property, so seeing Unidentified Unknown Things, seem relevant, especially if by sharing, I am helping someone else.
A few hours after I witnessed the UFO, my girlfriend was helping to give the cats water, that was not frozen, on the back deck.
While out there, she said “meow” to the cats, and then heard five tree knocks!
Saying “meow” again, produced five more tree knocks.
After then saying “meow” a third and final time, five more tree knocks.
November 28: The Creatures were active last night. Pending…
November 27: Heard some wild turkeys today while working out by the barnyard, then I heard a short scream. It seemed too short to be a Sasquatch scream?
November 17: I saw a broken limb in my pasture today.
Tree-branch break; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
And again…
Tree-branch break; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
So I went closer to the creek…
Welcome to Tree-Break City; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
It was like a whole city of tree-breaks.
Tree-branch break; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
And another…
Tree-branch break; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Tree-break markers warn other Bigfoot Creatures to stay away.
A very revealing hike…
Tree-branch break; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
November 11: I had to leave the casting down in the pasture. I covered it with leaves to hide it, but they could step on it. They probably saw me casting it.
My Dog is barking at something.
November 10: Part Two – I saw this in my pasture today. This is really up high.
Stripped tree in pasture; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
This small part of the tree couldn’t support even a 300 pound Creature? However, I found tracks all around the base of the tree. So it would have to be a Juvenile that went up the tree with an adult at the bottom of the tree. Quite a marker!
Prints below stripped tree in pasture; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Prints below stripped tree in pasture; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Prints below stripped tree in pasture; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Prints below stripped tree in pasture; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Prints below stripped tree in pasture; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Prints below stripped tree in pasture; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Prints below stripped tree in pasture; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
November 10: This must have happened last night. I found this limb hanging down, this morning. This tells other Bigfoot that this property is already claimed.
Broken branch – tree marker; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
This was near my house.
Broken branch – tree marker; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Looked for some tracks, only saw some scuffed dirt. Took pics with cell phone and saw more in the photos taken.
Prints below newly broken branch; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
The edges of the impression that were not visible to me, showed up in the photo.
Prints below newly broken branch; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Here is a next day comparison photo:
(Next Day Comparison Photo) Direction that the Dog was barking; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
The angle is a bit different but we can’t see a tree or other, that looks like the picture from the previous day.
November 9: My Dog was barking towards this direction, so I took a couple of pictures. This is also in the section called, The Unknown, Mysterious Creature Images.
Direction that the Dog was barking; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Take a closer look…
Direction that the Dog was barking; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
A comparison photo will be taken at a different time to see if this, whatever it is, is still there.
Direction that the Dog was barking; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Now compare as we trace it…
Direction that the Dog was barking; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
This could be nothing, but we have to check it out. All data is relevant, even if it proves something was not a Bigfoot.
November 6: THIS IS A NEW RECORD, 212 knocks in a three hour period. .
November 3: I heard a single faint dog bark, which seemed to come from the field out front, but further down the hill, where we normally don’t have dog activity.
This caused my Dog to bark even though it sounded over 200 yards away.
If this was a Bigfoot mimicking a dog, tying to make my Dog bark (?), well, it worked. Was this a deterrent, to distract my Dog, so that another Bigfoot could come to the back of the property unnoticed?
After my Dog barked at it, I heard this same distant bark in the distance…again…
This doe not fit the historical behavior of any neighbor dogs.
November 1: The flood lights around the property, that I have installed, and really bright hand held spotlights are working. Meaning, the Creatures have been pushed to the darker edges of the property. The price for this is that it is now more difficult to get evidence. An example of this is that I RARELY SEE EYE-SHINE IN THE PASTURE anymore.
The Creatures are still doing the knocks but not as close by, and from dark areas.
October 31: Watching to see if these Creatures do something different, since it is the Devil’s night.
My early recording, 6 to 9 PM, had 33 knocks total, and one dog mimic,
.October 29: Last night’s recording; too windy. This has been the norm lately.
October 27: For the “Sunday Night” recording, was only nine minute long, and had two knocks. The Creature did the knock after my Dog barked. Did it this way, twice. The third time the Dog barked, the Bigfoot, it did not knock.
October 25: Considering that I need to trim Bigfoot tree markers. These are the Creature’s marking this as their property, but it is my property.
Tree limb markers; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Tree limbs eight feet up, broken and pointing towards the ground.
Tree limb markers; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
October 22: Many Facebook postings recently with large pile of poo being found. This can be explained by animal and Bigfoot Creatures eating more right now, to get ready for the winter. The piles seem too big, and lack berries, to be Bear.
Poured casting. After it had hardened, it pulled up nicely. The casting has depth. It is one inch in depth on the right side. i think this may be a double print, as the Creature may have stepped, and then adjusted. This would explain the lack of toes being defined.
October 20: Found tracks on south border of property.
October 19: I found three shotgun hell hulls today, put all in a row near the house. When I have to shoot, the hulls are never fall to the ground in this orderly manner. They were an inch apart, like someone had put them into this neat little pile.
It seem obvious that these Creature have watched my from afar picking up the hulls, and so know my routine.
o they are trying to help me? Maybe they are messing with my head? They are wanting me to know that they are always watching?
Twenty knocks total in my last recording, and a double woof woof at my Dog.
October 14: The number of these Bigfoot Creatures (overall) are growing, and people need to realize this.
October 10: Early recording at 7:44 PM. Wind makes it likely to not be a good recording, but heard 28 knocks, and a “woof’ sound that the Creature made at my dog at 23.53 in the recording. That seemed to end everything, as the Dog stopped. It seems they may have my Dog trained better than I do. This all happened between minutes 5 and 24, then nothing. That is a lot of noting, in a recording that was over 2 hours and 20 minutes long.
October 9: Recording had 20 knocks, and sounded like my Dog was in a fight with something. Not sure what, maybe the Creature? I will defend my dog, from the Creature and may end up killing it, if this is the case.
October 8: Found a good Squatching spot, in a community some miles away, but Sasquatch Creatures can travel to good locations quickly. A definite food source location, during the Creature’s foraging hours.
October 7: My Dog starts barking earlier now, perhaps because the days are getting shorter.
Tonight I put my cell phone on the front deck at 6:57 PM for 2 1/2 hours. On this audio I heard 14 knocks. Plus, the largest, loudest bang on metal (roofing) YET!
With the kitchen window open, as baking ensued, a dog was heard, but it was not my Dog. I mentioned that it may be a Bigfoot mimic. Maybe…
I went to the bathroom window, overlooking the chewed up Bigfoot tree branch, and listened. I heard only a “yip” sound. I thought this may be my Dog, but then shined my light around out the window, and thought I saw a glimpse of eyeshine, but I wasn’t sure.
Then, I thought, maybe, maybe, I saw another glimpse in a different place. Still unsure.
I REALLY CAN”T SAY FOR SURE IF I SAW THEM. Stating this, gives a point of reference for similar sightings in the future.
So when I listened to the recording, searching for that dog sound, I heard it.
It definitely was not my Dog. It sounds more like a Bigfoot mimic to me. A pretty good mimic, like the last one I heard.
My roommate confirmed that the sound was definitely not my Dog.
The neighbor dog, my neighbors are spread out, and far away, usually stays inside, and would not be this close to my house if it were.
October 6: My dog started barking early so I started recording at 7:24 PM, until midnight. 17 knocks, and I could here the Creatures activity outside. Heard it for about 16 minutes. Weird.
This is the same sort of things I heard before, when I found the Sasquatch hair, in my shop.
If I were to SPECULATE, it sounds like something is looking through my tools, in the shop.
They try to keep my dog busy, out back, with knocks, and then they come in and look through your things. AT LEAST, THAT IS WHAT IT SEEMS LIKE.
It is starting to get windy already, which limits the recordings effectiveness.
October 5: “911 Bigfoot Help” attended Bigfoot Bash at Logtoberfest in Washington. Being one of the only “educational” Bigfoot Vendors, many came to learn from our evidence. Visit the event that day by clicking this link: 2019 Bigfoot Bash.
When done, go to the top of that menu section to click on “911 Bigfoot Help” to return to this site.
October 4: I found these potential prints just inside my barnyard gate:
Strange prints just inside barnyard gate, October 7, 2018; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
It didn’t look like anything, until I started drawing the outline around it, and then I noticed the toes. This could only have been from a Bigfoot, or a chicken’s backside.
Strange prints just inside barnyard gate; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
I was unable to start the night recording, until it got late, so 9:12 PM, on the front deck, like the night before.
So last night, I put my phone out on the deck, closed the screen door, at the 18 second mark, and then heard the six knocks in the first minute.
I brought the phone in, and then later (10:40 PM) I put the phone into the bedroom window sill for the knight.
29 minutes into the audio, I heard what sounded like a Creature banging two times on my front screen door. Scary!!
My roommate said it sounded like a .22 rifle, but for me it was like “BANG” and then the screen door rattled, and then BANG, it rattled again. just like the first time.
The last sound on this audio recording was a single knock at the 32 minute mark.
Total 15 knocks, plus two small rocks, and the hand slaps.
October 3: For the past couple of weeks, I have not been recording as much (phone with audio app) due to wind and rain noise.
I was in the habit of letting the generator finish its cycle, and turn off, and then I would start recording.
