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“If there is no new entry, it is because it may have been too windy to record, or I may have gone to bed without making a recording. This does not mean that my Dog wasn’t barking, she probably was.”
December 26, 2021 (Audio Update)
Length 32:19 minutes,
About 3-4, hours real time.
41 Tree Knocks
9 Questionable sounds.
Heard the Coyotes 2 X’s
Length,(3.5 hours real time)
Recorded length 22:01 minutes
My Dog was Barking excessively, sooo, I put my phone out on my deck at 5:45 p.m. till 9:20 p.m.
I heard 84 Tree Knocks
Rock Tapping twice,
10 Questionable Sounds
I guess they have not left.
You would think there would be lots of tracks, but none…
I’m due to check some Cameras… (?)
December 23, 2021 (Audio Update)
12-21a-21,…started at 5:33 p.m….about 2-3 hours.
length 20:13
50 knocks
17 questionable knock’s
12-21b-21:started at 10:40 p.m.
length, 22:02
42 knocks
5 clicks (Rock Tapping)?
??? questionably
Total 92 knocks
November 28, 2021 (Audio Update)
11-28-21, HIS Sabbath day, 20:30 minutes long.
Started this recording at 3:04 a.m. – very late morning.
9 very late morning Tree Knocks
I try my recordings at different times of the night.
November 26, 2021 (Audio Update)
Night recording
11-26-21 – 18:38 minutes long, (started at 12:53 p.m.).
7 Tree knocks
1 rock hit the house, about day break?
Heard Coyotes twice.
Heard 7 Jet Airliners, too many.
November 23, 2021 (Audio Update)
On 11-23-21 – 15:35 minutes long, (started at 2:25 a.m. – 7:00 a.m)
3 Tree knocks between
November 5, 2021 (Audio Update)
11-05-21 – 48:57 minutes long (started at 11:27 p.m.)
15 Rooster Crow’s
14 Tree Knocks
Too many loud Jet Airliners
September 20, 2021 (Evidence Without Knocks)
This was a slightly more then normal night; the Recording was 25:13 recorded minutes in length.
My Dog probably barked close to 1/2 the night.
There were a Total of:
37 Tree Knocks
27 Rooster Crows,
(probably mostly my Rooster).
Many People who have these Creatures around, may not hear hardly any Tree knocks.
A friend says they have never heard a Tree knock, back there, yet they have seen Tracks, and Structures, and Creatures.
September 19, 2019 (Audio Update)
On 9-18-21..
7 minutes,
0 knocks
On 9-19a&b -21 an early recording @7:50 p.m. (13:35 long)
with 9 knocks
a later one @ 11:15 p.m ff
47:31 long
1 thump?
58 knocks
4 Rock, (2 smaller ones)
I left my phone outside, all night.
September 19, 2019 (Audio Update)
11:33 p.m.
36:09 length@ 8 minute there 31 knocks, a total of 68 knocks
68 Rooster crowing mimics w/knocks.
On 9-17-21
Length 26:31
42 total knocks,
16 R Crows w/5 k’s
September 19, 2019 (Energy)
I STILL HAVE 4 SD cards to view yet…
One that I have viewed, has several night photo’s where the entire screen is white, and it’s on a camera that I have hidden, it is possible to see a little something on a couple of the photo’s but about 6-8, nothing, all white.
It might be a deer or something like that?
Had one comment that there seems to be a lot of energy there?
September 19, 2021 (Loud Bang)
Oh about last night, 9-17-21,
There were 42 Tree Knocks, which is amazing in it’s self.
There were only about 16 Rooster Crows, some with knocks, most w/o.
No rocks,..
But, we have both have heard several loud bangs on the house, or the roof, that we can not figure out. I mean LOUD BANGS.
September 19, 2021
I know that I have the nights (2 days off).
I usually keep them one day off, because they start in the evening one day, and end in the morning the next.
Last night, my dog started barking, early which would be about 9:00 p.m., but now, it starts getting darkish, about 6:30 p.m., (is when my dog starts barking)and by 7:00 PM it’s dark… I am sure that she is getting knocks, about that time, but with the generator running, I don’t put my phone outside, UNLESS SHE IS REALLY BARKING A LOT.
Otherwise I may be using my phone.
Last night, or should I say, at 5:00 a.m. this morning, my dog started howling northward, I was awake, and I howled with her, for the fun of it, she just looked at me and wagged her tail, and howled some more,…. and then, Knock . there was a Bigfoot standing in my pasture, down there, somewhere, (he surly heard me) and could not resist the temptation to join in, with a Knock.!
I mean, it was right out there. The reality of their presence is sometimes shocking to me; why, because I was just down there, changing SD Cards, the day before.
I have another Trail Camera Photo of something, (maybe a Deer) in the picture, with a definite Orb Trail, in the picture… I am sure that there is a Port hole, down there, somewhere clos.! This is another, wide whitish line, in the photograph? Like the one that goes all the way across the picture, but this one comes downward.
I saw the Orb, in 2 other pictures…
Thanks to a friend, I now know what a portal port hole looks like.
Not many people have seen what he has but mine is on a little smaller scale, but on a different camera, at a different location, I think that I also got a picture of the Bigfoot Apparition also.
What is strange about this, is that the camera was moved, 4-5 times, but if it had not been moved, I wouldn’t have caught the Apparition.? Interesting.
September 18, 2021 (9/13 Audio)
This was a slightly more then normal night;
The Recording was 25:13 recorded minutes in length.
My Dog probably barked close to 1/2 the night.
There were a Total of ;
37 Tree Knocks
27 Rooster Crows,
(probably mostly my Rooster).
Many People who have these Creatures around, may not hear hardly any Tree knocks.
September 18, 2021 (9/14 Audio)
I listened to Tuesday Night’s Recording: today.
I heard 34 Tree Knocks within the first 6:00 minutes, that’s a bunch.
There were approximately:
76 Tree Knocks total,
(in the 24 minute recording that I started at 1:50 a.m.)
Twas 1 Rock hit the house.
About 23 Rooster Crow Mimic’s, [some were possibly my own Rooster]?(as always possible)?
My concern was the past two night’s, my Dog did an excessive amount of Barking.
These 76 Tree knocks on 9-14-21, along with the 68 Tree knocks, the following night, 9-15-21, is a lot of Bigfoot Activity, (144 knocks in 2 nights).
September 17, 2021 (Unusual Audio)
Twas crazy.
Dog barked pretty much all night long.
I heard 68 Tree Knocks, and approx 68 BF Rooster crowing mimics.
Plus a Howl that lasted 22 seconds long. I was not the only one to hear this, too long for a Normal Coyote, and afterwards there was a odd sound short type of sound 7 -9 times, maybe some type of owl? Maybe?
My Dog kept barking at the sound, like it come from a Bigfoot, maybe; it was weird, 5-10 seconds apart?
Then the BF Rooster Crowing Mimics started of, with KNOCKS, 34 of then in a row, rapidly! Then, they got spuratic, short tiny parts of a crow, just a fraction of one, off and on; then, 1-3, or maybe 4, then little parts. All mixed up.
September 12, 2021 (Audio – Pretty Wild)
We listened to the Night recording that I made earlier, last night, and this morning, . There twas a lot of activity, pretty wild.
I will need to listen to it, again.
We listened to it on the car radio, on the way our road trip today. We were pretty well shocked.
I have a Recording, for the night before, it had 10 knocks, only 7.5 minutes long.
September 5, 2021 (Lights Again)
I can’t believe how often they may be doing this to my front light.

Moved the light again; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
September 4, 2021 (Wildfire Consequences & Concerns)
W A R N I N G – A L E R T
Anyone living within 2-20 miles of any of these more Recent Wildfires, but not only the More Recent fires, but those months old also.
“Please Beware”
Even if you Hunt or Fish or Go Camping or Hiking in or near these areas.
There are many Displaced:
Deer & Elk, also…
Carry Bear Spray, or a weapon that is sufficient to protect yourself, especially after dark.
Don’t go out alone.
Please Realize that these animals, are displaced and Probably Stressed. They may be dangerous, so please stay away, as far as possible.
Wyman Smith of,
911 Bigfoot help .com
September 2, 2021 (Taking Notes of the Audio)
I, occasionally will take a picture (of the notes page I create as I listen to the overnight audio) so you can see what it is like.
This Morning, I only recorded 4 Tree knocks, but were there some, before I turned on my phone? Obviously!
Do I feel stupid, for calling my dog? Obviously.
She is out there, 24/7, she knows, and I don’t. Sad face : ((
August 26, 2021 (Mysterious Fingers)
(Potential Mystery Fingers Caught by Trail Camera on porch.)
Yes, I can see the fingernails on these long fingers.
Some have tried to find something else that it could be, like my girlfriends fingers?
There is a flowerpot hanging down from up there, she thinks that they may be her fingers; but, I told her that they are way too long?
It’s possible that the top one, could possibly be the bottom of the flowerpot?
But the other three are not, but these all seem too shinny to be of a Sasquatch, and too long to be human?
August 24, 2021 (Front Porch Incident)
August 23, 2021 (That Time of Year)
We are coming into the time of year, when these Creatures are more active.
It’s getting close to the time of year when I had the sighting of Gray One.
August 23, 2021 (Gravel Incident Recap)
It’s interesting how I heard the walking in the gravel, then I find a partial print of the toes!
I have heard these gravel sounds, several times, over the past couple of years.
I have even heard them without using my phone. I have even gotten out of bed and looked out my window, but saw nothing.
Last night my dog was barking at something that had her really scared.
It was cold here, down to 50°. I was ready for bed, when I looked out my bedroom window and saw my dog, standing back, like 50-60 feet from her usual spot that she normally stands and barks from, but NO WAY, SHE WAS ACTUALLY STAYING BACK, BARKING AT THAT AREA!! Smart Dog!!
I took my strongest light and I immediately went out on the back deck, so I could see better.
I looked and looked, but saw nothing, my Goats were on full alert, also, (I am 100% sure that there was a Bigfoot or a Cougar, or maybe a Bear out behind the big shed that was blocking my view but it was 1:30 a.m. and pretty cold out there, and I had nothing on.
I was cold, so I went back inside and got in bed.
This was pretty unusual for my dog to be this scared, she is smart to be this cautious, but it does happen. Yes, this, has happened before (in fact, where my dog was standing and barking, is within 10′ of where I had cast the 2nd largest print that was 23″X13.5″). She is a smart dog she knows when to stay back.
But, I just put new batteries and a new SD card, in the Camera, that I have back there, plus I have another 2nd camera near there also, pointing different directions I need to go get the SD cards.
These Creatures do walk all around here. They know how to avoid the Camera’s, but they do make mistakes, and sometimes?
I tried to explain where I had found this new partial toe print, and she looked shocked because it is so close to the house, like 7 or 8 feet from the corner of my shop, which means that the Creature had come in from the south, walked past my solar panels, along beside my house, about 8-9′ out from it, and left the Toe Print, as it turned the corner.
My Camera on the back deck, has been there a long time, and its batteries are probably dead. my fault.
August 23, 2021 (Mischievous)
I went thru 1600 photos from the Deck Camera, a Wildgame Innovations, camera.
During the time this camera was out there, I think, a Creature got on the deck, and unscrewed the light bulb out there?
I got some Bigfoot looking stuff, (which I have never had out there before) and some totally strange stuff, (totally unknown).
This is weird.
We usually don’t come in from above. So, it was not us.
I think both of these photos, may be Bigfoot’s, which is very concerning to me.
When I realized that the front deck light bulb had been unscrewed, this was very concerning to me, scary.
I have never thought, that they might do something like that, so when it got really-really hot here, this July, and we left the front door OPEN ALL NIGHT, but locked the flimsy screen door, I didn’t feel very safe night after night, with the door open.
I remembered that Sybilla Irwin had a footprint on a rug, inside the house, with the doors locked… she shared that they might be able to shape shift?
August 22, 2021 (Next Day Recon)
There was a lot of activity here last night.
It was a little windy, but I put my phone outside, anyway.
I have not listened to it yet.
But, I was out feeding, and on my way back to the house, I found this Partial Print, about 8′ from my house. I was shocked.

