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The Unknown/The Phenomenon of the Apparitions (911 Bigfoot Help Scenario)
September 17, 2021 (Bigfoot Apparition – Sighting)
No, No, I think that we should add this Ghostly stuff to my site, especially since this was most likely a Bigfoot Apparition, type of Ghost, that I saw?
Which may have recently passed? This is a scary thought and possibly has a grave somewhere nearby. (?) According to some reports?
Some are pretty experienced with this type of thing, since there are a lot of graves back there in the Eastern United States, due to the many wars and battles fought back in those parts.
This made me wonder about ‘Ol One Eye? I have assumed that he was the oldest in the pack.
This Apparition was Big. This is why I guessed it at 9-10 feet tall.
The drawings that I sent to you, are fairly close to what I saw, in and out.

Sketch of Bigfoot Apparition, moving from right to left, fading, then reappearing; sketch and photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Note: Drawing showings apparition of Bigfoot Creature coming in and out of full clarity; meaning, appearance of solid and ghostly.
I was almost stunned, at what I saw! Also, I was astonished, afterwards, after I actually realized what it was.
I do feel that this is still Bigfoot Stuff, or sort of on the edge of it. (?)
The thoughts of one of these Creatures, dying up here, is shocking, but this is not a “for sure” type of thing.
I have learned a lot about this type of thing lately.
There is an index for Paranormal Stuff, (state to state) just like there is the BFRO, for Bigfoot/Sasquatch, State to State.
And what is true with Sasquatches, here in Washington State, is also true with the Paranormal.
Washington State is also #1, with the Paranormal, only 2nd to Virginia.
Just like with the picture of the Strange Women on my Feed-room Steps, that my Trail Camera took, having no Eyes, but a body. I have had this explained to me, in detail.
September 17, 2021 (Bigfoot – Spirit – Soul)
I don’t know if it had a soul. (?)
I believe that our soul, is from GOD HIMSELF, Genesis 2:7, ” And the LORD GOD formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the Breath of Life; and man became a living soul.”
According to what I read in the Bible, that Breath of Life, that part of Our GOD, that lives within us, returns to Our GOD, when we pass on, Ecclesiastes 12:7, “Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto GOD who gave it.”
This is why the Fallen One’s, seek out a body, with a spirit, (one of us)? to live in, because they do not have this?
Do you agree?
September 17, 2021 (Blue Eyes – Sighting)
Yes, U R right, it seems that I read in the Book of Enoch, that all the Fallen ones agreed to go it together (meaning, all take the blame or responsibility equally, for their sin).
Then, later, they did decide, to asked Enoch to ask GOD for them, to forgive them, and HE said no.