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“If there is no new entry, it is because it may have been too windy to record, or I may have gone to bed without making a recording. This does not mean that my Dog wasn’t barking, she probably was.”
December 19, 2022 (Northward)
No this was Northward, and 2 eyes.
December 17, 2022 (More on Eye Glow Basics)
It looking low?
I believe this is why they use this unique feature that they have.
(limited), meaning, I’ve seen a number of these Creatures, but broken feet, from running off into the darkness, foolishly…
If they would go slower, they could use their eye glow? Maybe.
Cuz, if they’re not in a hurry, at night, running somewhere.
December 15, 2022 (Basics of Seeing Eye Glow)
Why I said eye glow, and not eyeshine, is that nothing got brighter, it was all dim.
All dull Red. It was really dark out, so I couldn’t see any body shapes.
My headlight was pointed down, because I was climbing my front steps, that were icy, so I first saw them out of my side vision, and I hardly noticed them.
Their natural eye glow isn’t very bright, the 3 or 4 times that I have seen it.
When I looked back, it seemed further away,
…probably further then I had first said.
I don’t think everyone would detect eye glow in the distance, a lot depends on the conditions, how much our eyes are adjusted to the dark helps us a lot.
Many times, when I go outside to see what my dog is barking at, I leave all my lights (head light, flashlights, etc.) off, and then I first listen, and look for Eye Glow, dark shapes moving, and then I turn on a light and look.
You know that the dog is not barking for no reason, it either, saw something, heard something. Maybe something that we cannot see that they can see?
Only once in the past, have I saw an apparition, fading in and out. I was surprised to see it.
December 15, 2022 (Eye Glow Sighting)
I had just let the Puppy outside, about 11:00 p.m. and as I turned to go back up the steps. My head light pointing downward, I saw it.
Its head was partly turned, causing its eyes to appear close together.
The Eye Glow was Dull Red, astonished, I looked back and saw it standing there, twice more, about 140 yards away and or further.
The last time that I saw the Creature’s Eye Glow, it looked further away: 170 – 180 yards.
I stepped inside and grabbed my larger light, and went back out for another look, but it/they were gone.
It was amazed to see this, “Thank you Father for this day, here.”
December 12, 2022 (Bigfoot Traits by Color)
Created Bigfoot Traits by Color – 911 Bigfoot Help
November 7, 2022 (Something Unknown)
I saw these big flat looking, close together, roundish?
Something that must have short legs, steps close together. A giant Bear (?) or Sasquatches making these weird prints to throw me off, maybe. Maybe there is something on the Trail Camera?

Unknown tracks; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
November 7, 2022

Trackway; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
November 7, 2022 (Activity)
Tonight, I heard my dog barking out front. She sounded pretty serious, so I went out front and shined my light around looking for eyeshine.
I saw nothing, then I realized that my Dog had to be sensing or smelling a Sasquatch.
Since my Dog, sounded serious, I decided to put my Cellphone outside on my front deck for and hour.
I listened to the Cellphone Recording, that was 7 minutes long.
It took nearly 3 minutes before; I heard any kind of faint Tree Knocks in my back 40.I heard 3.
Then my dog came back up front and was barking again, then I got ready to take the Puppy out front, and I heard a single Tree Knock. The Creature knew that I was coming outside.
(He’s coming out).
I made this recording just to know that they were still out there.
Then my Dog came up front again, and was barking seriously again
October 31, 2022 (Results)
This print was large, thus it took all the plaster that I had mixed up, just to cover the entirety, thus some of it is thin, and needs an added layer.
I will glue it with Super Glue and then I will add the extra layer of plaster.
October 31, 2022 (Casting Ready)
I left the Casting in my lower Barnyard overnight.
I’m getting dressed so I can go get it.
October 30, 2022 (Mixed and Poured)
I found this long Bigfoot, Footprint.
It was getting on towards dusk, so I went up to the house and mixed up some plaster and carried it down to where the Print is and poured it.
Then, I went on out into my pasture and changed some Camera Batteries that had gone dead, before dark.
October 30, 2022 (Return of the Longest Sighting Ever – Bigfoot)
I almost stumbled over this BF Track in my back barnyard.

The return of the longest sighting – Bigfoot – Track; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
It is long and skinny, just like the Last Bigfoot that I saw walk across the back of my property, a few months ago, it was Tall (approx. 9.5 feet) and Slender.
Some may remember that I saw it as it walked for about 75-80 yards, before disappearing from my sight. Making it my longest (duration) sighting so far.
I think that this Print, may be from that same Bigfoot?
See updates at the page for this sighting, including current pictures.
March 2022 – Longest Sighting – 911 Bigfoot Help
September 30, 2022 (Gifting)
I found these two-puff ball type of things, this morning at the bottom of my front steps…
They usually grow in dirt or grass…not on Concrete?
Yeah, sort of unusual.

Possible gifting of a flower from Creatures; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
September 29, 2022 (Audio Update)
9 -26a-22, length of recording 20:27,
Not viewed entirely: 10:00 minutes …
26 Knocks, (so far).
9-27a-22, length of recording, 9:16 minutes.
Total Knocks 24
9-28a-22, length of recording, 34:28
4 Total Knocks
Coyotes twice
Jet Plans, 5 – 2 non-Jet Plans.
We heard some unknown howls?
September 25, 2022 (Audio Routine)
Next Evening, 9-24a-22 I started this recording very early, even before 7:20 p.m., when I went out to feed my animals.
My dog was barking and I put my phone in the window, well before dark. I heard 8 knocks within the first 12 seconds (I am shocked that this is happening this early)!
I went down to feed my critters and start the generator after I started this recording.
My dog alerted me (!) as usual.
37 knocks, before my phone went dead.
September 25, 2022 (New Puppy)
Yes, the Quiet Night.!
9-23a-22, Length, 14:11 minutes.
Started at 12:31 a.m.
25 Total Knocks.
What was funny is that at 10:22, the Puppy started barking. It was after Daylight, so he woke up, and started barking, and well? I think that some younger Bigfoot Juvenile’s, started responding to his barking, even if he didn’t understand what was happening.
Maybe they felt more comfortable knocking, while a younger sounding dog, like a Puppy, was barking?
Anyway, this night, I heard 11 more Tree Knocks, which seemed to sound a little more – younger like, tones?
More suited like the occasion, to my surprise maybe it was just these Creatures showing off their abilities, to fit into the occasion?
I can’t really say, because I don’t really know.
What was funny about this is, is that my big dog stayed quiet during these 4 minutes when there were 11 new knocks.
September 22, 2022 (Value of Night Recordings)
Last night I ended up making 2 recordings.
(9-21a-22, 11 minutes long, and 9-21b-22, 43 minutes long,).
The first recording, that I made earlier in the evening, (8:22 p.m.) was short only11:00 minutes.
It seemed to be a fairly quiet night.
I only heard only 2 Bigfoot Tree knocks in the 11:00 minutes of recorded time.
This is enough to know that these Creatures are still out there. This is important to know.
Then later in the morning, around. 3 a.m. my dog woke me up barking at something.
This had been a quiet night, as I had stated before, but I decided to put my phone in the window, for a few minutes, just to try and see what was causing my dog to bark.?
Cougar, Bear, Coyotes, or Bigfoot?
Well, I fell asleep. I woke up and it was windy, my recording had run 43 minutes. (I was only wanting 5-10 minutes, so I figured that I would only listen that long.
After listening to 5 minutes, I had heard 16 BigFoot Tree Knocks, so I listened a little longer, at 15 minutes, I had heard 30 Tree Knocks.
I guess that this wasn’t such a quiet night, any more, we may think that there is nothing around outside, but, we might be wrong. I was!
This shows me why we should put a cellphone or the microphone for a recording device pointing out a window, on occasion, just to know/hear, what might actually be outside.
I am one, who wants to know, what might be living, around here, with me.
Survalence Equipment is better yet, like a Trail Camera, or video Camera’s.
My two recordings had 32 Bigfoot Tree Knocks.
One Rock hit my house, and there were 3-4 unknown sounds.
September 21, 2022 (Thinking About Rocks)
See below, initial comments about this rock on September 20, 2022:
Now to realize a real live Sasquatch Creature had picked it up and carried it around, maybe even made Tree Knocks with it, and then thrown it away…
I guess that is a pretty special Rock.
September 20, 2022 (Thankful)
Yes, we always be sure to Thank HIM, and Praise HIM, for the rain of our land.
September 18, 2022 (Cool Miracle)
“The Rain Miracle was very cool,” messaged Albert Ness. A member of the 911 Bigfoot Help Admin Team.
This was a reply to this message from September 12:
I awoke about 3:00 p.m., and thought, we really are in need of some rain, I remembered the scriptures, “I will give you the rain of your land, in his due season.”
September 20, 2022
Updated The Phenomenon of the Rocks – 911 Bigfoot Help
September 20, 2022

