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Science Spiritualism:

I just saw something about science, trying to use spiritualism, (calling up the dead)..BEWARE; THINGS ARE GETTING BAD.


The LORD GOD HIMSELF, tells us not to do anything with the dead; we are to shun all psyche type of things.

Never call any of these fakes on TV; nor, allow your daughter to. Our GOD is fully against all of these type of things.

This is why I am so cautious about telling about Ghostly figures, which can be the Enemy of our GOD, coming against us.

Fallen angels and aliens, are most likely are demons, so we must be aware, and block all evil, and confess our love for our GOD, Openly.

We must pray for HIS PROTECTION over all our loved ones, seriously!

Oh Most High, Holy GOD, GOD of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, who we come before YOU, to humbly bow before Thee, asking YOU for THY HOLY GRACES Protection, from all evils, OH, MOST HIGH GOD,
LORD GOD, THE ALMIGHTY GOD, THE CREATOR Of all GOOD THINGS, PRAISE, GLORY, POWER, MERCY STRENGTH, all Belong to THEE, OUR HOLY GOD. We thank for listening to our prayers, humbly asking THEE to hear our pleas for YOU HELP and PROTECTION, Please help us. Please help us LORD GOD, PLEASE Protect us from all evil, in Yahusha’s Name, we ask THEE and HIM, amen


Listen up…
There are some things that Our God likes. I have learned a few of them.
Especially when HE, THE ALMIGHTY Creator has spoke with me, which is not real often, like with Moses.

But HE HAS, and they ARE VERY SPECIAL to me – I am humble.

Realize, some of what we hear, are just our flesh, and some, are things that HE wants you to pray back to HIM, try and learn which is which, it may help you over the years.

Also there are some great Bible verses, worthy of use in prayer and praise, so write them down, when you see them i.e. Revelation 4.

Remember, Gentiles are to do the same things as the Hebrews are to do.

I don’t listen much to Acts 15, cuz I am more with those in 15:5.

God HIMSELF has told us, in Exodus 12,38-50, or Deuteronomy 29:9-15.
Read Deuteronomy 30, at least to the END,

WE NEED TO BE READING OUR BIBLE, THE BOOKS OF MOSES, were the foundational instructions of Christianity, until things changed we need to read it, and ask the Lord to help us understand it.

I believe that the Original Text, and the Gospels, are very good, very important

Another young boy, told me this, when I was 8 or 9, at school. I honestly think that he may have been a messenger, or angel, of some type?

The Jewish people know things. Try Zechariah 14

They recite scriptures prayers, nightly. Deuteronomy 11:13-21 And in the morning 6: 4-9.

I try to memorize His 10 Commands, and the 1st Psalms too, just for me.

We need to know HIM, not just of Him.

Not meaning to offend you , I apologize if I do.

Categories: What To Do