Possible Juvenile Track; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
I took two pictures of it. This is a good find, especially as hard as the dirt is here.

Possible Juvenile Track; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
August 21, 2021 (Audio Recording)
There was lots of activity, earlier tonight, 8-21.
The recording was 48:51minutes in length. There was way too much wind.
My dog was barking in back and in front.
At 1:00 minute into this recording my dog sounded like she was barking at something walking in the driveway.
I could hear the sound of the walking in the recording, and in her voice tones.
I heard no Bigfoot growls or woofs at her…
At 14:47 & :49, she was barking in back. I am pretty sure that I heard 2 Tree Knocks,
the only 2 of the night.
There were several Ticks hit the house, off and on.
On bang on metal, most likely the wind..
I dismissed them as acorns, due to the wind.
The wind was 10 – 22 mph all night.
The night before, 8-20-21,
I deleted, due to wind and snoring.
I couldn’t hear much.
August 20, 2021 (More)
I went into my pasture yesterday, and moved my newest Camera, it also had been pointed downward.
Then, I changed the batteries in it and pointed it different way.
(August 19, 2021 (Print Below))
I looked on the ground, near the light, where a Creature would possibly step, in order to reach up and take hold of my motion sensor light.
I did find one, on the ground, in the grass.

Light trickster, foot track; property of Wyman Smith.
I didn’t have much for comparison, so I used my foot/my shoe, and I stepped over next to it, and almost stepped into the print. LOL
August 19, 2021 (Downward – Again)
Twas dark when we got back home from errands. The Motion Light at the Front Gate
was pointed downward, again.
This always makes me wonder, was this the Wind? or was it a Juvenile?
Well, sense we were not home when the sun went down, and I had no Trail Camera’s out there, due to the hot weather, it was a great opportunity for them to mess with the light.
Since the light was pointing downward, it was considered that, “It looks like the wind blew the light down,” meaning from a straight-forward position towards the Gate, to a pointed downward position.
I laughed, and said, “No, it was probably the Boogers.”
Shared on August 14, 2021 (Barnyard Track)

August 4, 2021, Barnyard foot track; property of Wyman Smith.
I found this print in my Barnyard.
It’s a pretty good one.

August 4, 2021, Barnyard foot track; property of Wyman Smith.
August 10, 2021 (More Proof)
This evening, I was down, feeding & watering my critters, doing my chores, after suffering through another hot day, in the 90’s.
I asked for my bag of Sd cards to be thrown down to me from the back deck that had been on my table. I said please and thank you. It was already starting to get dusk.
I so wished that I had my head light too, but no, I was going this way, without.
I only had a .40 caliber handgun on my right hip, no lights, and my cellphone, so I went for it, this way.
I changed out four of the SD cards, in some of my Trail Camera’s, way down in the pasture.
I stopped to rest a minute when I was changing the SD card, in this last Camera. It’s one of my favorite Trail Camera’s, down there.
As I looked up, I saw a broken limb above me, probably 10 feet or more high, in an Oak Tree, “An easy reach for an adult Male Bigfoot,” I thought. It, the broken limb was probably a “marker” to other Creatures, that my camera was down below here, I again thought, so I moved this camera, about 25′ away, back to where it was before, when it caught a Bigfoot, crossing my fence, eight months earlier.
It was getting dark, it was 9:00 p.m., when I come climbing up the bank of my pasture. It gets spooky down there, alone, especially after dark.
There are so many places down here, where these Sasquatches have been.
I have only to look around down there, to see broken limbs up in trees they have broken, places where they have hidden behind trees, placed where they have walked along my fence. I have even cast a 21″ footprint (in plaster) right there also (I do have pictures of them, down there, caught by one of my Trail Camera’s), so I am not making this shit up….
My dog is back there barking, almost every night.
I did make it back to my house, Safely, PTL.
Now, to see what’s on these SD Cards.
Yes, more 911 Gold…
This is their area. It’s my property, but they go all over it, after it’s dark out.
I stopped to rest, leaning against a small tree. I remembered this small tree, it had a small branch, only about 1/4″ thick, and 12″ long, hanging down
August 10, 2021 (Proof Still Here)
I did make a short five-minute recording this morning at 4:30 a.m.
I did get four separate Rooster Crowing mimics, each w/tree knocks, within the first 2nd minutes, then at minute 4, I got 2 more, (it could have been from two to 30 minutes between these last two knocks?) for a total of six.
None were at my dog. It was just Juveniles playing Rooster.
This tells me that they are still around.
August 3, 2021 (Many Topics – M.K. Davis)
I have heard it stated by M.K. Davis, that the Bigfoots over by Walla Walla are the dangerous type? (Why, I ask? Are they closer to the Wilderness of Idaho, Montana, maybe??)
[Comparing the location of (Bluff Creek), (The Hoopa Tribe) where Patty was filmed, in North-West California, (aprox, 490 miles, from me), to that of Walla Walla, (aprox, 140 miles, from me,) in South-Eastern Washington, (another 30 miles, to the Blue Mountains) where the Freeman footage was filmed, to my location, (170miles) I am much closer (3 X’s).
You may notice that in the Freeman footage, that Mr. Freeman, speaks to the camera, (so the people viewing his footage, will know to look, or whatever).
M.K. Davis thinks/states that, Mr. Freeman speaking out loud to the camera, may have made these more dangerous types of Bigfoots Creatures, think that there were more people there, then just him alone, thus preventing them from attacking him.
This may have been, what saved him, (what saved his ass), from being killed by these Creatures? “This is all Speculation”
Also, M.K. Davis, believes that the Patty Types look more human-like, WHY? Because he thinks that they have cross breed with human women, (including Indian women also) which they have stolen over time.
This must be a theory, that has come out of this.? There seems to be an assumption that this cross breeding, by these Creatures, may cause these Creatures to look more like us, and to have become less aggressive toward us humans, why, well, it may be because they are more like us, now, themselves.?
Is this any different than our women who have been abducted by Aliens, into UFO’s space crafts, subdued and used as breeding machines, by these evil, wicked, ungodly ones.
All I can say is that these Suburbanite Sasquatches here, that are living amongst us humans, seem only slightly less aggressive.
I have not been very aggressive back towards these Creatures, but yet then I do attempt to keep them back, when they have been too aggressive towards us, I will kick back at them.
I have cut down their Marker trees, as soon as I discover them, in my pasture, I have shot a 20 gauge load of birdshot at my front metal gate once, to scare them back, I have blown a loud horn at them a few times, when I felt they were being too aggressive, yet they have still came in and looked into my upstairs bathroom window, yet they have entered into my shop, and they frequently enter my barnyard, and they do break big (4″ size) branches in the trees near my house.?
I wish that I knew what these broken tree limbs actually mean good or bad?
July 26 (Weird Night)
This was a puzzling night.
7-25-21, I put my phone out at 11:30 p.m. when my dog started barking, within 41 sec, and barked over 5 minutes straight.
The recording was 15:04 in length.
I heard a thump like a piece of wood, or dirt clod hitting the deck roof, at the 1:32, and 2:43. minute mark?
I heard one knock, at the 4:13 minute mark.
Also, at 6:24, everything went quiet?
Then a rock I think, hit the deck roof again and rolled a few times?
7:01, my dog barked, and I heard a loud thump.
Then the Tweetie Birds woke up, 7:29 my Rooster Crowed, again at 7:49.
At 8:04, something fell out of the tree by the deck, a stick or a limb?
At 9:13, I heard one BOINK SOUND? Like a Rock against a metal pipe?
10:31, a tick like a small Rock. Then the wind started up.
At 11:52, I heard 4 more BOINK, BOINK, BOINK, BOINK, again
12:48, my Rooster Crowed, 13:44, my dog started again, in back, then in front, then I heard a faint Growl? While my dog was barking.
There was 1 Tree Knock…
5 BOINK type knocks, on metal pipe…
4 rocks…
1 growl…
It seemed like a weird night.
The night before was quiet. 1:27 minutes long, nothing to report.
July 25, 2021 (Activity)
Things here went from white to black, meaning that the Creatures were here on Friday night, and, well, they were flat out gone, last night!
Another, Beautiful, full Moon night, totally quiet.
It reminded me of when we first moved here, it was so quiet up here, back then. The only thing we heard back then were the Coyotes.
(Bigfoot Tracks)
Most of the B.F. Tracks, that I have spotted around here lately are actually in my Goat pen, and there have been a few.
I really goofed up when I did not cast that really good one, which I will include, below.

Footprint; property of Wyman Smith.
This print was totally castable.