My Dog starts a fair amount of barking at dusk every night, and so, it is so frequent I have learned to ignore it.
Last night I put the phone on the front deck. Rare but I put it out there sometimes. My Dog started barking at 7:15 PM, and started recording at 7:30 PM, and I put the phone to record, on the front deck.
At 11:20 PM, I brought it in to listen to the recording, and listened to the 15 minutes of audio that had collected thus far. The knocks were right away in the recording, at 17 seconds, and then18, 19, 21, 56, and then 1.08, and 1.22.
At 4.24 (4 minutes and 24 seconds of the recorded audio) I heard 16 knocks. This is a lot of knocks total. Some close, and some faint.
October 2: Recording part one, starting at 7:30 PM had seven knocks in the first 1.22 minutes. Knocks started again at 4.24, then they got faint with 16 knocks and one small rock.
Recording part 2, at12:04 AM, and right away my Dog starts barking, and I hear a faint “woof” as my Dog heads to the back. This type of “woof” usually has been a Creature, warning my Dog, but it is possible that it could be a certain kind of Owl, making this noise, at my Dog? Maybe? Perhaps a Bigfoot mimic of an Owl, directed at my Dog?
This is about the 6th or 7th time, I have heard this, in a year.
There were all types of night noises on this night, including jet airliners, wind, Tweetie Birds, wind, and rain, until the sun came up. So in 15 minutes of audio recorded, only two knocks from Midnight to Daylight.
All night, total of 24 knocks.
October 1: Recording was 15.51 in length, with 9 total knocks, and maybe one rock thrown.
September 30: Recording had 16.05 (16 minutes and five seconds) of audio, with 17 knocks heard, also strange weird Coyote sounds, and part of it sounds almost Alien like. Boop, boop, beep, and so on.
September 28: Recording for today, started recording late at 2:48 AM, and two minutes int tho the recording, this second minute had 11 knocks. I was telling my Dog, “No” because she was going ballistic.
Neat the end of the third minute, the Creature made a knock, and a funny type of monkey sound, which is highly unusual, but it probably heard me tell my Dog, “No.” Funny.
So it spoke also?
The record was 14.59 and all these Bigfoot sounds happened in that second minute.
September 25: I have been out looking for prints today on my property to the northeast, southeast, and south..
September 24: No recording last night.
September 23: Went into the nearby woods to look; only found old prints – nothing cast-worthy.
September 21: The recording revealed, another crazy night up here. Thirty Six total knocks (Bigfoot Knocks), far and near. Five to eight of them within a minute. Up to 14 knocks within three minutes. Another one minute stretch of recording had ten knocks. I feel their would have been more if I had not encouraged my Dog to stop barking. If the Creatures are just messing with my Dog, then they do even more wood knocks.
Fourteen minutes into the recording I heard the Creature ‘woof” at my Dog, then she barked back only one time.
It seems they may have my Dog trained, to not bark too much, strategically, as if to not wake me, so they can get closer. I may seem him sneaking around here. This means I may be able to see the Creature, soon. I am speculating, but the “woof” part, I am certain.
Something scared the Kitten, in a big way. Maybe a Bobcat? Heard banging, running, and boxes falling. Again, it was a strange evening.
September 15: I rinsed off the dried casts and now am drying them again. I will trace the detail soon.
Dried and rinsed; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
September 14: Made two casts of the footprints found below my front gate sensor flood lamp.
Casting of track; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Four knocks, and two faint maybes. Early morning, right after daylight. Before this I had noticed that the Motion sensor, at my front gate was pushed downward.
The 14th was an interesting night. It started with my dog barking, and the Bigfoot Creature mimicking her bark., and ends it with a single tree knock. She seemed confused.
She barked at the Coyotes a few times, then shortly after daybreak, a Juvenile Sasquatch starts doing Rooster mimics. It was humorous these silly Creatures, making mistakes – getting out of sink with their own mimicking. It was funny to listen to. Nineteen total mimics with knocks.
Then there was a bang, or should I say a slap on metal roofing, followed by three more, a total of four slaps.
Total, one knock plus ten Rooster crow mimics, with knocks, plus four bangs on metal roofing, total of 24. And a Dog mimic also. This sort of reminds me of last night, my Dog barking at 600 pound Owls (Creatures mimicking Owls).
September 13: Found foot print tracks under my motion flood lamp. I first noticed because something had turned the light, facing the ground, as seen in this photo.
Motion sensor flood lamp turned downward; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
September 12: Something with hands, turned off my sensor flood lamp, and turned it downward.
Zero knocks, but a definite slap/bang on metal. The dog did not respond to it. A lot of wind noise.
September 11: Two knocks.
September 10: 28 knocks.
September 9: One loud clear knock close by here, and then another faint, more distant knock, from a second Creature.
September 8 Sighting:
Last night, September 8, at 10:30 PM, I thought I saw a grey Creature, above the house, about 100 yards up, only partly hidden, moving through the trees, towards the creek. Moving fast, like a running motion. It happened so fast.
Earlier, I thought I saw a glimpse of it, uphill, but was not sure.
I had my 200 Lunim Light, and flashed it along the tree line up the hill from my house. I caught a grey colored Creature moving from my left to right, thus east to west, meaning it was heading in the direction of the creek.

Track; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
It was the Bigfoot Creature I call, “Grey One” as it was not black. It blended in with the trees up there.

The path and depth perception, of the Grey One sighting; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
A conception of the east to west uphill pathway, by Eliot Ness.

The path of the Grey One sighting; painting, property of Eliot Ness with partnership of Wyman Smith.
Now back to September 9, today I took a long walk up hill, above my home; there could be tracks, but saw nothing good. Just lots of old evidence like tree breaks.
The best, and most possible print was this old one.

Track; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
And now…

Track; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Found Bear scat by the property line, near my farm animal pens. That is a concern!
The September 9 recording had 21:46 minutes of detected noise. Another weird evening up on the hill with Bigfoot. It started right away on the recording with an eery “bang” sound. After the first minute I heard a hollow “bong.” It sounded like something was banging on one of those long hollow cardboard tubes, same as found in a roll of carpet. Maybe a sound made by the Creature’s mouth.
September 8: Stormy weather, so no point in doing an audio recording.
September 7: At the end of the almost 15 minutes of noises recorded overnight, I heard two bang sounds on metal, then following this, I heard two more sharper knocks on metal, like someone’s knuckles knocking on a metal door. This was immediately followed with two more knocks, on wood, hollow, like on a building. Next, I heard a tree knock, in return, from the back of my property (southwest).
Yes, this means two Creatures here, knocking (communicating). back and forth. It’s pretty frightening when you stop to think of it.; two Monsters outside my house.
All this sounds like, bang, bang, knock, knock, thud-thud, then the tree knock from from out back, about 80 to 100 yards away.
All the knocks, except the last one sounded really close by, on the recording.
The recording was two bangs on the metal roof, then two more knocks on more solid metal, then two knocks on wood, and a tree knock response.
I think the Creature found the metal to be too dull, and then resorted to wood, then the Creature’s buddy heard it, and responded.
September 6: Last night I had a very interesting recording. It started off more normal like, with a dozen knocks. Then after about 39-40 minutes of the one hour and 7 minute recording, all the knocking turned into branches being broken, ripped off trees, maybe tree breaks. It sounded like THEY were building something – close by. I heard 76 occurrences of breaking limbs, or them being ripped off trees, or dragging them; all sorts of odd sounds.
I’ll be surprised if I do not find some type of blind or other structure nearby.
This may go along with the limb being thrown onto the deck, the other night.
You can bet that I will be looking around for any type of a structure, once it gets cooler outside.
At the beginning of the recording, I heard a Creature “woof” at my dog, three times in a row, that almost sounded ape-like.
Here is what I found when I went out looking, try and see the trees that have been stripped of limbs.
Stripped of their branches; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Do you see them? They are in the middle of the photo, standing side by side, with no branches and no tops, with a tree lean behind.
Now the next photo, looking east to west at the stripped trees.
Stripped of their branches; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Different angle of the same. The pile of branches, that is old.
I did not dare go further back for a look. Seeing these stripped trees was enough for me.
September 4: Last evening I was sitting in my chair and my roommate walked from the kitchen past the front door, a chunk of limb 2-3″ landed on the deck. It sounded like wood on wood. The door was open. So, we shut the door. My roommate felt that THEY were calling for someone to come out there.
So, about a half hour later, I put my phone on the front deck, so I looked around a little, when I put it out there. Then, in that first short recording, it sounded like another chunk of limb hit the deck, as soon as I had closed the door to go back inside. Remember, I have bad hearing, so I don’t hear some sounds until I listen to the recording with ear buds.
There were some other strange sounds last night.
September 3: Recording revealed nothing unusual, just three knocks, one rooster mimic (maybe) because it was louder than the usual mimic. The Creature was in back, when I heard the two knocks together. Interesting, what “normal” has become, or to say that three Bigfoot tree knocks and a possible Rooster mimic, are “nothing unusual.”
I heard one knock, this morning, which oddly enough my Dog did not respond to.
I am sure that these Creatures are living up here, taking turns watching us who live up here.
But now is when the Salmon are running in the River, up into the tributaries. So, with this in the mind, the main Force of the group, may be off fishing on these rather slow nights, like these last couple of nights with not much recorded activity.
