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Back to Exploring Sightings – 911 Bigfoot Help
As seen in the Timeline…
We are calling this a SITUATION because it includes a multiplicity of considerations; including, lasting over twenty minutes.
As SIGHTINGS you will find this split up as:
June 2019 – Oak Tree Incident (giant biped) – 911 Bigfoot Help
June 2019 – Oak Tree Incident (female) – 911 Bigfoot Help
I had installed the new flood lights; hoping to discourage these Creatures. It has been said that they don’t like lights.
Three weeks later (June 21) the dog went down to the gate that leads to my pasture and was barking. And this is when I noticed eyeshine and more. I shown the high-powered flashlight from the front porch, down towards the Big Oak tree. It was like the Creature was watching me. I watched it for a couple of minutes and went into the house. I got my binoculars with the green laser light, and I turned on the green laser, shining it into the eyes of the Creature. I saw it turn and walk away. This confirmed to me what Bog Garrett has said about the Creatures not liking it; messing up their night vision.
Later that Saturday (His Sabbath), June 22, just before evening, I went down there, and looked around, and didn’t see any evidence, other than flattened grass.
I poured urine on the Giant Oak and the smaller oaks in that area.
Nothing happened the next day, on the 23rd.
On June 24th, my dog went again to the Pasture Gate barking, so I knew the Creature was back but it was to my surprise, because I was expecting the urine to have a longer effect.
It turns out that this was my best day for gathering photos that would lead to my best evidence of this particular occurrence.
I saw the Creatures eyeshine, came back inside, and thought to myself…I should attempt to get some pictures. I have a hand-held spotlight and my cell phone for the photos. It is difficult to take pictures one-handed with the cell phone. Basically, using two fingers to take the pictures. When I could get the spot-light and camera lined up together, I noticed something black on my screen and just kept taking pictures, and it was gone after a few shots. I first thought it was just a shadow. The black shadow I thought I had seen, turned out to be a Bigfoot. So Amazing! To be out there, and to have the perfect timing of this scenario.
I came back in the house to quickly look at the pictures.
I was alone, so I sent pictures by text to Eliot Ness and my girlfriend.
Eliot started to see things that I could not see, right away. He basically was able to examine and enlarge the images as I was free to keep watching.

Oak Tree Incident; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Enhanced image; original photo, property of Wyman Smith.
I first thought this was just a dark shadow, because it was so unbelievable, to imagine that I got a picture of the Bigfoot’s backside.
Proposed hairy bipedal Creature walking away; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Twenty minutes later, I tried again. Took more pictures. I feel that was when I go this photo of the Creature looking at me, only partially hidden.

Mysterious Hominoid Picture Taken from Front Porch; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Mysterious Hominoid Picture Taken from Front Porch; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
I realize these pictures are blurry, but please realize, this was 1:00 AM in the morning, about sixty to seventy yards away, taking photos that are zoomed in, with a spotlight in one hand and the cell phone in the other.
Comparison Photos:

Dark Figure, or Shadow, to the right of the Oak Tree; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Dark Figure, or Shadow, to the right of the Oak Tree; photo, property of Wyman Smith.