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As seen in September 2018 Timeline…
Much commotion over the months had led to the night of September 18, 2018, when my dog woke up, about 3:00 AM, when I jumped out of bed and started to open my window and heard the sound of sticks breaking, and automatically, my brain had me point my light in the direction of the noise of crackling limbs.
There stood a silver grey, sort of tan colored Bigfoot, with it’s back towards me, as it was working on, twisting and breaking the lower branches of this Juniper tree, while I was watching it.
Crime Scene drawing by Wyman Smith, recreating the moment. This tree has been cut down to persuade the creature to go away; photo, property of Wyman Smith
After four to five minutes, which seemed like minutes, the Creature noticed my light shining on it. Then the Bigfoot slowly turned its upper body and looked around into my light, as its eyes turning from a dull orange color into a bright red, then it turned around and walked away into the darkness.
This Bigfoot was attempting to make the Juniper tree in my pasture, into its Territorial Marker, which I turned into FIREWOOD.
That is right. I immediately cut this marker tree, flat to the ground, and urinated on it. I cut the marker tree in lengths, cut off all the limbs off and stacked them in a pile, away from there, to burn at a later date. Yes, I removed everything. Why, because during that same night, this Creature came back out, about twenty feet closer to my house, and ripped its toe claw marks, into the dry hard dirt in my pasture, in two separate places, and then it ripped its foot prints into my pasture also.
Claw marks, September 18, 2018; photo, property of Wyman Smith
These are not impressive prints, but rather foot prints ripped out by the thin dry hard sod, the deeper one, I did pour in plaster.
This was the action of an angry Sasquatch, upset because it intended to take over my property.
This is why I chose to cut its Territorial Marker tree down, flat, and I kept my 12 gauge shotgun close by when I did this.
September 16, 2019:
Looking back at the September 18, 2018 Sighting, it has been almost a year. I was really surprised when I had my second sighting of him. As of today, I am thinking he is the Alpha Male of this family group, which seems to have four to five members. I was surprised how tall he was. And, when I found the 19 inch Toe Clawed prints, then I wondered if it was actually him, or a bigger male, or if he had grown that much. Did he get bigger?
What I mean is this; if he was so mad at me when I interrupted him, making that marker tree in my pasture, he came back and ripped his Toe Nailed Footprint into the HARD DRY Dirt. The casting of it was 15 by 8 inch, and showed this was done with turned up nails and claws. If he had not been angry could his footprint been longer? I think so.
I wish I had measured the footprints outside my second story bathroom window, to better determine now, which Creature it was. They seemed to be pretty big and wide, but looked at them again, its like I could not see the heal marks. The toes part of the tracks were really good, and they were wide and rounded. BIG-WIDE prints, even with toe and claws.
My best description of his anger at me, is that he was “Pissed Off at me!” It best describes an attitude that goes this kind of track. The picture of the track has attitude. See it, above.
I’m sure he could have done worse than this.
I am surprised he did not growl at me.
These are very rare tracks.

2018 Bigfoot Sighting; sketch-work compliments of Sybilla Irwin.
2018 Bigfoot Sighting; sketch-work compliments of Sybilla Irwin.
And then just four days later…