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Small Town Warning – Bigfoot Frequency – 911 Bigfoot Help
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Be Aware, Be Alert, Stay Alive!
Warning: these Creatures may look somewhat like us, in shape, but do not forget that Bigfoots are animals, possibly dangerous animals!
It is very important, FOR YOU TO BE AWARE OF, EVEN THE POSSIBILITY, that these Bigfoot Creatures are/or may be ~ in your area, seriously. (it is not wise, to IGNORE the Evidence)
The Evidence, does not lie?!
First you should protect yourself. I advise a 38/.357, .40 or .45 or larger caliber handgun, and a 30 caliber or larger rifle, or a shotgun (12 or 20 gauge, loaded with Rifle Slugs) I also carry a canister of BEAR SPRAY! (and learn how to use it, watch a video)
It is also advisable, to avoid going outside after dark. People in our Southern States (S.E.) have done this for centuries. They know that the Boogieman is real.! The people down south, have known this, that there are dangerous cryptid creatures outside after dusk. These southern Americans are aware of these dangerous creatures, but for some reason,..?.? people on the Pacific Coast seem to be UNAWARE OF THIS. Why is this??
What does this evidence look like?
The signs of the evidence, that a Sasquatch (a Bigfoot) may be present, are, Tree Breaks, Hanging Broken Branches, Tree Leans, Tree Structures, Foot Prints, Tree X’s, Poo, etc, (??). Learn what to look for.

Tree break; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
These Sasquatch Creatures can hide almost anywhere, I know because, I HAVE BEEN EXPERIENCING THIS ~ FOR THE PAST THREE YEARS. They come out at night, when we are asleep. Just like other PREDATORS DO. They will often, ~ lay down flat, in tall grass or in a shallow ditch, or in a low dip in a pasture, or behind low brush/bushes, to hid from you. They seem to just disappear.?! I have seen them do this.

Tree break found by Eliot Ness; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
You DO NOT WANT these Creatures NEAR YOUR HOUSE, nor in YOUR BARN, nor near to YOUR OUTHOUSE, (if applicable) thus it is necessary to cut away ALL BRUSH, ALL TALL GRASS, and ANY DEAD TREES, that may provide a place for them to hide.
Actually you should remove any type of obstacle that these predatory type Creatures may hide behind, as far back away from your home as possible, similar to how one should do to prevent the threat of a wildfire. I have heard it stated that these Bigfoot type Creatures can hide in 18″ high grass.
I highly advise you to buy a good spotlight or a very powerful flashlight (500 lunems or higher/a million candle power). You probably will be using it, a lot !
Next, Pay attention to your dog.
This is really important, to PAY ATTENTION to your dog, even if your dog/dogs seem to cower, and crawl under the porch/house or the deck, and whine, this IS NOT NORMAL BEHAVIOR, and this SHOULD ALERT YOU (they are smart dogs). Hopefully they will growl or bark, and give you some type of warning.
While my 2 guard dogs would bark ferociously, I would respond by going outside onto my upper deck and shine my flashlight across the hillside, to see what the cause of their barking was.? I would rarely tell my dogs to shut up, because every time that I did, do this, they made me look foolish,… once I learned what all the noise was about. Your dog is trying to tell you something IMPORTANT.! even if it seems like they are barking for no good reason, they really are, so PLEASE PAY ATTENTION to your dog, because they are trying to help you. A good dog, is so very important. They can hear and smell and sense things that we CAN NOT, hear or smell. The dog, may be able to see or sense things that we can not see.
If you do not own a dog, and your neighbor does, listen and pay attention to their dog. Their dog may become helpful to you too.
My first Sighting
One cold December night in 2015, when this happened, I went outside and shinned my nice (but weak) 200 lunim flash light across the landscape, about 1:00 a.m. Approximately 150 yards away, I saw,… a single Red Eye-shining back at me. I was SHOCKED.! It looked away, then in a few seconds, looked back at me again, then it disappeared into the darkness. This left me feeling dumbfounded and confused, I had no idea what I had just witnessed. I had just saw the unbelievable.! WHATEVER IT WAS, I had just saw it. This was the beginning of a surprisingly long journey, of “BECOMING EDUCATED TOO WHAT HAS BEEN (and still is) HIDDEN FROM US”, by who.? By our own Government Officials ! That’s right, by Fish and Wildlife, by the State Police or the Sheriff, and definitely by the FBI. No, we are not stupid. It was not a BEAR? but the officials will probably blame your encounter ON A BEAR) EEK, WRONG, IT WAS NOT A BEAR! ) Hello, Bears have big round ears, Bears have a long snout like a dog, Bears walk around on all fours, most all the time. A Bigfoot has tiny little ears, (almost UN-noticeable), a flat nose, plus hands, not paws and they walks upright most of the time. A Bigfoot looks nothing like a Bear.
I know all this sounds kind of crazy, but if you starting looking into the subject of Bigfoot encounters on U Tube, you too will discovery that there is “A BIGFOOT COVER UP” going on, which I believe is leaving hundreds, even thousands of innocent people, unaware of this danger. At this point I will refer you to The “Missing 411 Books”, written by David Paulides, concerning the hundreds of people who have gone missing, yes, they have just vanished from our State and National Parks, including our National Forest, and it doesn’t end there, either, No this is just the beginning..
I believe these Sasquatch (Bigfooted) Creatures are just about anywhere they have food and cover, preferably away from people, but not always. I do not live near the National Parks or the National Forest. Not even within 10 miles, no. But I do I live within a few miles of a small town, and there are many, non reported Bigfoot sightings, all around here, within 10 miles .
Well, back to “My Sightings”. This happened again about 10 days later. I saw the Red Eyeshine again. Eventually, I learned that this was a Sasquatch, Yes, a Bigfoot type Creature. It was living on this hillside with me. Hummm… how long.?
Months later, in the Spring of 2016, a large rock hit the south-side of my house at about 1:00 AM. I was here all alone at the time. I knew what had thrown this rock at my house, but I did not play along with the games these Creatures will play, trying to get me to come outside and pay attention to them. Hey, I could have been hit with the next rock.! Don’t take the bait. Don’t be their next target/victim.