So when they watch me, why do they do it? For entertainment, if not necessary at all times?
September 1: At 8:45 PM I heard my dog barking. I shined my light around the Giant Oak Tree and saw a single green eye.
Looks to be Suzie, the female Bigfoot that was watching the house earlier in this Timeline; standing further back,, she blinked, or looked away, twice.
I looked at her eyeshine for three to four minutes.
The September 1 recording was 13 minutes in total sounds, and had five wood knocks.
August 31: I saw some gopher mounds below my garden. I looked at a flattened mound, and I found one track print.
Dogs, Coyotes, Wolves, all show toe nails/claws. but cats do not show claws, because they re-track their claws when walking.
This was probably a small Bobcat or a small Cougar. Check tracks and learn from them, even if they are not Bigfoot Tracks.
Spooky to think of the things happening in my pasture at night.
The August 31 recording had nine knocks, all of them initiated by Bigfoot Creatures.
August 30: A shorter recording this time, but more concise. Three knocks. I feel the sound of the generator interfered this time. My dog was barking intermittently (off and on, off and on) pausing only briefly between knocks. I heard the five separate knocks in-between her barks. Each was immediately after the bark. Bark, knock, bark, knock, bark, knock, bark, knock, bark, knock.
August 29: One hour recording, have not reviewed it yet.
August 28: A very long recording; too long. Probably due to the noise of the wind. Only one knock before I quit listening.
August 24: Last night it was hot, even at 11:00 PM, and had the doors open. I heard a wood knock, and still waited to close the doors, but the idea of Bigfoot being out there, had me get up to close the doors.
Cougar and Bear are also a threat up here. I have seen them from the deck, front and back. Once a bear got close because of the goats. Some accounts are that bear go into hoes and cars looking for food, making a big mess and even attacking people. Bears will do this in the daylight, while Cougars hunt in the early morning while it is still dark.
Remember to LOOK up! They say we walk under them, thus we don’t see them. REMEMBER THIS, when you are exploring!
Cougar tracks can look a lot like dog tracks., without the claw marks. Remember, that cats retract their claws when walking.
Was in central Washington today, and saw this tree break. Note: experienced researchers feel tree breaks are not good evidence. For us, it is still a part of our learning process, and we check it out if we can. Evidence that may not be from a Bigfoot, is still evidence of the story.
Central Washington tree break, near highway; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
At the distance that I was from the road, and then zoomed in for a shot, the break could be four feet above the ground. Markers near a road make sense, that Bigfoot would leave a communication at that location. If it is not a Bigfoot break, then curious to consider whatever alternative. The tree is not pushed over, but broken over.
Central Washington tree break, near highway; photo, property of Wyman Smith
Last night when I went to bed, I heard a rock hit the driveway below the window, and it rolled.
August 23: I keep hearing a banging, when I was worjing in the garden, and then growling three to four times. Hopefully, this was from a distant neighbor. If it is a neighbor, that does not explain the extra sounds.
August 22: I will be at Bigfoot Bash this year, near Carson. I will have hats and t-shirts that show a Bigfoot artistry as well as the words “911 Bigfoot Help.” Working out the details. I will also bring rocks, Giftings, territorial markers, and photo prints of evidence. I will be ready to share and trade stories with anyone.
August 21: In the August 21 recording, new odd squealing sound, more like (Runuhka); my dog did respond a little. I also heard a stick hit something. I did hear two knocks in the beginning.
August 20: Last nights recording, 14 knocks. This particular Bigfoot Creature likes to play and pester my dog for half the night. Sometimes the dog now ignores me when I ask her to stop. This exchange between the dog and the Bigfoot Creature, is a learning experience.
At first the knocks were faint and very far away, and then got closer as my dog drew them in. (??)
A Hawk tried to attack me. Flying full speed at me but hit the wiring above the garden (I have it covered) and bounced off and hit the ground, before flying away. I have never had that happen before. Weird happenings.
The August 20 recording, I heard some faint odd sounds way in the back, like nothing before, and it goes on and on for about a minute or more, with a growl, with a growl in the middle of it, up close. The dog did not make a sound. At the end of this, I hear an exhale. Spooky! Honestly, not sure what to think of this.
Other sounds that went on and on, that I could not identify. Even a howl or whistle, that may have been a coyote. 24 knocks.
This ought to raise some eyebrows. Within the last three to four minutes of the recording a Bigfoot did 18 rooster crows (mimics), with knocks. A few minutes later my rooster crowed. He was still inside his chicken coop. That’s a dead giveaway that all the earlier crowing, were fakes.
August 19: Woke up to the dog going ballistic, out front. She quit when I called out to her. Her new trick is to do low barking, after I ask her to stop, like she thinks she is outsmarting me.
I will be disturbing the Bigfoot out back. Cutting down their cover, soon. (??)
August 17: At 4:00 AM the dog was barking in the up hill direction. I took my spot light and saw nothing. She was under the porch steps, looking up hill. I went inside and right away she started barking again, and she sounded AFRAID, SCARED; twas Spooky. She kept barking, it did not feel good to hear my dog so scared.
Recording for August 17, may dog barked and barked almost four minutes and then wen to the back where she got two wood knocks. Then more barking. Asked her to stop, because she barks to provoke the Bigfoot Creatures, when she is bored.
August 15: The recording for last night was another long one. Last night, means overnight; potentially 7:00 PM through 7:00 AM, or daylight. Sometimes until 9:00 AM. Total of 25 knocks. The only odd thing was that I heard two sort of “whoop” sounds. I never heard this sound before, and it wasn’t exactly a whoop. They were not close by.
August 14: The recording for last night was stopped suddenly. What would do that? That has not happened before. Had ten knocks.
August 11: Thought to do a spot light check tonight from the front deck. I saw a familiar blue-green eyeshine (Suzie) in the tree, or behind it, and maybe a ways back? I did log this as an official sighting, for me. The week of July 21, 2019 I saw her every night for eight days, fifty total times.
If Deer eyeshine means you saw a deer, then you had a deer sighting. So, I can Bigfoot eyeshine as a Bigfoot sighting; some may not.
Anyway, I watched for four to five minutes, and she blinked several times. I went inside and came back out at 2:00 AM and it was gone.
Last nights recording had a total of eight knocks.
August 10: Last night’s recording, 23 knocks and one rock.
Dog barked a lot tonight, and I recorded it, and so what. Another recording with odd noises.
August 9: Forty knocks plus, from last nights recording, plus at least another twenty that are faint…
Tonight so far a total of 18 knocks, with two loud bangs on metal.
Considerable amount of activity going on in the back of my property lately.
August 8: Something has been scavenging dead animals in my pasture; pretty sure, a Coyote.
Last nights recording had my dog barking early, even before night. I had 11 knocks in the first 11 minutes, and twenty after five minutes. Another wild night.
August 7: Reviewing recording of what sounds like odd Bigfoot noises trying to get my dog’s attention. Various mimicking, but hard to confirm, so not posting in this Timeline.
Note: my dog does not bark at our cats.
August 6: Trying to get my dog to stop barking so much because it just plays into the hands of the Bigfoot Creatures. As I tried to stop here this time, my recording was still picking up wood knocks.
The overnight recording had fifty knock sounds. The last 16 knocks were with rooster mimics from the Juvenile Sasquatch. You could tell because the pace was different.
Also, for the first time, a cow mimic, and not a very good one…
Last night I was in the garden for about forty minutes, after dark, and heard what may have been an owl mimic. A real owl came to respond, but then did not hoot itself. instead it chirped three times, about thirty seconds apart each.
When I am out there at night and hear mimics of Coyotes, Owls, my dog, and chickens…even when they are asleep on the roost. It lets you know that these Creatures are out there, playing games with us. These Creatures think that they have fooled us. By now, only their Owl sounds can fool me.
Note: again remember, the Juvenile/s are making knock sounds with their Rooster crows.
August 5: Bigfoot Creature’s are masters at not being seen. They are known for doing a low spider-like belly crawl (Sasquatch Chronicles, this is mentioned frequently). It is often said that they just disappear. They only need 18″ tall grass cover to low crawl out of site. I think they may be doing this around here, as I have a low spot at the edge of the property where Coyotes, Cougar, and Booger cross.
This a is the same place that I had seen Ol’ One Eye run across in the Spring of 2018, but he stayed more upright.
I think O’l One Eye is mentally challenged or getting old; he makes lots of mistakes, like when I saw his back half out in the open, thinking that he was fully hidden, and was not. According to William Jevning, if they do this because they don’t care if they are seen, like walking in the open where a car can see them, they are being AGGRESSIVE. Is O’l One Eye, aggressive or just not smart? Both!
Last night’s recording had 17 tree knocks, 17 Bigfoot mimics, and rock tapping!
August 4: I tried to make my dog stop barking so much. If I say nothing she may bark 3/4 of the night to try to bring the Bigfoot Creatures here, so she can bark at them and their knocking. So there are times, I really DO NOT want her to bark. I recognize when she is calling them, by the bark she uses.
Last night the Dog went off Big Time, out front, like she does many-many times. I took my spotlight to the back deck, I caught two red eyes, with a rounded head, close to the ground. Another new sighting! It was like the Creature was crawling the 80 foot open area where there is like a ditch/dip (a low area)and it paused and looked up, expecting to see me on the front deck maybe.
