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December 27, 2020 (Confirmed Sighting)
Drove again past mile post 193, Highway 84 East, in Oregon, and confirmed no dark Creature standing by the big rock, meaning something was there with the rock back on December 9.
December 9, 2020 Bigfoot Sighting, Hwy 84 East, Oregon; drawing and photo, property of Wyman Smith.
December 21, 2020 (Big Foot-Print)
I was in my pasture today, and only found a few prints.
Old Tracks; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Clear Bigfoot Impression; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
To me these are obvious, and I am sure that you can see them too.
Big Foot Track; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Big Foot Track; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
December 21, 2020 (Faint Print)
This print may be a month old.
I was looking for a new print below my bathroom window,…cuz I think the tree limb has been chewed on some more.
If this is the case, then the Bigfoot Creature was trying to hide it’s prints by stepping softly/carefully.
It did make some marks, but questionable.
Old Tracks; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Old Tracks; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
December 9, 2020 (Road Trip Sighting)
We had errands to run, and a road-trip. I am very observant, and I watched out the window at the cliffs, draws, and hill, looking for Mountain Goats, Deer, Coyotes, and Bigfoot Creatures. At mile post 193, on Hwy 84, the Highway the runs along the Columbia River, on the Oregon side, I looked up into a Draw on the south side of Highway 84 (headed eastward) at about 300 yards I saw a Big Black figure. It may have been sitting, maybe? It was behind a Big Black Rock watching the cars and trucks down on the Highway.
December 9, 2020 Bigfoot Sighting, Hwy 84 East, Oregon; drawing and photo, property of Wyman Smith.
I have heard several stories about Bigfoot Creatures watching Cars, Boats, People passing by. I am about 90% sure that what I saw was a Sasquatch.
December 9, 2020 Bigfoot Sighting, Hwy 84 East, Oregon; drawing and photo, property of Wyman Smith.
December 6, 2020 (Things That Make You Remember)
About 6 years ago, I had a problem with something turning my Chickens loose, by opening my gate at night.
I was 1000% sure that I had closed the gate, and that the gate had latched, locked shut, but morning after morning, for a week, my chickens were out, and the gate was open.
The first couple of times, I doubted myself, but after the third day, I knew that something was going on, so I put my one old game camera out there in the barnyard, (obviously, a Creature came in by the gate, and stayed against the fence. I had the camera mounted onto a tree along this fence, pointed toward the chicken gate, so it probably put its hand in front of my camera), which allowed the other Juvenile to open the chicken gate. This shows me their determination.
Sooo, I got an all white photo, with some Black fuzzy hair in the lower right corner. Well at first, I thought that the camera had malfunctioned in some way?
But after thinking about this, I began to realize that a Creature had placed it’s hand, palm side to the camera, RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA LENS, and that the Black fuzzy hair was on its wrist.
The camera had functioned correctly, perfectly. I just had to figure out what had happened, and I did, sadly I believe that this picture was on a computer that I no longer have access to?
So, I learned, that Juvenile Bigfoot Creatures play these type of Games, but I was unaware (at that time), that these silly Creatures did things like this.
This occurrence has me baffled, still today, because I am sure that this trail camera photo was on a computer that is no longer around, so it seems that I had to be aware, to remember the image on that certain computer, and that these Creatures were here, at least a year before I saw the first Red Eyeshine in December 2015, since I was already dealing with them then?
It was an emotional time for me, back then, due to personal tragedy, and I think that this had affected my memory, and distracted me from Bigfoot clues, because it is obvious that I had some type of experience with these Creatures before the incident that I had considered my first encounter..
This was the Disappearing Coyote Carcass, incident.
Some people act like these Creatures are so smart, maybe, considering that they are an Alien human animal hybrid. I say this, because their DNA is part human female, and they are obviously some type of animal/animals, (maybe from another planet, somewhere else), and/or part angelic being? Definitely a hybrid. [A part animal, part human, that has some communicative and reasoning skills, probably from the human DNA].
They kill and eat their food raw, like an animal does; like a Bear or Gorilla does.
I don’t think that these Creatures are 1/2 as intelligent as we are.
Sure, they may have some forest skills that we have lost, but they still act and live like animals.
December 5, 2020 (Bonus – Bigfoot Vocal Mimics)
I was listening to my early morning recording. I have several young Cockaroos (a male Chicken, under 1 year, after a year it’s called a Cock Rooster). These have been starting to crow.
As I listened, I could faintly hear them crowing inside the coop, while still on the roost.
I believe that there is one of these Young Cockaroos, staying in a small outside shelter, that I can hear more loudly.
As I was listening, I heard it crow, when I started to log this in my booklet, I heard it crow again, followed by a Tree Knock, then another Crow, also followed by a Tree Knock. Since Rooster’s cannot make Tree Knocks, I immediately knew that this was a Juvenile Sasquatch Creature mimicking my Roosters, which is almost always a morning occurrence.
These young Juvenile Creatures make these Crowing mimics sounds, very well,( rapidly, 5-25 @ a time) except for the wood knocks they make, plus, near the end, they also duplicate the noise of a hen chicken, being chased by a Rooster, (just once), almost every time they do the crowing.
Today they fooled me, at first, because they waited to make the first Tree Knock, until after the second Crow.
November 29, 2020 (Barking without Results)
I put my phone outside on my deck twice, because my Dog was barking.
Both times she stopped and my phone recorded nothing, so I deleted the recording.
November 28, 2020 (Tree Limbs Breaking)
There were about 11 Tree Knocks this night.
I heard some definite tree limbs breaking in the morning hours, twice.
I heard 3 knocks, like a person knocking on a door, knock knock knock. This seemed unusual to me. This was probably on the side of my house?
There were about 20 Rooster Crows, approximately five or more of these Crows had the Juvenile Bigfoot Wood Knocks with the Crowing Vocals.
November 27, 2020 (Obvious Dog Mimic)
I made a night recording. 14 minutes in all.
A Creature made a bark type noise, similar to a dog, but it was a Bigfoot. You could just tell it was.
I had my girlfriend listen to it, and she said, “That wasn’t a dog.” Then my dog barked, and she said, “THAT WAS A DOG.” I said that, “I am glad that you can tell the difference.”
It’s that obvious.
November 27, 2020 (Knocks and Vocals)
11-27-2020, (Black Friday as they call it). I started this recording about midnight, again.
The WIND was blowing too much to make a good recording. It was over 2 hours long. (I did skip about 50 minutes of the middle part). I did count 17 Tree Knocks in the first 45 minutes.
In the later part, I only heard three Tree Knocks, but I did hear some Elk vocals (including a Bull chuckle), which I have never heard here before. This was a real surprise to me.
I heard some other sounds, a gurrr (growl?) and a huff.
My dog remained quiet.
Later, I heard my Goats. I heard No Chicken sounds this morning, but it was pretty windy.
Only 20 Tree Knocks.
November 26, 2020 (“WWHOOA”)
Thanksgiving. I started this recording at midnight. My dog was barking and there were 3 Tree Knocks within the first minute.
This night had 11 Tree Knocks total, but later in the morning hours there were a lot of Rooster Crowing Mimics (I counted 82, most with Knocks).
I estimated that about 20% of these Crows, were actually my young up coming Roosters, (they are about 5-6 months old). My Rooster’s were still inside the coop.