Mysterious rock placement; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
I recently found this in my back Barnyard. It most definitely was thrown there, by a Bigfooted Creature.
It may have been left there, (thrown there) as a type of warning, for something
September 19, 2022
I finished listening to night recording 9-10a &b-22 (10a=7.3~ 10b=35:32 minutes)
10a, had 2 knocks
10b, had 77 knocks.
Total 79 knocks.
But, at about minute 27, I started hearing an odd sound, sort of like an Alien breathing? I have never heard this sound before? So, label it as unknown.
Seriously, and I heard it about 30-40 times.
[Between you and me, I sent a photo of a couple of tracks to Todd, and it came back Alien].
The problem with this is that I have had signs of them (Aliens) here before.
September 18, 2022 (A New Sound)
Length of recording 54:07 minutes.
Started at 8:12 p.m.
Total Knocks, 51.
Plus, what I thought were mouth clicks, 9 of them, sounded similar to a stapler?
(I’ve never heard this noise before).
I did not make a night recording, last night.
There didn’t seem to be very much BF activity.
But tonight, 51 Knocks, was a long night.
September 13, 2022 (Audio Update)
I didn’t start the recording until 10:35 p.m. and I moved it into my window at 11:00 p.m.
9-12a-22, Length in Minutes 29:47.
September 12, 2022 (Things, Activity, Knocks)
I put my phone in the window at 12:30; my Dog, was barking.
9-11a-22, Length 29:51, minutes.
Things, Activity, Knocks, were pretty steady most of the night.
The knocks were pretty steady, for this last part of the morning.
The first 17 minutes of the recording had 35 knocks. That’s a bunch.
I awoke about 3:00 p.m. and thought, we really are in need of some rain. I remembered the scriptures, “I will give you the rain of your land, in his due season.”
3 minutes later, it started raining and it rained off and on, about 5 times, over the next few hours (at least a couple of hours of rain).
This was amazing.
What an amazing GOD we have! Just to get any rain is a miracle.
September 7, 2022 (Central Oregon Bigfoot Trackway)
Updated Recent News – 911 Bigfoot Help
See the whole update on the Recent News page.
Took a week to verify permission of using the info and photos.
August 30, 2022 (Central Oregon Bigfoot Trackway)
Contacted by Central Oregon Contact about a Bigfoot Trackway.
August 30, 2022 (Windy Audio)
8-29a-22, length of the recording, 17:59 minutes.
Conditions; semi windy.
Total knocks, 3
These knocks were not heard, until minute 16 of the recording, almost to the end.
The Dog did a lot of barking, in the prior 2 hours; this is rare.
August 29, 2022 (High Activity Level Audio)
Number, 8-28a-22, length, 46 Minutes
Total knocks, approx. 46.
Knocks happened all through the night, till morning.
(Note, I tried stop the recording, unsuccessful, so after recording the night’s events on paper, I deleted the recording because it went for almost 3 hours).
August 25, 2022 (Early Activity – Audio)
Dog barked, 6:00 ish; I put my phone on deck.
Got 4 knocks in the first minute. 1 the second minute.
Recording was only 7 minutes.
I heard a rock also.
This is all by 6:45 p.m. today.
August 23, 2022 (Busy Night)
Second Recording, the same night. 8-21a&b-22,
Length, 8:46+37:06=45 minutes of recorded time, but actual time over 6.5 hours.
1st recording, 3 knocks
2nd recording, 31 more knocks, total 34 Knocks
August 22, 2022 (Site Update)
Updated Trusted Contacts – 911 Bigfoot Help
August 21, 2022 (New and Updated)
Updated Bigfoot Sounds – 911 Bigfoot Help
Created Mimicking – 911 Bigfoot Help
August 15, 2022 (Rock Thrown at Me)
Last Sabbath, when I was out doing my chores, a little late, as I was coming out of the barn yard, a Rock came flying into the Barnyard. I just ignored it, but I did not sit down to rest back there, like I usually do.
August 13, 2022 (Audio Update)
Last night, 8-12a-22
11:30 p.m., length 3:00 minutes.
Total number of Knocks, six.
My Dog had been barking a lot; at 11:30 p.m. I put my phone outside on the front deck for a short while.
There were several Knocks, within the first minute. Six Total.
My dog was barking some, off and on during the afternoon also, today. I suspect that it was BF’S (Bigfoots) then too.
I almost put it outside at 7:00 p.m.
August 12, 2022 (Small Town Warning – Bigfoot All Around)
A warning for those that live in the Country-side or smaller towns:
Small Town Warning – Bigfoot Frequency – 911 Bigfoot Help
August 8, 2022 (Perhaps Different)
The very first time that I heard a BF, Growl at my dog it was at or near the NE corner, of my property and I heard it loud and clear, and it scared the living crap out of me.!
I mean that it was really fierce sounding.
I haven’t heard another growl, that fierce….
But I cannot pretend like I hear every growl either.
The past few years, most of the growls have been low in volume, but serious, no less…
This latest Growl seems to be a different Creature, possibly.
It sounded like it was very guttural, low growl, more like a Bear might make, but still very low, serious.
August 7, 2022 (Deep Low Growl)
My Dog was barking more intently, so, at 10:00 p.m., I put my phone out on the front deck.
Immediately, I heard knocks – 4 in the first 30 seconds. Plus 3 more knocks, (out back) at 9:00 minutes into this recording.
But I also heard a DEEP LOW GROWL, at my Dog twice, it lasted about 9 seconds, long.
She just continued to bark at the Creature.
This is Recording 8-6a-22, length, 15:56…
7 Tree Knocks
2 Rocks, one bad Rough low GROWL, which went on for 9 seconds….
But later, I added a few minutes to this recording later in the morning, around 11:00 a.m., my Dog started barking again, which she does, sometimes, so I put my phone on the Deck quickly, and recorded another knock. This tells me that these Creatures are being active, throughout the day.
Yeah, we know that these Creatures will communicate thru knocks if someone shows up here, but, no one was around at this time, this I could see?
It really seems like they are becoming more aggressive, but still staying hidden.
July 29, 2022 (The Creature is Here)
Sometimes the generator runs out of gas, earily, 9:30 p.m. last Thursday night,
10:30 p.m. this night. HIS HOLY SABBATH.
My house is 85° inside at 5:00 a.m. it is 71° outside, doors are open Roosters are crowing baby was crying….
I got up at 4:30, to bring my phone inside, and I decided to listen to the recording, about then, just to find out what was out front.
The Creature is here. I heard two loud definite knocks, within 5 minutes., the next 2 knocks were in the back 40, together, at 10:50 & 10:51 followed by a very strange unknown noise.
It was daylight here by 5:20 a.m.
There was a total of 4 knocks, 2 loud, 2 distant.
But the 3 unknown sounds, which I heard are the odd things?
Happy Sabbath Day, enjoy spending HIS SPECIAL DAY, with HIM!
July 27, 2022 (The Reason)
7-27a-22, Night Recording.
There were 17 Tree Knocks.
I made this recording around 11:00 p.m.
What I consider unusual, is that these Creatures were making loud knocks, while Kevin and I were going in and out of my house.
I was setting and resetting setting mouse traps, on my front deck, and in my kitchen.
I actually caught 12 mice, this first night, plus 10 more the next night (last night)
also. I have to go outside and reset these traps, over and over, after dark.
July 27, 2022 (Tree Knocks Not So Secret)
7-27a-22, Night Recording, Length 8:38 minutes.
Recorded around 11:00 to 12:00a.m.
There were 17 Tree Knocks, several loud and close, some faint and far away.
The most surprising aspect of this is that the TREE KNOCKS actually happened, while I was going in and out, setting mouse traps.
July 25, 2022 (7/24 Activity)
Albert, I made this recording last night, it’s really unusual, again.
7-24b-22. @ about 9:51p.m.
Length 22:40 minutes long.
27 Knocks
2 Rocks?
2 unknown sounds?
These Creatures made like 10 knocks within 1 minutes, like twice.? (2X’s). Sort of bang, bang, bang.bang.bang. X’s 10
The kids had left, gone into town, late, to use WIFI. They left the baby with us for an hour or so, (a first). Which we got to enjoy.
After the kids were back here in the house, it seemed these Creatures made more noise, right after, then they did before.??
It was like they were saying we are not afraid of you people, or they may think we trying to scare them off, maybe?
Again, I don’t know what they may think, if they think at all.
Are they trying to communicate something, to me maybe?
I don’t know?
Maybe they think these kids are the new owners or something.
Chances are, that they be they’ll be different when the kids leave., I am sure.
July 24, 2022 (7/9 Activity)
Night Recording for 7-9a-22.
Length of the Recording was 20:32
Started at 9:47 p.m.
It is very windy, too windy, and too hard to hear anything in particular, but my Dog is still barking, so she knows something that I do not.
I do hear bumps and bangs, things blowing in the night, hitting my houses.!
Is it these Creatures? Maybe? Maybe not?
I can’t really tell, cuz it’s too windy
