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Scat is nothing more than Poo-Poo. But this Scat is Bigfoot Poo. It really is not Bear Poo, like the first Bigfoot Poo that I mistakenly thought was Bear Poo. I was so wrong.
See 2016 Timeline.
The first Scat that I saw back in 2016, was like 3″ X 18″ long. This was the same with Miss Molly. The first Scat that she saw was long and thick like my first was also. But the second Bigfoot Scat she found, she took a cellphone picture of:

Bigfoot scat; 2018: Photo property of Miss Bigfoot Molly.
In 2019, while watching Dan Shirley’s “Sierra Project” on U Tube, (he has several pictures of Bigfoot Scat, many of them). I picked just one to use as a comparison photo below, and give him FULL CREDIT FOR IT.

Bigfoot scat; Photo, property of Dan Shirley.
While looking threw some of my older Sasquatch footprints, I came across this next picture, of a Track with a pile of Poo next to the track. Hummm, what do these have in common?? the Poo and the Print? They go together.

Bigfoot scat and track, with descriptive help; photo, Property of Wyman Smith.
Again, I would like to point out the fact, that IF YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING AT, (if you really do not know what Sasquatch Poo can look like), you probably won’t even recognize what type of poo it really is.
Obviously, while taking this Footprint picture, I wasn’t paying close enough attention to the Poo pile, to the left, and almost cut it out of the picture. Part of my difficulty was, that I had only saw it one time, and it had more form then these do.
Here is an example, as seen in the (May) 2019 Timeline. A Bigfoot had been laying down behind a fallen tree, making an imprint in the grass with its body. It was there long enough to leave this scat:

Large poo size comparison; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Here is a view of it, showing how it is easy to miss:

Bigfoot Hiding Place; photo, property of Wyman Smith.