Something VERY UNUSUAL happen during this Rooster Mimicking with Knocks, my recorder picked up a loud Bigfoot “grunt type” sound, like a “WWHOOAA” you could definitely tell that this was a Bigfoot, clearly right during the Rooster Mimics.
November 25, 2020 (Rooster Mimics)
My Dog was sick and slept all night. She didn’t bark all night.
The Juvenile Bigfoot Creatures did show up and play with my young Roosters.
There were about 25 to 30 rapid clusters of Rooster crows, (4-9, mimics) most with wood knocks.
[When these Juvenile Creatures make their Rooster Crows, they make “a wood knock” at the same time].
I did hear a Bang on metal, twas maybe a Rock, it was not real loud.
Other then these wood knocks, there were no other Tree Knocks that I had heard.
November 19, 2020 (Four Toed Track)
Here is the Four-Toed Track.
Note; there clearly is one Toe that has been damaged!
Four Toed Print from Black Creature Track; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
It sort of looks Dog, but the back end doesn’t look Dog, or Duck, or anything else?
Then, I noticed the flat green area. Looks like an Elephant stepped there? Obviously this Four Toed track was made on top of the flattened Green area?
The only thing I can come up with, is a Bigfoot had stepped here, causing the flat area, then maybe something else, like a young Juvenile stepped into it?
It looks like it has my heal print at the back end of it?
November 18, 2020 (Tracks from Dark Creature)
This is another great picture of the Black Creature track, maybe Suzie?
Black Creature Track; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Something resembling a Bigfoot Creature spotted in a trail camera photo, led me to check that spot and that is where I found this track.
Black Creature Track; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
November 17, 2020 (More Analysis on Three Toed Print)
After inspecting the three toed print, I have found what may be a fourth and maybe a fifth toe impression.
November 11, 2020 (September 18, 2018 Sighting Sketch)
Courtesy of Sybilla Irwin, I have this sketch of my September 18, 2018 sighting.
Sketchwork compliments of Sybilla Irwin.
November 6, 2020 (Trail Tips)
When hiking check either side, beside the Trail.
This serves two purposes. None of their tracks will be in the trail, and no scent for other animal to smell them.
Deer and other animals have a good sense of smell just like a dog.
I don’t think that these Creatures always do this, but when I am out there looking for tracks, I check beside the trail sometimes.
November 5, 2020 (Boogers Pestering the Dog)
This morning at 8:45 AM, my dog started barking out front of my house. The Boogers are out there pestering her. They think it’s funny. They do things like this when they get back here late, like mimicking my Roosters at 8:30 AM when they get back late.
November 5, 2020 (Bad Smell)
I was sitting in the living room, and I got this odor of really strong urine smell, yuck! It was worse then skunk. I was pretty sure what it was, a stinky Sasquatch outside. It smelled like lots of old urine. My girlfriend had just baked a Carrot cake and it smelled really good, and then this bad smell happened. This reminded me of something similar when she had made some amazing food and the aroma must have been noticed from outside. A large rock was thrown and hit the side of the house, “Bang!” As if to say, “Hey that smells good and we want some!”
November 4, 2020 (Blocked the Camera)
It is sort of what I had thought. The one Creature stood there, and blocked the camera’s view (see below), and the others running around, playing, having fun, LOL, like a bunch of kids, like we are gone or something.
November 4, 2020 (Still Out There)
My dog starts barking as soon as it gets dusk, here each night.
I made a two minute recording the other night, and only heard one Tree Knock out front.
Tonight I put my phone out after she had barked some, and I heard knocks. Total of seven knocks, then my dog stopped barking.
Next time she barked, about 50 seconds and they made two more knocks, then she stopped again.
It’s like my dog barks to them, until they knock back at her, some, then she knows that they are there, and she stops. She seems OK with them.
shuts up until later. She use to bark 1/2 the night at these Creatures, but now just enough to know that they are still out there.
November 4, 2020 (Dark Figure)
After I had discovered this photo, of the dark figure, I looked around in my pasture, behind the three cameras pointing north, and found several leaf type of prints (2-4 in a row).
November 4, 2020 (Three Toed Track)
I looked under the tree where the figures were, and I found this three toed print, there.
Three Toed Track; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Three Toed Track; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
November 4, 2020 (Nightly Routine)
My dog had been barking last night for over an hour.
November 3, 2020 (No Regrets)
Cast even if you think it won’t have good detail. The 23″X 13.5″ print that I did decide to cast, not because it was so perfect, but because it was so big and unusual.
The Bigfoot community might not agree with this, but I didn’t cast it for them, I cast it for me to have, and it turned out better, then I thought it would.
November 2, 2020 (Recording Results)
As I have mentioned before that my Dog was doing a lot of barking, right after it gets dusk/dark.
I put my phone back out on the front deck, and made a short 2 hour recording, it showed that my dog was barking, and I heard 6 knocks, fairly rapid.
November 1, 2020 (Criminal Factors)
it is Deer Season here, and we have people/ strangers with guns, trespassing on private property up here with guns, which in this state (Washington) is considered criminal trespass. The Creatures seem to be able to survive nonetheless.
October 31, 2020 (Camera Results)
It’s like these Creatures can’t see the I.R. (Infra-Red) as well, or something? I can’t say.
All that I do know, is that these new cameras are getting results.
It might be the time of year that these Creatures are more active right here, since it’s getting pretty cold at night?
Maybe there are more of them here , at this time?
October 29, 2020 (Creatures vs Trail Cameras)
I have had them put their hand in front of my old camera, years ago, and hold it there to block the camera’s sensors, while another Bigfoot walked around and did what they had intended to do.
The camera did flash, but all it showed was the flash reflecting off it’s open hand (a white glare) , AND some black hair on the wrist. I thought the camera was faulty, until I figured out what the black hair was, and what they had done, to avoid my camera. LOL, SILLY CREATURES.
Aliens may be teaching these Creatures this kind of stuff? I am not hard fast on this, but I am not ruling it out either.
October 29, 2020 (Trail Camera Images)
What do you see in these trail camera images? Taken in October 2020.
Trail Camera Footage; image property of Wyman Smith.
Now compare with this…
Black and White, Cropped, from a screen shot, trail camera image, property of Wyman Smith.
Is this a Bigfoot blocking the camera?
With Lightest Exposure; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Also, note the time of the photo, which was taken in the daytime.
Cropped, high exposure, low saturation; image, property of Wyman Smith.
Please make comments. See the “Contact Form” at the bottom of the Home Page.
October 28, 2020 (Travelling Over Fence)
Bent Fence;photo, property of Wyman Smith.
October 28, 2020 (Trail Camera as a Tool)
Having about ten trail cameras is good.
One can do many things with them, and learn many things also.
With all these camera’s, they are staying back more now. I feel much safer. It’s not full proof, but a lot better.
October 28, 2020 (Juveniles Over Fence-line)
I think that it was one of the two Juveniles, maybe?
Juvenile Track; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
I went down where I had put the camera and saw where they were crossing the fence, coming up the fence line about 30′, then crossing that fence, into the middle pasture, thus giving them passage, up to the back area were the Goats are.
It’s part of the area that I have open for them to travel thru, but I had put a camera there for about a week, and that camera was faulty, and would not take pictures at night, but I had replaced it with a new 100′ one, and bingo, I got the picture of one.