My dog seems to know that things are out there, because she is barking at them. She can sense things, she can smell them, I can’t.
I have listened to over half of the recording, but it is useless
July 24, 2022 (7/11 Activity)
Night Recording for 7-11a-22, length 11:22 minutes
Started @ 10:42 p.m.
3 Knocks,
(2 faint knocks, 1 distant knock)
Several Owl sounds out there, this night.
Coyotes sounded off close by.
July 24, 2022 (7/12 Activity)
Night Recording for, 7-12a-22
Started at 10:42 p.m.
Length 13:53 minutes.
Total Knocks, (14)
(All in the beginning, like 3-4 of these Creatures, making knocks, about the same time)? Unusual.
July 24, 2022 (7/15 Activity)
7-15a-22, length 25:46 minutes of recorded time.
12 knocks,
1 Small Rock,
Bigfoot woofed at my Dog, 3X’s
Bigfoot Mimicked Coyotes.
July 24, 2022 (Gauntlet)
I made a last minute, very late recording last night: 7-24a-22 @ 2:09 a.m.
I hardly got my phone outside onto the deck, 0:28 sec. Before hearing the first Bigfoot (BF) knock.
The 2nd was 30 sec later.
The 3rd was 12 seconds later, very close and very loud.
@ 2:53, I heard a faint branch break, and @ minute 3:10, I heard a small rock hit my front screen door.
A minute later I heard something on my front deck?
@4:55 , the BF Juveniles started crowing like real Chickens, about 20, X’s, w/stick knocks.
My own Roosters also started Crowing about 15 X’s.
My dog started barking again, and I heard 2 more knocks (maybe stick knocks).
I ended the recording at 8:00 minutes, or earlier.
I mainly wanted to know if all this activity was BF’S or Something else.
July 24, 2022 (Thump – Recognition)
Tonight, 7/23, my dog was barking, continually for over an hour or more, straight,.. like most nights.
Everything else was pretty quiet, the dog paused for a minute or two, and then we heard a noise, a thump out front. Maybe it was more of a rock??
Cherie and I both heard it, and when Kevin (house guest) came inside, less then an hour later, he said that both of them also heard it, from the back of my house, too.
This is pretty interesting to me how these Creatures will still do things like this, right out of the blue, even when people are still awake at 10:30 or 11:00 p.m.
It seems like they may want us to know that they are still out there, because this doesn’t appear to be a form of communication, but rather a form of recognition, I think.
July 10, 2022 (Verifies Wyman’s Truth)
It was a surprise, to me, to see these Creatures make a move this soon, but I am glad that they did, sooner than later.
Plus, they kept making Sounds, (knocks, back and forth).
This continued to let him know, that they were still out there.
Yes, he knows that we are not BS-ing him.
July 10, 2022 (Creature Strategy)
I think that the Creatures took the first week to evaluate the situation with these house guests being here, and then, when they saw the opportunity to make a move, they took it.
This surprised me, this soon and it shocked Kevin too, but it was a good move for them, and they took it.
July 9, 2022 (Audio Update)
This Recording is for 7-8a-22. A 32:44-minute-long recording.
[Note: I have not made recordings very often lately, because of the house guest, coming in and out, and going out onto my front deck…
I heard some Tree Knocks, (approximately 16) a few closely, (one at 19:00) but mostly far and faintly.
I heard something hit my deck roof, it rolled twice. (@ 25:32).
I also heard a rock hit something metal? (@ 31:36) close to the end.
My Dog barked pretty much none stop.
July 9, 2022 (Busy Night)
I left my phone on the Front Deck overnight, until early morning.
This Recording was only 5 minutes, 10 sec long.
Something was thrown onto my front deck roof at 1:08 into the recording.
At 1:39-:40, I heard a strange humming sound; unknown, but rather alarming.
At 1:43, the B.F. (Bigfoot) Juveniles, started making RCM (Rooster Crow Mimics)/with Stick knocks, (35 of them within 2 minutes).
My own Roosters made about 15 Crows, during this same time.
July 9, 2022 (Opportunity)
I have made a recording last night. I will try to listen to the Recording today, sometime.
Our house guests come in and out frequently. So, we end up not paying attention to my Dog’s barking, very much; thus, it seems like the Bigfoots knew how to do this, and THEY USED THIS OPPORTUNITY, to come in close, even when the guests were going in and out, after Dark?
And when all this was happening, these Bigfoot Creatures didn’t seem to care, and they went ahead and made Tree Knocks back and forth to each other.
But who is going to stop them?
July 7, 2022 (Witness Again)
After Kevin had gone back outside on my front deck, (he was cleaning a paint brush) he said that he kept hearing, sticks breaking, (maybe Tree Knocks) from two directions, and he pointed to the same places where another witness in 2019 heard Tree knocks, while coming up the front steps in the morning, after arriving by car for a visit, as if getting the Creature’s attention.
Kevin, the current guest, stated that he kept hearing these Branches breaking…
July 7,2022 (Witness)
Tonight, a house guest, Kevin, went outside to get some things out of his car, parked out front by the steps. This was about 10:30 p.m.
My dog was barking, as she has done often since they arrived last week.
He came back inside, about 2/3 scared, and said that there was something outside, other than my dog, he looked pretty scared!
He said that he heard something run off beside the house.
He said that he heard its footsteps. “There’s something out there, and it isn’t your dog. Your dog is over there, and whatever it was, was over on this side of the house.”
Now, he believes that these Creatures are actually living up here.
He went back out after some discussion, and after he had calmed down some, and this time he heard sticks breaking, in two different places?
Pretty interesting, ehh?
July 6, 2022 (Voices)
We were sitting at the table about 2:30 p.m., when my Girlfriend looked up at me and said, “I heard talking!”
I said, ” What?”
She said, “I heard talking, just look at my Cat!”
I looked at her Cat, and she had her head up, ears up, and was looking very intently towards the front door, like she had heard something very alarming. SHE WAS ON FULL ALERT!
I Looked back at her Cat a second time, and she was still on Full Alert!
Our company had been parking their car by my front door, and it was gone.
I asked My Girlfriend, “What did the talking sound like?
She said, “Like someone said the name of your dog.
To my surprise, my Dog, did not wake up. She has been really tired lately.
I have heard the word, “HEY,” shouted LOUDLY, from this empty field before, about 5 years ago.
I have heard talking on other occasions, in the past years, here, but more faintly. I was unable to understand what was said.
July 3, 2022 (Observing with House Guests)
I put my phone out last night, at 11:30 p.m. till about 2:00 a.m.
The recording was 20 minutes of recorded time, about 2.5 hours long.
There were Approximately 21 Knocks, Thumps, and some unknown thumps, plus Baby Crying, a few times. A real mixture of sound, which the Bigfoots, seem to be staying back, and observing from a distance?
My Dog isn’t handling it very well, though.
July 2, 2022 (Crowing Contest)
7-2a-22, length 23:42
1 Tree knock
(Then my Roosters started crowing and the B.R. (Bigfoot Rooster Mimick) Juveniles started crowing and making their Tree Knocks, but to my surprise my 3 or 4 Rooster’s started out-crowing the B.F. Juveniles 2-3, to one!)
That’s a lot of crowing, since I counted 159 additional Knocks, plus the 1 = 160… who will believe this….CUZ it seems impossible.
June 26, 2022 (Spiritual Update)
Created page for The Unknown Truths – 911 Bigfoot Help
June 20, 2022 (Audio Update)
Length is 18:07, (from 9:40 p.m. till 2:00 a.m.)
There13 Tree Knocks, [2 pairs of 2 fast knocks] this is unusual.
1 Tree Thump. + 1 Tree Tap?
2 Rocks, 1 small, 1 Medium size, it hit the ground (did it miss my dog? Was it meant to scare my dog?)
[Something Scuffed its foot, to get my dogs attention, for 3 seconds]
Unknown sound?
June 15, 2022 (Scream)
My dog was barking more than normal, like there was something going on.
I had the big generator pumping water, lots of noise. I turned it off at 12:30 a.m.
I decided to put my phone in the window, at 12:44 a.m.
My dog was barking seriously, bad knocks were happening rapidly!!
I heard 24 knocks within the first three minutes…
I stopped counting, when I heard Rooster crows, without a break, at 27 minutes.
I rounded this 46:47 long recording, off at 30 minutes.
There were 59 Tree Knocks, within 27 minutes of recording time, plus one cry type sounding scream.
I think maybe one of the Creature’s hurt a younger one, or they killed something? I can not identify the sound, but it set my dog off again.
I wonder what had gone on before I turned my big Generator off.
I also wonder why they have these really active nights, and then go low, for a few nights?
June 13, 2022 (Blast from the Past)
Taken August 4, 2018, but noticed now, June 13, 2022.

