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August 24, 2021 (Front Porch Incident)
This gate is two steps down from the deck level.

Front Porch Incident; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Front Porch Incident; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Front Porch Incident; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
August 23, 2021
Written content in Timeline.
Pictures waiting for Wyman to edit, before adding to the site.

Front Porch Incident; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Front Porch Incident; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Front Porch Incident; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Front Porch Incident; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
August 23, 2021 (Pole Switch)
I have watched the North Pole move down into Siberia, then west, across the Ocean to Greenland, (over 3-4years), then back to Siberia. It has been crazy. You can find it on the net, but the media is pretty quiet about it.
I expected to see the Poleswitch with the south Pole, as they say it has done before, but it didn’t….
I have noticed that the seasons are changing, sooner, each year, due to this.
The weather we are getting, is like what Canada once got because the TILT of the Earth is DIFFERENT.
IF, you see where the pole is, and draw a line thru it, well, it’s off.
The guy who informed me of the Pole moving, I laughed and said, like how far?? A few inches, no he said, 17 miles that set me back. The next year was, a lot farther, down into Siberia, that got my attention.
August 14, 2021 (Random Photo Strategy)
The area in the Gorge where I saw the Sasquatch, up the crevice, a few months ago, was way closer to the highway, and closer towards Biggs Junction, (within 15 miles) then this area here is, it is steeper also. See January 2021 Timeline.
The picture of these UFO drones? are further East, 5 -10 miles.
On our drive to LaGrande, I can easily spot tree leans, or breaks, along The Cabbage Hill Pass on I 84. There is about a 10 mile section of the Pass, including Meacham, that is pretty much all in the National Forest.
I am surprised that there are not more Bigfoot sightings along the way.
I’ve checked the BFRO for Cabbage Hill, and only 2 or 3 sightings.
August 14, 2021 (Random Photo Strategy)
I randomly took 4 pictures.
I added 2 more, just so you could see.
There’s 2 small black dots a long way out there. I think that they are too small to be Bigfoot’s or anything.

August 12, 2021, random hillside photo; property of Wyman Smith.
I sometimes just take pictures of places, when I get a feeling that something may be there, especially here.

August 12, 2021, random hillside photo; property of Wyman Smith.
It’s just a throw of the dice.
August 13, 2021 (Random Photo Strategy)
No, I didn’t roll the window down for the pictures. It was closed every time.
You can see the sun, up in the left corner, big, but not these tiny spots, way way back in the picture.
It’s weird?
August 13, 2021 (Random Photo Strategy)
On our way to LaGrande, about 15-20 miles out of Rufus, I took 4 different of these pictures, each a different location, this was an effort to spot Bigfoots, etc.
This is the only picture with something like this in it.? so it’s not on my phones lens, not on the car window, either.
I started looking at these photos while Cherie was in the Rest Area.
I don’t know what they are.? THEY LOOK TOTALLY FOREIGN TO ME. not painted on the rocks back there,…. they would be as big as a house….No, they appear to be hovering, whatever they are?
Only saw something like this on Star Trek…
I didn’t see them when I took the picture, still didn’t see them till I zoomed it in.
Then, there they are?
I don’t think that these things, whatever they are, are light reflections, that tiny, and that far back in there, I don’t think so.
I’m going to stop taking pictures like this, people are starting to think that I am looney.
August 13, 2021 (Random Photo Strategy)
What I see is the 2 or 3 light/white things hovering, way back in there.
They look like some sort of Alien drone or something hovering back there?
I don’t think that they are a reflection of some type?

August 12, 2021, random hillside photo; property of Wyman Smith.
August 12, 2021 (Random Photo Strategy)
I took a few pictures of the south side of the Gorge, at nothing in particular.
Zoom this, tell me what you see?

August 12, 2021, random hillside photo; property of Wyman Smith.