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“If there is no new entry, it is because it may have been too windy to record, or I may have gone to bed without making a recording. This does not mean that my Dog wasn’t barking, she probably was.”
For the full story, start at the bottom of this page and work up.
December 3, 2024
Fog Encounter continued…
It was dark of the Moon, and foggy.
My headlight lit up its eyes pretty well, but I really couldn’t see its body shape, but just its eyes, looking at me.
It was a little on the spookiest side, because I was unarmed just going down to start my Generator, well after dark.
This is the closest that I have been to one of these live Creatures.
Forty yards is close enough for me.
When you are standing in the dark, with only a headlight, and it’s standing there in the dark, with you…it is close enough.
Especially unarmed.
It could have easily caught me., but it doesn’t know how slow I am at 77 years old, and crippled up, like I am.
What would you do, if you walked out of my Basement Door, towards my shop, to put gas in the small Generator, and you saw a pair of Reddish Eyes, staring at you, intently?
I stopped and looked at it, and we just stayed there, and looked at, and looked at each other…
So after about half a minute or so, I just got the gas can, and filled up the Generator, started it, and went back out of the shop, and it was gone.
This is what I did.
There wasn’t any mind speaking or anything like that.
His eyes were over 5 feet, actually closer to 6 feet high, off the ground, so it could have been 6 and a half feet tall.
November 31, 2024
Fog Encounter:
Last night about 11:00 PM:
my house batteries were running really low, so I went downstairs to start a generator, to start changing my Batteries.
When I headed for my front shop, only about 25′ from the door, I stopped in my tracks, because I saw a pair of Orange- Redish Eyes looking at me, and I at them.
First, I thoughts were a Deer, but these Eyes were not Green or white like a Deers Eyes. This Creature was close to 6′ tall, and only about 40 yards away from me.
As we stared at each other, for about half a minute, it blinked once.
My head light could see this Creature easily through the light fog of the night, but I couldn’t see the shape of it’s body.
As I proceeded to get the gas for my Generator, filled it, and started it, as I left the shop, I looked for these Orange-Redish Eyes, again, but it was gone, so I hurried to get back inside my home, not knowing what to expect.
Obviously, this Creature was a Sasquatch, standing there in my pasture, looking at me.
I was not armed last night either.
It twas an interesting encounter, with a Creature of this kind, this close. Face to Face at about 40 yards apart.
September 3, 2024
Created Hunting Incident – September 2024 – 911 Bigfoot Help
A friend and his son had a Bigfoot encounter while hunting. Used with permission.
August 6, 2024
Mentioning this as a historical marker. My work-helper was in the barn yard and found some startling paraphernalia. Picture not shown yet as we are unsure if we should show it. But somebody or something put it there. It is something that should never be laying in my barnyard. Not saying what it is so I am not made into a target. Not sure if it is from paranormal or man.
June 25, 2024
I was sitting here tonight, like the night Eliot was here, with me a few years ago, remember his fear, the bear spray, and his posturing behind the chair, pointing the bear spray at the open door?
It was a warm summer night, getting late, front door wide open. I was reading the Bible to someone over the phone, and this really/really bad odor/an ugly smell came through the upstairs of my house and stunk it up – all of it – bad!
Rotten, dead meat (not like a dead skunk), the same kind of ugly smell that I have smelled before, when a Bigfoot has been around, but this was much-much stronger than ever before, and this odor stayed around for about twenty minutes or longer. This is the worst that I ever have smelled one, this close.
Seriously, it had to be close by…
This is no joke!
June 20, 2024
My helper/caretaker was her for an hour and then he left. About an hour later, I left, and went into town. Now, last month my only goat got out, so my helper built a 2×4 lock, about 9′ long on the gate, which is good, but not easy to open, especially from the outside, impossible from the inside.
Well, two days late, this gate was open. I told my helper that the Bigfoots are messing with him. Showing him that they can open it.
Well, today while no one was home, the gate was opened, the goat was out, for a second time.
This is all a joke to these Bigfoots.
So typical of them.
May 2, 2024
Created Spiritual Topics 2024 – Religious Site (
Created Why God Isn’t Answering Our Prayers More Often – Religious Site (
April 20, 2024
Created page for all rock situations for 2024.
Rocks Timeline 2024 – 911 Bigfoot Help

Rock on doormat, April 2024; photo, property of Wyman Smith.