Footprint, with comparison of knife, property of Wyman Smith.
July 25, 2021 (Quiet Night)
Why does last night seems so important to me?
Well, it was/is that things seem to have been off, some here of late, like they (Bigfoot Creatures/the local Clan) have been gone or not so interested about being here, very much, to me.
Sure, it really has seemed that, I’ve had some empty nights, here, now and then, and in this drought, all things seem to be slow or less.
But, not so much last night.
My dog was barking more, and as the night went on, well, my dog kept on and on too, as did the tree knocks, went on and on.
It seems like they are back in force, almost like before.
July 25, 2021 (Bigfoot Shows)
Last night, I saw some really good Bigfoot shows on the History Channel; this one, was in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. It stated that they were 400 miles long.
The other show, was in the Bluff Creek area, about Patty. They were trying to establish that IT WAS NOT a man in a suite.
They also stated that back in 1967, we DID NOT HAVE the squatchy type of materials required, to make a suite that would look this real.
The guy tried to get to the exact spot where Rodger Patterson took the film from. BOBO, from Finding Bigfoot, had gone back into the same spot with Bob Gimlin, and Bob had shown him, exactly where, it had all taken place.
We/people, can learn a lot of things about these Bigfoot’s, from the TV as well as “In the Field”, and from those very-very rare people who happen some sort of rare habitat connection with these Creatures.
Sybilla Irwin, who had an opportunity to go live on a piece of property, where these Creatures frequented, was able to take advantage of the opportunity, for five years, wow, what an experience.
July 24, 2021 (Screeching Mimics)
I heard my Dog Barking last evening, off and on. I went out twice to look around, at least two
times, and saw nothing, but this doesn’t mean much to me.
We went to be about midnight, at 1:00 p.m. I put my phone in the window, because my dogs barking had woken me up.
I lay there listening, for 10-20 minutes, and thought that I had heard two tree knocks, then a 3rd, over the noise of the generator, that was still running.
If I adjust my phone, a certain way, I can sometimes get it to not record the generator, only my dogs barking.
I got it to work.
I knew that the generator would quit soon, and it did, about four minutes into the recording.
I had heard 10 tree knocks by the time the generator stopped.
Later, when I listened to the recording, I could hear knocks, happening, while I was adjusting the phone.
My dog was Barking, almost like she use to before, there was a total of 19 Tree knocks, then the Coyotes howled, they seemed a little too screechy to me, a little too much like Bigfoots Mimicking them, but I could be wrong about this.
Then my Rooster Crowed a few times, but then the Juvenile Bigfoots started making their crows, with 22 more knocks, which added, into the crowing.
So, 19 Tree knocks, with 22 more knocks included make 41 knocks total.
It’s funny that my dog doesn’t bark at these Juveniles while they do this; she might rarely.
(Bigfoot Documentary – People of Harassment)
I watched a TV documentary on The History channel, I think it was, something about the people living in the area around Northern California and the Sierra Nevada Mountains along the border of the two states, where the people these days are beginning to now realize that there is another race of people living out there in these mountains called Sasquatch’s.
It was interesting how they opened up about this.
They showed a clip where a hunter had stopped to rest, before returning back to his camp.
When he started to get up, he first picked up his gun, then he saw dark figure of something moving in the trees nearby, then it hid, then he saw two more, to his left, a family unit, I think they stated, that these people/Creatures are living out there.
Now, if they are a people, if so, they are thieves and trespassers law breakers, that raid people’s camps, and harass them.
Leave them alone, THEY WON’T LEAVE YOU ALONE. They are dangerous, too.
July 21, 2021 (Audio)
Recording 17.22, in length.
24 knocks total.
9 were responding to my dog.
15 were with Rooster Crow mimics, with knocks.
There were a total of 30 Rooster Crow Mimics, maybe a few more?
July 19, 2021 (Whistle)
Things were happening around here last night?
My dog was acting UPSET, BARKING in different areas, a lot more than normal.
I went out onto the front deck about 3-4 times, and listened.
I also went out on my back deck and shined my light out there. The dog went back there also, a few times.
Each time that I did this, she would usually shut up, but not always.
So, at 10:00 p.m. I put my phone out there, until 12:30 a.m. when we went to bed.
The recording was 12:38 minutes in length.
When I listened to the recording, and heard coyotes “yepping” in the distance, mostly.
Then about 9:40 a.m. I hear what I first thought was a Coyote, close by, but then after listening to it, I questioned if it wasn’t a Bigfoot whistling, two times.
It was a straight whistle sound, without any “yeps” or other dog sounds…
I heard no knocks or other sounds.
Click here for more on Bigfoot Sounds…
July 15, 2021 (Look Up)
Once I noticed this tree break, by looking back to my right…
We stopped there, on the way back. This is when I got out of the car and walked over by the fence, and took the picture from the north.

Tree Break, unseen unless you look up; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Unless you actually see this break, from the north, it is almost impossible to see, but this is how these Creatures hide their markers, in plain sight, and those people who are not aware of this, just don’t see them.

Tree Break, unseen unless you look up; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Even someone as aware as I am, can miss them.
These Bigfoot Tree Breaks are plentiful, thus they go unnoticed, by people.
I do see Tree Bends, Tree Breaks, Tree Leans, among other signs, which skeptics walk right past, and never notice, on T V shows.
Take this tree break for instance. We have driven past it, probably for the past 3 years, without really noticing the hidden tree break within it, maybe not paying, close enough attention to it, because, it is so hard to recognize from the road, but not so difficult for a Bigfoot to see from the North, (the direction the trail is), so other Bigfoots will see, but most people won’t see.
I find that this is how these Bigfoot Creature’s seem to do things.
But these know what to be looking for, and, well, people just don’t know.
July 7, 2021 (Blue Eyes – Sighting)
So, you do remember the K mart Blue Light sales?
Yes, I have considered the Bright Blue Eyeshine, being Suzie, maybe crawling on the ground, low; there is the possibility that it could her child, if a little girl too?
I also thought it was an Alien also!
What was so strange/odd, was that it happened so fast; and, it was like the blue seemed to go from being like one inch round and shrunk down to 1/8″.
That is something that I have never seen happen before, EVER?
Yes, it was almost mechanical acting.
When I see a glimpse of eyeshine in my pasture, they would usually duck back behind the tree, quickly, or they just close their eyes or turn their head.
This wasn’t like a couple of weeks before when I saw Suzie’s Green eyeshine three times. Her eye never blinked (I only saw one eye) it/she just slowly looked out from behind the tree, and then back in again, each time slowly.
I found that to be interesting, but Suzie does do things differently than the boys do.
July 7, 2021 (Juvenile Behavior)
“Possible Behavior of Juvenile Sasquatches”
The Male Juveniles are known for messing with Trail Cameras, stealing farm animals, getting into things, and doing all sorts of crazy things like messing with my front light, or throwing a plastic lawn chair, 30′-40′ over a gate, into the barnyard, for no apparent reason, other than to say, “Yes, I am out here, but you can’t see me, ha ha.”
They are funny Creatures, but in some ways not all that different then our teenage boys/girls can be at times; full of Mischief!
It’s funny how they hide from us, 99% of the time, that is, then they will do these funny tricks, and then they want credit for doing it, by telling on themselves, but they aren’t supposed to be out there. Ha ha, that’s all part of the big Joke.
They are sort of like an oxymoron.! LOL
But Please Beware, don’t be fooled, because these Creatures can be very dangerous. Just because these Creatures may have some human looking characteristic, they still are wild animals. On occasion, they do kill and eat people.
Hundreds of people go missing every year.
These Sasquatches do have big feet, thus the term Bigfoot, but they are also referred as Boogers, yes, they are the Boogieman.
They mostly are black, or brownish, gray, or gray-brown mixed, some are even white, and they usually travel in pairs, two or three, but there are Rogue’s out there too, but Sasquatches are not the only cryptic Creature out there!
Dogman, Aliens, Rakes, there seems to be all sorts of things out there, during these times.
July 6, 2021 (Barnyard Print)
(Also, seen above.)

Potential Bigfoot Track; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
I should have cast it.
July 4, 2021 (Bark)
Back to Juniper Bark, and it’s many uses.
I have heard that the Indians would braid it into rope, before.
It seems, that these Creatures are smart enough to use things like this for other things, or just about anything.
Besides them eating it.
July 4, 2021 (Kryder)
Listening to Kryder #763, yesterday, he stated that the Big Adult males go off away from the clan most of the time… and that the younger males don’t want to be there, around the females all that much either.
Sasquatch Chronicles, Episode 763: Kryder Exploration
In the Sierra sounds, I noticed that the female was arguing, (bossing the male around).
In the Episode 515, when the male came out of the Ocean water and was about attack the woman (Clair) who was sitting on the rocks, again the female stopped the Alpha Male, and he wasn’t very happy about her (the female Sasquatch) ruling over him!
Sasquatch Chronicles, Episode 515: I Shouldn’t Be Alive
No wonder the younger males, (Juveniles) try and get away from momma, as often as possible, either with a brother, or a nearby buddy, usually in pairs again.
Maybe these females turn into cranky old Sasquatch woman? LOL…
This may be why we tend to see 2 Male Juveniles, out and about together.?
Maybe the females stay together like the males do?
Family units?
June 24, 2021 (Rock Clearing)
I was out in my pasture, changing an SD card. That camera is on the tree behind the one the Big Black Bigfoot stood in front of to block my new Trail Camera. Anyway, there on the ground was this rock, a nice round smooth river rock (not the kind of rock that we normally have here). This could be nothing, but I thought that it may have been used as a tree knocker. Now, I think it could be for throwing, like at my metal roof or my back shop, maybe.
I do, occasionally, find these types of rocks, laying on the ground by an Oak or by a Juniper tree. I usually will pick up these rocks like this one, to keep it from being thrown at my house or at my dog.
I can just imagine my Dog, sitting out there on alert, and a rock comes flying in, and hits the ground next to her. She doesn’t tell me about these things. She sort of keeps them to herself, you know, lol…
This rock probably could be used for rock tapping also (it looks bigger than it is, in the picture).

Rock cleared so Bigfoot Creatures could not use it; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
You can see this and more at the Rock Clearing/What to Do page…
June 16, 2021 (Red Eyeshine)
I forgot to mention, that I saw red eyeshine behind a smaller Juniper Tree.
I did get pictures of it with the Binoculars, but they shut down on me because of weak batteries.
The eye shine did not show red in the Binoculars, only white.
June 12, 2021 (Creature Breaks A Branch)
We were driving down an old dirt road, going slowly. My girlfriend was driving, and she stopped the vehicle.
She looked at me and said, do you see that large broken branch? It wasn’t there, that last time we came here!
She backed up, and stopped. I got out and took a few pictures, and we drove on.
After a couple of days, I was illuminating the picture of the broken limb in the photograph, more closely, and come to the conclusion that it took a very heavy animal of some type? Something in the 700 to 800 lbs, range, to have broken this 6-7-inch-thick limb?
Whatever it was, (my guess is, maybe a Bigfoot, or two), well, it had to get too far out on this limb to have broken it. Juniper is a pretty darn tough tree.
With more certainty, I probably can better say, what it could not be, then what this might have been; not a Cougar nor a Bobcat, not a Black Bear, nor an Elk, nor a Cow, not even a fat man either. Like I already said, Junipers are pretty tough trees.

