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It was a cool evening in the Spring, when I went outside after dark, maybe 9:30 PM when I noticed this low flying UFO, going northeast, across my property, only about 30 feet, above the trees.

Witnessing Craft with pilot; sketch and photo, property of Wyman Smith.

It was not going fast, nor did it zoom off; no, it just seemed to go on it’s way, as if it was not concerned if anyone saw it or not.

I could see the small “person”, inside the lighted dome shaped top, which dimly shined onto the top half of the craft.

Witnessing Craft with pilot; sketch and photo, property of Wyman Smith.

I heard no sound from this flying saucer type of UFO, nor did I see any sign of exhaust coming from this craft.

I tried to get a picture of the craft with my cellphone, but I was too slow, so I just watched the craft as it flew off.

There is nothing more to say about this unusual rare sighting, of a flying Saucer.


I had saw seen a flying Saucer, like a year before this, while I was sitting in my garden, watering it, late one night.

I saw something slightly bigger then a Satellite, up among the stars, that turned a couple of right angles.

I shared this with my neighbor, who said, “you saw a Satellite “. I told her “No, Satellites do not make right turns.” I said, “It was not a Satellite, it was Flying Saucers.”

A month later, I was watching a T.V. show, about UFO’s. I saw the same UFO, that I had saw a month earlier, while in my garden.

Somebody on the west side of the Cascade Mountain Range (Pacific Northwest, USA), had taken a video of this same UFO, and the Professionals narrating the show, stated that this object in the sky, was a UFO. This was Amazing.

Categories: The Unknown