Later I got two separate glimpses of Eyeshine behind the Giant Oak tree.
August 3: Made two recordings. The first one 1 minute 21 seconds long (over two to three hours), but had 39 knocks. Includes loud Coyote sounds (not made by a Coyote in my opinion). Pending, edit into smaller audio for the site.
I got Dove sounds with some of the knocks. How is that normal, to have Dove cooing with knocks??
When a recording is over 30 minutes long, it takes me over two hours analyze it.
August 2: 11:06 PM, I am the only one still awake, and heard Owl sounds about five times, then it suddenly went quiet. I did nothing, but send a text. I was silent. No barking from my Dog, either.
I heard a Creature “woof” at my dog really early in the recording, in the first five minutes. My roommate was grilling on the front deck. The last thing I heard after she went inside, was a smaller rock hitting the BBQ grill.
At 12:45 AM I saw a car leave out of one of the other properties.
At 11 minutes into the recording, or 1:30 AM, I left my phone in the bedroom window, to go turn off the generator.
At 12 minutes I heard a couple of knocks.
13:20 minutes, a bang on one of my metal buildings. This is pretty normal for these Creatures to do.
It got daylight at about 14 minutes into the recording.
My dog started barking steady, at 15 minutes until 29 minutes. THAT’S A LONG TIME TO BE BARKING. “I would hear a knock or two every two to three minutes.
At 29 minutes, the Creature made 19 rooster mimics and the equal number of knocks with the rooster crows.
At 35:02 minutes, it started with about 12 Dove sounds which had four knocks/taps with it.
There were forty knocks total, 17 tree knocks,19 rooster mimics with knocks, and about a dozen Dove sounds with knocks.
July 31: I am recording with the audio up as I sleep, and listen to it that next day. Today I finished the July 28th recording, because it was over an hour long. At the end of the recording I heard my roommate wake me up because, something was banging around, outside down below my second story bedroom window, so that could have been in my shop. (?)
It did this for a couple of minutes, until I said something, and then it froze. I did not hear a small animal running away, either. Nothing.
If it was a Juvenile Sasquatch, and I caught it in my shop, you would think that I would hear it run away or something, but no, nothing! (??)
I hate to say that everything unknown around here is a Sasquatch, but it is true.
July 30: Behind Carson, Washington, found foot tracks, half covered in foliage. The first one in moss, and difficult to see.
Footprint, behind Carson, WA; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Again, hard for photos to do it justice; thus, easier to see these impressions, in-person.
Wanted to drive out to where the inverted tree was, to see if it was still there, and it was. It was very well hidden.
After I got home from Carson, I noticed the chicken nest box door, was hanging down again. Left behind were many (3-6) large flat foot prints inside my barnyard.
Footprint in barnyard; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
I was surprised, because nothing had walked the tracks out. No squirrel, No Chicken, No Goat…
Footprint near Camper structure in Barnyard; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Last night, much of the recording was disturbed by the generator noise, but got some good minutes out of it, ten wood knocks.
July 28: This recording is so long, will take a long time to listen to. 64 minutes long, again my audio recording app, only records the moments of noise. In the first half of the recording, already 100 knock sounds, and what sounded like my dog being chased. Also, heard a mimic of a Coyote, which was too squeaky to be a real Coyote. This made my dog, howl back, which is what the Bigfoot wants. The Creature also “Gruffed” at my dog, once.
July 23: My game camera picture of Ol’ One Eye was at noon, yes the middle of the day. My first two sightings of him was after midnight.
They seem to arrive here in the morning hours
July 22 – Monday 1:06 AM: I made a recording tonight (last night) at 9:38 PM, and caught a Bigfoot out back, by the Creek, attempting to mimic my dog barking, in order to make the dog start barking.
It sounds different to me. The Creature makes a different type of ending than my dog makes, and it comes from a distance also. Take a listen. The first dog bark is the mimic. It is too far away to be my dog, and then my dog responds and is obviously a much closer sound than the mimic.
July 21: We have been getting more and more owl sound lately, getting closer to the house. My dog barks at them sometimes, and that is when I think she thinks it is the Creature’s mimic? We do have the Great Horned Owl out here.
Yesterday these Creatures were out front making knocks causing my dog to bark, but until I listened to the recording I could not hear the tree knocks, causing my dog to bark.
July 20: At 9:15 AM the dog was barking, four hours after daybreak. Usually when her barking is this serious, the recordings show that a Sasquatch was near by. THAT IS HOW SERIOUS IT SOUNDED.
I got up and went out to the front door, she was barking almost straight east, and north some. It was a serious bark. I went out and looked around; she settled down some. I could see nothing.
Then I got the idea to listen to the last minute of the recording, that I had just ended. There were two tree knocks coming from that area. My phone amplifies it so that I can hear it.
My dog continued to act agitated at 9:30 AM, thus presuming more knocks and harassment. My dog takes this pretty seriously, and so do I.
51 total knocks. Very active night!
July 19: Only five knocks on the recording, but also five other sounds; definitely Bigfoot activity, rather strange activity. You can contact me if you want to know more.
Later this night, a total of 22 knocks, a fairly activ enight.
July 18: This is the newest rock that I found, right below the front deck, on top of the grass there.
Rock thrown at property; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
This size of rock, could kill or critically injure, me or my dog.
July 15: I was using a loud generator tonight outside, and my dog ran all the way to the chicken coup and started barking. I took my spotlight out, onto the back deck, and shined it toward the NW area my dog was barking. I heard a loud Tree Knock, over the sound of this larger generator, and the dog’s barking!
Twenty seconds later, I heard another loud knock, just like before from the area of the old shed, down the hill, where the trail cam took the Bigfoot photo.
I am sure that these two loud knocks were intended to draw my attention away from the Bigfoot by the Chicken’s pen area, that my dog had caught, and I was trying to see with my spotlight.
Amazing I heard these two knocks over all the commotion going on. But, they were meant for me to hear them, and draw my attention to them.
Sometimes the Creature’s knocks are intended for me, and then there are other times their knocks lower just for my dog to hear. Lower knocks also for them quietly communicating to each other.
July 14: The overnight recording, after 5:22 AM, revealed fear in the voice of my dog, then a low soft woof from the Creature, that made me conclude that it was following her. I am sure that my dog has seen the Creatures in the driveway, several times.
July 13, part 2: I just went out to close the chicken nest box door, tonight, and found a white plastic lawn chair, that was thrown over the gate, into the barnyard.
I would say someone is mad at me for collecting the eggs. I had collected the eggs early in the day, so there were none at night.
I guess this is proof that the Creatures are temperamental, and moody.
I guess these silly Creatures think that I have chickens, just so they can steal my eggs.
And they get pissy, if they do all their sneaky stuff, removing the padlock, and putting it back in place, even if they get none; yet, they usually leave the door to the nest open, sort of to say, “Ha, ha we took your eggs.” Juveniles!
Chair thrown by disgruntled Bigfoot; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
I bet it scares my chickens to see/smell these ugly Creatures, taking their eggs.
I wonder how many other places around around here, or elsewhere, get hit up for eggs.
July 13: Around 9:45 AM, I noticed that last night, the Boogers left the egg door open, in my front chicken pen. This is their new habit now; their way of telling me they were here. I think they might be taking a chicken, if there are not any eggs.
Front chicken pen; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
When I just went out on the back deck to take this last picture, is that I heard a good sized rock, roll down the roof of the machine shed.
Seems like a Bigfoot was obviously watching me and wanted me to know that it is back there.
Their way of saying I SEE YOU.
For some reason, they seem to want some sort of recognition from me, but yet they are hiding.
We hear things like this, often. Odd things like this, including noises, happen all the time.
July 12: I put the phone in the window sill at 1:00 AM. All seemed quiet. Then, 17 minutes into the recording, a Bigfoot shows up right in the middle of the night, when ll was quiet. Five knocks, all three seconds apart from each other.
That got the dog started barking, and so more knocking, Twelve more in the next three minutes.
Notice these Creatures are doing these knocks, just to keep my dog barking (and keeping me AWAKE).
Seven more, and then it gets quiet. Next, another knock, and then another but faint, and then a dull knock. and then 12 seconds later an even more faint knock, like they were leaving.
I stopped listening at 33 minutes, after 29 total knocks, I as hearing Tweetie Birds, in the background, meaning that it was daylight, so I did not finish the remaining of the recording, which was a total of one hour and almost 9 minutes. Again, the recording app records when there is sound, only.
Seems like simple harassment to me.
Researchers would love living here? Here, the Boogers just show up.
This seems like residential Boogers, showing up on their way back, from hunting, or watching someone else, and so stop to have some fun at my expense for an hour or so.
All I see is them wanting attention from me, and from my dog.
The point is that this seems like a pattern, of trying to get our attention.
July 11: So I a placed my phone on the front deck, at 9:20 PM. Trying to learn what is happening. Was this all my dog? Were there Bigfoot Creatures, causing all this confusion? Were they out there the whole time that my dog was barking, just being silent?
I stopped the recording three hours later, of which it captured just over 17 minutes of actual audio. My dog was barking almost for all of this. Eight minutes into this I heard the first knock, then five more the net six minute. Then, airplane noises. Over the next two hours to more knocks.