Juvenile, 2018, after Prairie Incident; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
I was looking thru some of my BF Photos and came across this.
It appears to be a young Juvenile to me?
I don’t remember taking the picture, but I am sure that I did.
The date is Aug 4th 2018, at 7:52 p.m.
Interesting ehh??
I don’t think that it was Suzie’s baby, but I fully believe that it is a Baby Bigfoot.
I can’t believe that I didn’t move in closer to investigate this (?) and take more pictures, but I possibly could have gotten attacked if I had.
This was very close to the time when I had my pasture sighting, and when they made themselves known unto us.
I think it should go into my Photo Gallery, as A Possible Baby BF.
Do U agree?
June 13, 2022 (Something Different)
Right now, we have been having a LOTof WIND, unable to make a recording during this.
We have times of bad weather, when I cannot record.
It’s been rather strange here!! Lately.
Some nights these Creatures are real active. Other nights, only a knock or two, or they only make a few real soft/quiet types of knocks, that my dog hears, and barks at, which I can not hear….. THIS IS NEW & DIFFERENT.
Now and then, I will get a night when they are communicating a lot? More like old times.
Things are different.
These are the End of Days…
June 13, 2022 (Concerning)
This is concerning to me.
I went back to June 1.
I made a late-night recording at 11:30 p.m. this recording was 8:20 minutes long.
My phone was on the front deck.
My dog barked about a minute into it.
At 3:00, I heard a bang on metal (??) 3:09, I heard a thump, like on my front deck. At 3:30, I heard something jump onto my roof! My dog continued to bark, like she was unsure.
At 4:57, I heard a fairly loud exhale.
Stop, and realize, this Creature had to be close, (on my roof) for my phone to record this exhale…. this is scary….
There were zero knocks.
I don’t like this type of behavior.
I listened to two other recordings.
One had loud rain. 6-10
One had loud wind 6-12
I deleted both.
June’s recording:
6-1a-22……8:20 long
Zero Knocks.
6-2a-22. 19:38 long
2 Tree knocks
Many more, Juvenile Rooster Crowing Mimics/w knocks.
6-3a-22. 8:07 long
1 Tree knock
Something hit my roof
6-8a-22. 12:05 long
4 Tree Knocks
6-9a-22. 13:21 long
1 Knock
2 very faint knocks
Dozens of Juvenile Rooster Crow Mimics stick knocks, over 30
6-10a -22 Deleted
6-11a-22. 18:42 long
26 Tree Knocks
6 -12a Deleted
June 12, 2022 (Creatures or Shadows)