Broken Branch; image, property of Wyman Smith.
June 8, 2021 (Yes, the same night)
June 4, 2021 (Green Eyes Peeping)
What else would hide behind a tree and peek out at me, three times? Other than a Bigfoot?
This is really an interesting part of all that happened, during the first two hours of our night, after midnight.
Last night my Dog was barking/telling me that something unusual was going on, and she needed my attention.
I looked outside, with my spotlight, all over the place, and saw nothing unusual, but then, I saw some eyeshine, of one green eye, peek out from behind a tree on the other side of my north fence line. As I continued to look all around, after about 10 minutes, I saw the single green eyeshine again, it just peaked out from behind the same tree again, just a little higher up then the first time, maybe three feet off the ground, just for about two seconds, sort of slowly, in and out.
I thought that it was probably a Bigfoot, and it was probably why my dog wouldn’t stop barking, but again, a 3rd time I saw it peek out, like another 10 minutes later.
June 2, 2021 (Audio Update)
It was getting windy; thus, I did not make a recording.
My Dog was mostly quiet last night?
I don’t know why, I guess the Creatures were off hunting or fishing somewhere else, but not here?
June 1, 2021 (Audio Update – A Demanding Night)
Recording for 6-1-21,
At 1:48, there was a loud knock out back.
At 3:32, something hit metal, like with their hand.
At 5:17, I heard a bang against wood or cardboard. It seems like these Creatures were really wanting (my attention) me to come outside.
At 8:00 minutes, the Generator finally ran out of gas. (Stopped)
My dog started barking in back, between 10 to 11 minutes, then I heard 12 more Tree Knocks, between 11&13 minutes.
At 16 minutes the Juveniles started making Rooster crowing mimics, some with very distinctive knocks, almost separate from the crowing.
There was a total of 37 crows, (some were my Rooster (??), some were definitely these Creatures). There were 14 more knocks with crowing mimics.
TOTAL of 37 crows…
27 of these were together…
One Rock…
Two hits on my house…
A very demanding night.
May 31, 2021(Audio Update)
Recording for 5-31-21, has 14 knocks
10 Rooster crowing mimics (w/knocks)
I did hear some faint sounds, @ 9:00 minutes (maybe similar to a rooster crow, way in back? My generator was still running, I don’t know what it was, some type of a long screech), but that I could not identify it.
This could or could not have been Bigfoots?
May 29, 2021 (Audio Update)
5-29-21, Sun-God-day,
Again, a double recording:
Started at 9:15 p.m. while still daylight, lasted till 11:30 p.m. or 19:11 sec of recording.
The 2nd half was from 12:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. the remaining time till 42:10 in full length.
The (1st loud knock, was at 1 minute, into this recording), which was a surprise to me, this early?
(This Creature had to be close by!)
At 4 & 5 minutes into this recording, (not real sure when this actually was), but I heard this Creature “woof” at my Dog faintly, (hoping that I wouldn’t hear it doing this?).
Right after this, I heard “Rock Tapping,” and so did my dog. She was barking at this, she knew what it was, and what was doing it.
There was a total of 23 knocks, two “woofs,” Rock Tapping on two occasions,
Plus 17 RC’s/RC Mimic’s, some with knocks, plus; 2 guttural chicken growls, not heard mimicked before.
It was like the Juveniles were back, wanting to play with my chickens.
May 26, 2021 (Audio)
5-26-21, night recordings a&b.
26a: four knocks + three Rocks hit the house.
Then later…
26b: 33:24 minutes long, which had 21 knocks.
Total for the night, 25 knocks, + four Rocks.
May 26, 2021 (Audio – Grunting)
I made a recording last night at 11:03 p.m.
5-25-21, was 29:38 in length.
It had been fairly quiet.
My dog had started barking.
I did get a knock, in the first couple minutes.
There was a total of four knocks, three more near the end.
It was windy, I did hear some rocks (5).
I also heard what sounded like two grunts of a Creature. This is a first.
May 25, 2021 (Audio Update)
I did have some night recordings for the Timeline:
5-21-21, HIS Sabbath.
16:42 in length,
2 knocks,
1 Rock.
13:35 in length,
5 knocks,
1 Rock.
Most of these knocks were from the Back of my property.
This is wild country.
May 19, 2021 (Knowing)
Well, the rock throwing lets me know that they are still here…
It would be something to catch one throwing a rock, on camera, or making a knock.
It would be really cool to get a couple of brothers together, one smaller about 3-4′, and one about 5-6′ with him. That would be cool. So much for dreaming…
May 18, 2021 (Castings)
Photos pending…
May 18, 2021(Recap)
Yesterday, the recording that I made in the fierce winds, because my dog was barking so much, actually turned-out fair.
I did hear the Rock Tapping, and one knock., so they, (the Creatures), were here, and close by.
May 17, 2021 (Woof at the Cat)
I noticed my dog was barking a lot, so I put my phone on the front deck, anyway, at 9:00 p.m., just to see what I might hear. The recording was 23:38 in length.
I first heard my dog barking, then two rocks hit my house. I questioned it, due to the strong winds.
After eight minutes, I did hear a knock in back. The dog was barking a lot back there.
Towards the end of the recording, I heard Rock Tapping at 20:07 and more 11 sec later at 20:18.
At 22:30, I heard the cat, meowing, then I thought that I heard a Bigfoot woof at the cat.
Oh they are around, now if the camera’s do their job, maybe I will see them?
1 knock, definite Rock Tapping, twice.
May 15, 2021
5-15-21, 15:38 in length.
Tonight, I started this recording at 11:10 p.m. putting my phone on the front deck.
(We had just got home from a short road trip, late).
My dog started barking, then I heard a Bigfoot go “Ruff,” at my dog.
Then at 2:36 minutes, a rock hit my deck roof, and another at 2:56 minutes.
At 4:33, I heard the Bigfoot “Ruff,” at my dog, louder this time.
Then at 8:34, I heard the Bigfoot “Ruff,” at my dog, a 3rd time, this is very unusual, 3 x’s in one night.
I heard the Bigfoot Creatures Mimic my Rooster, making Crowing Mimics, two different times, about a minute apart, for a total of 7 X’s, less than normal.
May 10, 2021
I put my phone on the front deck at 9:06 p.m., this recording is only 12:00 minutes in length.
It has a total of 16 knocks, plus two Rooster crowing mimics: 1 with a loud knock.
It ended with a small rock hitting the deck roof @ the11:30 second recording point. Pingggg
My dog had started barking, @ 0:14 sec. into this recording (I didn’t get my front door closed, until 10 sec. on the recorder).
1st knock was @ 0:23, 2nd @ 0:27…
At 1:15, I heard the Creature go “woof” @ my dog, which means it, the Bigfooted Creature, was too close, to my house, for my comfort.
May 6, 2021
Updated the new Prayers Answered post…
May 4, 2021
Night recording 5-4-21, Recording started at 10:38 p.m.
Length: 27:12 minutes.
Five Tree knocks,
Three rocks hit my house.
And I think that I heard a Bigfoot Creature, “woof” at my Dog twice.
Only one Rooster crowing mimic, counted as a knock.
First rock, was at five minutes, into this recording, the next two rocks, were, only a second apart and woke the Tweetie Birds up, and started them chirping.
May 4, 2021 (How Long)
Sometimes, I wonder how long have these Creatures been hiding up here, before they wanted me to know, THAT THEY WERE HERE, and why would they wait until they did, to make a marker tree, in my pasture?
Sometimes, if I do not make a night recording, it almost seems like they are not around. Ha ha ha.
Then, I got the (No Glow) Trail Camera’s, and there they were, big as day, in the daylight no less and not just one of them, but 15-20 pictures, on about 3 or 5 different occasions, then like you said, walking down to check the cameras this time, and the adventure started at the Barnyard, Track here, Track there.
Oh yes, they are here.
May 4, 2021 (Ready for the Night)
I think that I will be able to do different things, with different types of cameras, glow/ no glow.
This may only work with Creatures that are able to see Infra-Red, except that these Bigfoot Creatures are sneaky, or they may walk up behind the camera and put their hand in front of it.
You can’t really stop them.
They will make compromises, like that.
A hand picture, or them.
May 4, 2021 (Prayers for Rain)
The ground around here is so hard, that there isn’t much chance of a track-way being found around here, especially in this drought we are in.
The dry creek as I now refer to it as, has only had a small amount of water in it, the past couple of years.
It used to run, all winter, and even overflow it’s banks.
I am disappointed, but I am Blessed.
When we welcomed in HIS SABBATH, last week, we asked Adonai for some rain, and in agreement over this. Note, rain was not in the forecast, but it rained for 15 minutes.
Our prayer for rain, was answered.
So, when HIS SABBATH arrived this week, we Thanked HIM, and well, we asked HIM for more rain.
Again, there was no rain in the forecast, but it rained upon us again, and again I Thanked YAH, for the rain, again!
HE said, “you do not have, because you do not ask.”.
We pray often for travel safety, when we go places, and I often remember to thank HIM, for getting us there and back.
We are Counting the OMER, each night, and welcoming in HIS SABBATH DAY; HE sees our willing obedience to walk in HIS Ways, and HE hears our prayers. (Psalms 34:15, Proverb 15:29, John 9:31, 1 Peter 3:12)
I know that there are some who feel that I am over the edge, when it comes to being Obedient to HIS INSTRUCTIONS, but I would rather go too far, then not far enough.
More on this at the new Prayers Answered post…
May 4, 2021 (The Internet)
We saw six of our photos on You Tube & on Pinterest, that I had shared with Kelly Shaw of Rocky Mountain Sasquatch, two years ago.
Facebook – Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization (RMSO)
You Tube – Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization
May 3, 2021 (Report to Congress)
We watched the Skinwalker Ranch show on TV, (maybe a rerun), last Saturday night, on The History Channel, I think it was (?) about a three-year-old cow, dying from stress, then, they noticed a dark colored UFO, (now called a UAP, by our government, because these Flying crafts can also enter the water).
This UFO/UAP was way above the now dead cow.
Today I was watching on my cellphone, and noticed that our government has a UPA Taskforce, that is supposed to report to Congress in June 2021.
Our Navy has had these type of UFO’s, buzz our ships, for close to an hour, on occasion, and they have now shown three different photos of UFO’s, off our east coast, taken by our Defensive Aircraft.
Is the Government actually going to admit that they have been lying to us?
Probably not; I am sure that they will continue to lie.
Let’s see what happens in June?
As President Trump has encouraged the American people, that we are America, Not Big Government.
We the people are sick and tired of being lied to, by the U.S. and THEIR Attitude, keeping, we the people, in the dark.
May 2, 2021 (Big Track Prints Near My Cameras)

Trackway near my cameras; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Trackway near my cameras; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Trackway near my cameras; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Trackway near my cameras; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Trackway near my cameras; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
They have been active, but not with the Trail cameras.