Then the Bigfoot made a loud knock. But WHY? WHAT CAUSED THE CREATURE TO DO THIS? 35 knocks followed, all within the last 8 minutes of the recording, and mostly in the final 5 minutes.
WAS IT TOO QUIET? Was the Creature bored because the dog was quiet? Was it not getting the attention it wanted from the dog?
Why more knocks on some nights, more than other nights? Like, on July 9, only one knock.
July 8: My dog started barking last few nights, towards the lower creek area. I figured it was one of these Bigfoot/Boogers that are probably over at one of the neighbor’s properties, causing one of their dogs to bark and bark, making my dog want to get in on the fun. I asked her to stop, and she did. I hope THEY (the Creatures) stay over there.
Maybe the air horn worked.
Audio for July 8, revealed that I had 29 knock sounds during the night. Six of them were with mimicked chicken crows.
Note: Updated entry below for June 21, and June 30. More, pending…
July 7-8: my dog got really serious, barking loud.
I took my light outside and after a few minutes I settled on the Giant Oak Tree. To the left, a Creature peaked out from behind the tree, looked at me almost two seconds. It only shown one white-multi colored eyeshine.
I saw this kind of eyeshine when Eliot Ness was here last week. Interesting that the bright over-night headlights were not turned on yet, and I still saw this.
Pending determination that this is worthy of being a sighting that is documented in the website.
Ok, it is worthy because of what happened next:
Monday, July 8, 2019, there had been considerable activity down towards the creek and old shack, for over an hour.
After 1:00 AM, I blew my loud air horn. As I did this, I saw a Bigfoot Creature run from behind the Giant Oak Tree.
This sound made my dog howl strangely. I assume it hurt her ears, and theirs too.
I felt this put a stop to the games they were playing.
July 5-7: Creation of a new category for my Sightings. Depending on how you determine when something is a sighting, but these needed to be documented because once you have this many, if you don’t document it, you can start to loose count.
July 4: After dark, my dog was barking towards the area of the old shack I mention in Sasquatch Chronicles, Episode 528: Living Off Grid (Members Only), and is just past my property, and it is next to the spot where the trail-cam caught a Bigfoot on film.
Trail cam photo, property of Wyman Smith
As I shined my spotlight down that way, I saw a large black figure, step behind a tree, and was instantly hidden. A 4th of July sighting! The Creatures like to be down at that end of the property. I feel it is strategic to them.
Then, later I saw a glimpse of eyeshine, a couple of times to the left of that shed (the old shed) where I was looking at a broken branch with Eliot Ness, just last week.
Note: I don’t want people finding my property, and harassing the Creature into killing me, so some descriptions will remain vague; thus, the old shack.
July 3: The last couple nights my dog has started barking back by the dry creek.
Tonight I got two very quick glimpses of eyeshine back there, from where they seem to be coming in from.
At 11:00 PM I snuck out front on the step, saw nothing, turned off the light, waited half a minute, and got two glimpses of eyeshine. The second one was two green eyes. Just one on the first glimpse. They were about five seconds apart.
They were the kind of glimps that can make you doubt yourself; but, I know better now.
Too many times/sightings to count. How many times do I count? Like, tonight I had two in back and two in front. Is this two sightings, or four?
Last year I probably had 50 to 80 glimpse in my pasture, and did not count any of them. Some, good glimpse, I mean, I saw eyeshin, but only for a split second. Didn’t count any of them.
June 30: A pretty good recording. Things started with Dove cooing sounds, with eleven ticks or small knocks.
Then, went into two episodes of Rooster crowing and knocking consecutively, twenty times, the first time, then a minute later. 18 more times.
The five minutes later five more crows, with knocks.
A total of 53 knocks, and 11 ticks.
June 29 Night: I first caught a glimpse of eyeshine (today) westward to the right of the Giant Oak Tree, a little further back of where I usually see its eyeshine, then about five seconds later I saw another glimpse of eyeshine in the Giant Oak to the left.
Note: The Giant Oak Tree is big enough for a creature of this size to possibly, be in the tree.
I went back out half an hour later and only got one glimpse to the left, and only got one glimpse to the left side again. The Creature is out there, but it is hiding very well.
June 29 Day: We worked on the website, and created a new section to highlight certain occurrences, like a case file, where I can better discuss specific moments. Here it is: EXPLORING SITUATIONS…
Today I drove Eliot to his vehicle for his departure. Strategy to keep his vehicle off sight; conclusion on this working, pending…
June 28: At 10:00 PM the dog started barking, so I went out. I saw the Creature to the right of the oak tree, which we had not seen last night, so this felt like a positive. I went in and drew a picture of it to show Eliot, so we could be ready. He duct taped his phone to the binoculars.
Soon after the dog barked, we both went out. Eliot gave me the binoculars and I could see a lot, but no Bigfoot. It was worth getting the close-up view.
The big oak tree; photo, property of Eliot Ness.
At 11:00 PM we went out again. Me with the high powered light, and Eliot with a binoculars/camera. Got some good pictures, but no Creature. I did see eyeshine up in the tree, but did not get a photo of it.
Ended stake-out at 12:30 AM.
The dog barked on three different occasions in the next 1 1/2 hours, but nothing came of it, and then Eliot went to sleep on the sofa, at 2:00 AM.
June 27: Eliot arrived at 3:00 PM and parked off-site so that no Creature would notice a change in routine. My driving away from my homestead around that time of day would seem like normal activity, but not a new vehicle arriving. I picked him up, and we got ready.
At 6:30 PM We took a nap to be ready for the evening. As we did Eliot heard owls hooting. That is a little early for that behavior around here.
At 9:30 PM we were up and Eliot was using binoculars from the bedroom, but not standing too close to the window, watching our target area, the oak tree.
At 10:00 PM it was fully dark, so we crept slowly to the front porch. I shown the light, as for practice for Eliot to watch, with no cameras, for this practice run, and I saw eyeshine 2 1/2 feet off the ground. Then it moved. After a few minutes we went back inside, to let the Creature be alone for awhile, this is the strategy.
Plus, I have a theory that this Creature, has been assigned to watch me from this oak tree. Thus, it should be out there later on.
At 11:15 PM we went out again. This time Eliot with the flood light and I had out my Samsung Galaxy out for photos. Eliot shown the light on the wrong tree, and then adjusted to the oak tree. Thinking we somewhat misfired on this attempt, we went inside.
Soon, we went out to the front porch and tried again. Eliot with the flood light, and I with the Samsung. Eliot had taped his phone to the top of the flood light, and he hit RECORD for video, and we went out. Right away we saw the eyeshine, and after a short time I yelled out for it to show itself. We went inside.
Eliot’s video showed how far away the oak tree seems, on video. In reality it is close enough for most ball players to hit the house with a baseball, from the oak tree, if they tried. About sixty yards.
Photos are less conclusive, then my success earlier in the week, when I got eyeshine and a dark image of an upright massive Creature.
We took a nap until 4:15 AM, and went out just as the light was coming up. We saw eyeshine, again. In the same spot.
After, Eliot went back out to the front porch and watched down below to the Big Oak Tree, and saw a very large German Shepard dog. This is unique because there is no such thing living on this hill, nor the surrounding homestead for miles. Also, it just looked big! It was trotting along the back sense line on the other side of the fence. About 15 yards from where this Oak Tree encounter has been taking place. The tail seemed abnormally long. He told me this. I feel it is possible that it was a Black Wolf, because they are bigger than the average Dog.
Dogman, well it seemed like a dog-dog, but just over-sized. I have heard it said from others in the Bigfoot Community that these Creatures may be able to shape shift. I will leave this up to your own imagination and discretion.
Thus, this is why it caused us to have a moment of pause. Like, could it have used this theory, this strategy, to escape its post without detection?
Later we went, out in full daylight and examined around the tree. We considered if the eyeshine, was from any debris causing a reflection, behind the tree. Later Eliot covered certain shiny objects that could be the culprit. At least we will make sure.
June 26: Trying to keep a certain routine, to keep this Creature comfortable enough to show itself when Eliot Ness arrives. He will take pictures with a zoom lens camera, as I hold the light, or vice versa. Would be a big moment for him.
Heard the dog bark at 9:42 PM, put my gun on, went outside, looked by the tree, and their it was grabbed my light, and went outside.
At 10:30 PM went out again and only saw eyeshine, and it was low to the ground in a sitting position.
I turned my light off to give it a chance to stand up, turned my light on, and bingo, there it was, standing up like normal.
More analysis of recent activity:
Can you see it now; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Ok, now without the traced image…
Is this a Bigfoot; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Now a close-up comparison:
Is this a Bigfoot; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Now can you see it?
Is this a Bigfoot; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Try these:
Is this a Bigfoot; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Is this a Bigfoot; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Now what do you see? Amazing how extensive analysis makes you see things, hopefully for the better. Now you understand why people don’t think to look for the evidence.
June 25: It is 10:00 PM. Dog barked. Took spotlight out to porch, and there he was staring at me…
June 24: Third Tree Limb Gifting, this time in the Chicken’s hen box again. Found it while collecting eggs, tonight.
The third Gifting of Tree Limb; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Comparing the three Giftings; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Later, saw the Creature and took these photos! See below…
Look at this comparison photo and you see nothing passed the fence.
Comparison photo, nothing next to the fence; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Now look at this photo; you can see the Creature.