Creatures or Shadows; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
June 12, 2022 (Creatures or Shadows)

Looks like two Bigfoot; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
June 12, 2022 (Print)

Faint print; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Same with tracing:

Faint print; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
June 11, 2022 (Rock)

Rock placement; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
June 9, 2022 (With Purpose)
Noticed that this print is faint, but it is definitely there, not really castable. But it was made to be noticed; noticed, with the Rocks they were carrying with them.

“In Your Face” track; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
These two Juveniles like for me to know that they were there… for some reason.

The disturbed ground inside the barnyard; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
June 9, 2022 (With Purpose)
2nd Picture, The ground inside the barnyard was all disturbed, by them, also.
June 9, 2022 (In Your Face – Track)
I found these two rocks, side by side, in the Toe Area of this track.

“In Your Face” track; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
I had found another rock this size, about 3 ‘ before I had found the 2.
Someone had mentioned these Creatures put a track where we would see it, (by the car).
This is back by my chicken pen, where I had to see it.
Wow, I am surprised that they might do this.

“In Your Face” track; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
It isn’t really castable, but I might anyway.

“In Your Face” track; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
June 9, 2022 (Reasoning)
6-9a-2022, started at 11:30 p.m. and ended at 5:00 a.m.
This recording started off with my dog barking as usual, but I can’t hear anything, but I heard two very faint distant knocks? Could this be what my dog barks at, sometimes? Later in the morning, my dog started barking while the Juveniles were playing games with my Roosters, and got one nice loud Tree Knock, for a total of three Tree Knocks. The Juvenile Bigfoots were playing games with my Roosters, for about an hour. I did not care to count their Crowing Mimics, or the stick knocks they do make, which are actually a sort of Tree Knock.
(Short Recordings Are Proof)
The thing about these short recordings, is that it shows me that these Creatures are still around here. This is important to know because if one is totally unaware that they are around, then watch out. Why? Because your guard is down, and you or someone else in your family may be hit with infra-sound and not be aware of what happened to them.
May 26, 2022
I made one recording, on 5-23a-22, (over 3 hours), only 1:37, minutes of recorded time.
At 0:53, I heard a faint scream, way in the back, somewhere. Then, I heard a BF (Bigfoot) woof at my dog at 0:59.
This was the entire recording for this night.
At 0:54, I heard a “faint scream” that caused my dog to bark.
Then at 0:59, I heard a BF “woof” at my dog. _____________
This recording was so short, that I just added it to this second recording of 5-24a-22.
I started this recording at 8:30 p.m.
At 2:32, I heard a small rock hit the metal deck roof.
I heard another small rock hit the roof at 4:07.
At 3:02, & 3:04, I heard two rapid Tree Knocks.
This total recording, of both nights, was only 8:57, minutes in length.
This isn’t much action, for two nights, but this is how it’s been here lately?
May 17, 2022
I collected about 6 SD Cards yesterday.
May 11, 2022
Updated Spiritual/Biblical
May 10, 2022
There doesn’t seem to be much happening here lately, but real early last night, like 8:50 p.m. My dog was barking out front, towards where I had my very first (2) sightings. I am sure that she was hearing something that I couldn’t hear, and she continued to bark, after I had turned off my light, and gone back inside. Whenever she would start barking, I would shine my light around outside, but I never saw any eyeshine out there.
She would usually stop barking after I would shine a light out and about.
May 9, 2022
Created page for Keeping His Law is Love
Created page for Gods Patience as We Sin
May 8, 2022 (Update on Last)
I only mentioned Tweetie Birds, as a reference, that I had not heard any of them, because it way still too dark out. But the Juvenile BF that made the Rooster Crowing Mimics, was possibly testing the time, (to see if he could wake up my Roosters, and get some early morning action going) maybe? It is interesting to me, how these Creatures can be so active here one night, and not hardly make knocks, the next, or the next three nights? (These, Tree Knocks, that I hear, almost nightly, [1-40 each night] is rather interesting to my Bigfoot Researcher friend. They have Bigfoot activity where he lives, but they don’t hear Tree Knocks, none. They’ve never heard one there. I think that these Sasquatches go off to hunt, some place else, (for Deer, Fish, or Livestock), so they do not deplete their local food sources here, and not to draw attention to themselves, here, where they wish stay and live, it seems. It/this is a smart concept, since I am sure, that they do kill and eat livestock on occasion. The farmers around here, do not count their livestock, but once a year, probably for tax purposes?
Animals get sick or little one’s wander off and die or get killed.
[About 7 years ago, one neighbor near here, (he was not a farmer), he saw two Coyotes eating on a Lamb they had killed about daylight. He shot one of the two, the other got away. He took the dead Coyote and the 1/2 eaten Lamb to show the farmer.] I really have no idea, if six or sixteen of their Calves, Sheep, or Goats, go missing, each year, so what? There are also, Coyotes, Cougar and Bear that kill livestock, besides Bigfoots?
I suspect that most farmers, are completely unaware that these Bigfoots are out there.
I believe that there may be upward of seven Creatures living somewhere near here?
One female, possibly two, plus babies. The Grey One, the Pretty Brown One (possibly one of the females), and two Juveniles. This doesn’t include any rogue types that travel around. Since I have (two)-23″×13.5″ plaster footprint casting, that’s a Monster!
May 7, 2022 (Rock Thrown – Bird Mimics)
Dated 5-4a-22
There wasn’t any knocks, zero, but a bang on my metal shed out back, plus a Rock hit a metal roof, somewhere here, then three Jet Airliners. That was it. I had put my phone in the bedroom window later when I went to bed, but when I checked it later, like five hours later there was not any recorded sounds?
So nothing more.
But I looked at my phone again and it was there, (15:37 minutes)so I dated it, as 5-4b-22, and I just listened to it…. all wind noise until 13:46 minutes, when I heard 4 BF Juvenile Rooster Crowing Mimics, w/ there Taps-knocks?…then 2 more.
That was the end of the recording for the night: Six Rooster Crowing Mimics.
These Mimics, were probably made, toooo early in the morning hours,(while still dark out) because I usually hear my Roosters or Tweetie Birds chirping when it get daylight outdoors but there was nothing like that in this recording.?
There was none of that.
So, I deleted these recordings. 5-4a-23 & 5-4b-22….
Maybe they are changing their ways, or off with the aliens?, Sort of inactive, but there seems to be one out there, somewhere.
May 3, 2022 (Audio Update – Boof – Woof)
5-2a-2022, it was a windy night, but I tried to make a recording anyway.
My Dog barked off and on, but I listened closely, thru the wind, and @ 12:10 a.m. I heard a single Bigfoot, “Boof at my dog, faintly”.
Then, at 18:38, again through the wind, I heard a Bigfoot, “Woof, at my dog”
Then about 20 seconds later, I heard a single Tree Knock, the only one of this 30-minute recording, that was 3.5 hours long.
Not much happening, but they were here.
May 2, 2022 (Foot-Print as Communication)
I believe that this Creature was telling me, by showing me that he can do anything that he wishes to do, even here on my front Deck, close to my front door. Previously they had unscrewed the light bulb, which I had next to my front door, which I have replaced the light fixture with a different type of fixture (LED’s) that cannot be unscrewed. Maybe this is why he left the edge photo of himself to say, I am here, and I will do what I decided to do, when I want to. This is why, we always lock our front door. EXCEPT in the Summer when it is too hot upstairs. We do lock our screen door, then, but that isn’t much protection. I do not feel that these Creatures have come inside my house, but it is possible, that it could happen sometime, because they live here (outside) with us on this hillside. They have smelled our cooking, and have expressed that they wanted some of it, by throwing a rock at the house, which hit just below my kitchen window, while we were eating. That particular Creature, was saying, “Hey you in there, THAT SMELLS GOOD, and I WANT SOME of it.
April 22, 2022 (New Behavior)
Maybe my Dog as upset about the New Truck, barking and barking. I told her no, stop.
I was told to ignore her, it could be a Bigfoot Creature she is barking at?
I put my phone in the window, and immediately herd two knocks, then a small Rock. At minute five, I heard six knocks, and at minute seven, six more knocks, This recording was only 10 minutes – had 21 knocks, one small Rock, and an unknown word.
In only ten minutes.
Maybe the Bigfoots were concerned about our new Truck?
April 21, 2022 (Crow Mimics)
I listened to a very late, or should I say, a very early recording on 4-18a-22.
This started off, with my Dog Barking, at 0:04 sec. I heard one Tree Knock at 0:07, and a Jet Airliners that basically ended the bog and the Tree Knocks.
At 2:39 sec. The Juvenile Bigfoots started making half Crow sounds, including their Knocks with each Crow Mimic this went on for most of the next 10 minutes, ending the recording with more Jet Airliners Noise. I can tell when these BF Juveniles make their Crowing Mimics and my real Roosters Crow. It averages 2 to 1, and goes into the hundreds, no one really believes me.
April 21, 2022 (Frustrating Audio)
Admin, edit this entry…
Ok, the night before last night, Recording # 4-19a-22 Started the recording at 10:07 p.m. & most likely went past midnight.
There were only 2 Tree Knocks, At least 9 Jet Airliners, (which usually stops everything due to their loud roaring noise) _________________
I made a 2nd recording. 4-19b-22, well after midnight , 4:43 minutes long, all Rooster Crowing (37) and BF Crowing Mimics (77)
Can you begin to see how difficult/frustrating this can be.?? LOL
April 21, 2022 (Audio)
I tried to make a recording last night, I did hear four Tree Knocks, but between the Jet Airliners and the Wind; well, I couldn’t hear 1/2 of it.
Recording # 4-20a-22 Started this recording at 8:10 p.m. ended at 12:10 a.m. (4 hours long) Heard a total of 4 Tree Knocks.
April 20, 2022 (Update)
“The Weather Conditions, this time of year, we have lots of HIGH WINDS, RAIN, and SNOW, (close to a foot) which makes it almost impossible to make a recording.”
Yes, my Dog still barks at the things out there in the dark, in the night, and (the daylight also) like my latest Creature sighting at 3:20 p.m. in the afternoon. Wow, was that exciting, or what! That really go me pumped up, I was excited!
(see below as the longest sighting so far)
This is why there are not regular postings on the Timeline, at this time.
Thank You, Wyman.
April 6, 2022 (Prints)
I found prints along my old goat feeder. The feeder’s roof is low. I would have hit my head on this, if I had walked there, but if a Juvenile Creature was trying to stay hidden, then it would have walked there, but these footprints almost look like my shoe prints, but with toes!

