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Yes, depending upon your situation, you should do what other animals do, (they, animals, urinate on certain areas to mark there turf, as their territory). In order to communicate with animals, YOU MUSH DO AS THEY DO. This means that you may need to take your urine and spread (spraying works much better and is much cleaner) it around the perimeter of your property line, to let these type of creatures (including Cougar and Bears) know you mean business, and that this is your territory, and NOT THEIRS. Normally, this would take gallons and gallons of your urine, but when it is put in a $10 – $15, sprayer, this will go 10 -20 times further, and will be much faster to apply. Note, first I see which direction the wind is blowing, and stand with the wind to my back, so the mist will go away from me!! Then I spray my fence line, (wire or wood), including metal “T” post. I also spray any tree that these Creatures stand or hide behind, up to 7′ high. Spraying trees is important. These Bigfoot Creatures use trees with thin bark, to make their knocking sounds. Trees with thick bark, do not make the good clear sounds. Note, I DO NOT make knocks, whoops or whistles, from my Homestead. and I do not attempt to feed these Creatures either. That is a BIG NO, NO!
Besides putting my scent on my property, to show these Creature’s (yes, there’s more then one) that this is my territory, NOT THEIRS. If these dangerous Creatures still keep making wood knocks, to harass you or your dogs, break or throw branches or rocks at your house, and keep coming around, then, YOU MAY NOT BE ACTING AGGRESSIVELY ENOUGH AGAINST THEM. You may need to spray more urine if it rains. I have cut down all their territorial tree markers, (the trees they hide behind) and their tree leans. I believe that these Creatures were using infra-sound, and knocking sounds to torment, to control my extra Rooster’s, so I butchered off all my extra Roosters. You need think ahead of these things Creature’s, if it is possible. It is very important to clear all the brush and trees away from your home too. Anything they can hide behind. I try to use bright lights and loud sounds to discourage them. I think they climb certain trees, to hide at night, and am considering putting barbed wire around those particular trees. If nothing else, I may get hair samples.