I looked for prints, and found some faint prints, signs of prints, and where they crossed, and where the camera is.
Juvenile Track; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
October 27, 2020 (Warning Barking, plus an Eyeshine Sighting)
My dog does a lot of barking EVERY NIGHT, and I often wonder if it is a warning, like, “You better not come in here or I will eat you alive, ha ha.” Or, “I will wake My Dad up and he will shoot you.”
Most of this barking is when we have the generator running and I can’t really record well, so I don’t try until after the generator stops around midnight.
I haven’t seen any eyeshine lately, until tonight. There is a forked tree, that I caught a glimpse of eyeshine in the fork of it.
It is on the edge of the camera that I have pointing down that way.
Since I have the many cameras out there, they are staying back, hidden, pretty much.
October 23, 2020 (Sound Recordings)
Still getting knocks on my recordings. See break out, below, at beginning of October.
October 22, 2020 (The Big One)
Yes, this “Big One”, I believe is the new leader, and is why I am not seeing the others as often, like I had been before, but my game camera’s may have a lot to do with this also, LOL!
I do see a glimpse of eyeshine, now and then, but not anything like I was, when these Creatures first made themselves known to us, with the loud Tree Knocks, and Chicken Mimic. After that, I was seeing them hiding behind the Trees in my pasture, every night.
This went on for many months, then the Grey One got overly bold and started making his Territorial Marker in my pasture, that I cut down and that definitely changed the whole game.
Grey One; Sketchwork compliments of Sybilla Irwin.
Sketchwork compliments of Sybilla Irwin.
They are out there, but not as before, when the Grey One acted like he was going to move in and chase me off.
My cutting down his Marker Tree, showed that I too could damage trees, it’s called a chain saw, LOL, and a Shotgun.
October 22, 2020 (Trail Camera Strategy)
Assuming that they can see the Infra-Red (IR), both day and night, I do leave an area that they can pass through.
My middle pasture, has a camera pointing southward, and another one pointing northward, but they are about 80-100′ apart, and this is where I found the track.
Before I had placed the 2 two new 100′ Primrose cameras out there, one north and one west, sort of behind 4 other cameras, (where I had found the last print, they had left for me behind, my first of the three, 100′ cameras). I covered that area with the intentional print, LOL.
BUT now I can see that with enough camera’s, I can sort of direct them (direct their path) maybe without them realizing that I am doing this.
October 21, 2020 (Track in the Pasture)
Found this in my Pasture.
Found Tracks in Pasture; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Without tracing, for comparison.
Found Tracks in Pasture; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Can you see these toes?
Toe Tracks; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
October 14, 2020 (After the Rain)
We have had some rain, so there may be some prints out there. I need to explore more.
October 14, 2020 (Barking)
All the barking that my dog is doing, has to be for a good reason.
October 14, 2020 (Trail Camera Audio)
Some Camera’s will record sounds also, but probably needs to be in video mode? Thinking, like a short five second clip, each time they are triggered.
October 11,2020 (Blocking Trail Camera)
This was the day this situation was captured by my trail camera. For more detail go to this link:
October 2020 – Trail Camera Mischief (Blocking Camera)
Possibly three Sasquatch, with Lightest Exposure; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
October 7, 2020 (Head and Shoulder)
This was the day this situation was captured by my trail camera.
Possible shoulder and head; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
October 6, 2020 (Thoughts on this Bigfoot Clan)
I think the Creature, that made this track, is the same Bigfoot that made the other leaf type track, that looks similar, both of which I found, in the immediate area behind my 100′ Primor Camera.
I also think that the same Creature may have made these two tracks, and could also be the same Bigfoot Creature that made the print, in the green grass, that I did cast back in December 11, 2019, that was (23″X13.3″) that I think it could have slid an inch or two.
I believe this because all these prints measure approximately the same length and width.
I also wonder if this smaller print could belong to the baby sized Creature, that I found when my girlfriend was with me, on the south-side of my house about eight months ago, (by my south property line). This baby Bigfoot-size print was a partial print, it was just the toes, a real small set of toes, at that. I so wish I had cast it!
We found this partial print, right next to the fence, in the moist dirt, like the little one needed to be lifted over the fence. I don’t know how fast these things may grow, or if there are two very small Creatures in the clan?
About a year ago, when I discovered that a Juvenile Sasquatch had climbed a very large high Juniper tree in my north pasture, and had CUT or CHEWED OFF, all the small limbs, that had been on the last 6′-8′ of this trees top, but only on the west side of the trees tip top smaller limbs. This creature, had to be small, and light weight, because the tip top of the tree could not support a large or heavy size of creature.
Stripped tree in pasture; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
This makes me wonder if this clan has two larger Juveniles (from Suzie as mother) andtwo smaller Juveniles, and maybe only one female, that being Suzie? Maybe Suzie is the missing one in-between the two older Juveniles and the two smaller Juveniles. One of these two smaller ones, could be her little brother, and the smallest one, may be her own first child, thus her mother could have died already?
Speculation, all Speculation, but not impossible! This might make ‘Ol One Eye, the Grandpa,
October 5, 2020 (Adult Creature Track)
While I was out there measuring the large 20″×12″ print I found this additional track, which probably is another track from this same larger Creature.
Measuring 20 by 12 inch Bigfoot tracks; property of Wyman Smith.
Measuring 20 by 12 inch Bigfoot tracks; property of Wyman Smith.
October 5, 2020 (Juvenile Track)
These print pictures are of the smaller Juvenile Bigfoot, that I found by the larger Creature (20″×12″) print.
The Juvenile track is only 12″ long.
October 5, 2020 (Track Measured)
I measured this Track, the one I have been meaning to get to.
Measuring 20 by 12 inch Bigfoot tracks; property of Wyman Smith.
October 5, 2020 (Dog Walk Strategy)
I’ve thought about taking my dog on these walks to investigate, at least she could spread her scent around out there.
October 4, 2020 (Strategy Deception with Trail Cameras)
Yes, assuming that they can see the IR, both day and night, I do leave an area that they can pass through.
What good is this to me?
Maybe I can get a picture of them, if I decide to watch this area, some night, or force flush them into a different camera.
What do you think? Feel free to share your thoughts.
October 4, 2020 (Tree Pushed to the Ground)
Yes, this fallen tree has me really curious, if I can find the tree that was pushed (?) to the ground there could be a possible castable print there?
October 4, 2020 (Tree Fall)
My girlfriend was in the kitchen, at about 7:30 PM tonight. I had fallen asleep in my chair. My dog was barking ballistic-ally, then she told me to wake up, she said that she had just heard a tree hit the ground, like it had been cut, and it slammed into the ground.
Yes, this fallen tree has me really curious, if I can find the tree that was pushed (?) to the ground, there could be a possible castable print there?
I want to measure that new big track in my pasture, tomorrow.
October 4, 2020 (Trail Camera Strategy)
I took the card out of the Camera on my front deck.
It had been there about 5 weeks, because I felt there probably wasn’t much activity out there.
I was hoping that the range of this camera, (60′-70′), would reach the road, so I could see vehicles.
Another/different camera from my pasture, had 174 pictures, 24 were of Coyotes, 2-3 of these were in the early morning hours, before daylight, and one in the evening, still light out.
