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Intentional and Unintentional
Gifting from, Us to Them, and From them to Us:
Some Bigfoot Explorers, will gift FOOD ITEMS to these Bigfoot Creatures, (maybe even toys), while out in the field or way back into the forest, a very long way from their home. I STRONGLY ADVISE AGAINST FEEDING THESE DANGEROUS CREATURES, especially NOT ON YOUR OWN PROPERTY, that just might be near your neighbor’s property, which could end up endangering these innocent people, your neighbors.
You may ask how could my gifting/feeding these Bigfoot Creatures, be/become a danger to my neighbors.?Well, if you run out of apples or whatever it is that one chooses to gift these Dangerous Bigfoot Creatures with, realize that they are very temperamental, moody, and unpredictable creatures.
Example: It is said, if you run out of apples, or go on vacation for a week or two, these Big Dangerous Creatures, just might throw a temper-tantrum, and tear the place (your place) up, ORRR, maybe go to your neighbors home, expecting to be feed apples, by them, and tear their place up. WHY? Because you thought it might be nice to started feeding them, WRONG! So, how do you stop doing this?? BY NOT STARTING THIS. They are VERY DANGEROUS ANIMALS. They are not your friends or your pets!
Some (including myself) are against gifting or intentionally feeding these dangerous creatures, which I believe will open a WHOLE BIG CAN OF WORMS. which leaves us to Unintentional Gifting.
Unintentional Gifting:
This can include having Chickens, their Eggs, or the Chicken it’s self, or may include having other types of Livestock, and/or having their feed on hand.
Yes, these younger Suburbanite Sasquatches, will help themselves to (outright steal) your livestock feed. How you find this out is by smoothing out the top of the feed that is in a bucket/barrel. You may have to make a small un-noticeable mark on the inside of the container, to show the level where the feed was within the container, if these creatures start smoothing out the top of the feed also.
These Suburbanite Sasquatch Creatures, will do odd/strange things to tell on themselves, by leaving rocks, twigs, etc. as a type of exchange, for stealing your chicken eggs. One day, I found the outside access door to my nest boxes, left open. I wondered if the wind had done this since it had been windy. DO NOT DOUBT YOURSELF. The next day, I found a chewed on twig stem and root, (about 5′ long) in the favorite nest box, that my laying hens use the most. The eggs were missing. ( I was able to lock the gate going into this pen). Something similar had occurred in my old camper hen house, a few weeks ago. We were get about 6-7 eggs a day in their, and then all at once there were none, for several days. Yes, I suspected that something was stealing my eggs from there. I wondered if it might be these Suburbanite Sasquatches thieves, and I was right. I can not lock the door to this old camper, but I am hoping they will get the hint when they see they are locked out of the other pen.
Note; If a Raccoon is stealing your chicken eggs, you will find broken egg shells right there or very close by, because when a Raccoon finds a chicken egg, they break it and eat it right there. A Sasquatch Creature will take your eggs and eat them elsewhere.
Some give apples, or other food, to lure Bigfoot Creatures. To gain trust, or to simply get a photo, are two reasons. You must consider your safety before attempting this strategic move.
Some brave people, like Todd Standing or Mark at Cascade Bigfoot, they are going long distances away from civilization, like 30 miles or more, maybe 50 miles? I believe they are gifting, more as a peace offering hoping not to be hurt again, and they have been attacked before.
I know that some researchers gift/feed these Creatures, but I caution you, NOT TO DO THIS!
IF YOU GIFT, at someone’s property, without them OK’ing it, without asking them first, you can create a REALLY BIG problem.
These Creature’s most likely will come back to the feed site, (or to the peoples home) EXPECTING TO BE FED MORE APPLES, and then, these Creatures, could start harassing them, or their neighbors, and really cause major problems for these people, or for other un-expecting innocent people/neighbors.
Some people start this gifting, and then they may go on vacation or move out and these Creatures CAN get REALLY ANGRY, because they ARE EXPECTING THIS FOOD, and they can hurt someone, IF IT ISN’T THERE.
Pending, link to Sasquatch Chronicles stories that describe the consequences of gifting.
See this Sasquatch Chronicles story, Episode 492, to see what it is like when gifting turns into a full relationship with a Sasquatch family. It is the final guest in that particular Podcast.
Them To Us:
A Bigfoot Creature did start to Gift, to me. The first Gift was in the Chicken’s nest box. Some discount rocks or twigs as being not being legitimate gifts, but when the Bigfoot has been stealing the eggs for some time, and then leaving a crafted twig in the actual nesting box:

Gifting, eggs taken and this was left as a gift exchange; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
The second was on the ground near the nesting area. See the comparison with the first Gift:

Gifting, two gifted limbs exchanged for eggs, on lined school paper with Samsung screen pen; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
The third act of gifting from them, was in the nesting box, again. See comparison: Photo Pending…
These acts of Bigfoot Gifting can be seen in the April portion of the 2019 Timeline.