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August 30, 2022
My Bigfoot Contact Person, for the Central Oregon area, sent me this:

Central Oregon Trackway; photo, property of Central Oregon Contact, used with permission.
As of August 30, 2022, some very close friends sent me these photos of a Bigfoot Track Line found in Central Oregon, while archery hunting.

Central Oregon Trackway; photo, property of Central Oregon Contact, used with permission.
These guys are hunters, not Bigfooters; so, they did not pore plaster or measure, any of the Prints, but they felt that the Sasquatch Creature had only four toes on each foot.
They said that the track line was approximately 100 yards long.
These pictures belong to these guys, my close friends. Photos used with permission.
April 6, 2020
Talk about mixed messages. After being instructed to keep Social Distancing 3′-6′, now we are being told to make (sew) our own cloth face mask.
The Medical Association still wants all the masks saved for themselves, only (too bad, so sad for you people out there); sorry, I’ve had a bad attitude about this!
The American people are so great, making their own cloth masks; using, COFFEE filters, vacuum cleaner bags (as filters), a bra, and even a feminine pad with wings. People are so amazing, so creative. I like the Bra idea, since it has useable straps.
All of these are multi-layered, using Cotton or Wool for an outer layer. These are washable?
Of course the medical profession would not use one of these homemade masks, but maybe your own family will?
Like I stated previously (See below – April 3, 2020), we started wearing our N95 mask, when nobody else was, in late February 2020 (especially in the grocery store), which probably is one of the most dangerous places out there, due to the fact that 100’s are constantly going in and out of there too often.
April 3, 2020
Since my concerns of Bigfoot activity (harassment) is all about the safety of the people; well, i felt that it would be wise to add my comments, my concerns for the safety of these people when it comes to this Virus also.
We are living with the threat of this virus/of this Pandemic, together. We are learning of ways to protect ourselves, like keeping a distance of six feet (6′) away from other people; yet, we are all still breathing the same air…Hummm.
I am one that believes/feels it is our own responsibility, to take any precautions, one step further, be it washing our hands, LONGER than before, MORE OFTEN than before, USING ANTIBACTERIAL HAND CLEANERS, or one step further might be WEARING RUBBER GLOVES to the market.
We are told to keep/practice Social Distancing from each other, but taking this one step further, would be WEARING a MASK or a FACE SHIELD to the grocery store or anytime one is around multiple people, in my opinion.
I have heard it stated by THE MEDIA, that we should not buy masks for ourselves; that, the mask should be saved for the Doctor’s and Medical Professionals. (But honestly, I do not feel that these Medical Professionals will be in the Home Depot, buying the same type of mask that I purchased to wear while cleaning my basement, or my chicken coop.)
I have also heard it stated by the Media, that, “A MASK WILL NOT HELP people who wear them to the grocery store.” (But I know B.S. when I hear it, and this is pure BULL****!)
Be smart, don’t believe these lies from the Media, (False News).
Think for yourself, if a mask isn’t going to help you in a grocery store, then why are the Health Care Workers wearing them?
(Again, Think for yourself, and protect yourself.)
The day will come, when there will be enough masks for everyone to wear one.
(You might compare what the Government of Taiwan has done, concerning wearing/providing masks for their people.)
So when this day comes, and there are plenty of these masks, for any who wants to buy one, this is when you will hear a totally different message, one that tells you to wear a mask, that A MASK WILL HELP YOU.
We have worn our mask, starting at the end of February, (we were the only people in the entire store wearing masks at this time).
Anytime that I entered any grocery store, (which I consider the grocery store TO BE ONE of the MOST DANGEROUS places people have to go to). WHY? Because SO MANY PEOPLE go there, often.
Now, a month later, March 31st, I watched people going in and out of a grocery store, During Their Senior Hours, about 25% of these people were wearing mask and/or gloves, some even wore a scarf, because masks are not available at this time.
At this time, it seems that we are receiving MANY MIXED MESSAGES from the Media, as to HOW LONG this Virus can live on surfaces, or how far IT MAY TRAVEL in the air? Like a cough (23′-27′) VS normal breathing (3′-6′) apart.
Some larger stores may have many/lots of people going in and out of them; thus, the smaller markets may be a better choice, when one is in need of bread and milk, but it may cost a little more. Price may not always be the most important factor to consider.
December 15, 2019
Our thanks to the Umatilla/Morrow County Watch, November 30, 2019