Hairy Bipedal Creature walking away; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Now compare. Looks like an image on the ground by the fence, but maybe more importantly is the Creature nearby, walking away.
It looks like this figure is moving down range from the fence towards the big oak tree. You can see the back, shoulders, and right arm. Look closer at the top of the figure, you see the top of its cone head.
Dark figure; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Hairy Bipedal Creature walking away from fence; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Something is clearly next to the fence, and or walking from the fence. It is big enough to cover up some of the background foliage. Fencing surrounds the whole property.
Enhanced image; original photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Again, in comparison photos, this dark image is not there.
All of these were taken from my front porch, shining the light down at the Creature, then taking photos with my phone. About fifty yards away.
June 23: Survived the weekend!
June 22: After the excitement of hearing a bipedal creature walk away from the house, and then seeing a Bigfoot Creature down by the big oak tree, I heard a quick crack sound like a small rock hitting the front of the house, with force.
June 21 – recap after hearing audio recordings: This is the start of the Oak Tree Incident, in which I documented that Sasquatch were looking at me.
The significance of the rooster crow is that these mimicked crows happen when my rooster never crows.
I got a rooster crow, and two minutes later my dog barked, she got a knock back; a total of nine knocks.
June 21: About 10:30 PM, my dog went ballistic with barking so I went onto the front porch, and heard bipedal running off into the dark, in the uphill direction from the house. I saw nothing.
Then at 1:20 AM, June 22, the dog went barking down to the gate into the pasture. I had grabbed my spotlight and went out to the deck by the stairs and shined it towards the giant oak tree. There I saw what I believed was a Bigfoot, it’s eyes shined white.
There I saw what I believed was a Bigfoot. It’s eyes shined white, and was the right height off the ground, and were spaced the right distance apart from each other, and it was looking right at me through some leaves. It was not ol’ One Eye, the one eyed Bigfoot that I first saw in 2015. We stared at each other for a full minute. I was trying to figure out how to get a picture of it in the darkness.
I went back inside and got my green laser pointer (bios), shined it down there, which it did not like.
All I got was it turning its head away one quick glimpse of eye-shine. As it quickly turned away, and moved behind other small trees, I could see it turn its head, and was instantly gone, or had its back to the green laser light.
Note: I have been down in the pasture at night, and in the dark, looking up towards the house and all one sees is the bright shining of the outdoor night lights, shining into their eyes, so I am not 100% sure that it could see me at all. (??)
It’s eyes looked slightly smaller, but our eyes will be smaller, when looking into a brite light.
June 19: Recorded from 9:30 PM an 12:30 AM, and got three wood knocks. Also, a lot of odd bangs and clunks. Wind or Bigfoot? It was very windy.
Also, heard birding chirping, after dark. Birds don’t chirp after dark!
June 17: About 6:45 PM I was in the garden, watering, when I heard three loud “clunks” behind me up by the upper back porch of the house. My room mate had been cleaning up there, ans so I thought something had fallen over. This made my room mate get very upset, thinking someone had shot gunfire at the house from the the hill. I thought it was a grapefruit sized rock thrown onto the roof to scare her. If, gunfire, then that is probably more of a concern. I am thinking a slug would have reacted differently to hitting the metal roof. (??)
June 16: Last night I heard three wood knocks, responding to my dogs barking. An hour later, four more knocks.
June 15: Made a recording that showed the Creatures, or Juvenile Creature, has made some amazing and spooky sounds. Already mimicking the dog, and rooster, and now a different sounding bird. Amazing! Working on editing the audio to share on this site.
After 2:00 AM heard Juvenile Sasquatch mimicking the rooster, followed by 15 more wood slap sounds, and one normal knock.
June 14: Late, these portions of recordings were taken.
This first one has many bird sounds, including unnatural sounding rooster sounds, and more. All very odd, for it being in the evening, late, after dark; proof of this is that initially, you can hear snoring inside the house. Take a listen:
See below at May 21, 2019 for another really good example of something mimicking the rooster.
Next, just after an airplane passes, bird sounds, and then weird background munching as if something big walking, but could sound like it is coming from the sky (??), and then finally the weirdest disturbance sounds:
June 13: Checked my downstairs shop for bird nests; nothing! Going on a theory that a Swallow dropped the hair while building a nest. Easiest just to believe it was from a Sasquatch.
In the morning, I had 45 minutes of recorded sounds, then one of these Creatures started making (mimicking) rooster crows, with wood knocks. 18 in a row, and then 11 more, but with 20 seconds in between each. Next, seven more, but longer spaced.
Then rooster crowing, 36 total times, and one was just half a crow, the dead giveaway, that this was a Bigfoot mimicking the rooster.
After that, at least thirty wood taps. More wood knocks followed, but they were getting faint.
To top it off, one rock hit the house.
June 12: Dog started barking around 6 PM. This was way too early for Creature activity, so I went out to water until 9 PM. I started the generator before coming in. Started recording. The recording App on my phone really picks up the activity, when I set it in the open window.
I checked the audio and tried again. Fifteen seconds into it, I heard a knock. Then, 15 minutes later, another knock. 44 minutes in, a rock hit the metal roof!
June 10: Found a long hair in my generator room, which is equivalent to being on the first level of the house by the driveway. To get in you would have to have hands, to undo the door for entry. This Creature is getting bold. It makes sense that this is a hair from one of the Sasquatch. Nothing else around my property has hair this long.
Hair found in generator room in my house; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
I do not own horses, nor do horses ever get near my property.
Note: I have found Creature foot prints in my goat coral, also. So the Creatures are getting more bold. This is incredibly spooky.
June 9: There were 8 knocks tonight, plus one dog mimic, three half rooster mimics, and several faint wood taps. (??)
I have installed the most recent flood light. Now I have light surrounding the house, all night. Now I fear that the Creature will adapt to scouting-about during the day instead.
An example of this was last night. Activity started at 8:30 PM, and heard a couple knocks before darkness set in. This set my dog off, and was barking off and on all night. So, activity before dark, and then during the darkness, despite having all the lights. (???)
Note: the Bigfoot (juvenile) has a “tell” when it mimics the rooster crow, it seems to only do half of each attempt. It is so OBVIOUS that it is a Juvenile Bigfoot (JBF).
When a real rooster does crow, it fills its lungs full of air and then it puts it all into the crow call, making it long and loud.
I believe I caught the Bigfoot mimicking the dog, and she definitely responded back at the Bigfoot right after and during the mimicking.
June 7: One wood knock.
June 5: Three wood knocks. Also, faint strange rooster crows followed by a bang on metal roofing each time. This took two full minutes, and during this time frame my dog chose to stay silent, and did not respond to any of this.
June 4: 17 wood knocks. Four were regular knocks, plus 13 were the Creature tapping wood with a stick, keeping the rooster crowing.
June 3: Heard a rooster crow, in the distance; so again, it was not my rooster, and there are no other roosters in the area. It sounded raspy, a dead giveaway that the Juvenile Bigfoot Creature is at it again. Bigfoot are known for mimicking other animals.
It is real easy to let your guard down, and get foolish; yes, FORGETTING THAT THESE CREATURES ARE STILL WATCHING!
When I look back thru the pictures, of the Evidence, like where the 19″ foot print was, and the many things that I have found in my barnyard, it refreshes my mind, my memory, as to how unusually dangerous it really is, out here.
June 1: Burning old wood piles today, including the Creature’s favorite tree, which I cut down, and turned into smaller pieces. I burned this juniper, but took out the pieces of evidence. See Photo Gallery for all photos.
Frayed branch evidence; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Branch evidence; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Branch evidence; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
One knock today, that I know of, and five rooster mimics.
May 28: It was “spooky-quiet” tonight. No noise from dogs, frogs, farm animals, crickets, planes, and no distant sound of vehicles driving. Even at a great distance you can still hear passing motorists, even though they may be very far away. But tonight, nothing. Made me wonder what the Bigfoot Creatures were up to. It was creepy.
May 26: Due to the long weekend, I noticed unusual happenings. My dog was barking a lot. Wondered if she was barking at people?
My dog barked a couple low barks. I went out back and saw someone walking up the main road, with a bright light. I put my bright spotlight on them, and they turn theirs out.
A half hour later I heard a neighbors truck leaving down below the south end of my property. Wondered if the foot traffic had been flanked by the Bigfoot and then retrieved a ride by vehicle, to get back out safely. This was around 1:00 AM.
The dog started barking again at 1:45 AM, and a vehicle was driving up my way, so I put my phone in the open window to record. Right away I heard wood knocks, but with a vehicle driving by?
Next I noticed that my dog was barking, the way she barks when a Bigfoot is seen or heard. Then thirty seconds late, a tree knock, the second within one minute. There were seven more knocks before that vehicle pulled into its lot. Then within two minutes of that car stopping, eight more knocks. Next it started to rain hard.
At 5:00 AM i heard a fain knock, and then a distant rooster crow, which means it is not my rooster. My rooster then starts crowing all crazy-like, while twelve more knocks in the next two minutes.
The Bigfoot must not have noticed, because when my rooster suddenly stopped, the Bigfoot kept knocking and crowing like a rooster, for ten seconds more. Making it seem like an idiot; exposing its presence. It had been caught, mimicking.
My dog barks, then then I hear a bang on a metal roof. We heard this while feeding the cats on the upper back porch, at 10:00 PM,.
