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As seen in September 2018 Timeline…
Just four days since the last sighting, my dogs alerted me again. As usual I went out onto my front deck, I saw bull Red eyeshine. As I held my light on it, the Bigfoot Creature looked up into my light, and as before, its eyes got much brighter. Then it turned and ran across the thirty to forty foot area, and so I saw it again for that thirty to forty feet.
How amazing!

2018 Bigfoot Sighting; sketch-work compliments of Sybilla Irwin.
2018 Bigfoot Sighting; sketch-work compliments of Sybilla Irwin.
(This sketch was made, Fall, 2020, Thanks to Mis Sybilla Irwin)
January 21, 2021:
Remembering back to this sighting, it was four days after my Sighting of the Grey-Tan colored Sasquatch, we call “Grey One,” my dogs were alerting me that something was definitely outside.
I went out onto my front deck and saw two dim Red Eyes, glowing.
I then turned on my 500 lunem light, and the Creature looked up at me, and it’s eyes got brighter, then it tuned and ran across a 40-50′ open area, very quickly and was gone.
It looked taller and more slender than it did, 4 nights before this, but I believe that it was the same Bigfoot Creature.
The next sighting in 2018 happened in December…