I checked the times when these song dogs were coming here, if there was any pattern to their frequency?
The camera does show what time it takes the picture, … so that you can plan your strategy…. if any.
There were times when 2 or 3 would show up in one night.
October 4, 2020 (Pasture Print)
I will admit that I was really surprised to find the Big Track in my pasture, behind my 100′ camera. It’s like it was placed there for me to find it?
October 2, 2020 (Large Footprint)
I found both of these prints behind my 100′ range, Trail Cam, one much larger.
Traced Prints Behind Trail Camera; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Comparison photo – Prints Behind Trail Camera; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
October 2, 2020 (Large Footprint)
When I was in the pasture, changing out the SD cards, I found this large, print? in the leaf litter; it was about 5-10′ behind the camera. Pretty obvious!
Large print behind trail camera; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Large print behind trail camera; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
October 1, 2020 (Pinterest)
I thought you’d like this Board on Pinterest:
Here is the You Tube link for this Bigfoot footage:
Campers on Mt Hood, real BF attack:
October 2020 Sound Recordings:
Oct 1: knocks…
Oct 2: one knock, 32 rooster crow mimics with knocks (example: rrr-rrr-rrr-knock)…
Oct 20: twelve knocks…
Oct 21: three knocks…
September 25, 2020 (Bigfoot Pranksters)
I once heard a guy say, these Bigfoot Creatures are pranksters.
This seems to be part of these Creatures behavior, to hide from us, as long as they wish to, and then they will reveal themselves, like it’s all part of some big joke. Ha Ha Ha, got you!
The example is Ol’ One Eye; my dogs spotted his hairy butt up the hill, eating a deer he had just killed, and I came out with my flashlight and shined it on him.
He looked back at me twice, like, “Hey you get out of here, go away and leave me alone. Let me eat this deer/my dinner in peace.”
Then he kills another deer about 10 days later, and when my dogs spot his hairy-self up there again, barking aggressively at him, he knows that he can’t eat it in peace right there, so he picks it up and he looks at me with the dead deer held over his back, disgusted, and thinks, “Damn, this guy is a pain, every time I try to eat, well, I’ll eat it somewhere else. and, I ‘ll get back at him later.”
So then, after a few months go by, this thing throws a baseball sized rock at my house, “BANG”, at 1:30 AM. “Ha Ha, don’t you think that you can sleep with me out here harassing you?”
And again, he sent one of the younger kids up the tree, to jump onto my roof, and stomp across it, and jump off the front deck, THUMP, then the foot falls from it running off.
No, it wasn’t some darn Cougar, it was a Bigfoot, I tell you, a damn Bigfoot jumped on my roof, and stomped across it, and jumped off my deck to the ground, “Ha Ha, we got you again.” I know some don’t believe, “Get me a picture,” they say, over and over, “Get me a picture,” and a few months later, bingo, we got a picture of the Creature, Boy O Boy, were some people shocked when we showed the picture, a Real Live Bigfoot, living up here, where she had said there was not any such thing living up here now, and there never has been before either.
So then, a few days after we had made our third or fourth trip to Carson, as we were going to bed, BANG BANG, two very loud tree knocks, like they knew we were both hard of hearing, LOL.
Then a week or so later, came the Chicken mimics, from across the creek at 2:00 AM, followed with the monkey laughs. Obviously, they wanted us to know that they were here, yes, obviously they are here, no doubt, then came the dozens and dozens of eyeshine occurrences in my pasture, night after night, which are very rare now. They even hit me with infra-sound to prove it.
It all boils down to being pranksters, pulling jokes, having fun with us humans.
And yes, they still are here!
September 21, 2020 (Rock Throwing)
Yes, this was an unusual time.
The rock hit the metal, but the Giant Oak Tree, within about a minute of my getting in the garden, about 40 yards from me. Probably just to let me know, that it was watching me?
I was there about five minutes when, I saw my Goats running for the barn, scared; probably looking for protection from the dog.
My dog was already back there watching because that area seems to the the main source of her barking lately. The Goats stopped and waited by the dog, watching also, they are smart animals.
(I do have two cameras back there, pointed north, & south)
When I saw the Goats take off, I went and looked back there.
I should have stayed where I was at, and looked for what had spooked them…my error.
So after the dog was barking like she could sense something, this is when I went back to the middle of the garden and saw the Coyote looking at me. It ran off and I watched it go by my 100 foot camera, near the old green shack, across the dry creek, and up the hill back there.
I called my girlfriend, and she was going to bring a rifle part way to me, but I opted to go upstairs so I could see better. This also left the pasture without me there, thus, the Coyote was free to come back.
I looked around off the back deck, because my dog acted like the Coyote may circle my property and come up into the lot south of the barnyard, where the chickens are.
I watched north off the front deck and in about five minutes, out pops the Coyote, running into my pasture.
I did make a recording last night and got nothing. Zero knocks.
I also had made a recording the night before, and it was a pretty active night.
I got nine knocks within 50 seconds at one time, got one really loud big knock, probably the biggest I have ever heard, a Very Loud BANG!
18 Total knocks
10 Rooster crow Mimics
Rock Tapping twice, and one rock hit my gutter.
I have about a dozen recordings that I have not listened to yet.
September 20, 2020 (Recordings)
I listened to two recent recordings.
One is six minutes, the other 36 minutes.
Each have 11 tree knocks.
September 20, 2020 (Limb Chewed On)
Oh, I believe that these Creatures chew on this limb, (outside the bathroom window) to show me that they have been there, again.
Like saying, “We can watch you.”
The new foot prints are more proof.
September 20, 2020 (Up A Tree)
After looking more closely at this 2nd print, I could see more, of the impressions in the edges that I have included in the orange tracings.
I had to tip my phone from side to side to even see them, but I have had to but myself into the place of the impatient Creature that was on the ground, looking out for the Creature up in the tree or they may have taken turns watching, and each may have stood in about the same place.
Think about this. If you were up a tree, looking into someone’s window, and I was on the ground looking out if someone come along, well if I was nervous or impatient, I probably would be moving my feet somewhat? Thus, there could be more than one track, or multi edges to the same track.
If they took turns watching, both may stand in the same spot, or in totally different places, thus the other new print in the grass.
September 20, 2020 (New Foot Print)
I also found this new print, above the original prints, and about four feet to the right of the tree they been climbing.
Disturbance on the ground below the branch that was chewed on; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Yep, I was right, they been back here, looking inside again.
I have made some audio recordings, but haven’t listened to all of them yet, but I did listen to a short 6.24 minute one, and I did hear 3-5 knocks…
I exchanged two cards today, in two cameras below the barn area, that I need to look at soon. They are only a couple of weeks old, so I don’t expect to see a lot on them.
September 20, 2020 (The Climbing Tree)
I went outside to the tree, that these Creatures are climbing on the southside of my house, and I found this new print, in the same place that I had found the original prints.
Prints Below Bathroom Window photo, property of Wyman Smith.
September 20, 2020 (Limb Chewing Again)
Last week I noticed that the year old chewed on tree limb outside my bathroom window looks to have been chewed on again, or some more.
Chewed Limbs; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Chewed Limbs; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
If you zoom this, you will see the old chew marking that have turned dark/ brown.
Now, I am seeing new light-colored marks on the same limb.