At 1:10 AM. I heard the Creature along the side of the house.
Early morning, looking for tracks.
May 25: I was outside late and I heard branches breaking west of the creek. I got inside, fast!
Later the goats were acting spooked. So creepy.
May 24: I went down to the pasture, and found a spot where a Bigfoot had been laying down, behind this fallen tree. A perfect hiding place to spy up the property towards the house.
Bigfoot Hiding Place; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Notice how the taller green grass is surrounding the flattened area.
Bigfoot Imprint; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Also, notice the giant poo right next to the imprint.
Large poo near imprint; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Here is a size comparison:
Large poo size comparison; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
May 21: My rooster was under duress and a second rooster responds. I only have one rooster! Feels like the actions of a juvenile Bigfoot messing with my rooster. For even better clarity use ear buds/headphones to hear the second “rooster” respond.
About 7:30 a.m. today, I heard my dog bark, at what I don’t know but if it were knocks, I knew my phone would get it, even if I cannot hear it. So I started recording.
Listen CLOSELY and you will hear one Rooster close, and ANOTHER a little further away.
From my experiences with these Creatures, I know that they get a kick out of playing with my Roosters, that is, until I eliminated all the others, except for the one. I did this almost a year ago now, so I only have the one Rooster, but the recording plainly has two Roosters.
Also, if you listen, you can hear a Bigfoot get this commotion started, by it hitting a piece of wood, (sounds like a stick, hitting a 2×4). It is definitely a knock, and you will hear other knocks, during all the clucking, if you listen closely.
I know what to listen for, since I have heard these Bigfoots doing this all last Summer and Fall.
It isn’t normal for a Rooster to make these types of sounds, this rapidly. Oh yes, Roosters do make these sounds, they just do not do this noise (this clucking sound) this rapidly. This is always a dead give-away to me, that it is a Juvenile Bigfoot doing this.
I also have evidence on my fence line:
My fence post was snapped. It was not bent over to the extent of being snapped. Instead, it looks to have been snapped with a quick thrust of power. What else could it be?
Snapped fence post; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Snapped fence post; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Snapped fence post; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
May 20: More early morning daylight activity to report. The dog barked at the Creature, and the wood knocks started, 10 in a row, all within about one minute; then, the Creature, threw a rock up by the dog, that landed on the roof of the wood shelter that I had built. THIS CAUSED THE DOG TO STOP BARKING, until later. A couple minutes later, the dog barked at the Creature, then I heard a tree knock again.
May 18: I was getting a lot of activity so started recording, and had many wood knocks, over 20. Later, something was making a “RUFF” barking sound at us, and it wasn’t the dog.
May 16: I found a number of large throwing rocks just a 1-5 feet on the other side of the property line fence, as if drooped there for future use as throwing rocks. Yikes, so I collected them all and put them in the back of my truck so they cant be thrown at my property. One rick was so recent that it was just starting to turn the grass yellow. Found 1/2 a dozen on that 100 foot stretch.
Rocks collected from hidden throwing locations, left by the Creature; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Last week found 3-4 rocks, and also put them in my truck bed. So I know the ones from today were recent.
These are the sort of signs that these Creatures to need mean to do good towards me.
May 13: About 1:00 AM I was almost asleep and heard ANOTHER loud “bang” against the house.
I got up and shined my light all around. This was all very strange to me. Why now?
Then in the afternoon I was in the driveway for an hour or two, and heard a strange sound.
May 10: We heard an “unknown” loud bang against the house. I have never heard that before. This was new. Something large was used to hit the front side of house – the front porch side of the house.
Two years ago heard a loud slap against the house, so this is a big deal.
I was unaware 11 years ago when I moved here. Whenever I was alone, it felt like something was watching me, and it felt very uncomfortable. Despite all that, I did not know to watch or listen for certain things. In December 2015, when I saw the first eyeshine from the one eyed Creature, was when I actually started noticing.
May 9: Tonight I went down to adjust the generators, and then my dog ran down to the well head and was barking frantically. All I had was my head lamp and hand gun, but shown my light down that way anyway, and saw nothing. My dog started barking more normally at that point, and seemed to relax. I think she is wiser now, and does not bark as often. Maybe some Creatures upset her more than others?
May 7: At 1:30 PM, I heard something that is unprecedented. Bigfoot activity, when they should be asleep? I heard a mimicking of a rooster coming from the creek bed which is west and below where I was standing. My rooster replied to it.
I went indoors and put in a hearing aid, went back outside, and heard the same. Astonishing.
For perspective of the hillside environment, and visual of a tree lean marker, check out the video, than can now be found in You Tube:
Note: the tree was leaned against this other tree, like a marker/pointer, and it had no root system, meaning it was pulled from the ground/snapped from the ground, and moved to this location.
May 6: I noticed a broken branch in this juniper tree. What else could have done this? I am wondering if the Creature did this as retaliation, for my cutting down its favorite “marker” tree.
Possible retaliation, broken branch; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
May 2: I have completed my newest effort on illuminating my property at night. I put up more lights that will stay on all night, and have redirected current lights to try to get a more effective angle of light shine. I have employed a new design for the reflectors, and put up more of those. You can probably see my property from space, now with all this illumination. Hoping, it keeps the Creatures away at night.
April 29: I went to bed around 2:00 AM and heard three sharp wood knocks against the house. I investigated for over an hour, shining the light around, and monitoring the goats behavior. I can see the goats from my balcony. I wondered if it had been a woodpecker, but it was louder and sharper, and it was after 2:00 AM!
Then, in this morning’s recording, heard what sounded like a baby crying. It sounded like, “Whaaaa.” my roommate agreed.
I checked all the goats. None of the females had just “kidded” and none of them were hurt.
Maybe a Cougar? Ok, don’t try too hard to make excueses for what may have been a Bigfoot.
April 28: Last night felt it had been awhile since I made a recording, so I did. Got more than I thought I would:
Snoring and wind sounds…
Heard something hit the house, like a shoe would. It was like, “Thump, thump,” then it fell down. Weird.
Three minutes later I got a single Creature “woof” sound.
11 seconds later, a sharp wood knock, followed by 18 rooster crows. I have only one rooster, so this was a Bigfoot mimicking a rooster crow…
One is closer and one is farther away, making rooster sounds to my rooster, and with a sharp tree knocking sound.
The creatures are back!
April 27: We are considering that the Creatures had migrated, or had been taken by the Star People, for a training session. See Star People, in our Spiritual section.
Looking at these pictures from my research after the “chewed” tree branch incident, I am concluding that more than one Sasquatch was involved in that visit. Look at these photos of tracks under the tree:
Tracks below the tree; photo, property of Wyman Smith
Next, look at these:
Tracks below the tree; photo, property of Wyman Smith
This was the second photo of these tracks, on the more level ground between the tree and the house. Next observe this third photo.
It will show tracks that are to the west side of the tree, closer to my house; this is a sign of another standing in the leaves there; the leaves are disturbed:
Tracks west of the tree; photo, property of Wyman Smith
It is easier to tell the disturbance in-person; harder to see in a photo.
This next photo shows an entry point over the fence. This side of the house is a fenced in area for farm animals. Stepping over the fence and then walking north about thirty yards, puts you at the tree.
Tracks just over the fence; photo, property of Wyman Smith
April 22: Early this morning, I shown my light around, thinking a Sasquatch had returned, and saw eyeshine up in the large pine tree. A racoon killing songbirds and eating their eggs? The dog got quiet and went to bed, so I did the same.
Later, again, the dog was barking, and it was definitely a racoon.
Makes us wonder, where have the Sasquatch gone to, and why?
It has been nice to be able to live a normal life around here.
April 18: Many days ago I shot several rounds of buckshot. Since then, less activity from the Creatures.
April 17: They have seemed to be backing off these last few days, but the goats are acting spooked. They were even scared to go into their own barnyard.
April 14: I have locked the front pen of the chicken coupe since the gifting incident. Today I checked, expecting a lot of eggs, but there were none, and no Gifting this time.
Here are photos of the two gifted items left after eggs had been taken. Yes, two! The second one had been left in one of the chicken’s nests.
Two gifted limbs exchanged for eggs, on lined school paper with Samsung screen pen; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
April 13: I had seen this tree break awhile ago, just off the highway. This time I was up that way again, and stopped to take this picture. It could be active Bigfoot communication, in plain sight. There was another one nearby, which offers more credibility, but there was no safe place to pull over to take a photo.
Tree break near highway; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
This recent track (see below) where the Creature was under a tree near the front drive, by my berry garden. Well, these tracks I found between the berry patch and the garden, within that same time-frame. This Creature is getting way too close! For learning I show the photo and then a diagrammed version:
Track between berry patch and the garden; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Now compare to this:
Track between berry patch and the garden; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
April 11: Something has been taking eggs from the chicken coup and now has left a gift exchange. No other animals do this. Bigfoot does this.
Since I have been bringing the dog inside when I go to bed (3:00 AM), this has allowed the Creature to get even closer. This gifting is an example of this.
Eggs taken and this was left as a gift exchange; photo, property of Wyman Smith
April 10: You learn to avoid going outside after dark.
I noticed today that my dog is laying low. She is staying away from the gate at the end of the driveway, but is staying closer to the house. I am glad. I do not want the Creature to corner her up there at the gate.