Twisted/broken branch; photo, property of Wyman Smith
The picture above, shows two broken hanging branches, the smaller one is much older, the other, maybe only a few years old. (This shows me, that these Sasquatch Creatures have been around this area in the past as well as the last few years). These are signs or symbols of some type, and may have meaning to other Suburbanite Bigfoot Creatures that might pass through the area. It is amazing what you may find, ONCE YOU HAVE LEARNED WHAT TO LOOK FOR! YOU NEED TO EDUCATE YOURSELF. We are here to help.
I learned much, from this tree (broken limb) symbol (??) made for other Suburbanite Sasquatches??
Listen to your dog(s)…
Do Not be fooled! These Bigfoot CAN LIVE and HIDE, WHERE YOU MAY THINK, they can not.
So why would these Sasquatch Creatures, start moving into our/your area?? Well, as with other animals that we may start noticing, due to the loss of their HABITAT, as the result of a Forest Fire or Grass Fire!
Predators usually hunt at night:
Yes, when I saw the Red Eyeshine of something unknown to me, back in December 2015, I was not fully aware of what I was ACTUALLY LOOKING AT (but I knew that I was looking at some type of Creature), but due to the limitations of the light that I was using, at that time. I was UNAWARE of what I was observing. Like with so many other sightings, in the beginning, we ask questions, we need answers, what creature has RED Eyeshine? A Sasquatch! Really? Wow, A Bigfoot!? Right Here, no kidding! Unbelievable.
You Need a Real Good Light:
You need to know, how really important it is to have a very powerful light, so you can see what your are really looking at.! This is very very important. Cheap may not be better.? (I am using hand held flashlights, from 500-850 LUNEMS, and a 10 Watt LED rechargeable SPOTLIGHT, which is equal to 1000 lunems).
Realizing these Creatures are actually living around here:
Please Note, it is no easy thing to admit ~ that these Bigfoot/Sasquatch Creatures, may be living in the same location as you are. Not everyone will admit this. Just the thought of a Sasquatch living near your area, scares most people, even causing some to move. Sooo, if you find a really great deal, on a remote home & property, in the country, ~ buyer beware ~ there could have been Sasquatches harassing the previous owners. Note; these creatures do not respect boundries.
You really need to at least consider the possibility of Bigfoots, …. being in the area, BECAUSE as unbelievable as this may seem,…. they could be living there. I have lived here since 2007, and never saw any sign of a Sasquatch around here, (until 2015), but I DID NOT KNOW WHAT TO LOOK FOR, back then, like I do now.
We Have to Learn , What to Look For:
Because these creature are so illusive, so unbelievable, most any one who lives close to you, probably will not believe what you tell them, even if you have proof/evidence of these Creatures, even if you have saw one, they may still CHOOSE, NOT TO, BELIEVE YOU; unless, they too, may be hearing or seeing these Creatures ! There are things that you can do.
I personally know people living only a few miles, outside this small town, who found a 17″ Sasquatch track, on the property they purchased, some years ago. This same area has had several other Sasquatch sightings, that I know of, several.
The next occurrence that happened ~ here, where I am living, WENT RIGHT OVER MY HEAD. I had shot a Coyote, in the moon light, about 11:00 PM, one summer night, (which is totally legal in this state). In the morning when I went to have a look at the dead critter, but it was gone! Something, maybe a Bear or maybe a Cougar? had come in within 80 yards of my home during the night, and had eaten the Coyote. This was a type of wake-up call for me, … and I missed it .!
You need to know, that some predators out there, ARE NOT, afraid of you, like a Cougar.
All I found OF THE COYOTE THAT I HAD SHOT, was a small piece of Coyote fur, and a very large area of flattened out grass, (that had been about 9″ tall), plus an overly large long poo. I mean it was very large, like 3″ X 18″ long, which I unconsciously passed off as a Bear poo. WRONG ! This is what happens, when we do not know the difference. You need to know these things, so educate yourself.
I look back on this and say, I was so wrong. This scat, this poo, was way-way too big for any Black Bear that we have around here. No, this was Sasquatch poo, but I was totally unaware (uneducated) of this, back then; but, now I wonder if these Creatures were trying to tell me, they were living here??
I did not realize that these Bigfoot animals/Creatures were around here at the time, and I am not so sure they have been here all year, every year, but, I am sure that they are now, due to certain circumstances. They just seem to be hanging around here.
What happened next?
Well, early the next Spring 2016, a Rock hit the south side of my house around 1:30 a.m. The rock hit with such force, that I knew a person could not have thrown it. This could not be ignored. It really shook me up! WHY? Because I know that Bears nor Cougar have thumbs, and you need thumbs to throw rocks. A Sasquatch Creature is the only other possibility.
(What was the purpose behind these Bigfoot Creatures, trying to get my attention? Why would they do something like this, other then to let me know they were living here?)
Do not Feed these Creatures:
Since that time, myself and my lady have experienced other rocks hitting the house. In late October, 2018, she had just finished fixing dinner. The kitchen was too warm, so she opened the kitchen door and the window. As we started eating, a rock hit the side of the house, just below the window. I asked her, did you hear that? “Yes,” she replied. It was a rock that hit the house. I jokingly said, ” It smells so good, I guess they want a plate-full also. NO, WE DO NOT FEED THESE CREATURES. In fact, she will not even open the curtains, now, because she feels like she is being watched.!
Sure there are other PREDATORS (Cougar, Bear, Coyotes, Wolves) which also do much of their hunting, after dark. This is why we ALL should stay inside after dark!
Things like this, may be upsetting to us at the time, but THEY WILL HELP US TO FACE THE FACT, that there is something out there, (not someone) and you really need to be paying close attention, because it really is not safe, TO GO OUTSIDE AFTER DARK THESE DAYS, without being prepared, at least carry Bear Pepper Spray and a good bright flashlight! I also carry a .40 caliber Handgun. Not only for Bigfoots, but for other PREDATORS (Cougar, Bear, Coyotes, Wolves) they too do much of their hunting after dark, as do these Bigfoot Creatures also do. Yes, they are predators, omnivores so beware they come out after dark!
Always pay Close Attention, to YOUR DOGS.
If you own a dog or two or three, always pay close attention as to how they are barking; especially, if there is any difference or increase in their barking, which is their way of warning you! So, turn down the TV so you are able to hear them, and have a very powerful flashlight handy. I have a new rechargeable 10 watt LED (1000 lunem) spotlight that works very well.
All this is 20/20 hind sight, because three years ago, when my dogs first warned of these Creatures, I was using a 200 lunem flashlight, which allowed me to see their RED Eyeshine at 150 yards away, but not their shape, so I was not able to see what was out there. Hummm, what has Red Eyeshine? This is what started my investigation.
This Spring I was using a different flashlight, one with 850 lunem, which does show everything very well, even past 100 yards. This light has allowed me to clearly see these Creatures, three separate times. So be prepared. This is very important to have a very good spotlight.
Things to Look For:
There are things that you should be looking for.
Some of the things that you should be looking for, are Tree Breaks. You need to learn to be aware of Broken branches, hanging ! Learn to look closely at the broken area of the branch, and see how it has been broken. It was probably broken, by something very big and very strong, twisting it, which causes this type of tree (a Juniper) to splinter from within, this type of break looks frayed from being twisted, which causes the inside strands of the branch to break. This may kill the branch, unless the tree is healthy and young. These Sasquatch Creatures seem to like Juniper Trees for some reason?? PAY CLOSE ATTENTION. Look for evidence of old prints also.
Most people have not taken the time or the effort to learn about these types of Bigfoot Signs, the Evidence these Creatures leave behind, Tree Breaks, Leans, Markers, Structures. The unlearned person usually walks right past these signs, without noticing them. Study my Photo’s and you will start to learn what to look for. Can you see the twist in the broken branch in the picture below?

