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As seen in June 2019 Timeline…
June 26:
Trying to keep a certain routine, to keep this Creature comfortable enough to show itself when Eliot Ness arrives. He will take pictures with a zoom lens camera, as I hold the light, or vice versa. Would be a big moment for him.
Heard the dog bark at 9:42 PM, put my gun on, went outside, looked by the tree, and their it was grabbed my light, and went outside.
At 10:30 PM went out again and only saw eyeshine, and it was low to the ground in a sitting position.
I turned my light off to give it a chance to stand up, turned my light on, and bingo, there it was, standing up like normal.
More analysis of recent activity:

Is this a Bigfoot; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Can you see it now; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Ok, now without the traced image…

Is this a Bigfoot; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Now a close-up comparison:

Is this a Bigfoot; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Now can you see it?

Is this a Bigfoot; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Try these:

Is this a Bigfoot; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Is this a Bigfoot; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Is this a Bigfoot; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Now what do you see? Amazing how extensive analysis makes you see things, hopefully for the better. Now you understand why people don’t think to look for the evidence.
June 27:
Eliot arrived at 3:00 PM and parked off-site so that no Creature would notice a change in routine. My driving away from my homestead around that time of day would seem like normal activity, but not a new vehicle arriving. I picked him up, and we got ready.
At 6:30 PM We took a nap to be ready for the evening. As we did Eliot heard owls hooting. That is a little early for that behavior around here.
At 9:30 PM we were up and Eliot was using binoculars from the bedroom, but not standing too close to the window, watching our target area, the oak tree.
At 10:00 PM it was fully dark, so we crept slowly to the front porch. I shown the light, as for practice for Eliot to watch, with no cameras, for this practice run, and I saw eyeshine 2 1/2 feet off the ground. Then it moved. After a few minutes we went back inside, to let the Creature be alone for awhile, this is the strategy.
Plus, I have a theory that this Creature, has been assigned to watch me from this oak tree. Thus, it should be out there later on.
At 11:15 PM we went out again. This time Eliot with the flood light and I had out my Samsung Galaxy out for photos. Eliot shown the light on the wrong tree, and then adjusted to the oak tree. Thinking we somewhat misfired on this attempt, we went inside.
Soon, we went out to the front porch and tried again. Eliot with the flood light, and I with the Samsung. Eliot had taped his phone to the top of the flood light, and he hit RECORD for video, and we went out. Right away we saw the eyeshine, and after a short time I yelled out for it to show itself. We went inside.
Eliot’s video showed how far away the oak tree seems, on video. In reality it is close enough for most ball players to hit the house with a baseball, from the oak tree, if they tried. About sixty yards.
Photos are less conclusive, then my success earlier in the week, when I got eyeshine and a dark image of an upright massive Creature.
We took a nap until 4:15 AM, and went out just as the light was coming up. We saw eyeshine, again. In the same spot.
After, Eliot went back out to the front porch and watched down below to the Big Oak Tree, and saw a very large German Shepard dog. This is unique because there is no such thing living on this hill, nor the surrounding homestead for miles. Also, it just looked big! It was trotting along the back sense line on the other side of the fence. About 15 yards from where this Oak Tree encounter has been taking place. The tail seemed abnormally long. He told me this. I feel it is possible that it was a Black Wolf, because they are bigger than the average Dog.
Dogman, well it seemed like a dog-dog, but just over-sized. I have heard it said from others in the Bigfoot Community that these Creatures may be able to shape shift. I will leave this up to your own imagination and discretion.
Thus, this is why it caused us to have a moment of pause. Like, could it have used this theory, this strategy, to escape its post without detection?
Later we went, out in full daylight and examined around the tree. We considered if the eyeshine, was from any debris causing a reflection, behind the tree. Later Eliot covered certain shiny objects that could be the culprit. At least we will make sure.
June 28:
At 10:00 PM the dog started barking, so I went out. I saw the Creature to the right of the oak tree, which we had not seen last night, so this felt like a positive. I went in and drew a picture of it to show Eliot, so we could be ready. He duct taped his phone to the binoculars.
Soon after the dog barked, we both went out. Eliot gave me the binoculars and I could see a lot, but no Bigfoot. It was worth getting the close-up view.

The big oak tree; photo, property of Eliot Ness.
At 11:00 PM we went out again. Me with the high powered light, and Eliot with a binoculars/camera. Got some good pictures, but no Creature. I did see eyeshine up in the tree, but did not get a photo of it.
Ended stake-out at 12:30 AM.
The dog barked on three different occasions in the next 1 1/2 hours, but nothing came of it, and then Eliot went to sleep on the sofa, at 2:00 AM.
June 29 Day:
We worked on the website, and created a new section to highlight certain occurrences, like a case file, where I can better discuss specific moments. Here it is: EXPLORING SITUATIONS…
Today I drove Eliot to his vehicle for his departure. Strategy to keep his vehicle off sight; conclusion on this working, pending…