Further analysis shows that these small branches were also chewed off, and tree bark damage from where the Creature was holding onto the tree.
Analysis of branch outside second story window has been chewed on; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
April 9: Wes of Sasquatch chronicles ( called and we discussed the situation. He will come soon to investigate.
April 6: Since the barking mimic incident, I have been staying up between 3:00 and 4:00 AM, to watch and listen and protect my dog, then I force her into the house.
April 5: Have decided to bring my dog in when I go to bed each night. The dog is reluctant, and wants to stay outside, but will bring in for her safety.
Put four reflector panels (sheet metal with reflective tape, about 7″ x 12″ each).
April 4: Scary activity outside my house today! A Creature climbed the tree just inches from the house, and chewed on a branch 13 feet above the ground. Don’t know what else would do this.
Branch outside second story window has been chewed on; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Branch outside second story window has been chewed on; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Disturbance on the ground below the branch that was chewed on; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Tracks below the tree; photo, property of Wyman Smith
April 1: After listening to a short cellphone recording, that I made earlier in the evening, I discovered that one of these Bigfoot Creatures,… had come in too close to my house, possibly following my dog up here. I also discovered when listening to the recording, that one of these Creatures had thrown a smallish rock up onto my front deck. I heard it hit and roll a few times. THIS REALLY UPSET ME. Never had a Bigfoot come in this close before, to my knowledge.
This is when I noticed my cellphone was on 9% and was in need of charging. I plugged it into my 12 volt charger and went out to the front porch with my .338 Winchester Magnum, to keep my dog company. Honestly, I did not know what to expect. She was on her mound, a higher advantage point… that is very close to my porch. You can see her mound in the below photo. It is her favorite place to rest.
She seemed dazed, similar to how I had felt when these Creatures hit me with infra-sound last Spring. I also feel she was somehow seriously affected by the earlier barks from the Creature, so I stayed out there on the deck for awhile to let the Creatures know that I was serious about protecting her.
Tracks from the Creature at this tree, so close to Dog mound, photo taken from front porch; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
March 31: My latest night recording (which I log into note books, as I listen to them) starting at one minute into the recording, the dog was barking a lot, so I put my cellphone onto the front porch table. I recorded 14 knocks within one minute.
At 2 minutes, 7 sec (2:07) into the recording, my dog’s ~ barks are starting to turn into some part of a whine, at the end. Yes, I do fear for her life. I feel she may have been hit with infra-sound. Seems like she is confused as well as possibly scared.
Things started to change , at about 3:49 sec. when I heard a Bigfoot Creature bark at my dog.
Then I heard the Bigfoot do this again at 5:05 sec. It barked at my dog. Then a third time at 5:26 sec. it gave a low shorter “ruff” (bark).
Three views from Australia today.
March 30: Eight views from Canada. Eight Views from the United Kingdom. 107 views from the USA. Probably, thanks due to Wes, Sasquatch Chronicles, and its members. Thank you! Ready to help anyone that contacts me.
Visit the new update at the Tracks page, and see the Gifford Pinchot track.
Eliot followed me to the Gifford Pinchot National Forest, north of Carson, Washington. Showed him how many tree breaks can be seen from the main roads; shared discussion and learning. Afterwards, we went our separate ways.
Tree breaks, Gifford Pinchot National Forest, Washington; photo, property of Eliot Ness.
Dog went nuts three times during the sleepy night, but nothing revealed. Eliot went out early to pack and walk the driveway with binoculars. Possible deep tone goat mimic. Goats were scared, but birds in trees were happily chirping, and dog was napping; thus, concluded, that all was well, with no threat.
March 29: Dog barking a lot late, went out with Eliot to check generator and spend time with the dog.
Episode 528, is a Members Only episode, but Wes said he will make it public, in a month. This Podcast is a good review of what 911 Bigfoot Help is all about, especially, the reasons/history behind why I chose to do the web site.
Loaded first audio files to Homepage, and the Sounds Evidence page. Tree knocks, amid the barking. The first of many to come.
True to his word my interview, Episode 528: OFF THE GRID, is posted that night before dinner, and we all listen to it. After, we read the comments made by members. Many positive comments and I responded to some. Hoping for Networking with others, as well as helping those experiencing.
Gave Eliot a tour of my property, including the lower pasture; revealed where Sasquatch was standing in trail cam photo, investigated the green “spook” cabin, and walked the dry creek bed, which was full of the temporary snow melt.
Eliot looks for evidence north of the property and found one tree lean, one tree break, and possible rock formation that points to my property. Just an odd coincidence?
Wes calls at 10:30 AM to interview me for the Sasquatch Chronicles podcast.
March 28: Eliot downloads Discovering Bigfoot (Todd Standing, Jeff Meldrum, John Bendernagel) from Netflix to his laptop and so we studied the techniques and tree structures.
Eliot Ness ( arrives to my homestead to stay for a couple nights.
Wes from called to set up an interview for 10:30 AM, tomorrow.
March 27: Awoken by my dog barking at 4:40 AM. I looked out the bedroom window and saw the dog charging the large oak tree, and was barking, just like the night when Grey One was there, at that same tree. This time the focus was on something to the right of the tree. Once my dog saw that it had my attention, it went over by the compost pile and went to sleep, and stayed asleep late into the morning, which is not normal. Infrasound? This is not the first time she has done this.
March 25: Recorded three minutes of sounds, which included 21 wood knocks, plus the Creature gave a fierce growl! This scared the dog and forced it to retreat back against the house.
Made more reflectors to put around the property. The originals ones seem to be working. The Creatures, don’t go near them.
March 24: Recorded three minutes of activity in a 75 minute span with 17 wood knocks that were mostly loud and close. Twelve of the knocks were within a one minute period. Dog went ballistic.
I thought the Creatures had gone, but instead, it seems they are just doing things differently…hiding more.
March 8: Dog was barking, way too much tonight. Started recording for an hour and a half 9:00 PM 0 10:30 PM, and found that a more normal knock 1:40 into the recording, and then a weaker one at 1:45, which seemed to be farther away, five seconds apart.
Was not happy the dog was trying to get something started, ha ha…
February 25: Early in the evening, around 6:00 PM the dog was barking, so I stepped onto the front porch to listen. Everything got quiet, and then I heard a mimic of a bark, but my dog was silent, just standing there. The dog barked back, but the Creature remained silent because I had the door open.
Shining light around 10:30 PM. All quiet, but saw a white glimpse of something in my pasture. The Creature we call, “Grey One?”
Looked around more and got a glimpse red eyeshine higher in the pasture. I had just flashed the flashlight that direction. This would likely mean, that it was “One Eye.” This was the second time I saw a quick glimpse of red this month. Red around here means eyeshine.
February 24: Dog sounded off; started recording, and got five knocks in 1.5 hours. One to start and then later 4 all together.
Dog standing in driving, turning to look up the hill, barking for two hours. I opened my window to listen and heard owl sounds. The dog barks at Owl sounds as if they were Bigfoot. More mimicking?
February 23: Stopped to take photos of mysterious 15″ tracks 1/2 mile from the house.
February 21: Took pictures of possible territorial markers while on a Highway trip. It was like a Bigfoot was trying to make a fence out of tree breaks.
Also, noticed how the mountains are so elegant with snow on them; ALL OF GOD’S CREATION IS SO AWESOME!
February 19: Dog was barking while we unloaded alfalfa and straw. After, heard one wood knock from my window as I considered things.
February 16: I think the Creatures are coming every night now, right after dark, to make an appearance for about an hour at a time. Then I believe they are going somewhere else to eat, after dark (deer, calves, sheep?) possibly 5-10 miles away, or down to the local river.
February 14: recorded four knocks.
February 12: From the bedroom window (Second story), saw something hairy/dark duck behind a big pine tree. Can see fresh tracks around that tree.
February 11: Checked the ground where the Creature had been spying on the goats the night before. The ground was compressed from the Creature’s weight. Foot prints hard to trace.
February 10: From the upper back porch, witnessed an evening encounter. A dark creature, laying down in a covert manner, just feet away from the goats pen. Next time I will definitely have a camera with me. The coloring suggests that it was the Creature, One Eye.
February 8: Dog is barking at 9:00 AM. Coyotes? Sometimes the dog barks in the morning towards the northeast, and wags its tail.
Dog is barking; it is 9:32 AM. It is like the Creatures come home around this time each day, as if saying Hello to my dog, as they are on their way back up the hill to get to their cave or whatever.
February 7: 44 wood knocks…
It was all quiet after 10:30 PM, as if they left for another area.
February 2: In the morning, I looked around for a track and found one. We had 26 knocks tonight.
February 1: 13 knocks tonight, in less then two minutes, shortly after the knocks, then it got quiet. All at once my dog ran to the back and then I heard this Sasquatch, make a Very Fierce “BARK Sound” at my dog. This sound is different than any Bigfoot sound that I have heard. It was very aggressive sounding. As I have stated before, THESE CREATURES ARE DANGEROUS ANIMALS, you must be careful of them.
January 25: (Friday evening, HIS Sabbath begins) nine knocks tonight, within two minutes.
January 21: Something was sending tweetie bird chirps at my dog, so I blew my air horn.
The Creatures look similar to this; Messing With Sasquatch; image, property of Jack Links.