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There are literally thousands of Sasquatch encounter stories, dating back into the 1800’s, up to our present date. Before we had the internet, in the later 1990’s, (1998 – 2018, it’s only been 20 years) there really was not many places for these victims of Bigfoot encounter’s to report what they had experienced, other then to the local newspaper, or to the legal authorities who may have been called (which the legal Authorities most likely did not keep many, if any records, concerning these Bigfoot/Sasquatch type of Encounters, but rather usually covered up any evidence of these encounters).
Since the internet, each State has it’s own branch of the BFRO, Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization, to report these encounters to, without being ridiculed or laughed at by family members, neighbors or friends.
Now for example, it is stated that only one in 10-20 encounters are even reported, so if some county has 10 BFRO reports, there are possibly 100-200 actual encounters of some sort, either type A or type B reports, that go unreported. Now if you really think about this, how many of these Creatures are there really out there? 100’s and 100’s?
Over the past few years (maybe a decade), more and more people, seem to be experiencing encounters with these Sasquatch Creatures, or are finding some type of evidence of them, tracks, tree breaks, or tree structures, maybe even their scat.
Depending upon which state you live in, the possibility of having an encounter with one of these Sasquatch Creatures, may be greater then some other places. I also believe that these Creatures are multiplying, and as with other animals types/species, Coyotes, Wolves, Cougar, Antelope, Deer, Elk, Moose, Bear and Sasquatches, the Alpha Male (the Strongest Male) chases off the younger males, and keeps all the females of the species, for himself to breed with. This assures a stronger, healthier offspring, to carry on the species.
More on MULTYPLYING: bottom of this page.
Most of us have heard, how the Cougar population has increased, since hunting them with dogs has been prohibited. Since this time, there has been a big increase the younger male Cougar population. Now these younger males, are being chased completely out of the area they were raised in, by the Stronger Males or killed by the alpha male. Some of these younger male Cougar end up living close to towns and schools, or are killed/shot because they start killing livestock.
Well, what has been happening to these younger male Cougar, is also happening, to some degree, with the younger male Sasquatches. They have been chased off, (run out of the area) by The Alpha Male Sasquatch. This possibly has caused these Creatures to move geographically closer to humans. This could possibly also be due to the Habitat losses, from Forest and Grass Fires. These Bigfoot Creatures may be being forced into the Urban areas, for reasons we may not understand or know about, like food or shelter, maybe? (I recently learned that these Sasquatch Creatures ~ may eat parts of the bark of a Pine Tree, even some of the sap).
There are a lot of things we do not know about these Sasquatches! I have learned that these younger male Sasquatch Creatures have been evolving, or should I say, adapting or adjusting things in their lives, in order to be able to survive, living closer to people, turning themselves into “Today’s Suburbanite Sasquatches”. They seem to be adjusting the size of their Territorial Markers, so as to communicate to other Sasquatch, but to not be noticed by the humans that now live next door to them; things like, Tree Structures, Tree Breaks, Broken Branches, (which are left hanging), smaller Leaning Trees, X structures, (made on the ground, instead of up in the air)[see the X picture below]. All these types of markers, (maybe some type of sign or signal, to other Sasquatches/Bigfoots in the area)?
I stay on the side of Caution! These are very large, very powerful , and very dangerous Creatures, and I treat them as such. They compare in size and strength to a Grizzly Bear, so I treat them with the same degree of respect. YOU SHOULD CARRY BEAR PEPPER SPRAY, and a powerful gun.

Tree break found by Eliot Ness; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Tree break; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Tree break; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Look at this small Oak Tree. Just below where the branches fork out, you will see where the Broken Hanging Branch snapped, next to the main stem of the tree. This was the first tree break that I noticed on my property, in 2018. This is how these Suburbanite Sasquatch Creatures makes these type of signs, for other Bigfoot type of Creatures to see.

“X” marks the spot; tree break; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Tree break; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Tree break – territorial marker; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
* Yes, this younger New Generation of “Today’s Suburbanite Sasquatch Creatures,” are living among us, and most people are totally unaware of them. These Creatures are living among the houses, the people, the livestock, the Dogs, the fences, the Vehicles, even the shooting, etc.
