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Tree Break – Tree Lean, habitation site of Wyman Smith; photo, property of Eliot Ness of Bigfoot Eruption.

Tree break near highway; photo, property of Wyman Smith.

Snapped Tree; photo, property of Wyman Smith

Tree breaks, Gifford Pinchot National Forest, Washington, exploration area of Wyman Smith; photo, property of Eliot Ness of Bigfoot Eruption.
June 2021 Update: Carson, Washington

Tree break, Carson, Washington, June 2021; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Update: July 2021
Once I noticed this tree break, by looking back to my right…
We stopped there, on the way back. This is when I got out of the car and walked over by the fence, and took the picture from the north.

Tree Break, unseen unless you look up; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Unless you actually see this break, from the north, it is almost impossible to see, but this is how these Creatures hide their markers, in plan sight, and those people who are not aware of this, just don’t see them.

Tree Break, unseen unless you look up; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
Even someone as aware as I am, can miss them.
These Bigfoot Tree Breaks are plentiful, thus they go unnoticed, by people.
I do see Tree Bends, Tree Breaks, Tree Leans, among other signs, which skeptics walk right past, and never notice, on T V shows.
Take this tree break for instance. We have driven past it, probably for the past three years, without really noticing the hidden tree break within it, maybe not paying, close enough attention to it, because, it is so hard to recognize from the road, but not so difficult for a Bigfoot to see from the North, (the direction the trail is), so other Bigfoots will see, but most people won’t see.
I find that this is how these Bigfoot Creature’s seem to do things.
But these know what to be looking for, and, well, people just don’t know.
Update: July 2021
Yes, it is very interesting how some things seem to go.
It was almost like a small voice said to me, look for a tree break, there, and as I looked back, then . I saw it, as we drove bye.
Not a normal looking tree break, because it doesn’t reach all the way down to the ground, like they normally do.
This one does have a twisted breaks, but the lower part of the limb turns sort of bushy, which helps to hide it.
I’ll call it:
“Hidden in plain Sight”
I have several pictures of Tree Breaks, that I could put into a group, to show some of the ways these Creatures make Markers, in the Suburbs, closer to the Urban Sprawl.
Update: July 2021
Stopped at a rest area on The Blue Mountain’s Pass, and I noticed this “Tree Lean”, next to the Rest Area. Just what I had mentioned, hidden in plane sight.

Tree Lean, Blue Mountains’ Pass; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
The Leaning Tree is about 7-12″, thick at the least. Nothing a man or two could lift, much too heavy.

Tree Lean, Blue Mountains’ Pass; photo, property of Wyman Smith.
The problem is that people don’t know.
And this just didn’t happen.
Update: July 2021
What I am trying to say, is that these Bigfoot signs, that most people fail to see/or don’t recognize as Bigfoot Markers, seem to be out there, just about everywhere I/we travel, anyway it seems like it.
But not really in or near, the larger cities, but probably out and around these bigger cities, in the smaller surrounding countryside community’s, possible, but I cannot say everywhere, for sure,
When I start thinking about the hot dessert-like area, well.
BUT, yet Partner, I have heard of these Creatures in New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and Southern California area, on into Old Mexico (mostly in the forested areas).
Yes, it seems like I recently heard of a a family, living in a Gated Subdivision, on the outskirts of Las Vegas, I think it was, either Nevada or Arizona, (pretty much out in the desert) where the teenage son saw a Creature after dark, while driving the Dad’s truck home from work. The Dad did evidently see it too.
Yet, you take people living all along both sides of the Cascades, or the Coastal Range, of Washington and Oregon, plus California, the signs of Bigfoots are most likely all over, out there, as many markers as these Creatures seem to put up, BUT DO THESE PEOPLE SEE THEM? Do they notice them? Probably not.
They probably don’t notice, even when these Creatures make them, or break them!
(I know that, I do notice)!
I have had these Creatures break a small branch, just for me to see.
It was smaller than a pencil, and about that long too. The Creature left it hanging there, just for me to find, sort of like in your face, ha ha.
It was only about 4.5-5′ off the ground, yes, it twas in my face, and this is why, it broke it and left it there for me.
These Creatures leave markers, even in the Valley’s, in-between the mountains, showing us that they are everywhere.
They can hide from us, but can we hide from them?
I feel this may be a mass marking (by Aliens)? Are they using these Bigfoot Creatures? Against us, on our own property, in our own country?
Is this happening right before our eyes, and we may not even see it happening to us.
I was so shocked when I discovered/saw the first Broke Over small Juniper tree (about 15′ tall) standing there.
Albert, it was mixed in ( it seemed hidden) among a few other Oaks, that were unharmed, but it was standing among these other trees, Broke Over…..
It took me a half of minute to see that it was Broken.
Not all Tree breaks are that noticeable to people, some people can’t even see broken limbs. I think that these Creatures plan it to be that way, maybe?
I tend to believe that these Creatures are traveling all around this area, because they all seem to make markers, for some sort of reason?
What is that reason? Is it a warning:
“Hey, this area is my area?”
“Keep out!”
“Come this way to visit us, we want to talk with you, pass the words on to the next.”
What ever the reason may be.
The problem is with our government always trying to suppress every darn thing, why (?), because they are afraid, so scared of us (just like the Egyptians were with the Israelite people).
So most of the people, just do not see these Creatures (even when their dogs bark at them and try to warn them) plus they fail to recognize the tree marker signs, or to look for prints, and like we have been stating,
First, they usually do not believe that these Creatures even exist…
Second, they may believe that these Bigfooted Creatures exist, but they don’t know: do not learn what to look for; like Tree Breaks, Tree Bends, Tree Leans, Twisted Tree Breaks, Rocks Stacked, Partial Prints, Trees Laid Across the Road, and really Bad Smells.
Third, (in more advanced cases), these Creatures may knock on your house, throw ROCKS, at you or your house, or at your Dogs. They may even hit you or your dog(s) with infra-sound. These Creatures may get onto your roof, or look into your window, or break or turn your light bulbs, twist your door knobs, do things to scare you, so I say, scare them back. Get a loud Boat horn, and blast back at them, put up more lights, or put up some Game Trail camera’s, (they will try to avoid them).