September 13, 2020 (Smoke Affecting Bigfoot)
It seems to me, that the Bigfoot activity is down with this smoke.
Many people have reported that they hear Bigfoot’s raspy breathing, both in and out!
This makes me think that they, these BF have problems breathing our air here on the earth, so they are probably not all earthlings, but part alien, Created by Aliens, from our human female eggs, they steal when these Aliens abduct our women.
I think that these Creatures are in a cave somewhere, out of this smoke, right now. Trying to survive, like us, staying inside our homes.
Any ideas?
September 5 2020: Evening (Big Bushy Coyotes or Wolves)
This evening while I was watering the garden, my dog started barking. I looked in the direction that the dog was barking, and watched for a few minutes, then I saw two animals run by the fence that looked like sheep to me? Then, I saw a Deer about 20 feet in the background.
Those two animals, did not look anything like Deer, but rather big bushy Coyotes or Wolves.
So now I wonder, what was it, but I do have a couple camera’s down there, so maybe, just maybe. I have these animals on my SD card, because my new 100′ camera is down there, pointed in the right direction.
These Game Camera ‘s are pretty cool.
September 5, 2020 (Print Near Garden)
I was going down to the garden to water, and I stopped, in my driveway, at the top of the steps that go down to the garden.
I saw this, in the gravel…
Track in Gravel; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Yes, I was astonished, in disbelief because I think something else made this? Print? Like, my dog maybe.
It wasn’t me, nor my girlfriend, but what else could it be?
I would say, if you sent this pic to me, I would say that a Bigfoot come up there, (above the steps) and stopped suddenly and slid a little in the gravel because the ground slopped downhill.
I don’t know, I really don’t know because it was so close to my house. Maybe my dog made it, but it doesn’t look like a dog did it?
September 2, 2020: (Descendants of the Fallen)
My dog was barking again looking towards the dry creek .
I caught a glimpse of a bright white light thru the trees. This really surprised me…. I heard a faint growl.
Went out again and saw it, but more faintly.
There was a full moon out, I wondered if it could have caused the Creature’s eye to glow fairly.?
Then at 2:00 a.m. there was a slap on my house. My dog did not respond to this.??
I felt this was a response to me shinning my light around down there.?
I heard some other faint noises later, that made wonder.
Didn’t get much sleep.
These Creatures, are more animal like then people.
Their DNA says the female side is human. Our women are not breeding with them, unless they are descendants of the Fallen Angels of old?
Another possibility is that Aliens have taken our female eggs and created these Creatures causing their DNA to be human female. Then once they are established, they continued to breed, thus carrying on this DNA line.
Another thing that is pretty darn spookie, is knowing that these Creatures, these animalistic type people’s are coming in here looking at us sleeping, looking in the window… banging on the house.
It’s really spookie.
August 3, 2020 (Mid-day Bigfoot Activity)
I was outside about noon, feeding and watering today.
I heard a noise that took me off guard. First, I thought it was a 22 shot, but then I thought, no, that was two rocks being hit together, hard, like on the other side of the Dry Creek. Hum, close, but then I thought, if it wasn’t that, it had to be a dry limb or a dead tree, 3″- 5″ thick being snapped in half. A number of Bigfoot investigators say that these Creatures break trees, and it sounds like a gun going off.
Wow, I thought, these Creatures shouldn’t be out working in mid-day. This seems to be aggressive. Are they building blinds or something? Gee, my little 22, a Squirrel gun, is no protection at all. So before going to the garden, I grabbed my 45 long colt rifle.
Could this be why my dog has been barking 1/2 the night, for the past few weeks? Humm?
My hearing is not all that good, so for me to have heard this, it had to be pretty loud.
I know my sounds really well, even if my hearing isn’t great.
Last night, I heard an odd noise that set my dog off, several times. I heard it 3X’s.
Maybe could have been an owl.
My dog will bark at owls, because these Bigfoot Creatures will make/mimic owl sounds, so she makes a habit of barking at anything odd, now, lol.
The sound was a little bit like a car horn but different, duller. it’s hard to express.
Things can get wild up here, sometimes.
August 3, 2020 (Visitor on the Property)
My dog is still barking half the night, almost every night, AT SOMETHING??
She is barking towards the north property line, between the Dry Creek and the old shack.
I have looked down there, from my side of the fence, and cannot see anything different, but I do have a camera down there, that is about due to be checked.
July 31, 2020 (Woop)
While out watering this evening at 8:00 PM, (HIS Sabbath), I heard a distant “Woop!” I listened and heard nobody talking, so yep, it was a Bigfoot Woop!
[Most people probably would not know a Bigfoot “Woop” in the woods, from a Bird Chirp, even at night. It takes a trained ear to sometimes hear certain things. We must be alert and listening for these things, like rock tapping, or a wood knock, a whistle, or a low growl? Even a calf Elk can make a soft mew that resembles some Bird sounds.]
July 28, 2020 (Defense Light Interference)
My front light got pointed down again? Somehow….
July 28, 2020 (New Bigfoot Tracks)
As I went down to my garden to do some watering about 7 PM, I saw what looks like a Bigfoot Track in the dust. My girlfriend had been down in the garden around noon and who knows when my dog may have walked by there?
All this makes it just about impossible for this? Track? To have been made mid-day in the open like this, so I question this.
Was it a dog track, and if so, why not all of the dogs print in this dust?
This confuses me, because it looks like a perfect Toe print?
It has to be nothing but it resembles a Bigfoot Print, crazy, ehh?
Trail Cams seem to be a good Bigfoot deterrent, so I have a Camera on my front deck, another one on my back deck overlooking my Chicken Tractor’s (each has a Mother Hen, and 5-6 baby chicks in them, plus the camera overlooks the Turkey Pen.
June 28, 2020 (Oregon Bigfoot Highway)
I know of several locations where these Creatures have been spotted, in the area known as the Oregon Bigfoot Highway.
BFRO, has a sighting listed, years ago, where a boy was camping with his Grandparents, in the southern most camp ground. The boy was sleeping outside their camp trailer, and the fellow in the last camp site was out banging pans trying to scare off what he thought was an aggressive bear. The boy saw a Bigfoot silhouette from the guy’s fire light, between them.
Note: BFRO represents every state and county that makes a report..
I have spent a lot of time Fishing , Deer and Duck hunting in the area, near Crane Prairie and Wickiup Reservoir (Lapine, Oregon area), and know these areas well.
There are areas that I have been in, like on the south side of Hwy 38, near where many Bigfoot road crossings have happened, that I remember feeling spooked, and uncomfortable while Deer hunting in, so I usually didn’t hunt there very long.
I have also serviced Guzzlers for ODFW (a Guzzler, is a hidden watering device that collects rain and snow, and stores it in an underground tank, then it provides water for the wildlife out there to drink, in the summer months), without the Deer and Elk having to cross the highway, to get a drink, This is to help prevent them from going someplace else, for water and being hit by cars, in the process.
I have done this in the Chemult, Oregon area of Highway 97, south, also.
All of this area has Bigfoot encounters, but are few and far between.
June 16, 2020(Recorded Sounds)
More from the June 15 recording. Listen to it today.
Recording “a”, had 2 small rock hits on my deck, plus something running across my roof like a Raccoon.
Bang, Bang, Bang or Thump Thump…LOL
It was pretty loud.