Trackway near my cameras; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
May 2, 2021 (Big Track Prints in Barnyard)
I found this Print in my barnyard. It’s not real clear.

In the goat pen; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Goat prints for comparison; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
April 30, 2021 (Audio Update & Warnings)
4-30-21, (HIS Sabbath began at sunset) I started this evenings recording at 9:05 p.m. the length of the recording is 34:02 minutes, of activity. (My recorder does not record the silent times, “only when there is sound/noise”).
My Dog started barking after 40 seconds, and I heard the first 2 Bigfoot Tree knocks, at 1:16 sec.
I ask you, who would even know that these Bigfooted Creatures were around, making these Tree knocks, that is, unless they had a Good Guardian type of dog, WATCHING OUT FOR THEM, or, unless they put a nighttime recording device out at night, to learn what is actually happening, after dark? A recording app on a cellphone will work!
Also, it really doesn’t surprise me that most people living out, actually don’t want to know, what is out there, after dark.
At 4.5 minutes, into this recording, I heard some Coyotes, lots of them, it sounded like
an entire Pack of them,
This lasted for a full 1.5 minutes.
Then it started raining, for 15 minutes, off and on, (which was not foretasted), but we are very pleased to have received this rain!
Note; When we welcomed in HIS Sabbath day, (on Friday Evening), we asked “The ALMIGHTY GOD” for some rain, and we were Blessed, with His Hearing our prayer, and HE answered us. Praise HIS HOLY NAME, always.! What an Amazing GOD, we have.
(So, you may ask, how do we get our prayers answered? To start with, we need to do, as HE, our GOD, instructs us to do, and realize that obeying HIS Laws, is not impossible, (Ref. Luke 1:5-6) and it is very important to have a willing heart. We need to become willingly obedient to HIS instructions and do HIS commandments. This is what Yahusha our Messiah did, and taught us to do, (Ref. John 14:15 & 21).
At 7:41 minutes, a small Rock, was thrown onto, and landed on my roof, then it started raining harder, and my dog came back up front, and started barking. Then I heard one more Bigfoot Tree Knock, followed by a bigger Rock, thrown onto my roof (at 9:52), hitting my roof, making a louder bang/ noise which did cause my dog to start barking, again.
This is no joke, living here with these Bigfooted Creatures around us, but most people would not know that these Creatures are even around here because, these Bigfoot Creatures watch us, and learn our habits, our patterns. They hide all the time, and you will RARELY SEE THEM! if ever. Maybe a glimpse of their eyeshine, at night.
I am not saying that these Creatures are everywhere, no way, they are not everywhere, but these Creatures are in a lot of places where we would not think that these Creatures might be (?) and there may be a lot more of them, then we may think there are?
This night recording had a total of 5 Bigfoot Tree Knocks, and three Rocks hitting my Roof.
Note, to the viewer, this type of Bigfoot Behavior, is probably nothing outstanding, or worrisome? BUT, IF THIS WAS HAPPENING AT YOUR HOME, this probably would be a SHOCK TO YOU, and possibly cause you to move or sell your house, as it has caused many people to do. Would you like to be hit with a Rock, or with infra-sound, or be afraid to go outside at night; know, that these Creatures are out there?
April 29, 2021 (Audio Update)
Night Recording for 4-29-21:
This recording was 1 hour, 17 minutes and 50 sec in length (1:17:50).
The wind came up, my dog was barking some, but I did hear three Tree Knocks within the first six minutes. I listened to 10 minutes of wind noises, and skipped through the rest of the hour and 10 minutes, but did not hear my barking, so I deleted the rest of it.
We do have a lot of wind in this area.
April 28, 2021 (Audio Update)
4-28-21, recording was 21:46 in length:
Starts off with my Dog barking ANGRILY, (at what, I have no clue, because there was no response).
Then next, there was a pack of Wild Coyotes out front, but my dog went to the back of my property, instead.
My Dog must have heard something that I didn’t hear, drawing her back there, because over the next four minutes I heard 22 Bigfoot Tree knocks back there, maybe more, because when the knocks are this far away from my recording device, I do not always hear all of them, so there could have been more of them.
Things only slowed down a little, then more, very loud Coyotes, so loud that I wonder if it wasn’t a Bigfoot Mimicking a Coyote instead.
Then there were 10 more Bigfoot Knocks, follow, only minutes later, by 22 more Bigfoot Tree knocks.
Remember, nothing on this Website is fake, it is all, 100% real, how it happens here, some days/nights have more Bigfoot activity, and some less, or maybe nothing happens here all, if these Bigfooted Creatures are off hunting for food/meat, elsewhere.
Well, this night had a total of 54 Bigfoot Tree Knocks, and what sounded like a raccoon that got onto my roof.
April 24, 2021 (Finding Food)
This is one of my favorites photos, because I am so certain, that there was a Bigfoot Creature, very close by, now that I look back on it.

Freshly Picked Mushrooms, photo, property of Wyman Smith.
I came across this small pile of very freshly picked Mushrooms, while I was in the Gifford Pinchot Natl. Forest, looking for signs and evidence of Bigfoots.

Freshly Picked Mushrooms; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
I was very pleased, to have come upon/found this part of a Bigfoot’s dinner.
I wonder if I was in danger (?) because this Bigfoot Creatures had to be very close by. Good thing that I did not try to touch any of this food.
I left its food, how I found it, and this is my advice to others.
April 23, 2021 (Audio Update)
April 23, 2021, was a quiet night…
My Dog started barking at the Coyotes, within the first 10 sec. of starting the recording, (but who knows when that was? LOL)
The Coyotes stopped howling @ 1:05, but my Dog kept barking until 3:28 sec, way too long, excessive.
The audio recording was only 15:48 minutes in length.
The only reason that I kept this recording was an Alien type or sounding noise, (@ 10:23, into the recording) maybe it was a Bigfoot Whistle, I could not tell. It was not real close, like the Coyotes were earlier, it was followed by my two hen Turkeys making a warning, “Peak” type of sound.
It was unusual, even for around here, not that I haven’t heard things like this before? it was weird.
It seems like Bigfoot was not around here, last night, unless it was earlier in the evening.
The recording was ended around 8:30 a.m.
I wonder if I scared the BF’s off with my trail camera changes?
April 23, 2021 (Nothing – Means Something)
It wasn’t windy last night, when I placed my phone in the window, at 1:20 a.m. to make a late recording.
My dog had been barking at the Coyotes just before this, but that was about it.
This made the recording over 2.5 hours long (taking up a lot of space on my phone) so I have since deleted it.
I listened to 20 minutes of wind noise, no dog barking, it was a quiet night, for Bigfoot activity.
I listened until I heard my Rooster crow once or twice, and the Tweetie Birds, so it was getting daylight.
She was barking earlier in the evening, but the Generator was running.
Sometimes I can still make a recording off the front deck while the generator is still running, but I did not.
A quiet night on the hill.
We do have those quiet nights, now and again.
April 22, 2021 (Audio Update)
April-22a-2021 & 4-22b-2021
I made two separate recording last night, (a) the early recording, @ 8:25 p.m., which it ended up having lots of rain on my deck roof, nothing more. (Was 14:11 long).
The 2nd recording (b) was at 1:10 a.m. (32:26 in length) – that had wind noises, plus at 8:17 minutes had two knocks, plus a loud knock at 12:01 minutes.
At 16:20, I heard Coyotes, my Dog over-did this, as usual, but in doing so she, my Dog, got three more tree knocks at 18:01.
This was a total of six knocks for the night.
I did not hear my Rooster but I did hear several odd, unidentifiable sounds?
The night before this, I made a 20:56 minute recording that had nothing on it. 4-21-2021 (Sabbath Evening).
April 21, 2021 (Casting Tracks)
Update in the Teaching Tracks page…
“When a print is on a steep incline, the plaster all runs to the bottom (because most mix it too thin) and it all runs downward. This is why some good prints are not castable.”
April 20, 2021 (Active Night)
4-20-21 @ 12:37 a.m. I made an all-night recording, for 28:45 minutes, but I did not listen to the last 4 minutes of it.
There were 19 Tree Knocks within the first 2 minutes, (21 knocks for the entire night).
(This makes me wonder what this recording might have been like, if I had started it earlier)?
There were two rocks thrown at my house, one smaller hit my window, and hit the deck roof, and rolled, two to three times.
There were 10 Rooster crow mimics/knocks, plus other of my own Rooster crows.
I also heard three other softer knocks on the side of my house last night.

Tree break; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Not every broken tree out in the Forest, are broke by Bigfoot’s, but many are!
In these photos, please notice, that the tree in each photo has been broken and then pulled downward, leaving a (10″-14″ section of the bark), exposed.

Tree break, Gifford Pinchot National Forest, Washington; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
For the skeptics out there, storms (bad weather) can and do break trees, but storms do not grab the broken tree, and pull it downward, like the trees in these photos!
(Note, one of the photos of these broken trees was taken in the Gifford Pinchot Natl. Forest, and the other was taken in my pasture, approximately 90 miles apart). What do trees broken and torn downward, like these, mean to other Bigfoot Creatures? I have no clue; only that they were definitely broken, by Bigfoots.
Photo’s property of Wyman Smith.
April 18, 2021 (Foot Track)
I was outside spraying weeds, when I noticed this footprint on a steep bank.
The toes dug in deep, so the Creature could climb it.

