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If you have seen signs of a Sasquatch (a Bigfoot Creature), or heard sounds, or saw a glimpse of Yellow, Orange, or Red Eyeshine, AND YOU ATTEMPT TO SHARE THIS INFORMATION with your friends, with your neighbors, or with family members, PLEASE USE CAUTION. Because these people, who we care the most about. who we value their opinion above others, most likely will offer discouraging words. They will not believe us, because they ARE NOT living where you are living, AND they ARE NOT hearing what you are hearing; NOR ARE THEY seeing glimpses either. YOU ARE, but they are not, Sooo, do not allow these nay-sayers, to influence you! Do not listen to NEGATIVE WORDS spoken in ignorance, by those who do not know, what you have learned. What I have discovered, is that what they say, is totally unsubstantiated sooo again I say, don’t listen to them.
You have seen, and/or heard, and/or smelled things that they have not, so TRUST what you know to be the truth! Take this seriously, because it is a very serious matter.
Try not to let any negative opinions of other people, especially the Unlearned skeptics, influence you! Just don’t listen to them. I have had a number of people, speak very negative words to me concerning the things that I was attempting to share with them, FOR THEIR OWN DARN SAFETY. Yet in their ignorance, .. they can be very rude and insulting, to you, to the point of calling you a liar to your face, when all you are doing is trying to protect them, by making them aware of the dangers around about the area.
I personally believe that it is possible these negative type of skeptics, actually have caused harm to other innocent people, by attempting to Poo-Hoo the words of those who have had BigFoot encounters, (sometimes making fun of them, ridiculing them, thus causing these eyewitnesses, to NOT TO SHARE their personal experiences with others).
Is it possible that other people, may end up going out into these dangerous places, and disappearing, never to be seen again.?.? It may seem like a stretch, but before we had the internet in the late 90’s (1998) it was very difficult for other people to learn about these Creatures or the areas of danger these Creature inhabit, (troubling places), remember, back then, word of mouth was very important, other then the news paper.
And was this word of mouth, … stopped, because friends or family, chose to not listen to the serious nature of the eyewitness? but instead choose to ridicule the witness, (and rudely CHOOSING TO NOT BELIEVE THEM, basically calling them a liar, by doing this), due to their own damn ignorance. This isn’t much different today. Those who still don’t know the truth, who are too stupid/unwilling to learn. No, you fix stupid.
Within their own unwillingness to learn or listen,… I believe these skeptics they did not receive what I was trying to share, because they did not want to believe, a Bigfoot was living around here. This may have made me procrastinate more then before their habits.
No wonder so many are hesitant to share much about their Bigfoot encounters, when so many are quick to be negative about it these Creatures. I felt pressured to not believe in what had been happening, and it held me back from accepting the Truth, at a crucial time.
I do encourage you to go out and take a real close look around your property’ for a tree bend, a tree break, broken branches, even a tree lean.
After we had heard tree knocks, out our bedroom window, had a rock hit the house, and/or saw red-eyeshine, it was PASS DUE time to look around.
I eventually saw three different “single tree leans” on the back of my property, that had been there for several years. I also found a fourteen foot juniper “tree break” close to a year old. I have been in the areas of my property where I have discovered these Bigfoot signs/symbols many times but never noticed them, because I was not looking for them, and I had no idea what to look for!
You must take some time to stop and learn about these creatures, what their sign and symbols are, what type of sounds they might make, all this is very important.
I also caution you to not accept everything other Bigfooters may tell you. I once had a “Bigfoot professional” – name of this honorable organization left out, on purpose – so this person, tell me that what I saw, was not a Bigfoot in his opinion – he was as wrong as rain in a flame. Again, causing me to procrastinate.
By not procrastinating you will know to get pictures like this:

Something stood here; photo, property of Wyman Smith.