Recording “b”, had 34 knocks, 3-4 more rock hits. Then, I heard what sounded like a Bigfoot Creature BANG LOUDLY on my wood shelter, (right beside my house, within 20′, with it’s hand, then I heard it walk away. I could hear it stepping in the gravel, as it moved away.
This wood shelter, is made with wooden poles and a metal roof.
June 15, 2020
I made an early recording at 8:15 PM, for about two hours.
I listened to it, then my dog was barking again, like old times, a few years ago….
and so then, I put my phone out there again. When I listened to it, it was CRAZY.
I will listen to it again and log the info into my note books.
June 7, 2020
Last night my Dog was doing a lot, I mean a lot of barking and howling also. Her barking, was not like before, when she was barking at the Bigfoot Creatures
She usually howls when she hears the Coyotes. She tries to howl over the top of their yips and barks, and howls. I think that she is trying to prove or say that she is bigger and badder then they are? LOL
SOOOO, I put my phone out front for 30-40 minutes. I just paused it, cuz it only had 2.30 minutes on it.
Well, sometime in the wee mornings hours, she woke us up, and I un-paused my phone, and put it’s bottom end into the window….
I heard a really strange noise, sound? Plus my Dog was barking, I can’t really say what it sounded like, maybe something between a Rooster and a Terridactial. LOL but I shouldn’t even venture a guess, except that I had heard something that sounded like this at least once before, a week or 2 ago, out front and it left me wondering that time too. I didn’t hear any wing sounds, but it somehow seems to belong to _ _ _ _?? Something flying, maybe?? U fill in the blank, because I can’t? I don’t know why I feel like the sound belongs to something that flies, maybe my mind is saying, it doesn’t seem to fit anything that walks.?
Maybe it’s some type of Owl?
I listened to it 3 or 4 times, and am still stumped.
Then it gets funny, the Juvenile Bigfoots started trying to mimic my Roosters, and seemed to be in a race or something, they were crowing so rapidly. Then when these Bigfoots stopped, well my Roosters crowed a few times before the Juveniles jumped back in with knock, crow, knock crow regular routine they usually do, then a different Juvenile started, like he was trying to learn this, and it was off tune, sounded weird funny sounding Rooster crows. LOL, LOL….
Then I heard a tree knock, not far away, and then a response from a little further away; like, Daddy said, OK boys, you’re had your fun, it’s time to go?
My Roosters seem to stop crowing when these Creatures start in. I didn’t hear the final hen noise, they usually make before leaving, this time.
I can actually say that I enjoyed hearing them this morning, in my recording, along with a few other knocks.
Never thought that I would hear myself say that.
The Juveniles were acting like the neighbor kids, playing their games.
I should get a sound recording of kids playing at school, and play it back to them some morning, they say that is really intriguing to them.
April 30, 2020
Created page called Spiritual Warning, which does include comments on Bigfoot, and more…
April 2020: update
A short overnight ten minute recording.
In the first minute I heard a Creature throw something near my dog, onto a metal roof, which, set her off. Then, in the early morning hours, I heard the little birds; which, means it was daylight.
Then there was a knock that was accompanied with some rooster crowing mimics (39 times) with knocks mixed in.
Then my dog caught on, and barked at them some, and when it would come to a stop, momentarily, BANG a loud tree knock. This happened about two or three times, but after the first time, I heard the Bigfoot talk to my Dog, not loud.
Then, this mixed up mess continued on the recording.
This is the second time that I heard these things growling or talking to my dog, and I don’t like it.
April 2020:
Here lately my dog barks really early in the evening.
We may even still be outside working in the garden when she starts barking; but, our hearing is not that good either.
I had made recordings on some of these evenings. I heard nothing.
This is unusual, but I still put my trust in my dog’d hearing, sense of smell, and her other senses, that something is going on out there that I cannot see or hear.
This has gotten to the point where I had been wondering if these Creatures (Bigfoot Creatures) were still out there hanging around at night and day.
It is way too easy to get lax with these Creatures being out there watching you, throwing rocks at your house or into my garden area, and into my Chicken pen, and driveway.
But, when we really stop and seriously think about these Creatures, these Bigfoot Monsters, out there, sneaking around in the dark, during the night, sneaking in next to my home, knocking on the wall of my house, or stealing Chicken Eggs, or going into my shop, snooping around, or climbing trees, to look into my upstairs window; this is really scary.
These are Big Hairy Scary unpredictable Monsters, and they are not only out at night; so, beware, always.
Last night, I heard my dog start barking, early, as usual here lately. Then, a few hours later, I decided to put my phone out, on record. My dog was barking some, then, I heard a faint knock, during her barking, then another knock. She stopped for a few minutes, then started barking again. Next, I definitely heard two more knocks, and again a while later, more barking and more knocks.
This was spread over a couple of hours of recorded time, but I also heard something that sounded like a big cat, do a snarl once. Later we heard a Coyote howling close by, after I was already in bed.
This was an active evening; not the norm here lately.
Sneak peak at March 2020:
Here lately, my dog barks some, NOT NEARLY AS MUCH as she did before; maybe, 1/4 the amount she use to bark, or less.
I feel the Bigfoot Creatures are still around here, but may be off visiting somewhere else some, or going to the River and eating fish more?
All I can say is that it seems like they are not here as often as before.
According to my dog. Some nights it seems like she hardly barks at all.
It seems like what I hear on Podcasts (Sasquatch Chronicles) that the Creature’s they have encountered were much more aggressive than these Creatures we have here.
I DON’T REALLY KNOW FOR SURE, what I mean is that these Creatures here have come in too close to the house, many times, like one of them going into my shop, and leaving me a gift by my shop door, which states that they have taken something out of my shop.
Gift by generator room; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Or these Creatures leaving a pile of Poo, 10′ from my shop, or the last giant sized print, that was by my fruit trees, maybe 40 feet from my back shop, then I have the two sets of leaf prints from these Creatures coming up to the south side of my house and knocking on my house, twice within a month.
Deep print just inches from my house; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Other people have these Creatures take things out of their freezer on their back porch, or feed in their barn, or looking in their windows, (well, these Creature’s have done this too, here, looking in our window) so, when I hear the things that these Creatures have done to other people or their homes; well, I guess that I have to say that they, these Bigfoot Creatures, have done pretty much the same type things like they do to them, they have also done to me comparatively.
In the Evidence section, see the new page in this site, Food Sources.
In the What To Do section in this site, see an update in our Taking Pictures page.
February 28, 2020:
I was in my pasture yesterday and found some signs of prints.
Print; photo property of Wyman Smith.
And with outline…
Print Outlined; photo property of Wyman Smith.
Another print…
Print; photo property of Wyman Smith.
Print outlined…
Print Outlined; photo property of Wyman Smith.
This print looks older.
Print; photo property of Wyman Smith.
Now with the outline…
Older Print Outlined; photo property of Wyman Smith.
Again, this print is faint, it may be a week old or more?
Next, you can easily see the left side of this print.
Print; photo property of Wyman Smith.
Now outlined…
Print Outlined; photo property of Wyman Smith.
Here is a partial print.
Partial Print; photo property of Wyman Smith.
Now with outline…
Partial Print Outlined; photo property of Wyman Smith.