Bigfoot Track; image, property of Wyman Smith.
April 2021 (Mysterious Trail Cam Images)
As seen in the Unknown Section: Mysterious Creature Images…

Mysterious Trail Camera Image; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Mysterious Trail Camera Image; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
April 19, 2021 (Audio Update)
There were nine Tree Knocks, plus, I heard a rock hit the ground (it had to be a big enough ROCK, for me to hear it hit the ground, that loud)!
I believe that the ROCK HIT NEAR MY DOG, because she moved from where she was.
Also, there were several other odd unidentifiable sounds.
April 17, 2021 (Audio Update)
Started the recording at 1:01 a.m.
There were 17 knocks, my Dog was Barking Ballisticly.
Later, there were four Bigfoot Rooster crow Mimics with knocks, (about 17 more crowing sounds, without any knocks). Possibly my Rooster? Plenty of Turkey calling. But, I do have Turkey’s, and there are Tom’s around sometimes.
April 15, 2021 (Audio Update)
Night recording, 58 knocks, (10 within the 1st minute, 0:43 – 1:43)
Length of Recording, only 17 minutes of recorded time.
Started at midnight.
March 31, 2021 (Audio Update)
I made a short recording off my front deck tonight.
3-30-21 @ 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. only 2 hours), total audio was four minutes long.
I put my phone out there, at 17 sec, and got the 1st knock, six seconds later, @ the 0:23 sec mark.
Got the 2nd knock under one minute, still, then the Creature threw something. Sounded like a piece of wood at my house, and hit it. This caused my dog to stop barking for a while, it scared her.
Lately, she isn’t always out front; no, she is staying back, closer to the house.
Smart dog.
I made another recording last night too, 3-29-21 @ 1:10 a.m. and was eight minutes long, and went until 7:00 a.m.
I got seven Rooster Crow mimics, with some knocks, at least (four), after daylight, plus one knock, then about a minute later, into the recording, I heard a second knock, and immediately after this, a Rock hit the shop roof and rolled some. Next, about a minute later, I heard what sounded like a creature shaking the back cyclone fence gate, pretty hard. That’s what I thought it sounded like to me, maybe trying to scare my Goats? I can’t really say for sure.
The Creature’s are definitely still around here.
On 3-8a-21, made a 13-minute recording; not much but barking.
I added to this, 3-8b-21, another 24 minutes, starting at 1:03 a.m.
This time, during the same night, there were 23 knocks! My Dog was going BALISTIC!!
I also heard some Coyotes.
Then about 28 Rooster Crows (some were mimics).
Then a slap on metal, three times in about three minutes.
Yes, it turned sort of crazy.
On 3-11-21 @ 1:02 a.m. I made a short recording, only three minutes long and two knocks
On 3-12-21 @ 8:50 p.m. I made a 20-minute-long recording, with only one knock, out back.
But everything went quiet, no frogs, nothing for 13 minutes of recording time. Very rare, but typically Bigfoot stuff.
March 21, 2021 (Ongoing Trail Cam Images)
Created a page for the ongoing trail cam activity. It is so unique a new page has been created to explain this situation: Ongoing Trail Cam Images…
And then one second later…

One Second Later, Trail Camera Photo, Mar 4, 2021; image, property of Wyman Smith.
March 9, 2021 (New Prints)
Found this print (?), back by my back shop but when I saw it, I thought that it was something that my dog, may have scratched out, but no, it was not! It is actually a Bigfoot Print (!) with more detail, then I had realized.

Bigfoot Track; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
When I looked at the photo of this print, after I was in the house, I could see this print, much better then before. It looks almost castable, to me, in the photo, because I have been awaiting for the next foot print cast to appear, and here it is.

Bigfoot Track; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
I want to go out there and protect it, with a flat board, because it is supposed to rain or snow tonight.

Bigfoot Track; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
I may take a few more pictures, while doing this.