Some of the older people, who have been living in the country, most of their life, will flatly refuse to believe that these Bigfoots are even in the area, yet these people are quick to point out the increased Cougar population, since the Ban on hunting Cougar with dogs. [How much sense does this make to you?]
Since these older residents, may have lived in a certain area for many years, they may think they know something more about the area, then other people, who are living there. This does not mean much, to me, unless they have seen these Creatures, and are aware of them. Otherwise, they really do not know, and they have no proof, to back up their words. I live here, and I have the proof and I have seen them.
Unless someone takes the time to study and learn about these Sasquatch Creatures, (Bigfoots), unless they know what to look for, they will walk right past their signs, their structures, without even noticing them. One needs to take the time to learn and know something about them.
Where I live, I have seen both old signs, (like over 10-20 years old) and new signs, made recently. One neighbor I shared some things with, told me the Ranchers back in the 80’s were losing Cattle up here. He told me of a doe Deer, he once found, on his property, with a broken neck, still warm, with blood running out of her nose. He left for a few minutes, and when he came back, she was gone.
I have been living in this area for more than 10 years now, started seeing Red Eyeshine, a few years ago, I have been studying about these Sasquatch Creatures ever since. I have seen these Bigfoots, seven times now.
I believe they killed one of my big dogs with Infra-sound. They have hit me with it at least once, also. I consider them to be dangerous animals.
September 16, 2019:
I guess these Creatures, who are choosing to live this Suburbanite lifestyle among us, * are having to adjust to certain differences, like making large broken tree limbs, in place of large tree structures.
*Compare with Judges 1:21 & 34, sort of interesting how it seems to relate.
We use the available extra trees, laying around, even their leaners, for firewood. So, they make, break their own type of noticeable markers.
MULTIPLYING: October 2019
I want to express to people/campers/hikers/nature-watchers, is that these Creatures are out there, and their numbers are growing. They are multiplying.
What I am attempting to express, is only the possibility that these Bigfoot Creatures MIGHT HAVE moved into moved into the area where you have camped or hunted in past years.
There are several Encounter Stories out there, that I have heard about this very thing, occurring, close by here, within 10 miles.
People who have not been out camping in a certain place/area, maybe not for a year or three, and when they return to the area THIS YEAR, well, these huge Monsters, have made it their home, and are not welcome there.
I have heard stories about Homesteaders, who have experienced seeing these Creatures a few times, then the Creatures may leave, move on from there for a year or two and come back later, sometime in the future.
In my situation, these Creatures were living around here, sometime in the past years, then left for some unknown reason, for some unknown amount of time. Then I moved in here, and lived here for about 8 to 9 years, before my dogs started their excessive barking that alerted me to ABNORMAL THINGS in the night, like loud growling or sounds of animals fighting?? Next, I saw Red Eyeshine on the hillside above my house. What kind of Creature has RED Eyeshine?? So then, I started to investigate what has Red Eyeshine?
The answer, was resoundingly, “A Bigfoot Creature.”
Then, about four to six months later, there was the night a rock hit the south side of my house with such force, that it sounded almost like a gunshot.
his was followed by a hand slap on the same side of my house, a few months later. Both of these things happened around 12:30 AM and I was still up and awake when these happened.
I was so shocked that I did not go outside to see what had done this.
This December (2019) will be four years since I saw the RED Eyeshine in 2015, and since, I have seen their eyeshine many times, hundreds of glimpses of these Creatures in my pasture) to having a Creature turn and look right into my bright light, its eyes shining bright RED, only 60 yards away.
My point is, these Creatures can be in an area for years, then leave there, and go to a new area, maybe where you are choosing to go camping? So, just be aware of the possibility.
Maybe go to the BFRO website for your state and see if there are any reported Bigfoot Encounters near the area where you are planning to camp.
Be smart, learn what to look for, and know the signs.
These Creatures may not be at or near your campsite this year, but it is entirely possible that “they may move into your area” that you have frequented in the past years, sometimes in the future, while you have been away for the past six months or a few years.
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