Now the return of the three toed Bigfoot…
Three Toes; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Visit the Section, Teaching on Tracks, to see more about the three toed tracks…
I saw a large black Creature moving and this is the best picture of what might be Bigfoot. Look at the page called The Unknown, Mysterious Creature Images, to learn more.
Mysterious image ; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
February 21: I made an early two hour recording last evening, 6:05 – 8:10 PM.
It had about 20 tree knocks, average 10 per hour, plus a faint odd sound.
The previous two evenings there wasn’t much activity, the dog hardly barked; highly unusual.
February 19: New track, 22″ long. See it in the new section called, “Tracks Timeline (2020).”
February 17: Last night my girlfriend heard human screaming. Sounded like a man in pain.
If it wasn’t a mimic, then someone around here got really scared.
This is serious, if someone got slapped/attack/ or bluff charged.
A bluff charge could certainly cause a man to scream and cry.!
I asked my girlfriend, if it sounded like a woman, she said no; a man crying.
Who knows what could be going on up here with the other people who are living up here.
They usually doubt themselves or are afraid to say anything.
So typical.
It is said that a Cougar will scream like a woman and cry like a baby, but for this account, the tones were deeper, like a male. If you start to think about it, you start to doubt yourself.
Ol’ One Eye, does not see real good, so I do see him more often. This is because he may think he is hidden by a tree, when he is only half hidden, and have a leg sticking out and not notice it.
This makes him the Grandpa of the Clan, and Grey One is the Alpha Male.
February 15: Putting up a camera for a new strategy and saw red eyeshine. This was actually another sighting, but only a glimpse. Most sightings that people have, they don’t see much.
When I see Deer eyeshine, I know it is a Deer, even if I only see the eyeshine. Splitting hairs.
February 4: Updated Evidence page for Tracks, with photos and dialogue of an extra large track print. Similar information can be found in The Unknown section under the Mysterious Tracks page.
January 30: Last night I was out looking for tracks, and found some new and unique evidence. Will research more, and post findings soon.
January 27: Here lately, I have been wondering why my Roosters start Crowing, in the middle of the night, 3:20-3:50 AM (my Roosters are still asleep at that time).
It’s these darn pesky Bigfoot Creatures, and not my Rooster’s, at all, but once these Juvenile (?) Bigfoot get “my Roosters woke up”, then they will continue to respond to the crowing mimics, of these Sasquatch, at 4:00 AM forward into the day.
I have mentioned, why are my Roosters crowing at 3:30 AM? They shouldn’t be crowing until 6:00 AM; it’s not getting light until 7:00 AM. What’s up with this?
Also, my Roosters crow off and on all day?
Well, last night I woke up at 3:50 AM to Rooster Crows, (this has been happening a lot here lately).
I put my phone in the window on “record,” after three crows.
The lighted phones face, illuminated the window area, and the Bigfoot Creatures who were doing this, saw it. About the time the phones lighted face, turned dark again, I decided to turn off the silent key, which made my phone to light it again, and these Creature’s obviously saw it, and they stopped doing it.
Thus, I knew that it was some Bigfoot Creatures doing this, and not my Roosters.!
Now I am upset at them for doing this. They just might get a blast from my air horn, if they continue.
At 6:42 AM I turned my phone to omit the silent periods. Again, and the crowing started off crazy-like.
Mimics with tree knocks; these knocks with the crowing, is the determining factor, if it is a Bigfoot, or a Rooster.
These Bigfoot mimics are that good, but not all, because there are younger Roosters and younger Creatures trying to learn these things.
January 26: I also feel that there is possibly a smaller one, unseen so far. The reason that I speculate about this one, is one of them, (it had to be a pretty smallish Creature) that climbed to the top of this Big Juniper Tree, and ripped, chewed, or bit the small branches off the one side, (the West side) of the thin narrow stem of this tree, while it still supported the Creatures weight?
Thus it had to be a rather light weight, of a baby sized one, because the narrow top stem can’t support much weight, (maybe a 100 lbs. might be too much)? obviously, this Creature had to be strong enough, yet light enough also?
Besides this, I occasionally do hear a different new/younger sounding Rooster type of Crow, with tree knocks, (which is the deciding or differing factor, if it is a real Rooster, or a BF ?)
January 23: Today before we left, I put the rechargeable Go Pro type of Camera, out on my deck, to see what might happen, while we were away, for a few hours. Since we saw the knuckle print, only an hour or so, after we left, the other day.
January 22: I did a two hour and 20 minute recording, 6:38 PM, an early recording. I heard Coyotes twice, and only two tree knocks.
We have some new pages…
Created page in our new Category, The Unknown, and is called Mysterious Hand Impressions.
Created new page for The Gallery, called Current Events…
January 22: Then at 6: 43 AM, I made a late morning recording, only 5:06 minutes in length, (probably took close to 3 hours, real time) which had a total of 30 BFRCM (Bigfoot-Rooster-Crow-Mimics), w/k’s (Tree knock, then Crow, Tree knock, then Crow) it is note worthy that these BFRC Mimics, w/the Tree knock, they are immediately right after the other, and sometimes sound together, in unison.
It’s like one BF (Bigfoot) does the knock, while the other, doing the Crowing Mimic, tries to keep in time.
My cellphone, blocks out any silent periods, so these mimic’s seem to be in rapid order, bang, crow, bang, crow, bang, crow,
In this recording, at 3:10, the Bigfoot made three of these mimic’s, then my #2 Rooster crowed, then a few seconds later, a wierd, half broken crow was heard, twas either a really young Juvenile Bigfoot, or my youngest Rooster #3, trying to crow.
It sounds pretty raspie for a Rooster crow, but Rooster Crows are sort of raspie.
And then as usual, the Bigfoot hen chase mimic sound, every day.
January 21: Found deep prints (made by what seems to be, hands) in the snow as I got out of the truck to open the front gate. Seemed weird. Went back out later to take more photos. This will be put in The Unknown section.
The first twelve minutes of a 26:20 long recording, had 22 Tree Knocks. A few of these were questionable.
I believe at 11″26, I heard a rock thud, as it sounded as if it landed in the mud. These are the types of things, that can set my dog off, but we may not always hear them.
After this, the Bigfoot Roster Crow Mimics, started.
Most all of the Bigfoot Rooster Crowing Mimic’s had wood knocks included. There were many, 111.
January 20: Evening recording was 38:07 in length; started at 12:25 AM. There were 25 tree knocks, ten of which were faint and questionable.
There were 48 Bigfoot Rooster Crow Mimicks, plus 15-20 other Crowing sounds without wood knocks, that I believe were my own Roosters, and as before, the Mimic of a hen chicken being chased?
I also heard one Owl sound? If this is a real Owl, there are usually two, that call back and forth.
This seemed to be only one time, and sounded somewhat rough?
January 18: I did make another recording last night; not until after 2:00 AM, which I ended at 9:00 AM this morning. Plenty of activity.
My dog continued to bark at them until after 11 AM today.
January 17: I saw this on my walk the other day, when it was blowing and snowing.
Tree break; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
This long sideways break doesn’t look natural, to me.
I saw this in the back, on top, looking south.
January 16, continued…
As far as the Bigfoot Clan approaching my property during night and day, I’m not real sure that this is really all that new; because, for the past month she been barking more and more during the day.
I been thinking it’s because there have been some people up above, lately?
