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“Pictures, previous to 2020”

2018 Bigfoot Sighting; sketch-work compliments of Sybilla Irwin.
I have included this sketch, of one of my several Bigfoot Sightings in 2018, This sketch was done the Bigfoot Professional Artist, Sybilla Irwin.
“Many thanks to you Mis Sybilla Irwin,” Wyman Smith.

Dark Sasquatch, trail cam; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Suzie; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Bigfoot Head; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Possible shoulder and head; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Three Sasquatch figures; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Close-up of view from Highway on December 9, 2020 of Bigfoot Sighting, Hwy 84 East, Oregon; drawing and photo, property of Wyman Smith.

View from Highway on December 9, 2020 of Bigfoot Sighting, Hwy 84 East, Oregon; drawing and photo, property of Wyman Smith.
WHAT’S NEW for 2021:
In 2020, I bought a few more Trail Camera’s.
Before this, I had only one Trail Cam with a 50′ sensor Range. It is about eight years old now, and still works fine.
Seriously, I could walk in front of this Camera, 60′ away and it would do nothing, but if something within the camera’s 50′ sensor range, (a Bird, a leaf, a Squirrel, a Coyote) it will take a picture.
I have a neighbor, whom I have shared some of the things that I have experienced, here at night, (Tree Knocks, Chicken or Coyote or Owl Mimics, etc.).
Yes, they believed that Bigfoots are real, but did not believe that these Creatures, were anywhere near this area; sooo, they doubted everything that I shared with them. They kept telling me, get a picture, get a picture. This would be next to impossible.
Do you have any idea how impossible this would be? How was I supposed to do something like this?
These Bigfooted Creatures are the most illusive creatures on the Earth, sooo, I felt/I knew that this was not even a possibility.
Well, somehow, a few months later (?) by the Grace of GOD, this actually happened? I wondered, was this the LORD GOD, showing these people that I am not a story teller, or a liar?
Something (??) had caused this Camera to trigger, and when it did, in the background, (like 125 yards away), there was a Big Black Bigfoot Creature, and this was at mid-day, around noon-ish.
We were astonished. What are the chances of this very limited Trail Camera getting a picture of something as illusive as a Bigfoot, mid day? Well, it is next to impossible, but with GOD ALMIGHTY, all things are possible. How else could this have happened?
These Bigfooted Creatures can, and do make mistakes, and they do get seen, occasionally, by other people.
Today, almost everyone has a Cell-phone, with a camera in it, but even so, these people also make mistakes and forget to take a picture, in the heat of the moment.
This is where a Trail Camera, or a GO PRO type of camera comes in handy. These cameras do not have emotions, and they don’t forget to take the picture either.
Towards the end of 2020, I had put out two new 100′ camera’s, and both of these camera’s caught pictures of these Bigfoot type of Creatures, within weeks. Both of these Creature’s were very close to the cameras, also. The pictures were taken two days apart, and it only took three years, to get them. In this same amount of time, I have had 12 glimpses/sightings, of these Creatures, 6 of them, I saw clearly, with a good strong spotlight, from seven seconds, up to seven minutes or more.
SKEPTICS, Nay Sayers:
Some people are quick to criticize the hard earned efforts of those, with less then perfect Bigfoot pictures.
Considering the fact that these Creatures are the most illusive Creatures in the world, it is important to remember this fact, when viewing Bigfoot pictures, belonging to others. I definitely consider this fact, when I view pictures, others have taken. So, unless you have taken your own perfect pictures of these Bigfoot Creatures, don’t be quick to criticize what others have (that may be less then perfect).
Oh, yes, if by chance, you do not have any of your own Bigfoot pictures, that you have taken, of a Bigfoot Creatures, then you have not earned the right, to be critical, of others, pictures.
As a rule, Skeptics who are quick to criticize the pictures you may have, usually have NOTHING, zip, no pictures, of their own, yet they will criticize your pictures.
To these people, I say, don’t come to the circle to play marbles, unless you have some marbles of your own, to play with.
Go out there in the Forest and find one of these illusive Bigfooted Creatures, and see just how easy it is, and by the way, be sure that your pictures are perfect,