See Evidence Menu also at the bottom of this page:
Animal Stress
Bigfoot Evidence is hidden in plain sight. It is there, but we may not see it, especially if we haven’t been taught what to look for.
The message within the WORD (the Bible), like in the Parables, is hidden in plain sight. The message in the Bible is not always understood by those hearing it, as it says in Matthew 13:14,” In them is fulfilled the prophecy of E-sai-as (Isaiah), which saithe, by hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see and shall not perceive:” Only those people who have a right heart.
In Matthew 13:15, “For this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed, lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.”
In other words, some may wish to hear and understand the Message, within the Word of GOD, but if they are living in sin, or their attitude is not right, or maybe they are not be willing to put forth the effort to learn the Truth, to do what is right in HIS Eyes, then, they may not be able to understand, what they want to hear, or see, what they wish to see. It is called spiritual blindness.
So, some don’t want to believe, so they don’t look at what may be around them. Once you open your eyes and start looking around you, you will find a lot of evidence. In a lot of cases, you had seen it before but had not considered it as Evidence of Bigfoot. Now, you can know.
Thus, we at 911BigfootHelp strive to teach you what to look for, but you must have a positive attitude and a willingness to learn.
As we create this website, it became apparent that we needed several categories. Things like tree breaks, twisted branches, and other territorial markers. Also, one for Tracks/Footprints. Scat is rare but is still evidence. We are excited to see, these categories grow, within this 911 Bigfoot Help website.
It was also evident that we needed a heading called:
First, whatever it takes TO FINALLY GET YOUR ATTENTION, (for us, it was a couple of loud tree knocks at 2:00 a.m., not that we hadn’t heard other things, like a rock hitting the house, a year earlier, or seeing large skat, or even seeing Red Eyeshine); well, these two very rapid loud tree knocks, were the way these Creatures, chose to say, “Hello, yes, we are out here, and we have been watching you.” Pretty Scary, right?
You may ask me, why did it take me so long to realize, that these Bigfoots were around here. Well, when you see something as unusual as Red Eyeshine, you need to be careful, what you say. Your friends may think that you are crazy. So, you quietly investigate these unusual things. Then, when you do try to share this Truth, including your proof, pictures, maybe even a cast footprint, can help with a close friend or two, all they can say, IS NO WAY, THERE ARE NOT BIGFOOT CREATURES AROUND HERE; stop and realize that their words are unproven, BUT if you listen to them, they can cause you to doubt yourself. EVEN WHEN YOU KNOW, that what you have learned, what you have seen, and have pictures of, IS THE TRUTH.
BUT, it seems that their NEGATIVE ATTITUDES, will continue to hinder your thinking.
You have to stop and realize that these friends/neighbors are speaking from purely from emotion, and the words they speak, are totally unsubstantiated, false, and without proof. This is why I say so strongly, don’t listen to them. They are not living where you are, and they are not hearing or seeing what you are seeing and hearing. They really DO NOT KNOW, what they are saying.
So, whatever it is THAT FINALLY ALERTS YOU, to something being abnormal, you will need to take the time to go outside and LOOK AROUND YOUR PROPERTY. [Do not go out there, unarmed, be prepared, as if you might confront a Big Bear, a Grizzly]. If you see things like, Tree Breaks, Broken Branches, Tree Structures (of all types), even something as small as a Single Tree Lean, most likely there are/or have been Bigfoot Creatures in the area, at some time.
You may ask, “What do these type of Tree signs” look like? (See pictures below)
What should they mean to me, that I should be aware of them?
Well, most of this type of Bigfoot Evidence, has some type of meaning TO OTHER BIGFOOTS, in the area, or even those that may be passing through your area. These are some types of Territorial Marker (a sign for/to other Bigfoot’s that may be living nearby, or may come into the area, occasionally). These Creatures do not make these signs, for no reason…they do have meanings.

Tree Marker, Broken branch; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Bigger tree branch breakage; photo, property of Wyman Smith; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Tree break found by Eliot Ness; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Twisted/broken branch; photo, property of Wyman Smith
To someone who is a skeptic, (like another family member, a friend or a neighbor), most likely will have, A NEGATIVE INFLUENCE, upon your evidence, and possibly your thinking also. You will be better off, not trying to convince them of anything (even if you feel that they need to know these things, for their own safety). Sadly, they will poo-hoo your evidence, your proof, even the pictures you may have, including anything your may share with them, even the fact that you have saw one of the Creatures, they will choose not to believe any of this. [Are they calling you a liar? Well, yes, sort of, but mostly they just don’t want to hear it, because it scares them]. These skeptics may believe these Bigfoot Creatures are really out there in the Forest, someplace else, many-many miles away, BUT, they may refuse to come to the realization that these Creatures are in the area, where they are living, even when you tell them, that you have seen these Creatures, this isn’t what they want to believe, so they will reject anything you say. This may hurt your feelings, but remember this, you can’t fix stupid, and if they refuse to believe there is a Grizzly Bear, or a Bigfoot living nearby, well, that is pretty stupid.