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I do my own butchering, and grinding of my meat.
I have been putting off my butchering, because of the Sasquatch hanging around. I don’t want these Creatures to think that I am trying to feed them!
I don’t want these Creatures to try and steal my meat either. I may need to hang it up in my basement to keep the Boogers from trying to take it.
I have heard of them taking meat out of freezers and smoke houses, or barns; up to three deer at once! All from stories that I have heard on You Tube. Thus, we are careful about this. You should be careful of this also.

This 200 pound Billie goat was my favorite Billie Goat, because he always protected the other goats; photo, property of Wyman Smith
We had a Beautiful Brown Buck that was my lead goat. In the Timeline he is the one that was stolen away. He probably tried to defend the heard from the Creature, and got taken, killed and eaten by the Sasquatch.
I do have one of his offspring left in this group of five kids. A Little boy and we plan on raising him.