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Also see, Broken Branches…
Also see, Tree Breaks…
Here are the photos of the Juniper Tree, that was in my pasture, straight out my front door, not 50 yards away, (that I cut down) that this Bigfoot Creature was working on, turning it into some sort of Bigfoot Territorial Marker, attempting to take over my property as its own territory (I wonder what this Bigfoot Creature had planned for me)??

The Tree Marker Incident; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Crime Scene drawing by Wyman Smith, recreating the moment. This tree has been cut down to persuade the creature to go away; photo, property of Wyman Smith
This Sasquatch was attempting to claim my property as its own territory. What would I do to another person who attempted to steal my property, like this??
Territorial Marker where the Bigfoot Creature liked to stand; photo, property of Wyman Smith
So, this gets very concerning to me, what did these Bigfoot Creatures have planned for me?? For us??
Hummm, that really doesn’t seem like it was planning to share my property, with us, does it? No, we were probably on the menu.
Can we really believe that this Huge flesh eating Creature, was just hoping to drive us off. Maybe by hitting us with rocks, or just eat us? Who really knows for sure?
Notice how these branches look to have been bent, over and over, and twisted so many times that they have become frayed on the ends. These branches sure look similar to some of the frayed tree breaks that I have seen, which could be some type of Bigfoot territorial markers, also.
Twisted territorial markers; photo, property of Wyman Smith

Frayed branch evidence; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
How long do you think that it would take you, to twist and crack a 1″ Juniper Branch, until it broke, and looked this frayed? If it was even possible for a human to do this, I know that it would be impossible for me to try to do it.
If you look closely, you will see how these branches have been cracked and broken, without then, breaking.

Territorial twisting without fully breaking; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
As for finding Tree Breaks, and Tree Structures, including the Large X (which is most definitely known to be a Sasquatch sign/marker) these X signs can be on the ground, or up in the air.
We went up behind Carson, Washington, last March, and discovered this type of Bigfoot sign.
It was along Wind River Hwy, in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest.

Tree Break, behind Carson, Washington; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Frayed (twisted) Tree break; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Below is a very rare find, especially for southern Washington.

Inverted tree marker, deep within the Gifford Pinchot National Forest, southern Washington; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Now, inverted trees; according to William Jevning, this is a very rare find. They are usually found, only in Alaska, or in Louisiana. Maybe an Alaskan Sasquatch moved to southwestern Washington State?
Knowing what type of Territorial Marker this was, and yet finding it in Washington, made me realize how rare of a find this was. It tells other male Bigfoot’s that this is MY TERRITORY, and to keep out. I am smart enough to keep the hay out of there myself, and not tell anybody where it is.
IT WOULD NOT BE SMART, going down to view this type of a BIGFOOT TERRITORIAL MARKER, close up, or to look for prints, because IT IS WHAT IT IS, a type of NO TRESPASSING SIGN, put there by an Alpha Male Bigfoot Creature, to mark this area, “As His Territory ,” he has laid claim to it (for himself, his females, and his young) and I am sure that he would defend this area with his life. Sounds like a stern Creature? Yes!
This Marker is there, yet it is well hidden. I am sure that other male Bigfoot Creatures would easily see it.
It really surprised me, when I discovered this upside down (inverted) tree, out of the corner of my eye. I could not believe my own eyes; yes, I most certainly was amazed to say the least. Wow!
It is there, for those to see, who know what to look for [like another Bigfoot] but yet it is well hidden, just like the other Bigfoot markers on my property.
I finally saw the three separate Old Tree Leans, on the back of my property, while spraying my scent back there. Yes, they had been there a for long time, but I had never seen them before, and I am sorry that I did not stop to take pictures of them, probably because they were so old and small, like nine to twelve foot high, about three to four inches thick, leaning against another live or dead tree of about the same size; BUT, I COULD EASILY LIFT EACH ONE UP, out of the ground, BECAUSE THEY DO NOT HAVE ANY ROOTS. They were just sitting there on top of the ground, (or pushed slightly into the dirt), just leaning against the live tree. These three leans, DID NOT HAPPEN BY THEMSELVES! This is Bigfoot Evidence.
Seen, yet not so easily seen, because I had never noticed them before, in the past 10 years.
This is another example of not knowing what to look for, and walking right past Sasquatch signs, unaware that they are there.
These are things that you need to know, what to look for, hidden in plain sight.
Here are two categories that are related to Territorial Markers: