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Just know that any type of negative comments, from other people (even negative looks), can, and most likely will have an effect on your thinking, even if you do not realize this immediately . These negative attitudes, of the unlearned skeptics can effect your attitudes, your disposition, even your perspective. It may even stop you from sharing your discovery experiences, with others. Some may even laugh or make fun of you, (usually family) out of their own ignorance. BE STRONG! You know what you have seen, heard, smelled, but they don’t (tracks, tree breaks, broken branches), so they know nothing. You have proof, THEY HAVE NO PROOF, no pictures, SO THEIR WORDS ARE EMPTY. No one can take what you know, from you, and you have the proof. DO NOT waste time trying to convince them. Talk to those who know, who are interested.
We probably didn’t think that they would believe us in the beginning, anyway. Maybe we were just planting seeds, for thought? Just trying to get these others to think about the possibilities.
Just be real careful, who you share these unusual things with, especially in the beginning. THERE ARE MANY UNEDUCATED DOUBTERS OUT THERE, SO BEWARE! Some of these doubters, may not be your best friends (?). : (
Remember, you can not convince someone, that there are Bigfoots around your area, even with proof or pictures, IF THEY DO NOT WANT TO ACCEPT THE THE FACTS! They won’t!
I have had neighbors, try to Poo Hoo my photographic evidence, proof of old and newer Bigfoot tree damage/broken branches, and then they say something negative like,“there never has been a Bigfoot Creatures here before, and they are not here now.” They are calling you a liar!!
[Sorry, but yes these Creatures are around here, I know this for sure, because I have seen them, 5 different times this Summer alone, (7 X’s total) and I have a Trail Cam Picture of one of these Sasquatch Creatures also. These skeptics, may not want to think these Creatures are around here, but I have lots and lots of proof, including over 140 night recordings of tree knocking and rock throwing. I also have photo’s of both old and new splintered Bigfoot tree breaks, tree leans, even a cast footprint, (15″ x 8″).]
Most, of these people just do not know what Bigfoot markers look like, (because they have not been taught what to look for) so they walk right pass the evidence, unaware; yet, these skeptics think they know, and they really don’t know, Squat; yet, these are the people who will argue with you, WITHOUT HAVING ANY PROOF OR EVIDENCE, TO SUPPORT THEIR EMPTY WORDS, of criticism. THIS IS REALLY UNBELIEVABLE! You can fix stupid.
These skeptics, who refuse to believe the Proof, or the Evidence, are in SELF-DENIAL, against the Truth, and against the Facts. Simply put, these people are choosing to remain ignorant (!), probably out of the fear of the Truth. That’s right, the fear of the Truth!
I actually think that these skeptics are afraid to accept the Truth, because if they accept the Truth, this means they will have to believe the proof, and what the facts say, and that is, that Bigfoots are real and they are here. And they do not want to believe this.
I have had to realize, that THESE PEOPLE ARE CHOOSING TO REMAIN IGNORANT, in denial of the truth.
BASICALLY, they are scared of the reality, that Sasquatch’s really do exist, and that these Creatures are living right around here!
No, Sasquatches are not only out in the National Forest. They also live in the country, in the suburbs, around smaller towns.
Just try telling someone ~what you know (like a neighbor), that you saw Red Eyeshine one night, at 1:00 a.m. within a few hundred yards of your front door. They’ll probably look at you very oddly, and say something like, “You are kidding, aren’t you?” : (
They may say, “What were you smokin, and can I have some of that?”
Did anyone ever ask me, what do you think it was? Nope ! Nobody !
All kidding aside, all this *is very very serious. The things these people may say (neighbor, friends, relatives), just may effect your thinking, even your own attitude. Be Careful, Don’t believe what these skeptics may say!
When you have other people say things, like, there ARE NOT any Bigfoot’s around here, there just can’t be,.. or they never have been here before, THIS IS A TOTALLY UNSUPPORTED STATEMENT! It is not the truth!
My neighbor said, there isn’t enough cover/trees around here for those type of large creatures to hide, or there really isn’t enough food for that size of creature to live around here. You should stop and think. This is just there un-supported opinion. This is not the Truth.!
But * there is a lot more to this then we may realize. ( I placed a * by this, because I want to come back to this thought, later).