The daytime temps and night time temps have only varied by ten degrees lately, so probably not the reason that they have out during day more lately.
But like I stated, about a week ago, that I had tried an early recording, and got nothing but dog barking, but these Creatures can make low growls, I can’t hear, but my dog does hear it, and barks and barks.
I just made another early recording, 6:13 PM to 10:30 PM.
I got another 31 knocks, Total 35, both early recordings (early in the evening).
I think that they may be going some place else at night to feed, then return early in the morning?
I am hearing other dogs in the distance barking. This could mean distant neighbor dogs have noticed the traveling Bigfoot Creatures as they pass by.
Last night I got a glimpse of a Black leg, then when I brought my light back to the same place, I got another glimpse of (1) Red Eyeshine, up high. Ol’ One Eye…possibly.
My last sighting was January 7th. This one, on January 15th (eight days apart).
This amazes me.
January 16: It snowed most of the night again.
After I had done my short walk about, to find tracks in the snow, it seems as if the Creatures were communicating, early, like 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM then, it seems like these Creatures sort of layed low, for the evening.
I did make a late recording, starting at 1:30 AM, my dog barked like something was out there, and she was right.
Things started with 14 (BF RCM) = Bigfoot Rooster Crowing Mimics.
Then the dog barked for nine straight minutes, according to the recording, 37 Tree Knocks, within 16 of the 39 minutes, plus the 14 Bigfoot Rooster Crows.
Then it got pretty hectic after that, with Tree Knocks and Crowing Mimics, mixed around.
My count, which is probably on the shy side, had
41 Tree Knocks,
123 BF Rooster Crowing Mimics, and about four to six very faint knocks.
Towards the end, there seemed to be a younger Juvenile, that took an attempt at mimicking a Rooster Crow; twas pretty funny.
Length of the Recording was 39:31…
Like I stated previously, it snowed the whole time, not very hard though.
I have been experiencing my dog doing considerable barking, DURING THE DAY TIME.
I had made a short, early evening recording one day last week, because of the barking, that had NO KNOCKS, so I deleted it.
My dog had been barking for an hour today, so I put my phone out at 2:22 PM (mid-day).
I closed the front door, my dog started barking at 0:18 sec. and I heard 2 knocks, at 0:19, & :20, a third at 0:53, and a fourth at 1:03, that’s 4 knock within about a hour.
They are harassing all day too?!
January 15: I took a hike, and after, my Dog started barking, but she couldn’t seem put her finger/paw on exactly the area, where the sounds were coming from.
I too made that assumption that these Creatures were communicating something about my walk about.
Tonight I got a glimpse of a Black leg, then when I brought my light back to the same place, I got another glimpse of (1) Red Eyeshine, up high. Likely was the Creature known as, One Eye.
My last sighting was January 7th. This one, on January 15th (eight days apart).
This amazes me.
January 13: Then at 3:00 AM. I started a second recording because my dog started barking, off and on.
I didn’t hear any Bigfoot knocks, but how my dog , whom I am in tune with her actions, indicated, that she definitely was hearing something, less noticeable to me.
At the end of one of her barks, I heard a Bigfoot Creature, “woof” at her, faintly, only one time.
Then, at 1:11 AM into the second recording, the Bigfoot Juveniles started making Rooster Crowing Mimic’s, 15 X’s…
At 2:51 AM, they made 50, that’s right, a new record, 50X’s, till 5:05 AM.
At 6:02 AM, 14 more, plus 1 more, then 2X’s at 7:10 AM.
At 8:28 AM, 19X’s more, till 9:11 AM, then by 10:09 AM, they made 9 more, my count was 104 Rooster Crowing Mimics.
They really were trying to get my attention.
My dog only got the one bark/woof, and 3 knocks, added to the 16 knocks in the early recording, totaling 19 knocks.
I need to go look for tracks, but it 27° out, the wind is 12 mph, the chill is 17° out there, makes me think twice.
Many of my recordings seem to end, with what sounds like a hen, being chased by a Rooster, as she runs off squawking.
I have heard this same hen, (or should I say this same hen noise), about 10 times, or 10 different days.
It finally hit me. This isn’t a hen doing this; no, it is a Bigfoot, making this same hen/chicken noise, almost everyday.
It’s just another Bigfoot Chicken Mimic noise.
Rooster and then a Hen. LOL.
January 12: I recorded from 5:52 to 8:30 PM, which had a total of 16 tree knocks.
January 10: This mornings recording was only 6:05 minutes in length, which had a dozen crowing mimics, within the first minute.
There was a total of 26 mimic crows, from two different Juveniles.
(2 completely different sounding Rooster crows, seven from the softer sounding creature).
I heard no other tree knocks, on this recording that represented 4.5 hours, other than the tree knocks that those, creatures made while mimicking a Rooster.
January 9: Created page for “Frequency.” This is my message to the viewers about how rare Bigfoot Activity is, even though it seems to be frequent on and around my property. It has been placed in “Evidence: What to Look For” and also in “911 Now!” Which is the most urgent messages for the viewers, meant to be viewed first.
January 8: Created page for a 2020 Timeline Introduction.
The wind blew the Dog’s plastic dog food bowl out front.
I went to get the bowl and noticed that the darn Bigfoot Creatures, had pulled on the hog panel fencing, that I had built the gate with. I mean, this hog wire is welded 1/4″ thick wire; hard to bend.
Well, these Sasquatches, had pulled so hard on the hog wire, they bent it, pulling out the nails and the staples, so the dog could get out; but, the dog didn’t go for it, and I tied it back to the 2×4, temporarily, until I can fix it right tomorrow.
I think they wanted to get my dog out?
Damaged Fence; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
January 6: It was way too windy to make a recording this morning. That has been the case a lot lately.
January 4: On 1-4-2020, Saturday Night, I made a recording, from 8:32 PM till morning.
Was 35:14 in length….again, another active night, with 71 BF Tree Knocks, plus 53 BF Rooster Crow Mimics.
These youngsters are having their fun.
January 3: On 1-3-2020, Friday Night (HIS Sabbath) I made a recording, 8:23 p.m. till morning.
Was 31:46 in length.
Was an active night, 58 Tree Knocks and there were 51 BF Rooster Crowing Mimics.
December 29 Recap: Read this portion for context of these impressions found on January 1st, Created by the Sighting Incident on December 29th. Heavy rain kept me from checking sooner, and still I found visible prints.
I awoke to my dog barking. I opened my window, quietly, and shined my spot-lite into my north pasture. There I saw something black that moved behind a tree about 2:40 AM. I scanned the rest of the pasture and came back to the same spot, and saw it again, this time some of the upper part of the Creature, duck behind the tree.
I turned off my light, waited about three seconds and turned it on again and got a glimpse of eyeshine, this was the last that I saw.
Thus, I saw the same creature 3 times, within about 10 seconds. I felt this was note worthy.
Picture showing location of December 29th Sighting; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
January 1: Today I walked down towards the Creek, all the way to my west fence, where I had my last sighting (see initial comment above), and back beyond it, looking for prints.
I did find some impressions (spots/locations) in the grass.
Impression by the Creek; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Even without tracing, you can see an impression, if you look closely.
Impression by the Creek; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Now another…
Impression by the Creek; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Now the same, with tracing.
Impression by the Creek; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Nothing was cast-worthy.