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“These Sasquatch Creatures usually travel or hunt in pairs, up to small groups of maybe three or more.”
If bear repellent works on bears, then it will work on an angry Bigfoot. More on this below.
Click this link,, to learn all about these products.
Please be prepared, and get some Bear Spray; one per person in your group; costing, $30 to $35 per can, and are good for three years.

Bear spray by Sabered; photo, property of Wyman Smith
2020 Update
We need to point out that these Sasquatch Creatures usually travel or hunt in pairs, up to small groups of maybe three or more.
One canister of Bear Spray, hopefully would work on a lone Bear, or one lone Bigfoot Creature, just like it is intended to be used on a lone Bear, but if the user is not familiar with the habits of these unusual type of Bigfoot Creatures (that they are usually out there in pairs or more, like three of four), then they may be carelessly used the entire canister on the first Creature, not expecting a second Bigfoot to sneak up behind them.

Bear Attack Deterrent, Frontiersman; photo, property of 911 Bigfoot Help.
We may also need to encourage those who might go out looking for Bigfoot, in an area, where these Creatures have been encountered before, or see on occasion, in that particular area, that they really need to be prepared, by carrying a loaded shotgun just in case the unknown, actually does happen, they really need to be prepared for the worst, because the MISSING 411 Books are full of people who were not prepared, did not take this serious enough, 100s of them.

Missing 411 by David Paulides; photo property of 911 Bigfoot Help.
These people need to be prepared for the unthinkable.
I am a prime example that this could actually happen.
So again, while I was out walking/looking for Bigfoot Evidence, in a known Bigfoot Hot-spot here in Washington State, I SAW SOMETHING catch my eye. It looked dark; it was between two to three very big trees, and about weight to ten feet off the ground, it really looked like nothing much, so, I lackadaisically took only two pictures of this dark thing, thinking that it was really nothing, and moved on down the path.
Well, sometime later at home, I was looking through my photos, that I had taken, and then realized that I had taken a picture of a Sasquatch looking at me/us between the three trees. That’s a really cool picture to get, but was the second Creature, that I could not see , watching us from behind another tree.
Oh, we didn’t even think of that. Was another Bigfoot there, somewhere behind us? Was I in some degree of danger, and didn’t even realize it? How many other times have/had these sneaky Bigfoot watched me, and I was not aware of it?
Final reminder, that these Sasquatch Creatures usually travel or hunt in pairs, up to small groups of maybe three or more.