Bigfoot Track; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
March 9, 2021 (Recordings)
Still have several nights that still need to be listed to.
Date: 3-4-21, I started this recording at 2:45 a.m.
It is 14:38 minutes in length.
First off, a Rock hit a Metal Roof in back, within 1-1/2 minutes of recording time.
(Thus, in Real time?)
There were 78, Rooster Crowing sounds, some of these may have been my Rooster, but there were 38 Tree Knocks with these crows, so many of these crows were Juvenile Bigfoot Creatures, making Rooster Crowing Mimics.
My Rooster does not make tree knocks. He doesn’t have hands, and he cannot crow rapidly, like the Bigfoot Juveniles do.
March 8, 2021 (A Very Unusual Night)
Last night was very unusual, one of those times, when living in the country, can be trying.
This was really crazy last night. I will be putting this in my Logbook.
After being in bed for only about five minutes, my dog started barking, southward, back by my outhouse, looking uphill.
I got up and took my spotlight and shined it all over out there. I saw nothing, so I went back to bed. Then my dog, still barking, went out to the front and was still barking at something, in the dark? But, she wasn’t going to give this, whatever it was; she was not about to let it come in here.
I got up again, spotlight in hand and went out onto my front deck, and looked all around, including the area, I had just checked. After about five minutes, I went back to bed.
But my dog continued barking and barking, she knew that it was still out there being a threat, this entire time, (about 15-20 minutes by now).
Then my dog, still barking, so, I got up and turned on my large outside lights, out front, and the one in back, and left them on, all night, to give my dog and us more safety, (some comfort) because predators do not like the light. My dog still kept barking, so I went back to bed again.
Well this went on for over 40 minutes. I got up again and shinned my spotlight where she was barking at again, and I saw nothing.
My dog has not done this much stead barking, in a long time, if ever before.
There was definitely something out there, maybe a Cougar, maybe a Bigfoot, maybe something else?
I believe that my dog knows when there is something dangerous out there in the dark, and she knew it was there, this night, whatever it was?
She did not stop barking at whatever this dangerous creature was, and she was telling it to, “Stay back and do not come in here.”
I went back to bed after getting up about five times.
When I get up and shine my light around, I am not only looking for anything unusual, but I am also showing my dog that I am giving her my support.
I fell asleep after an hour of predator control, and when I did awaken again, she was sleeping back by the entrance to my goat pen, the most dangerous area here. It was daylight and so I got up and turned my outdoor light off, to save battery power.
This was a very unusual night.
March 7, 2021 (Something Wanted onto the Property)
My Dog was really barking tonight. Right out front. I saw no eyeshine, not a Coyote, not a Cougar? Gee, I wonder?
This Dog barking (WARNING ME) went on for over an hour. I was up and out of bed five times.
I totally trust my Dog. She doesn’t bark for no reason.
Something was out there!
March 6, 2021 (Passing the Torch)
Admin has stopped adding new content to the 2021 Timeline in the original sub site called Bigfoot Help. Instead, is a message linking viewers to this new 2021 Timeline page, in the new 911 Bigfoot Help domain.
Viewers will click the link, and will not be directed back to the original page, to then enjoy the new site which has the old and the new ongoing content.
March 5, 2021 (Chatter)
This is weird, but last night, my dog was barking, I opened my bedroom window (looking northwest) and listened. I heard talking, but it was too faint for my hearing abilities, then I immediately heard a knock, from the south, then I turned on my light, and I heard more talking, and blew this off as my neighbors? Was it people or Bigfoot?
I did shine my light around, but not as high as I normally do. My dog continued barking that direction.
March 2, 2021 (Juveniles Keeping Busy)
I started this recording early, at 3:08 a.m. all was quiet then, but knowing approximately when these Creatures chose to start their harassing of my chickens, there was plenty of time.
Things started at about daybreak, when my Rooster started crowing? Was this really my Rooster? I don’t think so. Why? Because, there were 11 Crows, with at least 4 very clear knocks. Roosters do not make Tree Knocks, because they do not have hands. No, these were Juvenile Bigfoots, mimicking my Rooster, and doing a very good job of it. Then a small Rock hit my window, “Ding,” it rang out.
This went on for about 22 minutes (of recording time) or longer. Some of these Rooster crows, were actually my Rooster doing the crowing. I counted 48 total crow sounds, plus the small Rock, and then there was “one loud Tree Knock,” that my dog got in response to her barking.
My dog starts barking at dusk, maybe earlier some days, sometimes much of the day too, but usually most of the evening. I do run a generator some evenings, making it difficult to attempt a recording, until it stops.
February 18, 2021 (Original Notes of Meow Incident)
She looked this up on her phone, and this is when it actually happened. She had made these notes, about it.
December 5, 2019
The other night I went out on the back deck where the cats stay. I went out to take them warm water since all the water buckets were frozen. The cats meowed at me so I said meow back. This happened at 11:15 PM. Every time I said meow, something up the hill was doing wood knocks. It sounded like someone hammering but there is no one up there who would be outside hammering at that hour. But these creatures communicate by knocking on trees with a big branch or a rock in their hand. I meowed 3 times and each time I said meow, I would hear 5 tree knocks in return, this was amazing.! a total of 15 Tree knocks, come back to me.
She says, Personally, I think they are interdimensional beings. Created by aliens. Cross-bred humans with some other unearthly beings.
This was not her first interaction with these Bigfooted Creatures.
One day, in October 2018, my lady friend had cooked us up a really nice dinner, that smelled really good . This was about 5:00 p.m. in the afternoon….and as she was starting to dish it up, well, it seems that one of these Juvenile Sasquatch, really wanted some of it, and he threw a ROCK at the side of my house, which hit just below the kitchen window, “BANG” that window was open. I sort of felt bad for the Juvenile, but no matter what, you don’t to start something like feeding these Creatures, because they will/may expect or demand to be feed daily, and they can do some really bad things if you Do Not Continue to feed them.! daily.!
About a year later, she was cooking outside on the front deck, and a rock hit the roof of the front deck, which sounded like a bullet to her. She was upset with them about this’! because it scared the heck out of her. This was aggressive behavior and was not acceptable.
February 18, 2021 (Audio)
So, this is how it went tonight.
My dog was barking early this evening, like 6:00 PM.
I did put my phone on the front deck.
First, I heard a strange noise that I could not identify?
Then a faint growl, that caused my dog to bark at it.
Then, two knocks two seconds apart, plus one more.
Then three minutes later, three more knocks. I kept hearing some small ticking sounds, off and on, and then I realized that these more faint tapping sounds, were these Creatures tapping rocks together rocks, out front of my house. I could not identify all the sounds that I had heard, but this is why my dog was barking out there. as I stated before, these ticking sounds were low, lightly tapping them, so not to be heard easily or far away.
Yes, I did hear tree knocks, mostly when my dog was in the back 40, lol…
The total length of my recording was 14 minutes long.
I recorded
7 Tree Knocks, 2 Rock hits, 1 Growl, and 21 Ticking Sounds, plus 3 unknown sounds that I could not identify.
(The dog has been barking, but there has been too much wind to make a recording).
February 17, 2021 (Sybilla Irwin)
Today, I shared the latest two photos of my Game camera with Sybilla Irwin (Bigfoot Sketch Artist). They have no heat or power there (Texas), still, from the storms.
February 15, 2021 (Broken Tree)
Late this afternoon, I noticed the top 1/2 of a broken tree, across my fence, out front.
Then I noticed the bottom half for this same tree, in my front yard, broken off about 8 feet up.
Now, this particular tree, (I think that it is a Maple) my Goats have eaten the bark off of it (I think); thus, killing the tree.
Now, we have had a lot of high winds, here in the past few weeks, and this could have broken it, or maybe a Sasquatch has done this?
I really cannot say, until I get some pictures and look this over more closely, which I will do, but right now, there is a foot of snow on the ground here and this makes it pretty difficult.
The problem is, that I just noticed this Broken Tree, and it could be all natural, so until the snow melts some, I am at a loss, for answers, but it is a very interesting find.
A Bigfoot Creature may have done this, but it could have been the wind also, from where the top is laying, upside down, and across my fence.
So just know that some pictures are on their way, pretty soon.
Note, these Creatures, could have broken this tree, before the snow arrived.
#2, these Creatures tend not to walk in the snow in this area, very often, because they don’t want to leave their tracks.
I only found one set of tracks in the snow, two years back, following some Elk, down on the lower road.
They are very careful about leaving their prints in the snow, or in the soft dirt, seriously.
February 11, 2021 (Compressed)
Oh, by the way, the recording with 109 Crowing sounds, was only 11:33 minutes long. A fairly short recording.
February 11, 2021 (Flood Light Altered)
Oh, by the way, my front light by the gate, was pointed downward some (again). I pushed it back up before leaving yesterday.
(Opened the Gate)
Also, my chickens were out yesterday and the day before. We had fixed the broken side gate, the day before.
I had caught a couple of chickens the night before, they were hiding by a door, next to the Old Camper, where they sleep.
I had just checked this gate, and then, the next morning it was open (?) and my chickens were out AGAIN?
The Juveniles have done this in the past.
I had made a recording on the 9th, and noticed that there was an excess of Bigfoot Crowing Mimics, which may have been made by my one lone Rooster.
I re-listened to the recording, counted out loud, 109, all by my one Rooster, not a chance! Way – way too much for one Rooster; oh yes, my Rooster did make a few, maybe a normal amount, like, 9? LOL…
February 9, 2021 (Living Off-Grid)
Sometimes we, go out looking for evidence, behind Carson, but with my living here, they have brought the evidence (THEMSELVES) here for us to hear, Loud Knocks, right outside my bedroom window. And yes, I still do hear Tree knocks out this window.
Fortunately, I think these Things have kept off my front stairs, because they know that the stairs are not all that strong, and probably will not hold them.
When we, started going to the Gifford Pinchot National Forest, (they did not follow us home, but rather they were already living here).
But, it seems, like they somehow knew that we had traveled that many miles, several times to go explore their kind.
Well, I am beginning to think that they somehow knew that we had done this (?) and thus, they got the go ahead, to make themselves known to us.
I am sure, that these Creatures were already up here, when I moved here, because, I do remember one of the first times I came up here, I want to walk the fence line, and I did, but I definitely felt like I was being watched, because I felt a little spookie, once I crossed the Creek and headed further back, but I just blew the feeling off, as it being a new place.
I have never shared this with anyone, ever before, but it still is in my mind, especially since I now know that these Bigfoot Creatures are living up the hill.
It sort of comes across to me that there were only a couple of these Creatures staying up here, back then, or they may have just been visiting here, from somewhere else, back then, because I really don’t think that they were around here all that much, in the first few years, but there are definitely some old Tree Breaks to prove it.
Maybe it was just a stopover area, for Bigfoot wanderers, because I am sure there are some of those out there.
Personally, I think that these Creatures have been, or are, just about everywhere, they can hide or find food and water.
This small town has had road crossings both North and South, on a nearby road, plus several people have seen them west of here, a lot, but that is no big surprise, since that is the area where they come from, the Cascades Mountain Range and the Coastal Mountain Range. They are full of these Creatures, and they are multiplying. (This makes me think of the many Beach Sightings that I have heard of, especially further Northward, up in British Columbia).
So these Creatures they did not follow us home, we actually went to their home, to learn more about them, BUT, somehow (?), they knew that we had been going over there, many miles away, a few times.
How did they know this, or how did they know to start making Very Loud Tree Knocks, within a couple of weeks after Cherie and I had made our last trip over there?
Obviously, there was, or had to be a connection, somehow, someway, for these Creatures to all at once start this activity.
It’s like they were saying to us, don’t go over there anymore, because we are now willing to entertain you right here and then they started making Tree Knocks, regularly and Tree peaking too. All the things that they had thought, had happened over there in Gifford Pinchot, but we had never heard Tree Knocks over there, and no screams either.
Have I heard screams here?
Yes, but they seem to be further away, and faint, not as loud as some, also they’ve been made when most are asleep, but my recorder wasn’t asleep.
There is a lot of stuff that I have on my sound recordings that most would blow off as unknown, and some, well I don’t know either.
The things that scare me is when I hear a Creature close, too close, and it goes woof, at my dog, probably not 20 feet from the phone, and once while it was daylight.
My Dog still sets out front by the gate, and barks night and day. Once about two years ago, I heard a Creature make a very fierce GROWLING BARK type of warning at her, that scared me, mostly for her safety.
It was not recorded, I was outside on my deck, and it was one of those indescribable Bigfoot sounds/a really fierce Bigfoot growling threatening warning, that sends chills thru you, the kind you can’t forget.
I am sure that one of my neighbors, probably has heard this type of sound and it scares the wits out of her, and when I tell her that I have seen them, and I showed her my game cam picture of it, well, she doesn’t want to hear about it.
Sooo, she chooses to ignore the whole subject, and I can’t really blame her, because where she lives is really spookie, to me, and she is one really tough woman.
Living there all alone, no TV either. Only a radio and a phone…
Can’t blame her for wanting to ignore this.
I would bet $$ she’s heard house slaps, rocks, Tree Knocks.
February 8, 2021 (Deceptive Strategy)
Are you getting my drift?
Yes, this is in your face type of action/behavior, and it is right near where the Creature ripped it’s own footprint out of the dry hard ground, not 30′ away! It’s only about 30′ away from where they have ripped the top limbs off one side of big Juniper Tree in my pasture.
Sure, I cut it’s Territorial Marker off, flat with the ground, that had said this is my Territory, but has that stopped it?
I don’t think so, no, these 11 Game Camera pictures speak differently, to me.
There’s evidence that these Creatures are not going away, the tree beside my bathroom window has proven this. These cameras and my GOD, are my best defense.
It’s been almost three years since I have got any pictures, and now, in a few recent months, 3 different camera encounters, 15 pictures, says, to be on guard. Always.
Is all this a front?
February 7, 2021 (Aware & Asleep)
There are things that are there, in the camera pics, that might get past me, like, the flying Stick.
There is more going on here than we may realize.
Also, like catching an image, that took me a while to see and figure out, that it was a Coyote hiding in the grass. The black hair, on its back is what gave it away.
You do know that living here, isn’t entirely normal. It is beginning to get more aggressive.
I mean, all of these last 15 pictures, made on three different occasions, (here lately) all of them have been made in broad daylight, according to what Will Jevning had explained (I think that he was actually warning me of, three years ago) is that this type of DAYTIME BEHAVIOR, by these very exclusive type of Creatures being out, in broad daylight shows a more aggressive type of behavior, (like with the first game camera picture of ‘Ol One Eye, perhaps), which means or shows that he could have cared less if he is was seen or not, in broad daylight! Scary, really scary.
This is beginning to make more and more sense to me, yes, more and more sense…
Have I been asleep at the wheel?
Now, when I stop and really think about these recent happenings, number one, “The Head & Shoulders, fence crossing picture” at 8:15 a.m. and only a few days later, came “The Backside Camera picture”, (which included three Creatures, but they really don’t know what we got on camera, but that it was followed by 11 more dancing around, purposefully made pictures, ALL IN BROAD DAYLIGHT, no less, and at the same time in the morning, as before?
Isn’t this sort of an IN YOUR FACE, type of thing or behavior.?
Now let’s see what they will do next?
I wonder, even these last two pictures show that the Creature was trying to avoid the camera, like the Fence Crosser did, but what really is happening with the Creature(s) with its Backside to the camera?
Do you realize how close this was to my house?
Too close, too close.
Are you getting my drift?
February 7, 2021 (Analysis)

Analysis of Two Creatures on Left, with third Creature blocking camera; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
February 7, 2021 (Creature Description)
I noticed that this Creature has the usual coloring; darker head and the back of its neck hair, (it’s main? this darkish colored hair, may run down the center of its back) and then we have the slightly silverish shoulders, blending into a dull brown.
They all seem to have a medium charcoal skin, but I don’t think that the white ones do. They are pretty rare.
I would like to get a glimpse of ‘Ol One Eye, just to know if he is still around here.
If my theory of a new leader here is correct, then this might explain their attitudes towards my cameras?
They could become more relaxed in their behaviors, concerning being caught by my camera’s, or even be playful, like I experienced in the 11 pictures.
My investment, in these Cameras are turning out to be an interesting one.
February 7, 2021 (Activity)
Three different photos of similar Creatures within 3 months. (1)
Then, ‘Ol One Eye, and Suzie, and the Juveniles. (4)
Then the fence Crosser, (1)
Then, (there is 3) one’s backside, with two to the left of it. (3)
Now this makes a total of nine? (Total 9)
Then the sketch of the highway sighting. (10)
In complete total since the beginning, add in “Grey One” for a total of eleven, potentially? (11)
February 6, 2021 (Convincing)
The more I look at it, the more that I am convinced it’s a Bigfoot. Its hair looks like the hair on the others I have pictures of. I’m convinced.
February 6, 2021 (Height Analysis)
Well, I continued to check out the SD Card, and found one of myself, just across the fence from where the Creature is standing, and the camera has me in the photo, and besides the Creature being much larger than myself, it is taller than I am too.
These Creatures do walk bent over, (like I do) but more so, than me, so I think that it is about 6′ or something like that.
Even though the camera is mounted low, it still was able to get most of the Creature in the picture.
What seems to be fooling me, is that most of my newer pictures, the subjects are very close to the camera here lately. Unusual….
February 6, 2021 (Hair Comparison)
Compare the Goat’s hair, to that of the Creature, in question.

