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A very important message!
I really DO NOT WANT our viewers out there, to get the impression, that anyone can just go out here and see a Bigfoot Creature, any ol’ time. No way, Bigfoot encounters are very rare.
My seeing these Creatures, is very rare also.
Just because I have caught some glimpses, of two of these Bigfoot Creatures, on or
next to my property, here lately, within about the 10 days of each other, only means that I am on full alert, and that I am up each night till 2:00 or 3:00 AM, listening to how my dog is barking, and what her body language is telling me, and shining a 1,000 lunim spot light, into my pasture.
This is why I am seeing these Creatures, when my neighbor’s are probably sound asleep, but, I AM NOT SOUND ASLEEP; no, I am ON FULL ALERT.
See, I have learned, through my own experiences, that living out here, Off the Power Grid, that these Suburbanite Sasquatch Creatures, are usually, most active at this time of the morning,and at this time of the year.
This is very rare.
Yes, I do get glimpses of animal Eyeshine in my pasture, frequently, but some of these can also be, Coyotes, Wolves, or Cougar, besides Bigfoot Creatures.
I recently talked to a real estate investigator, a few weeks ago, who shared that he had just walked under an Oak Tree, when his dog, went back to this tree, and started sniffing around the base of it. He looked up into the tree, and saw two young, more then half grown, Cougar. This was only a few miles from here.
Also, a few years back, I saw two fully grown Cougar, in my pasture, within two weeks of each.
There are so many dangerous predators around today, that people are seeing them in town, killing deer at night.
This is no joke. It is said that a Cougar will see you 25 times, before you see it one time.
Cougar are not afraid of people. They sometimes see people as food, especially kids, including, pets, anything smaller then they are.
The least you should be carrying, for your own protection, is Bear Spray. I did not say pepper spray. No, I said BEAR Spray and make sure that it has a current date. Bear spray has a three year shelf life.
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January portion of the 2020 Timeline…
January 9, 2020
Created page for “Frequency.” This is my message to the viewers about how rare Bigfoot Activity is, even though it seems to be frequent on and around my property. It has been placed in “Evidence: What to Look For” and also in “911 Now!” Which is the most urgent messages for the viewers, meant to be viewed first.
January portion of the 2021 Timeline…
January 6, 2021
This Roadside Sighting from December 12, 2020 (see December portion of 2020 Timeline) shows us/proves to us, that we, or any other Bigfoot enthusiasts, can see one of these Creatures, if they keep looking long enough and hard enough, for them.
These Creatures have been seen, several times, over the years, between Troutdale, Oregon, and Hood River, Oregon (along the Columbia River).
They have even been seen, swimming across the Columbia River into Washington State, and vice-versa. I am always looking for them, in this area, also.
All my life, I have been a Hunter of, (Deer, Elk, Coyotes, Ducks, Pheasants, Digger Squirrels) and now Bigfoot Creatures also.
Along this part of I-84, where I saw this Big Black Creature, it is not known for Bigfoot sightings, (in fact, Sherman (0), Gilliam (0), & Marrow (1) counties, have a total of (1) BFRO sighting reports, but any time there is a Large Food Source, like the Columbia River, where there are fish, and all sorts of wild game, that come to water, to drink, including Ducks and Geese. And if there are people nearby, then maybe; their might be Chickens, Turkeys, Dogs and Cats, Sheep or Goats, many types of food, like Animal Feed, Dog Food, etc.

December 9, 2020 Bigfoot Sighting, Hwy 84 East, Oregon; drawing and photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Soooo, some places where weekend Bigfooter’s might not think to look, might produce a Creature Sighting, or two?
I look high and low, every time we start to cross the Pass, Eastward, out of Pendleton, Oregon, up Cabbage Hill Grade, into the Blue Mountains, not that far South, from where the Freeman Bigfoot Footage was filmed.
(Deadman’s Pass, Blue Mountain Pass, Meacham Summit), which ever you choose to call it, because this pass is so long and strait, plus three lanes wide each way, much of the time. Sooo, I am always looking for animals, (Deer, Elk, Coyotes, & Bigfoot Creatures.)
I have seen all but the Bigfoot, already on this pass.
This last trip, I saw about Seven Bighorn Sheep, that was a first, along this Highway, but I have seen Bighorn Sheep, close up, in Wyoming before.
So keep looking, always.
Be alert, and don’t go with a negative attitude, you never know when you might see a Bigfoot.
This is like fishing, you will never catch a fish, unless you have your line in the water.