All of these type of innocent comments may confuse your thinking. Really they are grasping at straws, hoping that this will cause you to change your thinking? DO NOT LET IT AFFECT YOU! USE IT!
Yes, these type of realistic sounding comments, should cause you to think about these issues. I know, because this did effect my own thinking. Then, I turned these thoughts around, and said, yes, there is cover, there is food; there is a river, a few miles that way, and an Orchard that direction 6-7 miles, and there are Deer and possibly Elk, spread all over out there, even Sheep, Goats, Cattle and Horses, in just about every direction. Hummm, well, maybe there is enough food for a Sasquatch here??
I know these Sasquatch Creatures, do eat different types of foliage, leaves, grasses, roots, and lets not leave out fruits and veggies, because I have heard several reports of these Bigfoot’s leaving very large foot prints in the soft soil of a garden, after raiding it of fruits and veggies. These Creatures are outright thieves, and they also trespass, without giving it a thought!! BE AWARE!
SO WHEN THESE PEOPLE, your friends/neighbors say things like, “There are not any Bigfoot’s around here, there just can’t be,” please realize that THEY ARE REALLY SAYING, “Gee, I hope there are not any of these type of Creature’s around here! No, I don’t want to believe it , even if it is true. I don’t care that you say that you saw one, twice, I still don’t want to believe it!!”
Please realize that your neighbor, may be more scared then you are. Please, be careful, and tread lightly.
The point is; THESE SKEPTICS DO NOT WANT TO BELIEVE IT! Even if they know that this is true, and that YOU ARE NOT LYING, it is the thought of something like this, being anywhere near their house, even within five miles, or 10 minutes. They just don’t want to believe it. They will say, No, No, No, till the sun goes down, and the knocks begin.
Be fore-warned, that some neighbors or family members, will refuse to hear this from you any longer. With a neighbor, you may need to realize they really are scared, and their refusal to listen, or to accept your words of warning for their safety, (to stay inside after dark) may be their own silly form of self defense, so they just refuse to believe what you say, even if you have a picture of it.
Like I have stated before, when you are not yet, 1000% fully convinced that your actually do have a Sasquatch Creature living in your area, even trying to take over your property, the negative thoughts of those people, living close by, will have an effect upon your own thinking.
With me/us, we were very sure that we had these Creatures coming right onto my property, and harassing us and both of my Big Dogs. NOT ONLY DID WE SEE THE EVIDENCE, their tracks, the trees they had broke over, or the broken breaches, (tree damage they were causing), but we were hearing very close, very loud tree knocks, EVERY NIGHT. My dogs were essentially OUR EARLY WARNING SYSTEM, telling us when these Creatures had arrived EVERY NIGHT!
In the beginning, (back in 2015-16), my neighbor that lived over a mile away, called us one day and informed me that my dogs were sounding differently. He said that they were sounding scared. At that time, I did not notice any difference, but about a year later I began to notice a more aggressive tone, a deeper seriousness to their barking. It took another year, before these Creatures began to get closer and closer, to our home, throwing rocks at our house and at my dogs.
It was about this second year that I started noticing more and more large, baseball sized rocks, in my pasture and eventually in my driveway. I really didn’t put two and two together, where these rocks were coming from, but I was beginning to suspect that something, not someone, was throwing them onto my property. I had listened to so many Bigfoot encounter reports or stories, over the last two years, on U Tube, that I knew these Creatures, were rock throwers, and I was pretty sure that I knew where they were coming from, and this was unsettling , to me.
It is always unsettling, when rocks hit your home. In November 2018, my lady had just finished cooking dinner. She was too hot, so she opened the kitchen window, and we had just sat down to eat. Then, BANG, a rock hit the side of the house. I asked her (?) did you hear that?” She replied, YES, it was a rock that hit the house, then we just ignored it, and finished eating, like nothing had happened. We did not buy into their games, this time.
It is very important to pay attention to the small details. Extra rocks laying on the ground, or in your yard/lawn, or in your pasture, is a sign that a Sasquatch is around. YOU MUST PAY ATTENTION, even to the smaller details, take pictures and log these odd things in a notebook, including the date, also take more and more pictures. Also, go outside and look around for broken branches. These Sasquatch Creatures have a habit of breaking tree limbs, both big and small. PLEASE LEARN FORM THESE EXPERIENCES.