Twisted/broken branch; photo, property of Wyman Smith
There are THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW, (things to look for) especially, if you suspect there is a Sasquatch on or near your property, or even if you think these Creatures are in your area. So don’t be real surprised if some people/neighbors, MAY NOT WANT TO THINK about what you share, about Sasquatch being in the area, not even after I had a picture of the creature. Be very careful, not to let their negative input/remarks, influence your thinking, because it can, and it will. BELIEVE ME WHEN I SAY THIS.
Note: These Creatures can easily walk several miles, so realize the fact that they may be living elsewhere, even 5-10 miles away, maybe more. Realize that they have much longer legs and longer strides then we do, 3′-6′ long, (I have heard of these Creatures leaping up to 28′), so we can not compare the distances they may travel, by comparing them to our own human limitations. (These are wild animals, and have much more strength then we do).
Bigfoot Creatures are experts at hiding, all the time (even in 18″ tall grass), but they preferably hide behind trees, so look for evidence of their foot prints (or just large flattened areas) on the ground, BEHIND the tree (See the picture below). The trees they choose to hide behind, will most likely be larger and within view of your home, because they probably are watching you, day and night, learning your habits, your routine (they can see us, but we can not see them)! It is a scary thought, isn’t it? Most are unaware of it.
Again I state this, IT IS ADVISABLE TO NOT VENTURE OUTSIDE AFTER DARK, especially without some type of weapon or Bear Spray, and a powerful flashlight.
These same trees, these Creatures hide behind, will probably have evidence of some broken branches, because these Bigfoot Creatures, just can’t help but break tree branches, so look for these Broken Branches, 6′- 9′ high. (know that the larger branches most likely will look twisted, splintered from within.
These Bigfoot Creatures use trees for many things. They favor thin barked trees for making Tree Knocking sounds, a form of communication, between them, WHY? The answer is because these Creatures usually are together, they hunt together (in small packs of 3-4), they travel together, they kill and eat together (dogs, cats, pigs, sheep, goats, deer, cattle, elk, horses, even people sometimes). I believe that they hold a rock in their hand and hit the rock against a thin barked tree. [Note, the rock can also be used as a weapon]. Some think they slap the tree, with an open hand, while others think they use a large branch like a Baseball Bat, (which some people do, in an attempt to get these Creatures to respond to them). I think some people do not think outside the box enough.