Bigfoot evidence near goat pen on April 6, 2022; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Bigfoot evidence near goat pen on April 6, 2022; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Bigfoot evidence near goat pen on April 6, 2022; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Bigfoot evidence near goat pen on April 6, 2022; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
I collected six SD cards yesterday. I will have a look at them soon.
April 5, 2022
I feel that I miss so much, especially when I have my phone outside and my Dog barks much of the evening hours, and I don’t go outside very often, UNLESS, IT SOUNDS URGENT! I want to get my nighttime recording, so I usually leave things to my Dog to handle, which I feel, this might make her feel somewhat abandoned?
I am not always so pleased with doing it this way.
I will go look out my bedroom window, sometimes 4-6 X’s in the evening. I usually open it quietly, while she is barking, then I listen for Coyote’s and such, and knocks, before running my light out there, all over the place. Much of the time, her serious sounding barking, is B.S. and she will come walking back towards the house, knowing that I had just caught her in a bluff, meaning, if she thinks there is something out there, and she sounds big and tough, then maybe it won’t come in towards the house. Also, sometimes she has to do a certain amount of activity, barking, to get a Boogar, to make a Tree Knock, which then gives her a reason for barking more and more.
March 29, 2022
Is this a Bigfoot?

Possibly a Bigfoot at night; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Now, the original photo:

Possibly a Bigfoot at night; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
March 27, 25, 2022
I want to get a second camera, one to point behind me. I remember the guy named Mark, who had Cascade Bigfoot, up north, on the Valley side, up past Darrington, Rock Port area. I think he went back towards Glacier Peak (?) maybe. I think it’s a National Monument in the Cascades. Anyway, I remember a video he had of a huge Creature, that was hiding behind a small group of very large old growth Trees, only 50′ or less from his pickup, where they had slept the night, parked right in the road. They got up, made coffee and some cereal, then Mark put on his backpack, that had a camera on it pointing behind him, and the one pointing forward/in front of him, on a head band. When they start walking back down the road that they had driven in on, this Creature came out from behind this small group of trees, not 50′ from them, while they were eating breakfast! That BF was huge, at least 10-12′, I was shocked at how big it was and he got the video, from behind him; it was amazing.
I want another camera like I have, so that I have more of the same batteries…
Mine is an AKASO V50 Pro.
No zoom, but it takes the most beautiful videos.
I paid $79, I think, online for it.
March 25, 2022 (What It Was Like – Preparations)
I took my Bear Spray, my handgun and my 12-gauge Shotgun, along with my little GoPro type of camera.
I do have a harness that goes around me and holds my AKASO Camera.
It picks up video, with sound, but no zoom.
I paid about $80 for it on line 2-3 years ago.
Be sure to use your camera, behind you, as well, if possible.
There was a guy name mark – Cascade Bigfoot. (He has leg issues and can’t walk much) I seem to remember him being hit from behind by two Juvenile Sasquatches. They knocked him down, but they hit his backpack.
A backup with extra clothes would help to cushion a hit in the back.
He may have got hit on two occasions up there. (?)
He has exploring up around Buck Creek, 25 miles southeast of Darrington, is the general area…. I think he was way back in there.
March 25, 2022 (Two Days Later)
I figured since I had the sighting, that there would be Bigfoots around…
I put my phone out there late, at 10:07 p.m. until 1:00 a.m. equaling 3 hours.
There were 60 Tree Knocks, within that time no “tellen” how many in the previous three hours, from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. – possibly, 60 more?
I put my phone in the window at 3:40 a.m. There were lots of my Rooster Crows, (73) and lots of BF Rooster Crow Mimics (120).
It was crazy out there.
I can hear the difference between my Roosters, and the rougher sounds of the BF Mimic.
March 23, 2022 (Audio Cold Night)
I did make a recording last night. Twas 18° outside, hard on my phone and it’s battery.
I left it outside too long.
RECORDING 2-24a-22
March 23, 2022 (Bigfoot Sighting)
The longest Bigfoot sighting so far!
At 3:30 p.m. my dog was barking out back. After, about watching 30 seconds, I saw a tall black figure. A Creature? A Creature, walking really fast, northward, across the back of my property, and onto the lot below me.
It turned east. I lost sight of it, about fifty yards onto that property.
AFTER: Looked for footprints…

Possible foot track from my longest Bigfoot sighting thus far on March 23, 2022; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
See more pictures at: 2022 – Longest Sighting – 911 Bigfoot Help…
March 22, 2022 (Juvenile)
These 2″ thick cinder step stones are 12″× 12″, so the the impression print looks to be 13-14″ long, so yes, a Juvenile.
March 21, 2022 (Fresh Track)
I still can’t believe this.

