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Hazardous hiking has a lot of the dangers of camping; however, it is listed separately because sometimes you hike without camping.

Like camping, you are better off to not do it as Thanksgiving approaches. The colder weather means predators are more daring as they are storing up fay for the winter. According to Wyman, Bigfoot is no different. In fact, many of the vanishing hikers, are Bigfoot related.

Visit the Education tab to see educational options; for example, the Bigfoot Outlaws online radio, videos, and Facebook page.

Something you will see sometimes in this site, is the conspiracy theory that the Government and Park Services know about Bigfoot. Thus, they know that Bigfoot creatures take humans. After a few days they announce, the inability to find the missing person, and the search stops, because they know. More on this through-out the site, as we add more content.

Best to not be alone when hiking, but if you ever are alone, and you hear them around you, talk out loud like you have two or three other people with you. Talk like you are not all alone, but with others.  I sometimes will do this when I go back after dark to let my Goats inside their pen for the night. I  sometimes feel they like they are watching me, so I  talk loudly. If you go out into the forest, and drive the side roads, the gravel ones, not the dirt ones, you need to have some idea of what to look for, and your spouse/partner needs to know this also.

Note that out there you probably won’t have cell phone service, so tell someone back home, where you are at, and text them when you start entering the forest/side roads. This is just a safety precaution. I let my neighbor know, when we out there, and as soon as we are back out to where we have cell service again. We go back in about 35 miles, the last 20 miles we have no service. We are way back in there, for 2-4 hours sometimes.

I have been watching a lot of great videos and learning what to look for, but there is more to this then, watching You Tube videos and listening to the experience others have. It is so easy to not recognize, OVER LOOK a Bigfoot sign or a good track/print. I like it best when we get out and walk, blocked off side roads.


We have two sets of eyes, watching the trees, watching up in the trees, looking for tree bends, for tree breaks, looking for prints, even signs of old prints, broken branches, tree leans. tree structures, and of a Bigfoot looking at you, making faint sounds to each other about us being in their living room.

Mark at Cascade Bigfoot , and his team, has rocks thrown at them, limbs thrown, hear ape-like chest pounding, and even faint talking. Mark takes two to four others with him. He bravely spends the night in his truck [something that I will not do]. When you go out like this, into areas KNOWN TO HAVE BIGFOOTS, they will find you, so be ware. They are curious creatures, like a bear, always looking for food.

The area Mark explores is the northern Washington Cascades in the Darrington area, way north. I have so much of this going on at my Homestead that I have no reason, to go looking for more.

Wearing bright colored clothing, when out hiking is more dangerous. Bright colors attract the attention of these Creatures, they say; thus, increasing your chances of attracting unwanted Bigfoot attention; meaning, being taken (abducted)! Although bright Orange, also known as HUNTER ORANGE, is required by law in many states, except for turkey hunters, and some bow hunters? Each state is different. Light blue shows up really well in the forest. Some people seem to like bright colors, pink, yellow, blues, reds and orange. If you are prone to getting lost, the bright colors may be needful? So you should not wear bright colors because it will attract a Bigfoot, but will keep you from being shot by a hunter. How about you don’t go hiking in November, nor around hunters. This will help.

Wes of Sasquatch Chronicles ( has had many guests, and some share not to go way ahead of your group while on the trail. This puts you in jeopardy of being taken.

Next, don’t lag behind your hiking group. Getting too far behind can make you an easy target for abduction.

Also, helpful pages in this site for Hiking will be:


Bear Spray

And a helpful page that touches on many topics that would help hikers:

Evidence: Where to Look