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Introduction: Taking Pictures
This information is for those who go out into the Forest, exploring, hoping to find signs of the Elusive Sasquatch Creature we call Bigfoot. TAKE PICTURES of anything unusual, that you may find.
This is also for those who live in the country, remotely, and may be experiencing unusual things around your homestead, like your dog barking at something in the night, be aware, these Creatures are out there.
These are some things that you should try to remember. If you find something that looks like a Bigfoot track, or even a part of a track (a partial track), be sure to photograph it. Then while still standing there, (if using your cellphone or a camera, if possible, stop and look at the photo, right then, because sometimes a photo shows things, our eye may not see).
You may want to take another picture from a different angle, or use the shadows to help show more, or take a picture with the flash, even during the daytime. Sometimes a flash will show things, differently.
So, DO NOT WAIT until later, to look at what you have, take a LOOK at it NOW!!
Now, if you come upon something that just might be one of these Creatures, peeking at you through the brush TAKE PICTURES, TAKE EXTRA PICTURES, and use your foot to disturb the soil where you are standing, so you are able to return to the exact same location.
Because if you did see a Bigfoot Creature, and you step away, chances are, it will not be there,
if you wish to come back for more pictures.
I speak from experience!
I once saw something dark, about 7′ or 8′ up, between two huge trees. I took two pictures and moved on. Then months later, when I looked at this dark area, I could see hair, and even faint eyeshine, when zoomed in.
Yes, this was a Bigfoot, looking at me, from behind these trees. And I only took two pictures, and moved on, like it was nothing.
Now I can’t even remember where these huge trees were, so my advice is to look at the photo before walking away.
Update – March 2020:
When taking pictures, consider this :
I have been very fortunate to have found, the many prints, Tree Structures, including this small pile of mushrooms that a Bigfoot Creature had gathered up.
I also discovered two separate Bigfoot Creatures, looking at me, and was obviously very close to a few others, and may not have fully realized it.
When out doing Bigfoot investigations, in areas where Bigfoot Creatures are known to be, or have been seen, I urge you to be VERY SERIOUS, go slowly, and have a positive attitude, because YOU ARE IN THEIR HOME, in their territory and even though you may not see one of them, they could very well be there watching your every move.
Take plenty of pictures, and it is advisable for you to stop and look at any picture that you think may have something interesting in it, while you are in the same location.
I speak concerning this from experience, 2020 hindsight, because you cannot always find the same place again, and if you are looking at some type of creature, it probably will not be there, minutes later; so, my advice is too take several pictures and maybe a video also.
I once took only two pictures of a dark area between two large trees.
Later, I discovered this dark area, was a Bigfoot’s head. It was a Bigfoot looking right at me, and I only took two pictures and moved on.

Dark head between two trees; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Actually, the dim light (afternoon shade from the trees) made it possible to faintly see its Red eyeshine, during the day. This was a real surprise to me.
When you look at this picture, all you see is two or three big trees.
Most people probably would look right past this dark area, between these trees and probably wouldn’t even see this Bigfoot Creature looking right at them, about 100 yards away
Update – May 2020:
My experience is, later is TOO LATE, unless you mark, exactly where you stood.
And once you leave there, if there was a Bigfoot Creature there, looking at you, it won’t be there, once you step away (or come back later).
Take the picture (s), and look at them immediately, because if it is a Bigfoot, you will want to take many more pics, or a video; take lots, this is learned from 20-20 hind sight.
I know this, from my own experiences….
Partner, it’s like someone wanting to be a Bigfoot explorer, but until they get out there, and pay attention, until they pay their dues, in time and efforts, and listen closely, to what others have shared, and got out there yourself, then, and only then, will you start to learn, what the hay is actually happening. AND THIS TAKES YEARS.
In 2015, I heard fierce growling, I saw RED EYESHINE, and had rocks thrown at my house, but a year later, in 2016, when 1/2 of my peaches went missing off my peach tree, well I thought that it was a person, who had took them.
Stupid, Stupid Me, hell, it was the darn Bigfoot that were throwing the rocks at my house, that took my peaches, not some neighbor, but because I had not LEARNED that these Creatures will do this, I DIDN’T EVEN THINK BIGFOOT.
NOW, I AM READY; why, why?
Because now I know their habits, what they do. What sounds they make, and how they sneak around, BECAUSE, NOW, I AM AWARE, back then, hell, I wasn’t even thinking Bigfoot, even after a year of there harassment, slapping my house, throwing rocks at it, eyeshine, etc.
This is not learned over night.
This takes years to learn. I know this, I have the experience, NOW.
I might even suggest you put your own foot print, as a marker, where you stood while taking the photo.
Friends, this stuff, THIS TYPE OF EXPERIENCE, LEARNING, KNOWING, what to do while you are out there in the field, only comes through 20-20 hind sight, (darn, I wish that I had done _______ while I was out there in the forest); this is how we really learn, AND THIS IS WHY I KEEP ENCOURAGING YOU, TO GET OUT THERE, and start experiencing this for yourself and stop using what others have done.
You just won’t learn, unless you are doing.
This is what I consider my site, a teaching web site.
I teach them, what to look for, how to pour it, and as you know, until you do it, until you pour it yourself, well, there is a world of difference. A mess too, LOL…
Original content – first published: November 20, 2018
I sometimes will take pictures of and area, especially if I have a feeling that a Bigfoot might be watching me, from somewhere. They will often stand behind bushes, or tree foliage and look through it at us, so we do not see them… because they do not stand out in the open very often…UNLESS they want you to see them. They will SOMETIMES DO THIS, …maybe, to draw our attention away from other Bigfoot Creatures, (like a young one) that you may be very close to). They say that this is why Patty, the female Squatch in the Patterson/Gimlin film of 1967, in Bluff Creek California, was walking away in the open, because there were other Squatches in the bushes near by, thus she was drawing the attention of Patterson to herself. Keep these things in mind. Even a Juvenile, or should I say especially a Juvenile could sneak around behind you, and throw a rock or a limb at you.