Trail Camera image; image, property of Wyman Smith.
February 6, 2021 (Height Comparison)
I am continuing to look through the remaining pictures on this SD Card, and found a picture of myself, right next to the fence, and used this to compare the height of this, unknown (Creature) to me, and it looks taller than I am, by at least a foot, so even though the camera is low, it shows all of me, and I am a few inches over 5′, and am similar height to the fence post.
February 6, 2021 (Not A Goat)
A few pics after #’s 2216 & 2217, There was a picture of a Goat walking away from the camera, then a few more pics later, this same Goat came back towards this camera.
Note, she does not resemble the Creature shown in #’s 2216 & 2217.
February 6, 2021 (Trail Cam of Creature)
Yesterday, I collected the SD Cards from my 4 Cameras, that are in the field, so to speak.
The first camera was one that I had placed, facing south, towards the dry creek.
I saw a nice Buck Deer, and several Wild Turkeys, plus the Goats,
This camera had been there for a long time, several months. It gets lots of activity from my Goats and because it is one of their main thoroughfares to the different areas where they feed, including the front yard.
So, there are many pictures, many, like over 2000…
But #2216 & 2217…

Trail Camera image; image, property of Wyman Smith.
The fence the goes North & South, and it is about 4-5′ from the camera.
When I first saw this photo, I was shocked!
It looked like something was walking southward along the fence line, but it stopped, and went no further. I actually think that it heard the camera click, stopped, heard it click a 2nd time, then it backed up, or maybe it saw the I.R. sensors out in front of itself.

Trail Camera image; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Now the hair on this thing, is not Goat hair. (This SD Card has over a 100 goat pictures, if not a thousand on it, and this doesn’t look anything like Goat’s hair). This is what make me think it’s a Bigfoot; BUT, remember that this camera is only 3′ off the ground!
So now it gets interesting, or should I say confusing. The camera took an empty picture, both before and after these two photos, (meaning the wind was probably blowing the fence strings, I have tied to the fence to make it more visible to a running animal) and triggered the camera?
#1) It’s hair, looks like Bigfoot hair, to me also, this does not look like Goat hair. Like I just stated, the hair looks like Bigfoot hair, and this is a big factor in trying to figure this out.
#2) It looks like it is standing up, so whatever it is, it’s short, like 3.5′ to 5′ tall, so if it is a Creature, has to be a younger Juvenile, if it is a Bigfoot at all.
#3) The fact that it stopped and backed up away from the camera, spells Bigfoot behavior, to me also.
February 5, 2021 (Windy Days)
I have tried to listen to windy recordings before and have heard knocks, and yes, it is a good time for these Creatures to use the wind noise, to hide themselves or their noises.
The wind also hides movements also, because our eyes pick up on movements and this draws our attention to the movement, so with everything blowing in the wind, we cannot detect things very well.
February 5, 2021 (Keep Trying)
My Dog was barking some, off/on, so I put my phone on the front deck at 8:00 PM.
There is a Big Windstorm Forecasted, but the wind wasn’t very bad at first.
The Dog was barking from the beginning. I heard two tree knocks, within the first 30 seconds, only nine seconds apart.
Then came the wind, and the rain. I listened for 13 minutes, nothing more.
I skipped through the remaining 37 minutes and only heard Wind and Rain.
So, I did not attempt a later recording. Too Windy.
February 3, 2021 (Knocks & Mimics)
5 Tree knocks,
My Rooster Crows 7 ×’s
February 3, 2021 (Knocks, Bang, & Mimics)
I heard 10 Tree Knocks, when my Dog started barking, rapid (all 10 knocks in less than one minute, the first minute).
At 03:30, I heard a Bang outside, something hitting metal?
At 05:00 minutes recording time, I heard 18 rapid Rooster Crowing Mimics, with knocks (all within 34 Seconds).
At 08:00 I got two more Rooster Crowing Mimics, again, w/knocks.
None of these crows, were my Rooster.
February 3, 2021 (New Behavior)
February 3, 2021 (Rock Hits House)
This morning something hit the house pretty hard. It twas so loud that it woke up my girlfriend.
She said that she almost woke me up, to check things out, but didn’t.
She said that the dog did not bark? That’s odd.
I did hear my dog bark at something on the recording, but it was a very-very faint growl or moan type of sound. I could hardly hear it myself, but she heard it, and barked at it.
I heard the Juvenile Bigfoot Creatures trying to learn to make Rooster Crowing Mimics, this morning. There were a number of half crow sounds, at least six of them, with wood knocks? They always make their crowing sounds, too rapid.
My Rooster spaces his crowing out, some, like 10-20 seconds apart, where the Juvenile Bigfoot Creatures, do not. They make their crowing sounds, back-to-back, 10-30 in a row.
Another Strange night on the Homestead, living with these Creatures around us here.
Things like this, can be scary. My girlfriend is a good sport about it.
The rock that hit the front deck roof while she was trying to BBQ outside, now that one really scared her.
February 2, 2021 (Dog – Bigfoot Communication)
Yesterday (later last night, this morning) my dog barked, three minutes, straight and finally got a single wood knock, then she went quiet.
February 2, 2021 (Recordings – Update)
I made a recording from 2:45 a.m. till 8:00 a.m. this morning.
My dog barked for about 3 minutes straight, non-stop.
Finally, I heard one tree knock, 4.5 minutes into 14:13 minute long recording. After the tree knock, my Dog just stopped barking?
(I guess she got, what she was fishing for?)
Then, about 30 seconds more of recording time, my Rooster crowed 3 X’s, about 10 seconds apart.
Then, after 2, 1/2 minutes of recording time, (this may have been 20-60 minutes, of real time), I recorded 10 rapid Rooster Crowing Mimics, with knocks; then, it’s like the Creatures just moved on to their den, after that.
I am sure that these Creatures, mostly go elsewhere to hunt, like 7-11 miles away, maybe.?
It is like they take the time to stop by here, and play with my Roosters, by mimicking my Roosters crowing, but with tree knocks included.
(Note: Different Juveniles do sound differently, when attempting to learn this Mimicking).
Usually, these Juveniles will make a hen type noise, just before they leave (it’s like a hen, being chased by a Rooster).
They always do this, just before they leave, but this time, they didn’t.
There are differences happening here, in the Troop, like there may be a new ruler, or something, maybe some of the others, like Gray One, may have moved on, or was forced out.
I really don’t know, but how else would they communicate this with/to me, other than changing the method, in which they usually do something??
This could (possibly) be a type of warning to me, from the Juveniles.
January 25, 2021 (Recordings – Update)
I listened to one short recording tonight, because my dog has done a lot of barking, and I hear/see nothing when I go out and look or listen.
Such was the case tonight.
I listened to a recording that I made on the 15th, it had 29 knocks on it. Plus, one smaller rock hit the roof.
It was encouraging to see this.
January 20, 2021 (Thrown Stick)
Looking at Trail Camera Footage from December 2020.
For more on this December 2, 2020 Timeline, situation:
See the Unknown Trail Camera Images page…

Possible Stick “Thrown towards the Trail Camera” to trigger it, after dark”, by a Juvenile Sasquatch; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
January 15, 2020 (Knocks and Rock Throwing)
Recordings that I made on the 15th, it had 29 knocks on it, plus one smaller rock hit the roof.
January 9, 2021 (Creature Blocking Trail Camera)
Pictures from October 2020 Trail Camera, but just now discovered something important!
It started with this photo, which shows a Creature blocking the trail camera with its backside into the camera, presumably so other Creatures can pass. Note: two Creatures can be seen standing by the tree to the left. One of them definitely with conical head, while being an upright bipedal Creature.

Possible three BF Creatures; image, property of Wyman Smith.

After initial photo of the three Creatures (this is not a goat); photo, property of Wyman Smith.

After initial photo of the three Creatures (this is not a goat); photo, property of Wyman Smith.

After initial photo of the three Creatures (this is not a goat); photo, property of Wyman Smith.
See more photos and information on this:
October 2020 – Trail Camera Mischief (Blocking Camera) – pending
January 6, 2021
This Roadside Sighting from December 12, 2020, shows us/proves to us, that we, or any other Bigfoot enthusiasts, can see one of these Creatures, if they keep looking long enough and hard enough, for them.

December 9, 2020, Bigfoot Sighting, Hwy 84 East, Oregon; drawing and photo, property of Wyman Smith.
These Creatures have been seen, several times, over the years, between Troutdale, Oregon, and Hood River, Oregon (along the Columbia River).
They have even been seen, swimming across the Columbia River into Washington State, and vice-versa. I am always looking for them, in this area, also.
All my life, I have been a Hunter of, (Deer, Elk, Coyotes, Ducks, Pheasants, Digger Squirrels) and now Bigfoot Creatures also.
Along this part of I-84, where I saw this Big Black Creature, it is not known for Bigfoot sightings, (in fact, Sherman (0), Gilliam (0), & Marrow (1) counties, have a total of (1) BFRO sighting reports, but any time there is a Large Food Source, like the Columbia River, where there are fish, and all sorts of wild game, that come to water, to drink, including Ducks and Geese. And if there are people nearby, then maybe; there might be Chickens, Turkeys, Dogs and Cats, Sheep or Goats, many types of food, like Animal Feed, Dog Food, etc.
Soooo, some places where weekend Bigfooters might not think to look, might produce a Creature Sighting, or two?
I look high and low, every time we start to cross the Pass, Eastward, out of Pendleton, Oregon, up Cabbage Hill Grade, into the Blue Mountains, not that far South, from where the Freeman Bigfoot Footage was filmed.
(Deadman’s Pass, Blue Mountain Pass, Meacham Summit), which ever you choose to call it, because this pass is so long and strait, plus three lanes wide each way, much of the time. Sooo, I am always looking for animals, (Deer, Elk, Coyotes, & Bigfoot Creatures.)
I have seen all but the Bigfoot, already on this pass.
This last trip, I saw about Seven Bighorn Sheep, that was a first, along this Highway, but I have seen Bighorn Sheep, close up, in Wyoming before.
So, keep looking, always.
Be alert, and don’t go with a negative attitude, you never know when you might see a Bigfoot.
This is like fishing, you will never catch a fish, unless you have your line in the water.