Track outside shop; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
I was out doing my chores tonight, and I ran into this, in the dirt and rock, outside my shop door. Naa, it must be my track? I guess that need to measure it.
March 10, 2022 (Catching Up on Audio)
March 1, 2022, Recording # 3-1a-22, Length of, 9:22 minutes, 7 Total Tree Knocks. _______________ March 2, 2022, Recording # 3-2a-22, Length of 59:10 minutes 54 Total Tree Knocks Approx.120 Rooster Crows, Approx. 15 Stick Knocks with these Crows.
Comment: Very busy morning; I don’t know why?
________________ March, 4,2022 Recording # 3-4a-22, Length of,11:18 minutes 25 Total Tree Knocks, plus 36 Rooster Crowing Mimics, with 5 Stick Knocks. _______________ March 5, 2022, Recording # 3-5a-22, Length of 8:17 8 Total Tree Knocks. ______________ March 7, 2022 Recording # 3-7a-22 Length of, 26:47 Started 7:00ish p.m. 22 Tree Knocks 1 small dog sound, (probably a Bigfoot) Windy, __________________ March 9, 2022. 24° out Recording # 3-9a-22 Length of, 50:15 Started at 7:04 p.m. Ended about 2 hours 9 Total Tree Knocks, 1 unknown sound, *Bigfoot “Woofed” at my Dog; so, it’s too close to my house.
Comment: The Bigfoots didn’t start off with Tree Knocks tonight, like they normally do.
No, I heard footsteps, then, I heard a rock hit the ground, then, I heard the Bigfooted Creature “Woof” at my Dog, all by minute 3:00. At minute 6:00, I heard these Creatures whispering to each other, then I heard one of them, make some Monkey noises. (Like, Uha, Uha, Uha, Uha, Uha).
This is unusual behavior? For me to detect/hear this on my phone, they have to be too close to my house.
Twas so windy, that I skipped forward, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, minutes, then again at 34:00 forward to the end.
March 7, 2022 (Come and Go)
Maybe some of these Creatures, move around some, meaning they come and go sometimes, lately they are making Tree Knocks from more place, around me.
If the Huge One, is here, he is staying hidden or moved on.
They are really staying hidden, these past few months, but my cameras are on full duty.
March 7, 2021 (More – Much More)
Well, you are right about the first 5 Creatures here:
One Eye (black) Gray One (silver/gray & brown) Suzie. (black) Juvenile #1 (black) Juvenile #2 (black) ___________
Fence Crosser/Fence Walker, (light tan brown) Goofball, (black w/clothing) Long Hair, (black long hair) Pretty Brown One, (Rich Red – well-groomed hair)
But I am not sure about The Fence Crosser? Its hair seems too short, and the same is true, about The Fence Walker? These two could be a match, and the sighting dates are within about six months of each other, so these two have the same short tan colored hair Creature’s, both caught by different cameras, within 50′-60′ of each, pointing two different directions. But I don’t think that the New Brown One, is either of these two, (The Fence Crosser and The Fence Walker). There are just too many differences. This New Brown One has completely different type of hair. I named it “The Pretty Brown One”, not only in length but the color of its hair is a much Richer softer Redish Brown color, and it is well groomed, long and has more hair on its face too. Then we have The Gay acting One, that I call “Goofball”, because it seems to always be wearing something, on its shelve or around its neck, like a scarf, in both of the pictures that I have of it. It also is Black and seems to be just a little smaller also. It might possibly be one of the two Black Juveniles, that I have pictures of in my Banyard this year, and they were with Suzie, in one of my photos with her, back then. Sooo, I think, that The Brown One, is a new one here! (maybe it’s another female) – ? So Partner, I am getting photos of the Creature on my front Deck, (it has really long hair) I’ve named him “Long Hair”, and the Creature with really long hair, on my Camera down by my garden, another possible match.? (the same one) – ? And Now the Creature that was down by my chicken pen? My camera captured two photos of it there. I have another camera in my front yard, pointing toward my front gate, that caught a couple of glimpses of something, perhaps another one of these Creatures.
Sooo, I think there are more than 5 Creatures staying around here?
I think there are more, like 9, if Ol’ One Eye is dead?
At night, I am hearing knocks, in more directions now than before.
And this doesn’t include the Huge One’s, who left the 23″ long, 13.5″ wide prints? The Monsters.
March 6, 2022 (Remembering Suzie)
Yes, I saw more of Suzie, then any one of them, cuz she was so in-experienced.
I believe that I saw her once since you came here at my request.
I don’t know if Gray One is old and he may be the leader?
I don’t know for sure (?) since I saw the two Giant sized Tracks, that I poured, but they could be Roug types?
The pretty Brown One, that I got a picture of this year, a first?
The two Juveniles that I saw with Suzie, then there prints out by my light, which I poured. Two-three years ago, then in my barnyard, this year?
Which was the fence crosser?
…and the by the fence.
Also, the three all black one’s, the one that blocked most of the camera, then the rebellious one that danced around in front of my camera (?). For10 more pictures!?
When these Creatures first got here, (about six-12 months, after I had seen Ol’ One Eye, twice) I was seeing glimpses of their eyeshine, in my pasture, almost every night, it seems. My Dog caught one of these in my pasture, the one who laid flat on the ground, that I wish that I had taken a picture a pic of. That I could see some of its back, butt and both legs. I saw it move one leg, some. I also remembered seeing one in my pasture, trying to hide behind too small of a tree, and I watched him pull his leg in behind the tree, lol We once found a baby footprints in the mud, from the south side of my house, then I saw one run across that lot, up in the trees.
This doesn’t include the two that I saw behind Carson!
March 2, 2022 (Audio)
Some of these are short.: Some nights are recorded, and not yet listened to or logged in. Feb, (20, 21, 22, 23, 24), 2022
Feb, 25, 2022, Recording # 2-25a-22 Length 2.52 minutes Started 7:15 p.m. 3 Tree Knocks ____________
Feb, 27, 2022, Recording # 2-27a-22 Length 41:42 minutes Started, late, 1:00 p.m.
No Tree Knocks, but there was a Mix of 128 of my young Roosters, (Cockaroos) &Juvenile BF’s About 50/50 maybe, I did hear 13 B.F. stick knocks. _______________
Feb, 28, 2022, Recording # 2-28a-22 Length 2:48 minutes Started at 7:36 p.m. Only 1 Tree Knock (The Creature started this, with this one knock, which got my dog started). ______________
March 1, 2022, Recording # 3-1a-22 Length 9:22 minutes Started at 7:18 p.m. 7 total Tree Knocks
(Between Wind, Rain, & Airliner noise, half of the recording was worthless).
February 18, 2022
I put my phone outside from 8:00 -11:00 p.m.
My dog did bark, some. (?) It was WINDY…
I heard “NO Tree Knocks” in 3 hours.
Twas fairly quiet.
February 17, 2022
What was unusual about this night, was that my dog only barked now and then, not like most other nights when she almost barks non-stop…
This is why there is only 9:00 minutes of recording.
There were 33 knocks between minutes, 4 and 6.
February 17, 2022
Recording # 2-16a-22 Length of recording 9:50 m Started Recording at 7:05 p.m., ended at 12:15 a.m. (5 hours)
Total of 39 Tree Knocks. (18 with one minute. This may be a new record for knocks within one minute.)
2 Questionable sounds. (There may have been 3 Creature’s out there. The 3rd one really far out there.) – ?
February 16, 2022
I did not make a recording last night.
My dog barked some, not nearly as much as usual.
More of a quiet night.
February 15, 2022
I did put my phone outside about 9:30, for about an hour or two; my dog didn’t bark very much. It was cold out, and I didn’t want my phone out there in the cold, too long. It only had 0:40 sec. of recording on it, nothing but a small rock throwing onto a metal roof I deleted this recording.
February 14, 2022
I made a recording last night, 2-13a-22. It was 11:26 minutes in length.
Started at 6:30 p.m. till 11:30 p.m. (5 hours).
Total of 15 knocks,
There were 2 Unknown sounds.
I heard Coyotes, twice. (The 2nd time, they sounded real screachie, more like Bigfoot Mimics)
I heard something go thump on my house, also.
February 13, 2022
Started at 8:30 p.m. Length of recording 22:21, minutes
Total knocks 41
These mostly came in groups, 14, 22.
February 11, 2022
2-10a-22 recording, started at 10:33 p.m. (we got home late). Length of recording 14:41
There were 12 knocks heard, 3 more unknown sounds, plus some Banging on my front deck. _______________
Recording; 2-10b-22, Started at, 12:44 a.m. Length of recording 10:19. (My generator was running, throughout this recording, making it difficult to hear).
There were 26 additional knocks heard, plus 2 unknown sounds.
12 + 26= 38 Knocks Total Plus 5 unknown sounds. The Banging on my front deck is also unknown.
Pretty active night.
While reminiscing about these Forest People, Bigfoots, Sasquatches living out there, in the National Forest and Parks, or in and around the Suburbs of our smaller cities, hearing these Creatures, communicating, with each other, using tree knocks, and other such noises. I hear and have recorded them, night after night, month after month, year after year, is truly amazing how they live, in hiding, living a secret life, and why, what for reason? Is it to hide the fact that they are out there? So, they can attack us someday? I strongly believe that these Bigfooted Creatures were created by Aliens, and that they do communicate with Aliens, from other worlds, and are taught/instructed by these Aliens. So just beware of this possibility, someday, because these Creatures are just about everywhere they can survive and still hide.