Something stood here; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
At my home, these Creatures seem to use Tree Knocks, to make my dogs bark at them, maybe they are trying to get my attention, trying to get me to come outside and shine a light around in my pasture to see what is causing my dogs to bark? Does this put them in control? I have heard it said by some, that we are their entertainment – watching us, like we do, watching TV. Oh Yes, I do see glimpses of their eyeshine. And No, it is not comforting to know that these Monster Creatures, are out there, night after night, month after month. Living with these Creatures, daily, is much different then having a sighting.
Note, I started noticing numerous rocks in my pasture, then in my driveway, and eventually in the bed of my pick- up Truck, over a 2 or 3 year period. Sooo, please beware, pay attention.

Territorial Marker where the Bigfoot Creature liked to stand; photo, property of Wyman Smith
Notice the frayed ends of the lower broken branches on this Juniper Tree. The Bigfoot that I saw, was twisting and working on this Bigfoot Territorial Marker, which it was making, about 50 yards out, from my front door. TALK ABOUT being aggressively IN YOUR FACE! This Creature was TRESPASSING and ATTEMPTING TO TAKE MY PROPERTY from me. This makes me wonder what it had planned for me? Realize that, I had to BECOME AND STAY, as aggressive as it was being with me. My chainsaw and plenty of my urine, SEEMED to have discouraged it, finally, a loud air horn also helped.
These Sasquatch Creatures also use Trees as/for Territorial Markers, so be sure to look for these type of signs (Tree Leans, Tree Structures, Tree X’s, Tree Breaks, and even Hanging Broken Branches), but realize these markers are not be easily noticed/recognized, especially at first, because they may be somewhat hidden to our eyes. This is why the unlearned do not see them, and if they are skeptics, they may even “Poo Hoo” these forms of evidence, making some silly senseless unsupportable remark, that shows you how stupid they really are.

Tree markers that say to STAY AWAY; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
This is a Bigfoot Male Marker, of some sort? What does it mean, to them? Do they expect us to know this? Is this some form of worship to them?; They are also found laying on the ground. Note; If these symbols are some type of Territorial Marker, or “No Trespassing sign,” it could be very dangerous to approach them, if the Creature happens to be near by.