February 9, 2022 (Mimicking)
Night Recording #, 2-7a-22
Started at 12:40 a.m. (late). Length of recording 48:50 minutes long.
At 4:30 minutes, into this recording I heard really Screechy Coyote sounds. (Sounds like Bigfoots make to mimic Coyotes). At 26 minutes, I started hearing Bigfoot Rooster Crowing Mimics, (about 1/2 with knocks) about 220 of these Rooster Crows, I do have 4 young Roosters who made about 40 % of these Crows. There were 25 Tree Knocks in this Recording. (This does not include the half, 60%, of the knocks with the Crowing Mimics).
There was lots of activity this night. _______________
2-8a-22, wasn’t nearly as active as 2-7a-22 was.
Length was 1:50 long
February 9, 2022 (A New Sound)
Night Recording 2-6a-22 Started at 6:35 p.m. Length of recording 7:47 minutes (I ended this recording at 12:45 a.m.)
There were 4 Tree Knocks,
UNUSUAL EVENT; Twice during this recording, I heard something (probably a BF?), hit my front gate. I have never heard this happen before.
I also heard something banging on my house, several times in a row, twice.
This is aggressive behavior.
February 6, 2022
February 5th 2022 Recording 2-5a-22 Started at 4:44 p.m.
Comment: (This is Very early. Broad Daylight, My Dog knows that these Creatures were out there.)
Length of recording 19:32 47 Tree Knocks (a good night) 4 Questionable sounds Coyotes only once.
It seems that these Bigfooted Creatures, were further away in the beginning, like one stayed closer to here, and the other, watching a different direction. They knock back and forth to each other.
Makes me wonder if they are expecting a visitor? Especially starting this early?
February 5, 2022
Recording 2-2a-22 Started at 7:33 p.m. Length of recording 9:51 minutes long.
27 Tree Knocks 2 Questions
In the last minute, my dog sounded like a Sasquatch came at her, she was pretty upset about it.
Recording, 2-4a-22 Started at 3:30 a.m. (I woke up to my Dog Barking). Length of recording 1:35:55 (to long due to wind noise) This Recording will be deleted but is logged in my Book.
There was only one knock that I heard, and over 100 Rooster crows, mixed with Bigfoot Mimics, about 30-40% of these Rooster Crows, were Bigfoot Mimics, with knocks, in the beginning, but fewer towards the end of them. There was a lot of WIND NOISE in this recording. I had to skip forward several times, even towards the end of it.
I really didn’t try to count this 2nd recording “b”.
I have deleted it to save space on my Cellphone.
February 2, 2022
I didn’t make a recording for 1-30-22, Too windy.
Here is 1-31a & b,
Recording 1-31a-22 was 7:23 minutes long. Was Started at 7:06, p.m.
There were only 6 Knocks heard, all were in the last minute of the recording. (The first 5 minutes was mostly Jet Airliners noise). _______________
Recording 1-31b-22 was 12:12 minutes long. Started at 9:35 p.m.
There were 19 Knocks heard.
The Total Number of Tree Knocks for recording a & b, was, 25 Knocks.
An average night. _____________________
Last night,
February 1a, 2022 Recording 2-1a-22 was 5:03 minutes long. Started at 7:55 p.m.
My phone was outside approximately 2.8 hours.
There were 13 Tree Knocks heard.
Another average night.
___________________ Note: Tree knock Numbers: Below average night, (1-10) Average night, (11-40) Above average, (41-80) Well above average, (81-120>)
January 29, 2022
Recording started at 6:26 p.m.
Length of recording 11:44 minutes. (Real time, just over an hour long).
23 Tree Knocks 5 Questionable knocks Something Thrown at the house? (Small Rocks maybe).
At 9:07 my dog sounded like a Bigfoot came at her, touched her, or hit her with something? (She was really madd at it, and her voice shows it).
This is concerning to me.
January 28, 2022
28a-2022. 12:25 min.
Started at 6:15 p.m.
My dog started barking, as she usually does, almost every night. It’s been really cold here, for the past week, about 25° day and night, (23° to 27°). These temperatures are hard on my cellphone. It can’t handle more then about an hour, before shutting down.
Last night, I put my phone outside for almost an hour. (I had not made a recording in 7 days). When I brought it back inside, it would not take a charge, because it was too cold,… until after it had warmed for a while, then it would take a charge.
This is why, I do not always make a recording. The weather is the determining factor.
Again, last night, I heard a knock, within only a few seconds after I placed my phone outside.
Before I place my phone outside, I usually state the time and the temperature, and how long my dog has barking. This takes about 20-25 seconds.
The first knock was at 0:28 sec. There were 2 more knocks within the first 30 seconds.
Since this recording was less then an hour long, it was only 12:25 minutes of recording time.
There was a total of 46 Tree Knocks;12 questionable type sounds.
I also detected what I believe was a Bigfoot, that bark back at my dog. It had a slightly different tone then my dogs bark, and the timing was off. I have heard these Bigfoot Bark/Growl sounds before (they are low, so we don’t hear them. What I don’t like about this, is that I feel that the Creature are too close to my house, for me to hear this type of noise, on an amplified recording and that it is threatening to my dog.
This is not comforting to me, knowing that they are this close.
January 8 – 14, 2022
January 8, 2022 Recording #8a, 2022 Started at, 7:24 p.m. Length 13:33 minutes.
27 Tree Knocks 1 Questionable Sound Coyotes 2X’s __________________
January 9, 2022 Recording #9, 2022 Started at 5:40 p.m. Length of Record 2:47:43 (There was too much wind,
I listened to much of it, but I did skip through some of it.) After 24 minutes, I deleted the remaining.
9 Tree Knocks, [I was surprised that I could hear these 9 knocks].
______________ January 11, 2022 Recording #11a, 2022. Started at 8:20p.m. Length of recording 5:52 minutes.
16 Tree Knocks.
January 13, 2022 Recording # 13a, 2022 Started at 8:24 p.m. Length is 10:57 minutes.
20 Total Knocks 7 ?, Questionable sounds.
__________________ January 14, 2022 Recording #14a, 2022. Started at 6:10 p.m. Length of 12:37 minutes
18 Total Knocks (One of these knocks was made by 2 sticks, hit together, at 9:28).? 6 Ticks, (probably very small rocks, thrown at my house, by these Bigfoots) I’ve heard this noise many times before. _____________ January 14, 2022 Recording #14b, 2022. Started at 2:38 a.m. (very late). Length of recording 13:31 minutes.
1 Tree Knock 2 Ticks (small rocks) 64 Rooster Crowing w/stick knocks
19 Total Tree Knocks 8 Ticks(small Rocks) 64 Rooster Crowing sounds? Mimics? With Knocks?
January 4-7 (Audio Update)
January 5a,2022 is not ready yet, but will be soon. _________
January 4, 2022 Recording 1-4a, started, 5:54 p.m. Length, 13:16 minutes It has much disruptive Jet Airliners Noise!!
42 Tree Knocks 7 Questionable sounds, Plus 2 Unknown Sounds, Plus what sounded like a Rock thrown into a metal bucket? _________
January 4, 2022 Recording 1-4b, Started 9:29 p.m. Length of Recording 1:50:10, (long, lots of Rain, and Very Very Windy)
21 Tree Knocks 13 Rooster Crows (my Roosters) 1 Questionable sound, like a Snow ball, thrown.
63 Total Tree Knocks
There was TOO MUCH WIND! I have this logged, but I did delete it off my Phone.
I was very surprised that I heard any of these knocks, in this Bad Bad Wind. __________________
January 5, 2022 Recording #5, 2022 Started at 6:11 p.m. Length of recording 11:29
12 Tree Knocks Ticks, ?? 1 unknown noise. ______________
January 6, 2022 Recording 1-6a. (24″ snow) Started 6:20 p.m. (42°) Length of recording 14:06
16 Tree Knocks
Note, there were several, Very Rapid Knocks (not included in the count, made too fast, not made by either of us). At 8:11-15 sec. _____________
Recording 1-6b. Started at 9:10 p.m. Length of recording, 59:41 Raining heavily at times.
82 Tree Knocks in 1-6b 16 Tree Knocks in 1-6a Total Knocks 98 ______________
January 7, 2022 Recording 1-7a Started at 5:20 p.m. Length 12:37 minutes
1 Tree Knock Lots of Barking, Bad Wind __________
January 7b, 2022 Started at. 9:06 p.m. Length of recording 17:05 minutes.
16 Tree Knocks Plus 1, 2 Questionable sounds
17 Tree Knocks Total.
In recording 1-2-2022, There was a Very Very Strange Bigfoot Sound,
It may have been a Bigfoot Mimic of some sort? An “Oh sound” is usually made by them, Bigfoots.
I need to duplicate this.
Al Waah – Kooa (the Kooa sort of echoed, as if it was intended to dooo) – very unique, almost scary.
January 1-3, 2022 (Audio Update)
I have 3 days ready for Jan.1-3, 2022.
1-1-2022. (1:27 a.m.) 18° Very short recording? 2:22 in length, but I heard 6 knocks within 1 minute of recorded time. (Don’t know what caused this recording to be so short)? __________
1-2-2022, (12:18 a.m.) 26:07 in length, 12° outside. 40 Knocks, plus something made a sound like: “Al Wa KOoo??
(I have never heard anything like this before, it was out back somewhere)? I am not sure that it was even a Bigfoot?
What a way to start the year.? (Very Strange, Sort of Spookie) not everything that happens here, is fun. ‐—————
1-3-2022, (somewhere around, 6:45 & 7:45 p.m.) Length was 10:56 minutes, Real time, approximately 1.5 hours long. 24 Knocks heard.
(Leaving my phone outside in this temperature, isn’t good for it – it has stopped once before; I had to warm it up slowly and recharge it.)